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Pasmika Sima, ST
General Data
Place/date of birth
Address (Home)
Address (Alternatif )
Phone Mobile


Palopo, 23 April 1984

Dusun Rantetiku RT 002, Desa Tarengge Timur Kec. Wotu
Kab.Luwu Timur Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan
BTN Wesabe Perumahan Dyandara Residence Blok A No. 4 Makassar
Jan 2015 Present, PT. Anugrah Inti Spektra (Consulting Mining)
Address : Tamalanrea Raya Ruko Grand Central BTP No 1H Makassar 90245 Sulawesi Selatan
Telp/Fax. +62 411 585448
Position : Geodetic Engineer/Project Leader - Freelance
Main activities :
Make the project cost budget plan mapping survey and insert bid to company
As a Trainer Surveyor and Project leader
Mei 2011 Feb 2014, PT. Sumber Permata Selaras, Site Morowali Nickel Project Central Sulawesi
(Address: The City Tower Building lt 12 Suite 1.S. Jalan MH Thamrin No. 81 Jakarta Pusat 10340
Telp. 021-319-7117, Fax. 021-319-7173)
Position : Senior Survey, Mining Dept.
Main activities and responsibilities :

Processing/validation data topography, mine survey activities (ground topographic, disposal,

quarry, update volume dome for ETO & EFO), infrastructure/engineering for access MHR
controlling (cut & fill), survey bathymetry (sounding & tide analysis tide), land use verification,
compiling report daily/weekly/monthly survey activities to manager of mining, helped prepare
report RKAB,RKTTL,Triwulan, Reclamation & Mine Closure and other document report for Dinas
Pertambang/Dinas Lingkungan Hidup.
Okt 2010 April 2011, PT. Bhumi Saprolite Indonesi Site Lasusua Kolaka Sultengara & Site
Tanggofa - Morowali Nickel Project Central Sulawesi (Address: Jl MT Haryono Kav 33 Menara Hijau
Building 5th Floor suit 502A, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12770)
Position : Geodetic Engineer
Main activities and responsibilities :

Controlling and processing data topography (mining/exploration/engineering)

September 2009 September 2010, PT. BINTANG DELAPAN MINERAL Site Bahodopi - Morowali
Nickel Project Central Sulawesi (Address: Jl. Bulevar Gading Barat, Blok LC 6 No. 53 Kelapa Gading Permai
Jakarta INDONESIA 14240,

Position : Geodetic Engineer/Survey Supervisor

Main activities and responsibilities :

Processing and validation data topography Exploration (polygon traverse bowdith metod,
stake out drill hole plan, and topo detail), Mining (update topo pit area/stockpile temporary/final
stockpile, stake out drill hole), Calculation reporting volume OB Removal & Ore Getting for invoice
contractor, Mine Hauing Road (stake out/update topo/cut and fill), Hydrography Surveying
(sounding), Land use verification, other department support as required
April - September 2009, STIA/STITEK Bina Taruna, Gorontalo (Address: Jl. Jaksa Agung Suprapto,
No. 40 Gorontalo GORONTALO INDONESIA 96116, Telp.(0435) 821662-823294)

Position : Lecturer
Nov 2008, Gadjah Mada University Faculty of Engineering, Geodetic Engineering join with Lecturer,
project Mapping Photogrametry scale 1: 50.000 at Bayat, Klaten, Central Java
Postion : Surveyor Freelance
Nov Des 2007 LPPD (Lembaga Pengembangan dan Penguatan Data Saing) at Godean,
Posistion : Asistent Surveyor (Survey Hidrografi) Freelance


2006 - 2009

Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakarta

Faculty of Engineering ( Major : Geodetic - Geomatics Engineering )
GPA : 2,88 scale 4.00

2002 - 2006

Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakarta

Faculty of Engineering ( Diploma : Geodetic - Geomatics Engineering )
GPA : 3,07 scale 4.00

1999 - 2002

Senior High School SMU Chatolic Cendrawasih Ujung Pandang - South Sulawesi

1996 - 1999

Junior High School SMP Neg 1 Tomoni, East Luwu South Sulawesi

1990 - 1996

Elementary School SDN 201 Rantetiku Wotu, East Luwu South Sulawesi

Software &
Instrument skill
GIS & Survey


Instrument Skill


ArcGIS 9.3, AutoCAD LD 2005, Surpac 6.2, Global Mapper 13, MapInfo 10, Surfer
9, GS7+ & SGMS (Software Geostat),
Mapsource/LGO/TGO/TransIt/SokkiaLink/Topcon, Microsoft Office 2010, e.t.c
GPS (Geodetik/Mapping/Navigation), Total Station (Sokkia/Leica/Nikon/Topcon),
Theodolite, Waterpass (Penyipat Datar), Echosounder (Batimetry)

Feb 2015
January 2014
August Des, 2013
Agust - 2011
Mei 2010
June - 2007

Training Pengawas Operasional Pertama ( POP ) held by PT. ALLSYS Solutions in

Sorowako PT. Vale Indonesia.
Excursions, in PT. Antam Pongkor Bogor help by Programms Master of Mining
Engineering UPN Yogyakarta
English Course for prepare TOEFL, by VRGO Salatiga Central Java
Trainning Surpac 6.2 (Database, Modelling, Pit Design), held by GEMCOM Jakarta
in Morowali PT. Sumber Permata Selaras
Trainning First Aid, by ESRA Consulting Jakarta No certificate
Field Camp, Geodetic Engineering Gadjah Mada University in Bayat Klaten Central


Management skill, strong communication and interpersonal skill, ability to adapt with
new situation, ability to work individually and in a team, work accurately, analytical
mind, highly motivated, and initiative.


Indonesian (active)
English (Especially in passive)


1. Dr. Harintaka,ST,MT (Lecturer Geodesi UGM), 081578137935,
2. Dr. Ir. Waterman SB, MT (Lecturer Master Of Engineering UPN Yogyakarta),
3. Ir. Agustinus M (Project Manajer) PT.Bintangdelapan Mineral Site Morowali,
4. Achmad Effendi Rambe (Directure) PT. Sumber Permata Selaras Site
Morowali, 0811453971/(021) 3197117,
5. Frans Attong (Manager EMD PT. Vale Indonesia , Tbk Sorowako,
April 2015

Pasmika Sima, S.T

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