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NAME: __Ryan ORourke___________ DATE: __January 29, 2015___ TIME: __40 min_________
SCHOOL: _Hadley Elementary_______________________

LESSON#: _1____________

FACILITIES: __Gymnasium____

SIZE: _14-22____

GRADE: ___2-3______ UNIT/THEME: _tumbling GENERIC LEVEL: Pre-control


1. 20 mats

FOCUS OF LESSON: Students will learn the history and some introduction movements to the tumbling/gymnastics
1) Identify safety concerns for all gymnastic movements
2) Identify one piece of history about gymnastics
3) Understand the difference between balances, stunts, and rolls
TEACHER PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES - During the lesson the teacher will:
1. Give a clear demonstration for each stunt, roll, and balance from multiple angles and clear explanation of how its done
2. Walk around and be sure all students are performing tasks safely and correctly
SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS - What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the students in this class?

Be sure students know the commands, that they are following daily class rules, make tasks achievable for all students.
Have a good understanding of how to verbally explain and complete activities for students who struggle





Warm-up: Students enter gymnasium and will take
their shoes off their shoes by the wall. They will
walk up to a mat (two people per mat, one in front
and one in back). Students will then follow Mr.
ORourke through warm up. Warm up will consist
of more gymnastic related stretches.
Introduction/Informing: Introduce that today is the
first day of tumbling/gymnastics unit! There are
many fun activities to be done each day. Starting
with rolls, stunts, and balances and eventually
making their own sequence/routine. A quick history
of gymnastics: Started over 300 years ago in
Germany. First introduced in the Olympic games in
1896. Only men participated in gymnastics until
1920. In 1954 both woman and men had gymnastics
in the modern format we have today. Each day we
will complete 2 balances, stunts, and rolls.
- Safety: Very important that only one
student is going at a time. While the
teacher is talking and demonstrating,
students listen and look so they
understand the proper way to complete
the task. No hand stand, no putting head
on mat unless told otherwise. No jewelry
to be worn at any time. Boys and girls
with long hair put it in a ponytail.

Do I complete warm up for all

Check for understanding with all

safety concerns




Activity 1: Balances:
- Balance 1: Knee dip: Teacher
demonstrates balancing on one leg. Other
leg bent at knee. Arms out or on side.
Bend knee of leg on the ground going up
and down. Switch legs and try on the
other. Have a student demonstrate before
going back to mats to perform. Come
back to center for spotlight
- Balance 2: V sit: Sitting on gluteus with
arms in the air and feet off the ground try
to balance body without falling over or
rocking back and forth. Teacher
demonstration, followed by student.
Students go perform task at mats and
come back from spotlight demonstration.
Activity 2: Stunts:
- Tuck jump: Teacher demonstration first.
Jump up and tuck knees into chest with
arms wrapped around them. Land on
both feet. Have student demonstrate then
everyone go back to mats to perform.
- Toe touch: Jump and touch toes with
hands before landing. Teacher
demonstration first followed by student
demonstration. All students go back to
mats and perform task.
Activity 3: Rolls:
- Egg roll: Wrap arms around knees. Start
with toes and knees on ground and roll
from starting position to side, to back all
the way back to start. Teacher

Make sure students dip as low as

they can. Lower they go more
challenging it is to balance.

Make sure students get feet back

down to ground in time. If they
are struggling make movement
modified for them

Protect head by tucking it in



demonstration, student demonstration

then students all go perform tasks at mat.
Log Roll: Teacher demonstration of log
roll. Arms straight above head and hands
touching, with legs together. Roll starting
on stomach to back and back to stomach.
Be sure to keep head tucked inside arms.
Have a student demonstration. GO back
to mats and practice. Bring back in for
spotlight demonstration.

Closure: Where did gymnastics originate?

What were two balances performed today?
Two Stunts? Two rolls?
Transition: Put sneakers on and line up for wings.
Give out wings if students earned them.

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