Notes-RJ Speed Seduction Gold Walkups

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means it contains some personal notes or conclusions

made by me, you can replaces them with your own conclusions
means that this is an active part of this workbook, you
replace those XXX with answers of your own
"Quotes" means its a transcribtion directly from the audio
is a rating of how usefull I've found the particular audio
segment to ME, replace this with your own rating for further
referencing, re-listening to the system
is a rating of how usefull I've found the particular reading
segment to ME, replace this with your own rating for further
referencing, re-listening to the system
nonquote regular, non-quoted text is ussually a summary of the
points made in the particular audio segment
[VIDEO demo] --- means it actually makes a difference whether you're

watching this section on video, or just listening for audio, for

everything else you can just assume that listening on audio is just as
good as video

00:00 1:48 Step1: CONTROL YOUR STATE

There are different stages of doing this, but stage 1 is:

~for more ideas on step1 (getting your state ready for approaching),
check out: the "warm-up ritual" section on PU101's FFI program;
xuma's approach women now program and ross jeffries's beyond
confidence series~

1:48 3:20 Step2: Go to a place with women,

and observe her!
Now this doesn't meen look at her for 5 minutes, it means as you're walking to her,
take 1 second in the proper state and ask your self "WHAT can I use to create a
connection?" ~ David Wygant explains this step the best ~

3:20 5:45 Step3: Get her attention/the

approach diamond
There are four basic stances from which you can approach a woman.
A PROPER approach starts from one and rapidly jumps to another
or starts in the middle of any two (the trouble with what others teach is that they tell you
to ALWAYS be c&F, always be caring and sensitive etc)
If you're the kind of guy who when he walks into a room, women swoon and go
oooooooh Then you can just use one of these.

~ For more information on this, check out his interview with Wendi Friesen Radio~
5:4541:30 Position1
At this point of the sarge the thing to REMEMBER is: That the WORST that can
happen is that nothing will happen (that's it!!) 90% of the time that it doesn't go well
they just don't respond, they just don't say anything or just say "hmm, that's nice and
walk off"

7:358:55 Demonstration [10] [VIDEO demo]

Oh, nice watch, where did you get it, really?

I noticed you just x, doing x, thinking whatever thought you were thinking and I
thought I'd say hi my name is
"She's putting gas in her car" Hey, do you like your mercedes?
Where did you get that X?
You have athlete written all over you, what's your sport?
Hmmm, your rotator cuffs are assymetrical (they have to stop talk to me)

~ Again, check out David Wygant for more examples of this, or what's more important,
his thinking process for the "comment, question, observation" step, it's also covered in
PU101's FFI in the "calm enviroments" section~
Here's what I like to comment on:
- How they carry themselves

What their energy is like

What their posture is like


I just have to tell you, you have FABUOLOUS..taste in clothes.
That pause makes all the difference in your communication being accepted or rejected.
Your assigment at lunch is to walk up to any woman and make any observation, but

I'll compliment on posture or energy. Give yourself this assigment, for one day,
you will do nothing else except comment on POSTURE, and ENERGY
MENE posture ( )
The key thing here is to do it MATTER-of-factly

Write your assigments on

cards, shuffle them up, and pick ones
to do that day (you can do this with
every opener in the openers collection)
So here's the assignment:

The next thing to do it so practice being able to say things matter-of-factly:

walk-up to women (SHBs) and tell them, I just wanted to say, your shoelaces are untied
even if (especially if) they have no shoelaces on their shoes.

"I'm sorry my court-appointed psycho-therapist says I need to meet women to get

rid of my rage disorder" :D :D

"You oughta do it just as a way of attacking your own shame, attacking your own
embarassment. If you can learn to do that. You can learn to do anything. You especially
need to learn to let cut loose that way! "

Excuse me, do you have rocket fool?

Hi I'm manny the martian
After the approach (throwing my hand to her and shaking it, I look into her
left eye for 1 second longer than normal, and send the I fuck you
message, so she knows she's dealing with a sexual man), and then I
always take a step back

~An alternative is juggler's hand on the shoulder kino~

sooo you're shopping, or what you doing at this mall?

If she takes a step towards me? THEN, I know I have a LIVE wire
If I see that she's disagreeing or feeling overwhelmed (in the middle of convo), I'll
take a step backwards again
If I take a step back, it is HARD-WIRED into the brain for her to relax!
I take a step-back coz it's UNEXPECTED and it gets their attention
They view it as respectfull and they feel safe
When I step back, I convey that **I** control where my state goes , I don't care
what she does, just coz she gave me a good response it doesn't mean that she
controls me, I can just step back and I control where the energy goes

JUST TRY IT the step back

- The message of prolonged handshake and step-back is I can control you if I want
you, but now I am stepping back!
- The message is "I'm not a new girlfriend for you, I am not a girl with a penis I am
a SAM (DeAngelo: Sexually Aware Man), but I'm also going to make you feel safe"

~ Pickup101 also uses the step-back and teaches it in fearless first impressions~

39:00 so your assigment for week1, is just everyday do a comment, question,

observation [structured instructions for practice 39:00]
[22:20] Demo [VIDEO demo]
[34:30] ANY response she gives me is just a toy to play with

I NEVER take her first response as written in stone

~These belief-sets (frames) are awesome, and really make all the difference, they're
also covered in Vince Kelvin's video presentation where he gives some awesome
frames, there is also pickup101's "everything she does is cute"frame, covered in
fearless first impressions these frames make all the difference ~

41:3047:00 Position 2 A Put On

IT comes from a place where she knows it's not meant to be taken seriously

~I'm glad you laughed, coz I wanted to see if there was a fun person wrapped up in all
the pretty~
47:0001:06:03 Blurt out
Being vulnerable and sincere WITHOUT being needy

48:10 (how to practice these skills without being overattached to results?!?)

"I looked at you, and thought to myself, ohmigod if you don't go talk
to that girl, I'mma kick myself for the rest of the week"
Canned Blurt-out

LISTEN, that's a perfectly acceptable approach if done WITHOUT fear and

neediness. SUB-COMMUNICATION: Hey, I own my own experience, I decide how
I feel and make it happen, whatever you say is fine with me, here's what I think.

~Lance explains why since vulnerability works in DVD 5 of Fearless First

ONCE you deliver the message, just step back and PAUSE
your intent is JUST to deliver the message, NOT (I got to get this convo, I got to get
this girl) just to deliver the message, so step back (mentally) and pause.

52:10 54:42
anything that seems to be coming on your way. ~Also covered in RJ's Beyond
Confidence series~

It's just that (I don't say EXCUSE ME anymore) --- []

It's just that I realy admire women with class and style, and I had to say hi

01:02 01:05:06 bs on relationship stuff

- Any response she gives me is just info to use
- I control where my energy goes
- I don't take her first response as written in stone
~These belief-sets (frames) are awesome, and really make all the difference, they're
also covered in Vince Kelvin's video presentation where he gives some awesome
frames, there is also pickup101's "everything she does is cute"frame, covered in
fearless first impressions these frames make all the difference ~

01:06:4801:09:00 Scan the place/get a sense

1:08:38--- Ross doing an opinion-opener----

01:09:0001:10:49 Position 4 Genuine Intuition

Don't do it before 6 months of meditation

01:10:4901:12:14 How to practice this

01:10:4901:12:14 Snack Quiz and Twin Brothers

Has a nice transitioner from opener --to routine


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