Smoke Signals pg8

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Thursday, May 7, 2015 - Page 8

Continued from pg. 7

Dance has been a part of
Kats life for 13 years. She
has a burning love for the
feelings that dance bring
to her. Its like discovering who she is with every
step she takes. She also enjoys writing, but absolutely
hates writing research papers! Kat has this underestimated love for Disney and
Pixar movies, so it is not
that much of a surprise that
her favorite show is Once
Upon A Time. Speaking of
favorites, she could eat Italian food for days on end and
never become tired of it. It
is just the most perfect food
created! English and History are the school subjects
that could never put Kat to
sleep! These subjects always
have so much to offer; so she
never gets bored with them!
Everyone loves music, what
kind of world would it be
without music. Kat though,
has a liking for music that
could exceed anyone elses,
mainly Indie Pop. Other
than that she loves reading and shes read so many
books that there was no way
to narrow it down to one
book. The ones that she will
always remember are The
Fault in Our Stars and the
Chronicles of Narnia. Another thing to know about
Kat is her need for coffee,
were pretty sure that she is
a class one addict.
After she has finished
her very busy high school
schedule she plans on going
to Northwest Missouri State
University for a few years
and then plans on going
where life takes her, which
will hopefully be University
of Nebraska-Lincoln.
In the meantime thinking
about college causes Kat to
think back to all her wonderful memories in this small
town school. Her favorite one
though will always be volleyball, the late night musical
theater practices, and rescuing Phoebe the Bunny. After
that wonderful memory, Kat
will ponder the embarrassment on the Sunday Show
for musical theater when
they performed Thoroughly
Modern Millie. She forgot

the words to her solo that

she had been practicing for
months! Her chopsticks also
kept flying all over the stage
and just wouldnt stay in her
wig for the life of her. Then
she caused another actress
to fall out of a laundry cart!
She had fun but it turned
out to be one of the most embarrassing moments of her
Katarina is someone everyone would be blessed to
know! She brings happiness to everyone around her
without even realizing the
impact she can have. Kat
is someone who has large
dreams and wont let anything get in her way until
they are accomplished. Shes
going to have exactly everything shes ever dreamed of
and one day everyone will
know the name Katarina
Irene DeRosier!
Five Irrelevant
Questions for Kat
How much coffee do you
think youve consumed in
your life?
Way too much to count!
Ive definitely reached the
maximum amount though!
Which Disney princess
would you meet if you had
the chance?
Ive already met her!
Rapunzel and she was so
amazing! Meeting her and
going to Disney World was
the happiest moments of my
Whats your perfect
Supreme with no mushrooms and no pepperoni.
The crust has to be thick,
fluffy, and perfect!
What is a question that
you hate to answer?
Whats wrong? All you
need to know is that something is wrong and when I
want you to know I will tell
What makes your heart
Seeing other people being
happy brings happiness to
my heart and fills me with
joy. Most people in the world
look for all the bad things.
So to see someone happy
means that they have chosen an easier road.

The bubbly Mariana Villagrana

By Kat DeRosier
Este alto mud a Estados
Unidos cuando tena cinco
aos de edad. Ella es, obviamente, con fluidez en dos
idiomas, que todo el mundo
encuentra muy interesante
en Tarkio alta. (Translation - This senior moved to
America when she was but
five years old. She is obviously fluent in two languages, which everyone finds
very interesting at Tarkio
High.) You can all probably
guess who this bubbly senior is. Say Hola to Mariana
Villagrana. Mariana is the
daughter of Hugo and Norma Villagrana. Hugo is the
pastor of the Westboro and
Tarkio United Methodist
Churches. Norma is the pastor of Wilcox and Burlington
Junction churches. Mariana
has one younger brother,
Luis. When Mariana looks
back on her childhood, she
will always remember going
to the lake with her family.
Hugo, Luis, and Mariana
would always have swimming competitions and there
would always be a great picnic while they were out, too.

time at THS, she has been

very involved and definitely
made herself known. For
four years she has been in
choir and musical theater,
one year in St. Joseph and
three in Tarkio. She has
been in FCCLA, the A+ program, Rotary Interact, and
basketball for three years.
For two years she has been
in National Honor Society,
FBLA, cross country, and
volleyball. She has also been
in track for one year. Along
with all of her activities,
she has also held some jobs.
Shes worked at the Mule
Barn Cafe, been a lifeguard
at the Tarkio Municipal
Pool, and helped out at the
Avalanche. When she does
have time to relax and let
her life catch up with her,
she loves to watch movies
with her family, her favorite being action movies. She
loves to watch Netflix, too.
Her favorite series being
Once Upon a Time and Gossip Girl. While relaxing and
watching her movies you can
find her snacking on anything Italian: pastas, pizzas,
and fettuccini. Buffalo Wild
Wings is her favorite place

