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In the run-up to the General Election of May 2015 the party took the following policy decisions.

These were made with minimal discussion any proposal opposed by more than one member was
deferred to a later discussion. These policies are therefore the unanimous (or almost unanimous if one
person objected) view of the party members present at the April 7th meeting.
People Before Profit is in agreement with the current abortion law and does not seek to restrict women's right to
choose whether to continue with a pregnancy or not for whatever reason.
Animal Rights
A) People Before Profit does not favour intensive rearing of farm animals;
B) supports the foxhunting ban which is being flouted by collusion between fox-hunters and police forces;
C) supports measures to ensure that domestic pets are treated humanely.
Regional investment banks will be established to manage investment in manufacturing and small businesses
by using the banks which are currently partly or wholly in public ownership.
Bedroom Tax will be abolished in its present form where it only penalises recipients of housing benefit.
A) People Before Profit would remodel the country's military forces on a purely defensive basis.
B) stop intervening in foreign countries other than as peace-keeping troops with a United Nations mandate, and
C) leave NATO
A) Pharmaceutical drugs we will consider state control of manufacture of drugs needed by the NHS to avoid
the unreasonable charges demanded by drug companies in some cases.
A) In the interests of community cohesion People Before Profit rejects segregation of children by ability to pay
or intellectual ability and therefore will abolish all grammar schools, public schools and private schools
including faith-based schools and academies. These schools will be converted to community schools run by
local education authorities and head-teachers will be able to revert to managing education, rather than managing
a business.
B) Further Education will be expanded to increase training for youngsters in practical skills and crafts in
apprenticeships and sandwich courses.
C) Tuition fees will be abolished for UK residents.
D) A system of grants will be reintroduced for full time higher education students.
Having a job brings self-respect and is beneficial to society and to the employed person. People Before Profit
will reverse the cuts in public services, re-employing people so that they can usefully contribute to society.

Energy and utilities

Electricity, gas, telephones, postal services, oil, gas and water will be taken into public ownership to prevent
profiteering and to ensure adequate investment in infrastructure projects and development of renewable energy
A) People Before Profit is opposed to fracking because further burning of fossil fuels will exacerbate global
B) We reiterate our policy in favour of manufacturing renewable energy systems here in Britain to take
advantage of wind, sun and wave power.
Independent Living Allowance will be re-instated.
A) People Before Profit supports equality of rights, financial benefits and duties, custodial and guardianship
rights and inheritance benefits for all people whatever their marital status.
B) People should be free to choose to live with another adult in a relationship which may involve marriage,
with or without children without hindrance or favour from the state.
Public Transport
People Before Profit will renationalise railways, buses, coaches and waterways and ensure that workers in these
industries have a voice in planning improvements in services for passenger travel and freight.
A) Taxation needs to be simplified with a progressively higher rate of income tax for various tax thresholds
B) with international agreements to ensure that British nationals can be taxed wherever they live.
C) A Robin Hood tax / Tobin tax on currency exchange transactions will be introduced either in conjunction
with other countries or unilaterally.
Trade Unions
People Before Profit encourages working people to join an appropriate trade union of their choice. It would
rescind all anti-trade union legislation enacted since 1979 and review the legislation in consultation with trade
A) High salaries in the public sector will be capped at 100,000 p a and be progressively reduced to three times
the median full-time salary.
B) The Minimum Wage will rise so that benefits for working people will become unnecessary.

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