Vocabulary: Primary Secondary Skilled Training High School University

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ages 6-11


compulsory compulsory

16 onwards

courses divided
into modules or
known as CSE units for training
in trades


not compulsory


There may be more than one answer. Give your reasons .



18 onwards

specialisation in
certain areas with
compulsory subjects not compulsory
like English

not compulsory,
although advisable certificate to go to







In Spain, school is compulsory between the ages of
five and sixteen, before that children can go to a
nursery but because all are privately run families
have to pay a monthly fee. When children are in the
nursery, they are not taught much, academically
speaking, although social interaction is considered a
lesson in itself.

Primary education continues until the age of eleven.

At the early stages of Primary Schooling children
learn to read, write and do simple Maths. At the
later stages English, History and Science together

with Art and Music become part of the school

Pupils who wish to enter university usually finish
their compulsory secondary education, also known as
CSE and baccalaureate coure when they are eighteen.
There are other kinds of further education for
those who want to learn a trade such as catering
or specialize in, say, mechanics, at an early stage.
Actually, they can choose a training course at the age
of 16.
In recent years, the proportion of young people
entering university has risen dramatically. The
variety of degreecourses on offer has also widened.
It is now common for students who enter fields such
as nursing to be based at university, in fact one of
the best universities for nursing in Spain is right
here in Santander.
In the past, there used to be only fee-paying schools,
and only rich families could afford to send their
children there. At that time money was a key factor
in success at any degree the student wanted to do.
The poor were relegated to menial jobs with few
But today, things are very different. Firstly, There
are two kinds of independent schools, some are feepayingand others are funded with state grants and

very small fees from parents, both belong to the

private sector. It is said these schools are selective
although there is no actual proof, as long as the
parents pay the fees the students are accepted.
The rest of the schools , which fall between primary
and secondary education, are part of the state
system. Most state secondary schools are nonselective . Unlike in some countries where children
are tested at the age of eleven and the bright ones
are creamed off, Spain does not test them at any age
and depend solely on the school board, the teachers
and tutors for "streaming" their students within the
Many parents and politicians argue that private
schools should be abolished to allow equality of
opportunity for all children. Others insist that a fast
track is needed for gifted pupils and that diversity
means more freedom of choice .
I believe freedom of choice is more important that's
why if I had a child I would like this freedom to be
respected. Don't you agree?


1. What kind of education would you choose for

your child?
2. What have you got against single sex schools?
3. Don't you think they distract one another when
they become teenagers?
4. How about boarding schools? Don't they teach
children how to live together?
5. Would you prefer your child to be educated
privately or by the state?
6. Would you consider sending your child to a
grammar school?
7. What's wrong with mixed ability teaching?
8. How is bullying or peer pressure dealt with in
your school?
9. Have you ever suffered from bullying? or have
you ever bullied somebody?

What is the discipline like in your school?

What does a teacher do when a student is
noisy or disrruptive in the classroom?
Do you consider that a subject should be
abolished from the school syllabus? Which and


What do you think of homeschooling?

Are there boarding schools in Spain? What
are the differences?

What do the authorities do with truancy?



The Virgin of the Sea

Father's Day

The Martyr Saints

Mother's Day

The Holy Vision

St. John's Night

Village Ftes

St. Fermin

Legends of ojancana....


Ides of March


Summer festival

bull fighting

9-pin Bowling

bull running

First Holy Communion
The Three King's Day
All Saint's Day

music festivals
Medieval Market

house to house
fishing boats

Words that go with the customs above

sing songs
folk music
Virgin Mary
trick or treat

outdoor dancing




traffic jams


1. Which custom is your favourite and why?
2. What do you do at Christmas?
3. What customs are there in summer?
4. Do you ever give presents?
5. What was your favourite, which you received at Christmas?
6. Do you believe in ghosts ?
7. Have you ever dressed up?
8. What did you do last Easter?
9. Do Spanish people go on holidays at Easter?
10.What is so special about summer?
11. How ethical is bull fighting?
12.Is it simply cruelty to animals or just a tradition?
13.Have you ever wanted to go bull running?
14.What dangers are there to this activity?
15.Do you know anybody who has taken part in bull running?
16.Why do people take part in dangerous activities like bull running?
17.Are there any traditions that have been imported from other countries?

Frases que pueden ayudarte a contestar.

A popular custom in Spain at Christmas is giving presents, not on Christmas
Day but on the 6th of January. Last year I got..........
My family and I got together for Christmas Eve. We had special food for
dinner, for instance.....

In summer we usually celebrate........

Halloween wasn't popular 15 years ago, but now a lot of children dress up and
go from house to house like in the USA.
They ask for sweets.

