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AME 2402 Engineering Computing

Fall 2014
Class Times:
2402.001 MWF 10:30-11:20 FH 304;
2402.002 MWF 10:30-11:20 DEH 120;
Instructor: David P. Miller, email: (sec 001)
Office Hours:Thursday: 12:30-2:30pm, rm FH 209
Instructor: Sezin Kadiglou, email: (sec 002)
Office Hours:Tuesday 3-5pm, rm EL 114
TA: Michael Nash
Office Hours:MW 11:30am-1:30pm, FH 235
TA:Matt Walker
Office Hours:M 3-5, W 5-7pm, FH 235
Required course Text: Zyante OU AME 2402: Programming in C Code
Required Hardware: A laptop or netbook that runs Windows 7 or 8;
or a Mac OSX 10.7 10.9. Note that outlets in the classroom are rare, so
please have your laptop charged prior to class. If your computer does
not run one of the operating systems above, consider upgrading or
contact me about potential accommodations. Note that Mac 10.10 will
be released in the Fall. Do not upgrade without first checking with your
instructor to make sure that the class software will work!
Course Software: KISS Platform (a platform independent IDE that uses
native ANSI C compilers) version 5.1.2 or later will be used. This
software can be downloaded at no charge from

hardware-software. Mac users will also need to install the command

line tools. Note that additional software and code may be required
throughout the course and details on how to acquire that software will be
provided when needed.
Course Topic:
This course will introduce the basics of computer programming using
the C programming language. Students will create original programs to
solve assigned problems. Computer programming is used in several
other AME courses and throughout the industry. C is the most popular
programming language and the basis for numerous other languages.
Programming style is important, and the way that one approaches and
implements programs affects the ease of creating and debugging the
program, the efficiency with which the program executes, and the ability
of others to collaborate or to adapt the code to new purposes. While C is
an imperative programming language, we will, where it is
straightforward to do, present things in a functional style, which is often
more clear and makes transition to many other programming languages
more straightforward.
Assignments & Grading:
The only way to learn programming is to program. Weekly
programming assignments will be given. It is in your best interest to do
all of the assignments. Skipping assignments will most likely lessen both
your skill and retention of important programming concepts (not to
mention your course grade) -- leading to difficulties later in this or future
Graded assignments will be turned in using the D2L dropbox at the time
indicated. Late assignments (up to 10 hrs) will receive a 1% per hour
penalty. After that assignments will not be accepted, and the solutions
will be published.
Programs are like written papers that describe a solution to a problem.

Programs, like papers, have authors and citations, acknowledgements,

etc. If any significant part of your program came from discussions with
other students, books or magazines, the Internet or any source that was
not your brain, you must include a comment in your programs that
appropriately acknowledges the original creator of that piece of code.
Using another's code or concepts without proper attribution is
plagiarism, and is akin to theft. It will not be tolerated in this class. Any
violation of the code of Academic Integrity (see
honorcouncil) or plagiarism (see will
result in a 0 grade on that assignment and an official admonishment
placed in the student's file. Homework will be run through antiplagiarism software. If you are not sure if what you are doing might be
considered improper, come discuss it with me before you turn in the
assignment. In general, do not copy, do not write code in groups. Feel
free to work together in order to review general concepts and helping to
find bugs, but when it comes to writing code, you should be doing that
In-class quizzes tests and a final project will also be given during the
semester. The tests will be programming tests. The final projects will be
demonstrated during the last week of classes.
Grading will be based on:

Programs (20%)
Quizzes (20%)
Activities and assignments in the Zyante text (20%)
Final project (15%)
Final Exam (25%)

D2L will be used for the drop box and the distribution of grades and the
receipt of programming assignments (via the appropriate drop box).
Questions for the instructors should be made in class, during office hours

or via email. All email communications must contain the phrase

"AME 2402:" in the subject line. Failure to do so may result in your
email not being read. Questions about content (e.g., what library should
I load to get trig functions) should be emailed to all four instructors/TAs.
Questions about grades should be sent to your sections instructor.
The schedule for Zyante activities, Quizzes and programming
assignments for the entire semester is on D2L. Details on each
programming assignment will be posted on D2L no later than the Friday
the week before the assignment is due.
Note: GTAs and Instructors will not respond to questions (including
emails and phone calls) from Friday afternoon till Monday
morning!! Questions during the week sent after 5pm may not be
answered until the next weekday morning. Dont wait until
Thursday evening to ask about that weeks programming
assignment or quiz.
Any student in this course who has a disability that may prevent him or
her from fully demonstrating his or her abilities should contact me
personally as soon as possible so we can discuss accommodations
necessary to ensure full participation and facilitate your educational
At the end of the semester the students should:
i. Know the C language syntax
ii. Be facile in expressions, conditionals, loops and functions
iii. Be able to debug syntax and common logic bugs in computer
iv. Be able to convert and solve mathematical problems by writing
computer programs

v. Be able to express and solve basic word problems as computer

vi. Be able to simulate simple engineering problems by writing
computer programs

Brief List of Topics Covered:

a. Arithmetic
b. Looping
i. Recursion
ii. While
iii. For
c. Basic data types: int, float and arrays of both types
d. Functions: using predefined libraries and creation of new
e. Variables/parameters: assignment, pass by value, pass by
f. Simple graphics and user interface

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