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Q5. What is the difference between micro-sociolinguistics and macro-sociolinguistics?

Micro-sociolinguistics explores the ways in which society influences a speakers idiolect
(the specific language of a person) and how people communicate with one- another in line with
different social factors(e.g. meeting); look at the individual differences and the way there are
used(e.g. the variation between singing and singin). On the other hand, macrosociolinguistics is the study of language related to how the society treats the language; studies
about language and communication more generally; look at the language data on a wider scale
which leads to generalizations and to conclusions that can be identified(e.g. the choice made
about conversational structure). More precisely, macro-sociolinguistics focuses more on society
as a whole, in relation with language. So, with micro-sociolinguistics, the emphasis is on
language and with macro-sociolinguistics, the emphasis is on society.


Q5. Briefly present the theory of linguistic determination attributable to Sapir and Whorf.
This theory is known as the Sapir-Whorf or Whorfianism and it argues that
individuals experience the world based on the structure of the language they habitually use. So,
we can say that if we have few words, our perception of the world around us, will be seriously

Q6. What type of study does the article present and who are the subjects of the study?


Q6. How does the author argue for the fact that in qualitative research the approach is mainly
inductive and in quantitative research it is mainly deductive?
Qualitative research is an inductive approach, and its goal is to gain a deeper
understanding of a persons or groups experience. The researcher wants to be in the shoes of
the participant, to understand the participant experience, thats way I think that the researcher
uses inductive reasoning which is reasoning from particular to general. In other words,
qualitative research tries to understand the subjects view point and it focus on the observation of
similarities and differences in social behavior across social situations.
The quantitative approach is objective, which means that it tries to be unbased toward its
subjects and has no interaction with a studys participants. Quantitative research it focus on
controlled variables in a structured setting to provide an explanation of laws.
In conclusion, we can say that qualitative content analysis is mainly inductive, grounding
the examination of topics and themes, as well as the inferences drawn from them, in the data.
And also, we can say that the quantitative content analysis is deductive, intended to test
hypotheses or address questions generated from theories or previous empirical research.
Q7. How are the goals of the two paradigms (quantitative and qualitative) different?
On the one hand, quantitative method hold that behavior can be explained through
objective facts. Quantitative research focuses on numbers or quantities. Quantitative studies have
results that are based on numeric analysis and statistic. Also, we can talk about the quantitative
analysis who allows researchers to test specific hypotheses. A goal of quantitative research is to
choose a sample that closely resembles the population(interpretation).
On the other hand, qualitative research studies are focus on differences in quality, rather
than differences in quantify. Qualitative analysis is usually for more exploratory purposes.
Qualitative research does not seek to choose sample that are representative of


Q6. What definition of case study does Hammersley recommend?

Case studies offer are working hypotheses whose appropriateness for understanding other cases
that can only be assessed by comparing the similarities between source and target cases. Case
study implies problem formulation, for example, data collection, data analysis and reporting the
findings. The findings of case study research are not generalizable in the way that those of social
survey are. With other words, case study is what Hammersley call experiment and survey.

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