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Kate Angeli G.


3 Nur2 RLE 3
Art Therapy Plan
Pagsasalarawan ng kasalukuyan at kinabukasan


Description of the Activity

Art therapy is a form of social interaction in which clients, facilitated by the
nurse, use art media, the creative process, and the resulting artwork to explore their
feelings, reconcile emotional conflicts, foster self-awareness, develop social skills,
improve reality orientation, reduce anxiety, and increase self-esteem. A goal in art
therapy is to improve or restore a clients functioning and his or her sense of personal


Therapeutic Values
Art therapy can provide the following effects on the clients:


It gives the clients the opportunity to verbalize and share their thoughts
It provides the client a free and accepting atmosphere for self-expression
It advocates a sense of personal independence, self-reliance, and self-sufficiency
It promotes expression of feelings and emotions
It facilitates positive perspectives on ones life
It promotes social interaction
It increases ones awareness and orientation (i.e. persons, places, dates, and time)
It instills constructive techniques to self-management
a. Short term
-At the end of the activity, clients will be able to rediscover his self and be
more aware of his self-concept. The art therapy also aims to let the clients
learn a different way to express their selves effectively and appropriately.
b. Long term

-Long term, the client will be able to retore his sense of personal well-being
and self-worth by allowing himself to effectively express himself and be more in
touch of his inner thoughts and insights.
IV. Venue, Date and Time
Venue: National Center for Mental Health, Pavilion 1
Date: January 22, 2014
Time: 1:00 pm

Bond paper

Color Pencils
Speakers (for Music)


1. Clients will be handed out bond papers and coloring materials.

2. The clients will then be asked to draw their view of their self in the present or their
view of their self in the future
3. Music will be playing while the clients are drawing to provide a more relaxed
4. After finishing their drawings, clients will be asked to reflect upon their drawing. It
can be done by sharing their insights to the group and/or to their assigned nurse.

A. Evaluation Questions:
1. What did you feel about the activity? (Ano po ang naramdaman niyo sa ating
Most of the clients felt happy, light and relaxed duing the activity.
Most of them really enjoyed drawing and some of them are really good at it.
2. What is the meaning of your drawing? ( Ano po ang ibig sabihin ng inyong
Some clients associated themselves with flowers trees and nature.
Some did abstract drawing that revealed some unusual thoughts that they had
about themselves.
3. How does your artwork make you feel? ( Ano po ang naramdaman ninyo sa
iyong iginuhit?)
Most of the participant recalled some person, place, event and memory
form the drawing they did.
B. Questions asked during the activity
During the activity, the nurses asked about how they see themselves
and how it reflected to their drawings. Some clients asked if they are allowed
to draw the things that they wanted to draw.
C. Behaviors observed during the activity
The clients during the activity were surprisingly quiet and they were
really focused on what they were doing. I observed that some who heard that a
client will draw flowers and trees also did draw their own version flowers and
trees. Also, during the evaluation questions, I noticed that whatever the first
person that recited said, the others try to somewhat connect their answer to
that one person. Even if his answer is related to the question or not.
D. Significant responses during the duration of the activity.

The patient assigned to me related his father to his drawing of a tree. He said
that our dead loved ones are like trees. According to him, trees are often times
ignored but they still are useful to our daily lives. Just like the trees, our loved
ones, even if they are dead, even if we dont think of them and they are not
with us anymore, their lessons and values still resonate on our lives.
E. Analysis of responses given by the clients
Most of the answers were really directed tto their self-concept and perception.
Some had explored and reflected upon themselves. But there were just some
of the clients who showed illogical and unrelated thinking towards the activity
and their drawings.
F. Summary of the activity
Overall, the art therapy has been a success since they were able to express
themselves not just to their respective nurses but also to the other participants.
The activity has made exploration of the client easier for their drawing has
made their thoughts and emotions clearer. It has produced an interesting
discussion during the nurses alone time with the clients.

Positive Reinforcements

The clients will be acknowledged for their works and active participation in the
activity. They were also given snacks as a way of encouraging their good behaviour
and cooperation during the activity.

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