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Unit 9 Test

A Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentences.

(1) Im not aware ___ any problems between them.
a) for

b) of

c) with

(2) Are you familiar ___ the Harry Potter books?

a) in

b) of

c) with

(3) I dont think they were involved ___ the armed robbery.
a) in

b) to

c) with

(4) You really have to be responsible ___ your own actions.

a) for

b) to

c) in

(5) Shes really devoted ___ him, isnt she?

a) from

b) to

c) of

(6) How can you claim that your town is free ____ violent crime? There was a murder just last year!
a) from

b) of

c) with

(7) Most of the crime in my country is restricted ___ big cities.

a) with

b) of

c) to

(8) Im quite sympathetic ___ your situation.

a) to

b) from

c) with

B Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Be careful! There are two extra words.


armed robbery





(9) He was arrested and charged with _________ after $1 million was stolen from a bank in
(10) Two men were accused of _______ a plane and forcing it to land at Dulles airport last Friday.
(11) Victoria Chase, 23, was caught _______ diamonds worth 100,000 in her suitcase.
(12) There has been a decrease in violent ______ over the past three months with police patrolling the
streets looking out for pickpockets and other thieves.
(13) Theres so much _______ taking place. For example, there is a lot more graffiti than there used to be.
C Complete the text with the words in the box.
courier fighter hero intent rescue thugs villains wardens witnessed
Most people dont think of traffic (14) ______ as heroes. In fact, usually they are seen as (15) ______. However,
Paul Branch is most definitely a hero in his local town of Lincoln. Paul had just finished work and was driving
home when he (16) ______ an accident involving a motorcycle (17) ______ and a van. Paul immediately saw that
the motorcyclist needed help so he phoned for an ambulance before trying to (18) ______ the van driver who was
trapped in his vehicle. Paul was so (19) ______ on what he was doing that he didnt notice two (20) ______

stealing his car. Local police have recommended Paul for an award and one fire (21) ______ said, His actions
certainly saved one life, he is a real
(22) ______.
D Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct place in the sentences.
(23) Kiera Knightly is a young actress. (beautiful)
(24) Have you seen that fantastic black and white film with Marlene Deitrich? (old)
(25) Ive bought one of those new TVs. (Japanese)
(26) She looked stunning in that Italian dress. (long / satin)
(27) His leather jacket was perfect for the role. (black)
(28) Hes a young actor. (Spanish / exciting)
(29) We went to that new cinema near the station. (enormous)
E Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
(30) It was slightly / absolutely terrifying.
(31) That was a really / completely dangerous thing to do.
(32) I found the film quite / absolutely strange.
(33) He was a bit / really furious.
(34) I thought that was rather / totally boring.
(35) She was very / absolutely amazing in the film.
(36) I thought she was slightly / completely disappointing.
F Are these sentences correct or incorrect? Correct the ones that have mistakes.
(37) Its an extremely dangerous place to live.
(38) I think shes quite a wonderful actress.
(39) Hes a British well-known actor.
(40) They live in an extremely ugly old house.

(41) It was a totally spine-chilling experience.

(42) For the party she was wearing a short silk red top.
(43) The party was absolutely fantastic.

G Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

(44) I decided to call her though / in spite of I knew it was late.
(45) Although / Despite I knew he was a criminal I still liked him.
(46) Although / Despite the fact Id asked him not to call again he still did.
(47) I told her I was a disc jockey even though / despite I know nothing about music.
(48) Though / In spite of her fame, shes a really nice person and not arrogant at all.
(49) Most people hate tax inspectors though / in spite of the fact that theyre only doing a job.
(50) Despite / Even though I was really late, he was still waiting for me.

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