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STL Bulletin April 2013

Judicial developments
Ayyash et al. case

in the

This case relates to the attack of 14

February 2005 in Beirut.
Trial Preparation:
Pre-Trial Judge Daniel Fransen held a
hearing on 10 April as part of his duties to
prepare for trial. The parties discussed the
disclosure of evidence to the Defence, the
last phase of which is scheduled to be
completed in June with the disclosure of
exculpatory material by the Prosecution.
On 15 April, the Prosecution filed its final
amendment to the list of evidence it intends
to present in trial, including forensics
reports and telecommunications evidence.
In addition, the Prosecution filed an
amended indictment to the Pre-Trial Judge
on 17 April, and asked him to update the
arrest warrants for the four accused and
transmit them to the Lebanese authorities.
The amendments are technical in nature
and do not include new charges or accused.
Defence lawyers for Mustafa Badreddine,
one of the four accused, have asked the
Trial Chamber to exclude any evidence
related to the connected cases under the
STLs jurisdiction from being used by the
Prosecution in trial. The Prosecution had
said in its Pre-Trial Brief, which laid out its

case theory, that it intends to present

evidence from the connected cases in the
trial for the 14 February 2005 attack. The
Trial Chamber has yet to rule on the issue.
Defence counsel for Assad Sabra, one of the
four accused, have also asked Judge Fransen
to order the Lebanese authorities to provide
them with information related to terrorist
groups operating in Lebanon and additional
information on Mr. Sabra.
STL Condemns Attempts to Interfere with
Judicial Process:
The STL condemned on 11 April the latest
attempt to interfere with the proper
administration of justice through the
publishing of a list of alleged witnesses that
potentially endangered the lives of
Lebanese citizens.
The list of persons that could be placed at
risk by this irresponsible website is not, in
fact, an accurate reflection of official court
records, the STL said in a statement.
The STL said that those behind the website
were in grave breach of journalistic ethics.
The STL requested the assistance of
Lebanese authorities and others in this
On 15 April the Defence Office asked the
Pre-Trial Judge to take measures that he
deems necessary with respect to the STLs

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contempt rules to respond

publication of the names.



endangering of the lives of Lebanese


The Prosecution argued on 16 April that the

publication of the names may amount to an
act of contempt, and asked the Pre-Trial
Judge to refer the matter to the STL
President and then to the Contempt Judge.

On 25 April, Judge David Baragwanath, the

Contempt Judge for the month of April, held
a hearing to discuss whether the publication
of purported witness information amounts
to an act of contempt.

Lawyers for victims at the STL said they

hope contempt proceedings are launched
against the publishers of the identities of
the alleged witnesses. They said that this
would deter further interference in the
administration of justice and the

The STL announced on 29 April that it will

appoint a special investigator to probe three
incidents which could potentially be
administration of justice through publication
of alleged witness identities.

Please refer to, to access all filings in

relation to the Ayyash et al. case.

News and visits

STL President Visits Lebanon:
The President of the STL, Sir David Baragwanath, visited Lebanon on a four-day trip. He
issued a statement on 18 April thanking Lebanon for its generous support of the Tribunal,
and said that he received assurances that the support would continue.
Judge Baragwanath met President Michel Suleiman, caretaker Prime Minister Najib Miqati,
Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam, Minister of Justice Shakib Qortbawi, Chief Justice
Judge Jean Fahed, Prosecutor General Hatem Madi, as well as young judges and leaders of
the Beirut Bar Association.
In April, the STL welcomed groups of visitors from the French Gendarmerie, Algeria,
Webster University, University of Amsterdam, University of Glasgow, Oxford University,
European University of Rome and the International Criminal Law Network.
Visits to the Tribunal can be arranged for groups, and briefings can be given by all organs to
provide an insight into the work of the STL. Please fill in our online booking form to request a
group visit.
STL links:
To access all STL filings, please refer to
For job vacancies, please refer to

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