Vers que en este topic de ejemplo se ha usado todos los tiempos necesarios
en este nivel, (pasados, presentes, futuros, condicionales) adems de pasivas y
"used to"

In the past Spain was a country mainly dedicated to
agriculture for its livelyhood. Villages were full of families
with many children, all and I mean all of them worked on
the land. Families were big, five children upwards and
although nearly all the villages had a village school,
education was not high up in the agenda. Most offspring
followed in their fathers footsteps.
Cities were for "cultured people" business men, engineers,
architects and so on. These people usually had more
money than villagers and often went to university.
Then, around the 60's there was a social change, a vast
number of villagers left their homes in search of a better
life in the cities. So slowly but surely villages were emptied
of "young people" in fact there is a good number of "ghost
villages up and down Spain".
The villagers who moved to the city found that they were
actually better off. Spain's economy was growing and
there were plenty jobs available. These people had fixed
working hours, (unlike in the village where work was from
dawn till dusk) they also had a month's holiday which was
paid for by the company, (something which they never had
in the village) their children could go to school instead of

working the land. There were all the ammenities near at

hand, all kinds of entertainment and so on....Indeed, they
felt they were better off!
Nowadays things have changed yet again. Villages are
filling up once again but not with farmers, in fact,
townsfolk are trying to escape the stress of city life by
going back to nature. These citizens are buying up old,
deteriorated village houses and doing them up, so that at
weekends they can get away from the hustle and bustle of
the boring daily routine in the city. Other people have sold
up their belongings and gone to live in the village, they
make a living by converting large old houses into "village
inns" where city folk who can't afford a house of their
own can escape that stress.
Life in the village is now peaceful for most. Of course
there are still farmers in villages, but their life today is
much better than in the past as they have all kinds of
machines and gadgets to make their work easier. I wonder
what kind of changes there will be in the future. Maybe
people will all decide to live in peace and quiet in villages
and the cities will become empty!
If I had the chance to work from home, I would certainly
choose to live in a village although I would need to be
fairly near a big city so that I had the best of both worlds!
Likely questions
1. Where would you like to live in the future and why?
2. What kind of entertainment is there in a village?
3. What ammenities are there in a city that make life easier?
4. Is there much pollution in the country?

5. What disadvantages are there to living in a city? And in a

6. How has life in villages changed in the last 20 years?
7. What job opportunities are there in a village and in a city?
8. Is there much crime in cities and in villages?
9. What does a student have to do if he lives in a village and
wants to go to school?
10.Is there a school bus service in the villages?
11. Where would you recommend living?
12.What are the main differences to living in a city or a village?


2.a teenager

an adolescent
a couch potato

a youth
a zombie

5. discipline
9. idolize
10. to revere
11. to confide
12. booze up

juvenile crime
to respect
pop concerts

urban tribes
to worship
take up smoking
street parties

Topics on youth culture to review and use as an

Youth is associated with innocence, beauty, good
health, energy, idealism,curiosity, immaturity, inexperience and reb
ellion. However, the descriptions of character relate more closely
to fiction than to reality since in many cases particularly in large
cities, youngsters today engage in vandalism, joy-riding or even

drug-trafficking, yet magistrates in Spain are asking for tougher

sentencing powers to combat juvenile crime. Many
young teenagers are nowexperienced offenders.
If you go out on any Saturday night you will see quite a few
drunken young people although underage drinking is illegal. t hey
buy bottles of booze and Coke or orangeade in a supermarket and
then later go to the beach or a public park or city square for the
sole purpose of drinking until they become legless. This then
causes brawls and fights among them or between rival groups.
Neighbours often complain about the noise and the litter.
Drugs are another major problem nowadays. There are drug
traffickers in schools selling to anybody who will buy their
products or even worse, introducing youngsters to them. It is
considered fashionable and so, many kids may well get hooked
unless they are strong and can say NO to them.
Smoking is another problem which the government is trying to
solve. Although they all know the dangers to health it is considered
fashionable and sociable to smoke and a lot of kids get hooked.
Commercials are aired on TV saying it's brave to say NO.
All these issues may come from the fact that teenagers are
supposed to berebellious. They often like to defy rules and
regulations. Little do they know that they will pay for their
defiance in the future. They usually do badly at school and so lose
the option of further education, having to opt for menial badlypaid jobs instead of cushy ones.
Of course not all of them are like that. Thank goodness there are
many who take their life seriously and are able to combine having a
good time with their schooling. They will have good jobs and a
comfortable life in the future because they have used their time
Fashion has a lot to do with music. Teenagers want to be different
yet they also want to belong to a group, and this means that the

sort of music they listen to will affect their appearance in many

cases. A kid who enjoys rap will probably want to wear the clothes
associated with this kind of music. If another is keen on punk he is
likely to have spiky bright green and blue hair.
Some people say that kids today have it "to easy". In the past,
youngsters had to work at a very young age to help their parents.
For example, many left school at 14 and went on to train on building
sites and at hairdresser's. They had to sacrifice their youth for
their parents well-being. Because of this fact, when these kids
grew up and had kids of their own they decided that an education
was the best thing that they could give their children and so, gave
them all the opportunities money could offer them. Children today
have everything from encyclopaedias to PC'S and internet. They
have a lot of material things and in a way... this could mean that
they have few aspirations. If they want something they just ask
for it and they usually get it within reason of course. This boils
down to the fact that many kids today have become lazy and do not
appreciate their parents like they should. They can also be quite
bored which means that they then turn to drinking and drugs to
get their "kicks".

