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Becoming the next Spielberg

Vduva Alexandru

I will start this essay like every essay starts, from the root. Ever since I
started talking, I was the type of child that could not keep his mouth shut. I
told my mother several times that I would study in England, and she
laughed. Now, she still cannot believe how right I was back then.
My bound with the film-making field has formed quite recently, somewhere
around 2013, when I started a YouTube series. At that time I wanted to study
acting, because I attended drama courses starting with the first grade. As a
little actor, my first achievement was in 2008 when I won the first place at
Thalias Apprentices acting contest, by interpreting a narrator. In the
upcoming years I participated in numerous other contests, such as SpeakOut, where my best result was in 2013, taking the second place on the
county phase. I think that the nine years of acting experience have helped
me developing my imagination and artistic senses.
Talking about film-making, from 2013 I started my work in the domain.
Enjoy the Moment the project I have spoken about in the upper paragraph
didnt quite develop much, but during the filming sessions I met a person,
aspiring towards becoming a director, who formed and taught me the basics
about camera and filming. With him, we participated in two international
contests from, with 2 music videos, projects in which I have
been involved as assistant director and director respectively.
In 2014 the first achievements on my own came to light, winning both first
and second prize at a local contest with two social impact advertising spots
about the dangers of driving chaotically. That was when I figured out that I
had to leave town. One month later, together with a close friend, I started
Mioritique Shorts project, which is a web-based comedy duo on YouTube.
Our first video was Happy in Ramnicu Valcea, a fan made video of Pharells
Happy which made a couple thousand views. I was responsible for 50% of
the shots from the clip, and the post-production part. After that, we realized
some funny videos, which are still on the YouTube channel, even if we are
having a break from the project. Both of us were directors, script-writers,
video editors and actors at the same time.

I have a quite vast experience in Adobe Photoshop, from image colour

correction to compositions, as well as Adobe After Effects, which I use for my
video editing. I recently started learning the basics in Adobe Illustrator and
Cinema 4D. My biggest dream is to make the first Romanian horror movie
yes, Romanians dont have such things as that. But until then I wouldnt
mind making a few blockbusters. And I think your country is the most
suitable for that, giving both the knowledge and the technology.
I know what the job of a director implies, I love what I do, and I want to
practise my skills as much as possible.
Therefore, I consider myself
appropriate for your requirements. We, Romanians, have a regularly used
quote: If you do not want me, I do want you! (Alexandru Lapusneanul).

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