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May 5th, 2015

Colleyville Friends and Neighbors,

I ran for office to take on the Colleyville status quo and to be a proactive voice for citizens. Sadly, my opponent, Mike Taylor, and his
insider friends are getting desperate as our campaign continues to grow in support; I really shouldn't be surprised that desperate,
dirty dealings and personal attacks would happen owing to our efforts against a career politician and because of Mike Taylor's past
style of campaigning. We were actually warned months ago that Mike would resort to any available dirty trick at the end of the
campaign. As a multi-term incumbent with a troubling track record in office, Mike Taylor has proven this week, once again, that
his priority and ideology is simply reelection.
Colleyville deserves better than the illegal and unethical actions of thugs and bullies both in office and during campaigns. My
opponent and a few of his core supporters Chuck and Jan Mogged, Jim Fletcher, Tom and Melissa Hart and Louis Miller are
now trying to profit politically from the death of my father and family fallout in the aftermath. Sadly, after the death of a family
member, personal estate matters and family infighting can occur. When my father passed away, it was a time of much emotion and
stress, and there was family arbitration concerning the estate. Now, Mikes accomplices are likely behind an unethical and illegal
mailer containing false information malevolently taken out of context from a legally protected deposition non-disclosable for the
very reason that the dispute was resolved and contained completely false and erroneous assertions about events from two decades
ago. Because of the editorialized falsehoods and lies being shared, Ive retained Bruce L. James and Patrick H. Rose, IV of Whitaker
Chalk and am in the process of filing a lawsuit to bring Mike Taylor and his conspirators to justice for such unethical and unlawful
defamation. More importantly, we must bring Mike Taylor to justice at the ballot box on Election Day (Bransford Elementary)
this unethical tactic being just an example of a career politicians behind-closed-doors dealings from over a decade in office.
The full story of a very personal, family matter regarding my deceased father is not being told. This is a selective and disgusting
manipulation of a private, family dispute that was resolved many years ago in an attempt to defame and slander me and my
family. As those who know me can attest, I'm a firm believer in character and integrity, and I strive each day to live my life with such.
There are plenty of personal matters for which Mike Taylor could be held to account (our campaign chose to take the higher
ground). Attacking someone personally is not the Colleyville way we're all imperfect individuals; instead, there are plenty of
issues and policies to focus on when it comes to Mike Taylor's record in office (please visit to learn more).
The lawless lengths that are being taken by a few to try to win an election and to distract citizens from kicking out an entrenched
career politician are baffling. The level of hate and vulgarity being used by a few siding with my opponent is disturbing. Instead of us
having a debate about city issues, Mike Taylor has chosen to hide behind a propped-up, puppet PAC (Protect Colleyville)
pending investigation by the Texas Ethics Commission for illegally not filing a treasurer or finance reports and is now also
relying on dirty, personal attacks regarding unfounded and untrue assertions made by a disgruntled family member decades ago.
My father will have been gone for 6 years this June, and the sting of his death and the ensuing family drama afterwards still hurts. It
breaks my heart that individuals we call Colleyville neighbors would stoop so low and do such a cowardly thing in a desperate
attempt to win an election and to defame me in such an illegal and unethical way violating both Texas law and Texas ethics rules.
That's not the Colleyville way.
But, as we've all fallen short of perfection, I will continue to walk in faith and in love and continue moving forward with my wife, my
daughters, my friends, and my supporters. "Father, I pray for protection for my family, my friends, my town, yes, even my opponent
and his supporters. May we treat each other with respect and with honesty. May we understand that we are neighbors now and
even after this election. May we be examples of your love. Amen." Ill see you at the polls on Saturday. Lets win this!
For Colleyville,
Bobby Lindamood

Election Day: Saturday, May 9th (Bransford Elementary School) | 7:00am-7:00pm

Pol. adv. paid for by Bobby Lindamood for Colleyville City Council

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