In many cases, parent-children relationships

deteriorate when the kids reach puberty, they claim
that their parents are "out of touch" and "oldies" and
usually argue a lot. The children usually forget one
very important thing, their parents are sacrificing
their lives and their freedom for them, parents want
the best for their kids, they want them to havethe
best of everything and all the opportunities that
they never had so that their future is even better.
And this is a great investment, and like any
investment they will protect it forever.

1. Are young people generally more selfish than their parents

and grandparents?
2. Should adults try to teach young people lessons, such as the
dangers of drinking too much, taking drugs or contracting the
HIV virus, or should they leave them alone to find out about
these things themselves?
3. What do you think is the best age to be? Explain your
4. Most countries give young people rights as they reach a
certain age. For example, British people can legally make love
or fight for their country at the age of 16; they can drink,
vote and drive a car when they are 18. Does your country
have similar laws?
5. Do you think that any of the age limits need changing?
6. Should young people have to do some form of military or
community service by law?
7. Should people of between 60 and 65 be forced to retire
from their jobs in order to make way for younger workers?
8. Are there many things that the old can teach the young or
are they hopelessly out of touch by the time they reach a
certain age?
9. In most countries, compulsory education is targeted at 5 - 16
year olds. Would it be better to offer it to pensioners who
want to learn rather than young people who prefer not to be
in school?
10.In Russia, China and many other countries, there is a
tradition of choosing leaders who are advanced in years.

you think that older people make better


11. Are

friends more important than family? What

do you think?

12. Are

chores assigned to children in your family?

13. Are

you married?

14. Are

you pressured by your family to act in a

certain way?

15. Are

you the oldest among your brothers and


16. Are

your parents strict?

17. Did

you ever meet any of your great


18. Do

you get along well with your family?

Do you get along well with your brothers and

19. Do

you have any brothers or sisters? If so, how

old are they?

20. Do

you have to clean your own room?

o Does your mother make you clean your

21. Do

you like your family? Why or why not?

22. Do

you live with any of your grandparents?

23. Do

you live with your parents?

24. Do

you look more like your mother or your


25. Do

you often argue with your mother or father?

What about?

26. Do

you often visit your grandparents?

27. Do

you think people should adopt children from

other countries?

28. Do

you usually have any influence on family


29. Do

your parents let you stay out late?

What time do you have to be home?

o Do you have a curfew?

30. How

did you get your name?

o Who are you named after?

31. How

many (first) cousins do you have?

32. How

many aunts and uncles do you have?

33. How

many brothers and sisters do you have?

34. How

many children do you have?

35. How

many members do you have in your family


36. How
37. Is

many people are in your (immediate) family?

spanking a good way to discipline children?

38. Should

people follow the religion of their

parents, or should they have the liberty to
choose another?

39. What

are some of your fondest memories of


40. What

are your parents like?

41. What

do you and your family like doing


42. What

do your mother and father look like? How

about your grandparents?

43. What

do your parents do in their free time?

44. What

are the occupations of your family


What does your father do? What's his job?

o What does your mother do?

45. What

is the best memory you have of your

family doing something together?

46. What

kind of things do you do with your family?

47. What

would you change about your childhood?

48. Who

do you get along better with, your mother

or your father?

49. Who

is the black sheep (odd ball) in your family?

50. Would

you get involved in your in-laws' family


51. Would

you live with your parents after you get


52. Should

children help with the housework?

How much or how often should they help?

o What kinds of housework is not appropriate

for children to do?
53. Do

you live in a nuclear family or an extended

o What are the advantages and disadvantages
of these types of family?

54. What

impact has divorce and/or modern day

living had on the family?

55. Is

the nanny and/or the day-care centre the

third parent?

56. Where

is the best place to raise a family?

o Where do you think the best place to raise

a family is? Why?
57. Do

you think your parents undestand you? Why

or why not?

58. Who

does the household work, your father or

your mother or both of them?

59. Have

you ever seen your mother (or father) cry?

When was that and why?










61.Questions to help you with your TOPIC

64. How did you used to feel when you started going to school?

65. Did you ever feel frustrated when your parents told you off
for something that you did?
66. Have you ever seen a film that made you feel afraid?
67. How did you use to feel as a child after seen a scary movie?
69. What things did you use to do five years ago?
71.Can you tell me an anecdote about your childhood?
72. Do you have an anecdote?