to go when she is out. When

Mariana is driving around in
her car, you can always find
her listening to any kind of
music, mostly todays Top
40 hits and definitely not
country. She loves to watch
her favorite sports team,
the minor league Cardinals,
play. When asked what her
favorite school subject is she
quickly answered English,
and no, not because Mr. Martin was standing in the same
room. Ironically, she hasnt
free read all that much this
year so her favorite book is
non-existent at this time.
Throughout her time at
Tarkio High School, Mariana has made some lifelong
friends and great memories.
She will always remember
receiving her scholarships at
Missouri State. Along with
her great memories she also
has some embarrassing moments. According, to Mariana, she has had too many
to just pin point one, and all
the times she has been lost
in translation.
Next year, Mariana plans
on going to Missouri State
University and majoring
in Business Administration and Human Resource
Management. She wants
to continue her crazy, fun,
and very involved schedule.
Tarkio High School will definitely miss this spunky, fun,
Mexican-American. Adis
Mariana y buena suerte
en su futuro muy brillante.
(Translation - Goodbye Mariana and good luck in your
very bright future.)
Five Irrelevant
Questions for
Most comical moment
where you were lost in
I think I was talking to
Seth and we were arguing
about two completely different things for quite some
time, until we realized we
werent talking about the
same thing.
How many times have
you gotten in trouble with
speeding and traffic violations? Why?
Very funny I dont usually speed I try my hardest to be a good driver, really
If there was one tradition that Americans and

Mexicans had alike, what

would you want it to be?
Along with Christmas,
Mexicans celebrate the coming of the Wise Men. This is
a really cool tradition that
Latin America has and also
means good food!
If any one animal could
talk to you, what animal
would that be? Why?
Probably a dog because
its my spiritual animal
Whats your favorite article youve written? Why?
The ones where I talk
about politics and news because I feel like it is important - I like doing research
and informing others on todays important problems.

gan, and all the staff at The

Tarkio Avalanche for giving
us a platform to write to you

all. Thank you to all of our

loyal readers as well. Until
next time, goodbye!

Smoke Signals
Staff farewell

By Kaleigh Quimby
As you may know, this
is the seniors last week of
high school...Ever. As excited as we all are we are
going to miss this place. As
a journalism class we are
really going to miss the
chance to communicate with
the community each and every week. We will especially
miss every Wednesday going to get the newspapers
and stopping by Caseys on
the way back. Bringing Mr.
Martin a Mountain Dew
calms him considerably. Kat,
Mariana, Paige, and I are
the first journalism group to
accomplish so much. Firstly,
no nicknames. Secondly,
getting thirty-three senior
spotlights done in thirty-six
weeks of school. Every person that has read this paper
can pick out what every one
of us likes to write about.
Mariana is all news, she
loves recapping what has
happened around the world.
Kat likes to do the fun and
random things at THS.
Paige likes to cover the community news. I like to cover
all the random holidays and
topics hot on the web. Even
though each of us has only
been in journalism for our
senior year, it has truly been
a great experience. I think
all of us girls owe it to Mr.
Martin for putting up with
our grouchy mornings, hungry runs to Caseys, and
all of our laughs. We would
also like to thank Mike, Me-

Kaleigh Quimby - Full of laughter

By Mariana Villagrana
She has multiple nick
names and you always hear
her laughing down the hallway with friends. She is
never shy and always says
whats on her mind, so when
you hear a good rant you
know it is Kaleigh Quimby.
Kaleigh is the daughter of
Jamie and Trisha Quimby.
Her father is the City of
Tarkio Street Superintendent and Trisha works as a
surgical nurse at Community Hospital-Fairfax. Kaleigh
also has one sister, Lauren,
who is fifteen.
Growing up, Kaleigh has
one childhood memory that
has stuck for a long time.
Once while hunting, her
dad told her to sit on a log
and wait for him. Little did
she know she would be left
and an hour later (or so she
thought) he came back and
got her. Her most memorable high school momentOn
Thursday, January 15, 2015,
at 4:37 in the afternoon, Kaleigh received a text asking
her to join Central Methodist University Track and
Field Team. She also has an
embarrassing moment that
she would like to share with
us. I was walking in a JV
game freshman year to pick
up the ball and fell when no
one was around me.

Kaleigh has been very

active in our school. Some
organizations she has been
in include: FCCLA, band,
and track for four years. She
also has been in volleyball
and FBLA for two years.
She is already busy enough,
but she has also been working at Hy-Vee for two years.
Kaleigh loves making others laugh and laughing
right along with them and
she also enjoys hanging out
with friends. Kaleighs favorite TV show is Criminal
Minds because Reed is HOT.
When it comes to music, its
Avril Lavigine all the way!!
She doesnt really have any
favorite movies, she just
has one condition, it has to
be scary! Kaleighs favorite
food is all food, especially
Dairy Diners corn nuggets and ice cream. If she
is forced to watch sports, it
would probably be the K.C.
Chiefs. Her favorite school
subject is journalism, duh!
After high school, Kaleigh will be attending Central Methodist University
in Fayette, MO. For those
who didnt know, she will be
participating on their track
team as a discus thrower.
Kaleigh will also be remembered as the fun and
quirky classmate who is full
of laughter.
Five Irrelevant
Questions for
Favorite part of prom?
Dancing with everyone
Why do you like alligators?
Because they are large
and in charge
Did your track shoes actually help?
They do during practice.
How many times a day
do you laugh?
Like almost all the time I even laugh at myself.
How many times do you
choose cool blue Gatorade?
99% of the time

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