Useful Vocabulary
1. green

1. biodegradable

2. efficient

2. an oil rig

3. to conserve

3. a power station

4. environmentally friendly

4. renewable

5. to protect

5. a recycling plant

6. to save

6. to campaign

7. to deplete

7. traffic jams

8. to ration

8. motorway tolls

9. ozone layer

9. radioactive waste

10. to share

10. park and ride schemes

11. green house effect

11. nuclear energy

12. floods

12. oil pollution

13. icebergs melt

13. global warming

14. polar caps

14. to condemn

15. sustainable

15. to oppose

16. solar enery

16. aeolic

The greenhouse effect is a global environmental problem
as it affects all individuals in all the countries all over the
world. This implies that international cooperation among
countries will be needed to reach an efficient solution to
this problem.
The greenhouse effect is the rise in temperature that the
Earth experiences because certain gases in
the atmosphere (water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrous
oxide, and methane, for example) trap energy from the
sun. Without these gases, heat would escape back into
space and Earths average temperature would be about
60F colder. Because of how they warm our world, these
gases are referred to as greenhouse gases.
The greenhouse effect is important. Without the
greenhouse effect, the Earth would not be warm enough
for humans to live. But if the greenhouse effect becomes
stronger, it could make the Earth warmer than usual.
Even a little extra warming may cause problems for
humans, plants, and animals.

Global warming may be a big problem, but there are

many little things we can do to make a difference. If we
try, most of us can do our part to reduce the amount of
greenhouse gases that we put into the atmosphere. Many
greenhouse gases come from things we do every day.
As we have learned, these greenhouse gases trap energy
in the atmosphere and make the Earth warmer. Driving
a car or using electricity is not wrong. We just have to be
smart about it.Some people use less energy by
carpooling. For example, four people can ride together in
one car instead of driving four cars to work.

Here are some additional ways you can help make

the planet a better place!

Save Electricity

Bike, Bus, and Walk

You can save energy by

Whenever we use
sometimes taking the bus,
electricity, we help put
riding a bike, or walking.
greenhouse gases into the
air. By turning off lights,
the television, and the
computer when you are
through with them, you can
help a lot.
Talk to Your Family and
Talk to your family and
friends about global
warming. Let them know
what you've learned.

Plant Trees
Planting trees is fun and a
great way to reduce
greenhouse gases. Trees
absorb carbon dioxide, a
greenhouse gas, from the air.
When You Buy, Buy Cool

Recycle cans, bottles, plastic

bags, and newspapers.
There are lots of ways we can
When you recycle, you send improve the environment.
less trash to the landfill and One of the ways to reduce

you help save natural

the amount of greenhouse
resources, like trees, oil, and gases that we put into the air
elements such as aluminum. is to buy products that don't
use as much energy.

By conserving energy, we help

reduce global warming and make
the Earth a better place. Some
products like certain cars and
stereos are made specially to save

Some Things to Think About

Did you know that you can help the
environment if you buy recyclable
products instead of non-recyclable
ones? Look for the recycle mark
three arrows that make a circle on
the package. Recyclable products are
usually made out of things that
already have been used. It usually
takes less energy to make recycled
products than to make new ones.
The less energy we use, the better.

Solar Energy


Solar energy is a fancy way Many things, like computers,

of saying "energy that comes TVs, stereos, and VCRs,
from the sun." Solar energy have special labels on them.
can be used to heat homes, The label says "Energy" and
buildings, water, and to
has a picture of a star.
make electricity. Today,
Products with the ENERGY
more than 200,000 houses in STAR label are made to
the United States take
save energy. Buying
advantage of the sun's
products with ENERGY
STAR labels will help
protect the environment.
Cars are an important part
of life for most people. But
cars also cause pollution and
release a lot of greenhouse
gases into the air.
Fortunately, there are some
cars that are better for the
environment. These cars can
travel longer on a smaller
amount of gasoline. They
don't pollute as much, either.
Using these kinds of cars can
help reduce the amount of
greenhouse gases in the air.

Average global temperature has increased by almost

1F over the past century; scientists expect the average
global temperature to increase an additional 2 to 6F over
the next one hundred years. This may not sound like
much, but it could change the Earth's climate as never
before. At the peak of the last ice age (18,000 years ago),
the temperature was only 7F colder than it is today,
and glaciers covered much of North America!
Even a small increase in temperature over a long time
can change the climate. When the climate changes, there
may be big changes in the things that people depend on.
These things include the level of the oceans and the places
where we plant crops. They also include the air we breathe
and the water we drink.

What Might Happen?

It is important to understand that scientists don't know
for sure what global warming will bring. Some changes
brought about by global warming will be good. If you live
in a very cool climate, warmer temperatures might be
welcome. Days and nights could be more comfortable and
people in the area may be able to grow different and
better crops than they could before. But it is also true that
changes in some places will not be very good at all.
Human Health
Climate change may affect people's health both directly
and indirectly. For example,heat stress and other heat
related health problems are caused directly by very warm
temperatures and high humidity. Untreated, heat stress
can be a very serious medical problem. Scientists suspect
that, in many places, global warming will increase the
number of very hot days that occur during the year. More
hot days increases the possibility of heat related health
Indirectly, ecological disturbances, air pollution, changes
in food and water supplies, and coastal flooding are all
examples of possible impacts that might affect human
How people and nature adapt to climate change will
determine how seriously it impacts human health. Some
people and places are likely to be affected more than
others. Generally, poor people and poor countries are less
likely to have the money and resources they need to cope
with preventing and treating health problems. Very young
children and the elderly adults will run the highest risks.

Ecological Systems
Climate change may alter the
world's habitats and ecosystems all living things are
included in and rely on these places. Many of these places
depend on a delicate balance of rainfall, temperature, and
soil type. A rapid change in climate could upset this
balance and seriously endanger many living things.
Most past climate changes occurred slowly, allowing
plants and animals to adapt to the new environment or
move somewhere else. However, if future climate changes
occur as rapidly as some scientists predict, plants and
animals may not be able to react quickly enough to
survive. The ocean's ecosystems also could be affected for
the same reasons.
Sea Level Rise
Global warming may make the sea level become higher.
Why? Well, warmer weather makes glaciers melt. A
glacier is a large sheet of ice that moves very, very slowly.
Some melting glaciers add more water to the ocean.
Warmer temperatures also make water expand. When
water expands in the ocean, it takes up more space and the
level of the sea rises.
Sea level may rise between several inches and as much as
3 feet during the next century. This will effect both natural
systems and manmade structures along coastlines. Coastal
flooding could cause saltwater to flow into areas where
salt is harmful, threatening plants and animals in those
areas. For example, an increase in the salt content of the
Delaware and Chesapeake bays is thought to have
decreased the number of oysters able to live in those

Oceanfront property would be affected by flooding, and

beach erosion could leave structures even more vulnerable
to storm waves. Whether we move back from the water or
build barricades in the face of a rising sea, it could cost
billions of dollars to adapt to such change. Coastal
flooding also may reduce the quality of drinking water in
coastal areas.
Crops and Food Supply
Global warming may make the Earth warmer in cold
places. People living in these places may have a chance to
grow crops in new areas. But global warming also might
bring droughts to other places where we grow crops. In
some parts of the world, people may not have enough to
eat because they cannot grow the food that they need.

Grade 7 - Interactive prompts The examiner will introduce this phase by

saying: "For the next part, I'll tell you something. Then, you have to ask me
questions to find out more information. You need to keep the conversation
going. After about four minutes, I'll end the conversation. Are you ready?" 1.
Though I'd really like to feel healthier, I don't know the best way to start.
(Eliciting further information, giving advice, expressing possibility) 2. It's my
niece's/nephew's birthday soon and though I'd like to give her/him a pet, I'm
not sure about it. (Making suggestions, eliciting further information) 3. A
friend of mine always says that she used to spend her childhood in a very
unusual way. (Describing past habits, eliciting information) 4. I haven't heard
for ages from a friend of mine who lives in Australia and I'm beginning to get
a bit worried. (Giving advice, expressing possibility and uncertainty, eliciting
further information) 5. I think I'll have to buy a new car soon but there are so
many different types available. (Giving advice, making suggestions, eliciting
further information and expansion of ideas and opinions) 6. I love my job,
though there are times when I think I'd like to do something completely
different. (Eliciting further information and expansion of ideas and opinions,

making suggestions) 7. I want to explore this area at the weekend but I

don't know where to go exactly and which is the best way to travel. (Giving
advice, making suggestions) 8. My taste in books has changed a lot - I used
to read completely different things to what I read nowadays. (Describing
past habits, eliciting further information and expansion of opinions) 9.
Someone's told me I can choose something very expensive for my next
special birthday and I really ought to think carefully about this. (Eliciting
further information and expansion of ideas and opinions, giving advice,
expressing possibility and uncertainty) 10. I saw something very surprising
on the TV news last night. You never used to see anything like that on
television. (Describing past habits, eliciting further information and
expansion of ideas and opinions)

HOWEVER (sin embargo), BUT (pero, sino), NEVERTHELESS (sin embargo,
no obstante) y YET (an as) introducen un contraste o contraposicin a la
oracin precedente:
Katty couldn't cash her paycheck ...
Katty no pudo cobrar el cheque de su sueldo ...

However, she managed to buy a new TV set.

Sin embargo consigui comprarse un televisor nuevo.

But she managed to buy a new TV set.

Pero consigui comprarse un televisor nuevo.

Nevertheless, she managed to buy a new TV set.

No obstante consigui comprarse un televisor nuevo.

Yet she managed to buy a new TV set.

Aun as consigui comprarse un televisor nuevo.

even though


a) THOUGH (aunque) y EVEN THOUGH (aun cuando) pueden utilizarse en
lugar de ALTHOUGH (aunque).
EVEN THOUGH (aun cuando) es una forma ms fuerte o reforzada de
expresar ALTHOUGH (aunque).
Although it rained a lot,
Aunque llovi intensamente,
Even though it rained a lot,
Aun cuando llovi intensamente,
Though it rained a lot,
Aunque llovi intensamente,
... we enjoyed our vacation.
... disfrutamos de nuestras vacaciones.
c) En el ingls hablado, especialmente en la versin americana, se utiliza con
frecuencia THOUGH (a pesar de ello, no obstante) como cierre de una
oracin. Esta modalidad suele confundir al estudiante hispano-parlante.
It rained a lot. We enjoyed our vacation though.
Llovi intensamente. Disfrutamos de nuestras vacaciones a pesar de ello.

in spite of / despite


DESPITE (a pesar de) puede utilizarse del mismo que IN SPITE OF (a pesar
de), pero generalmente slo se lo encuentra en el ingls formal. En su
reemplazo, puedes usar tambin las expresiones DESPITE THE FACT
THAT... (a pesar de que...) o IN SPITE OF THE FACT THAT... (a pesar de

In spite of the rain, / In spite of raining all day,
A pesar de la lluvia, / A pesar de llover todo el da,
Despite the rain, / Despite how much it rained,
A pesar de la lluvia, / A pesar de cunto llovi,
Despite the fact that it was raining,
A pesar de que estuvo lloviendo,
In spite of the fact that it was raining,
A pesar de que estuvo lloviendo,
... we enjoyed our vacation.
... disfrutamos de nuestras vacaciones.

although VERSUS in spite of / despite
ALTHOUGH (aunque), IN SPITE OF (a pesar de) y DESPITE (a pesar de)
pueden utilizarse para expresar ideas similares, pero la construccin de la
oracin es muy diferente:
Although the traffic was bad, I arrived on time.
Aunque el trnsito estaba pesado, llegu a tiempo.
In spite of the traffic, I arrived on time.
A pesar del trnsito, llegu a tiempo.
I couldn't sleep, although I was very tired.
No pude dormir aunque estaba muy cansado/a.
I couldn't sleep, despite being very tired.
No pude dormir a pesar de estar muy cansado/a.

Muchas veces utilizamos because of y due to indiscriminadamente, y no

te culpo, puesto que ambas significan casi lo mismo en espaol: a causa
de, debido a, por, etc.
En ingls, because of y due to en muchos casos son sinnimos, pero en
muchos ms no significan lo mismo, y no podemos sustituir una por otra.
Por lo anterior, en esta entrada, sin complicarnos con gramtica, te
comparto dos tips que pueden ayudarte a decidir cul de ellas utilizar
cuando te expresas en ingls.
Nota: Te recomiendo no prestar mucha atencin a la traduccin, y tratar
de reflexionar en ingls.
Tip No. 1
Normalmente because of es la mejor opcin en la mayora de los casos.
Por ejemplo, se escucha mejor y ms natural decir:

I dont have any homework to do, because of the holiday. (No

tengo ninguna tarea que hacer, debido a las vacaciones.)

He was late because of the weather. (El lleg tarde, a causa del
Tambin puede ser:

Because of the holiday, I dont have any homework to do. (Debido

a las vacaciones, no tengo ninguna tarea que hacer.)

Because of the weather, he was late. (Por causa del clima, l lleg
Por lo que te aconsejo reservar due to para las ocasiones en las que
quieras expresar owed (debido), o expected (esperado). Por ejemplo:

He was due to arrive at night. (El debi llegar por la noche.)

Margaret sent the money that was due to him. (Margaret envi el

dinero que le deba.)

I am due to be at the office at 8:30 a.m. (Debo estar en la oficina a

las 8:30 a.m.)
Si an as tienes dudas, aqu el segundo tip:

Tip No. 2
Sustituye due to por caused by.
Aqu un ejemplo:

The low themperature was due to global warming.(La baja

temperatura es debida al calentamiento global.)

The low themperature was caused by global warming. (La baja

temperatura es causada por el calentamiento global.)
Si concuerda la idea dentro de tu oracin, entonces puedes utilizar due
to con confianza, como en el ejemplo anterior.
Aqu otro ejemplo:

I missed the bus due to the bad weather. (Perd el tren por causa
del mal tiempo.)

I missed the bus caused by the bad weather. (Perd el tren causado
por el mal tiempo.)
En el ejemplo anterior NO debes utilizar due to, ya que la oracin no
tiene sentido. Entonces, sustituyes por because of y tu oracin queda as:

I missed the bus because of the bad weather. (Perd el tren debido
al mal tiempo.)

though, although, even though

En la mayora de los casos estas palabras significan aunque. Se
utilizan con sujeto + verbo. Por ejemplo,
Even though he was sick he went to school. (Aunque estaba enfermo fue al
Although he used to be better, hes still a good player. (Aunque antes
jugaba mejor, sigue siendo un buen jugador.)
Though theyre not related, they do look alike. (Aunque no son parientes, s
se parecen.)

Ten en cuenta que la gh es completamente muda en estas palabras,

as que se pronuncian como so o low. A veces la gente comete el error de
confundir palabras que terminan en -ough con las que terminan en
-ought, as que ojo!, no termines estas palabras con una t.
Escucha la pronunciacin de estas palabras:
En muchos casos podramos utilizar but en lugar de though o although para
expresar la misma idea:
Theyre not related, but they do look alike. (No son parientes, pero s se
Though tambin se puede colocar al final de la frase con el
significado de but:
Theyre not related. They do look alike, though.
Esta estructura es un poco extraa para los hispanohablantes, pero lo cierto
es que es muy comn en ingls. Ms ejemplos:
Have you ever tried Vietnamese food? No, Id like to, though. (Has
probado la comida vietnamita? No, pero me gustara.)
That restaurant isnt very good. They do have good desserts, though. (Ese
restaurante no es muy bueno. Pero s tienen postres buenos.)
Cuidado con la traduccin de aunque; a veces hay que utilizar even
if, sobre todo cuando le sigue un verbo en subjuntivo en
espaol. Por ejemplo,
Aunque salgas ahora, no vas a llegar a tiempo.> Even if you leave now,
you wont get there on time.
in spite of, despite

Estas palabras significan a pesar de, e igual que en la estructura

castellana, se utilizan con sustantivos.
A pesar de sus esfuerzos (sustantivo), nunca pudo terminar su ltima
novela. >Despite his efforts, he was never able to finish his last novel.
A diferencia de though/although/even though, no es posible utilizar in
spite of/despite consujeto + verbo. Por ejemplo,
Despite we didnt have tickets to the festival, we still heard some great
music. X
En teora esta frase se podra construir aadiendo the fact that (el hecho
que), pero el resultado es bastante incmodo de decir:
Despite the fact that we didnt have tickets, we were able to get in. (A
pesar del hecho que no tuvieramos entradas pudimos entrar.)
Otra opcin es utilizar el gerundio, pero esta estrategia tambin produce
unas frases complicadas y poco naturales:
Despite not having tickets, we were able to get in.
Una opcin mucho mejor es utilizar although o even though:
Even though we didnt have tickets(Aunque no tenamos entradas)
De hecho, creo que muchos estudiantes de ingls intentan utilizar despite/in
spite of demasiado. Adems de ser complicados de utilizar si lo que les
sigue no es un sencillo sustantivo, en muchos contextos suenan
excesivamente formales o rebuscados. Por lo tanto, yo prefiero
construcciones con even though/although cuando sea posible (aunque
reconozco que este punto de vista es discutible).
Por ejemplo, de las dos frases siguientes la primera me parece ms natural
que la segunda:
Even though it rained we had a great time.

In spite of the rain we had a great time.

Traduce estas frases al ingls. Haz dos versiones de cada frase, una
con but y otra que termine con though.
1. Ana es simptica, pero no me gusta su marido.
2. Hablamos por telfono todos los das, pero nunca nos vemos.
3. No tengo un billete de 5 euros, pero tengo uno de 10.
4. No conozco a su hermano, pero conozco a su hermana.
5. No est nevando, pero s hace frio.
Traduce estas frases al ingls. Para cada frase haz dos versiones en
ingls, una conin spite of/despite + sustantivo, y otra
con although/even though + sujeto + verbo.
6. A pesar de sus problemas es una buena madre.
7. Me dorm pronto a pesar del ruido.
8. A pesar de nuestras diferencias nos llevamos bien.
9. A pesar del trfico llegamos a tiempo.
Traduce estas frases utilizando although o even though.
10. Fue al trabajo aunque estaba cansado.
11. Aunque no come mucho es muy gordo.
12. Aunque es muy famoso no gana mucho dinero.
13. No la vi aunque estaba sentada justo al lado de m!

14. Aprob el examen aunque no haba estudiado.

15. Aunque no tienen dinero, son muy felices.
1. Anas nice, but I dont like her husband./Ana is nice. I dont like her
husband, though.
2. We talk on the phone every day but we never see each other./We talk on
the phone every day. We never see each other, though.
3. I dont have a 5-euro bill, but I have a 10-euro bill./I dont have a 5-euro
bill. I have a 10-euro bill, though.
4. I dont know her brother, but I know her sister. /I dont know her brother. I
know her sister, though.
5. It isnt snowing but its cold./It isnt snowing. It is cold, though.
6. Although she has problems, shes a good mother./In spite of her
problems, shes a good mother.
7. I fell asleep early despite the noise./I fell alseep early even though it was
8. Despite our differences we get along well./Even though we have our
differences we get along well.
9. We arrived on time in spite of the traffic./We arrived on time even though
there was traffic.
10. He went to work even though he was tired.
11.Even though he doesnt eat much hes really fat.
12. Even though hes famous he doesnt make much money.

13. I didnt see her even though she was sitting right next to me!
14. She passed the exam even though she hadnt studied.
15. Even though they dont have money theyre happy.

Palabras en Ingles

Traduccin al espaol


Pueblo natal



To go worst


To cut down

Recortar (poltica)

To fire




To grow up healthy

Crecer sano

To keep




The least

Lo menos

Campaing against

Campaa en contra de



Have you ever trayed?

Ha provado alguna vez a?

What about + ing?

Qu te parece?

Why dont you?

Por qu no?

Which one would you prefer to live?

Cual escogeras para vivir?





Community spirit

Espritu de comunidad



New years eve


Quality of lam

Calidad del cordero





Semipublic school

Colegio concertado


Novio (en boda)


Novia (en boda)



We cant afford

No podemos afrontar

To get ride of

Librarse de







grading system
nursery school
primary/elementary school
private school
school year
school year
secondary/high school
teacher/professor (university)
to drop out

co-educativa / "co-ed"
residencias / dormitorios
antigua alumna
antiguo alumno
examen / exmenes
sistema de clasificacin
vacaciones / vacaciones
la escuela primaria / elemental
principal / cabeza
colegio privado
ao escolar
ao escolar
la escuela secundaria / alta
maestro / profesor (universitario)
a abandonar

to learn
to pass
to repeat a grade
to take an exam
to teach

para aprender
para pasar
que repetir un grado
tomar un examen
para ensear

National Customs
First Holy Communion
The Three King's Day
All Saint's Day

The Virgin of the Sea
The Martyr Saints
The Holy Vision
Village Ftes
Legends of ojancana....
Ides of March
Summer festival
9-pin Bowling
music festivals

Father's Day
Mother's Day
St. John's Night
St. Fermin
Bull fighting
Bull running

admission fee
camping site, campsite
car rental (US)
car hire (GB)
car park (GB)
city centre (GB)
double room
double room with twin beds
downtown (US)

cuota de ingreso
camping, camping
alquiler de coches (EE.UU.)
alquiler de coches (GB)
aparcamiento (GB)
centro de la ciudad (GB)
habitacin doble
habitacin doble con dos camas
centro (EE.UU.)

high season
hiking trail
holidays (GB)
hotel chain
low season
one-way ticket (US)
package deal
parking lot (US)
return ticket (GB)
round ticket (US)
sightseeing tour
single ticket (GB)
single room

casa de huspedes
temporada alta
ruta de senderismo
vacaciones (GB)
cadena de hoteles
temporada baja
billete de ida (EE.UU.)
aparcamiento (EE.UU.)
billete de vuelta (GB)
billete de ida (EE.UU.)
visita turstica
billete sencillo (GB)
habitacin individual

Pollution and Recycling

acid rain
carbon dioxide
climate change
endangered species

lluvia cida
dixido de carbono
productos qumicos
cambio climtico
respetuoso del medio ambiente
especies en peligro de extincin
medio ambiente

environmentally friendly
garbage disposal (US)
garbage separation (US)
global warming
greenhouse effect
noise pollution
nuclear radiation
ozone layer
radioactive substance
radioactive waste
sewage farm (GB)
sewage plant (US)
sewage works (GB)
solar energy
sulphur dioxide (GB)
sulfur dioxide (US)
toxic waste
waste separation (GB)
waste disposal (GB)
wind power
to become extinct
to conserve
to contaminate
to die out
to poison
to pollute

el medio ambiente
recogida de basuras (EE.UU.)
separacin de la basura (EE.UU.)
calentamiento global
efecto invernadero
la contaminacin acstica
la radiacin nuclear
no daador a la capa de ozono
capa de ozono
sustancia radiactiva
residuos radiactivos
repoblacin forestal
aguas residuales
las aguas residuales agrcolas (GB)
planta de aguas residuales (EE.UU.)
obras de alcantarillado (GB)
niebla con humo
energa solar
dixido de azufre (GB)
dixido de azufre (EE.UU.)
residuos txicos
separacin de residuos (GB)
eliminacin de residuos (GB)
energa elica
en vas de extincin
para conservar
para contaminar
a morir
para envenenar
a contaminar

to recycle

para reciclar

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