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(arrive) in England last week.

2. My mum
3. I

(study) Russian at university.

(phone) you yesterday, but you weren't at home.

4. Last night, Marga and Alice

5. Tom

(invite) us to his birthday party.

6. The children
7. We
8. I

(plan) their holiday.

(carry) the books to the classroom.

(finish) the exam at half past three.

(chat) to Jane about films and fashion.

Verb To Be Past Tense Affirmative and

A. Put the correct form of the verb to be (was/were) in the past
tense in the following sentences.
1. Judy __________________ sick yesterday.
2. We __________________ in the same class last year.
3. I __________________ tired after a long day at work.
4. The weather __________________ beautiful yesterday.
5. Last semester my teachers __________________ very good.
6. The children __________________ hungry after so much
7. The wind __________________ very strong last night.
8. She __________________ very happy last week.
9. They __________________ nervous on the first day of school.
10. Luckily, the windows __________________ closed during the
rain storm.
11. We __________________ very happy to get your letter last
12. The boys __________________ tired after the ball game.
B. Put the correct negative form of the verb to be (wasnt/ werent)
in the following sentences.
1. They __________________ at school yesterday because it was
2. He __________________ hungry at supper time because he ate
a big lunch.
3. Carol __________________ happy to see her boyfriend with
another girl.
4. Bonnie __________________ at home last night when I called

5. The teacher __________________ satisfied with the students


my mum in the kitchen. (help)

My sister

in her room. (study)

My mum

the green car. (wash)

My granny

to the shop. (walk)

My brother

to music. (listen)

My uncle

a pretty woman. (marry)

My aunt

her new laptop. (use)

My cousins

very late. (arrive)

The baby
My dad

a lot. (cry)
his old bike. (fix)

The dogs
1. Children
2. I

in the garden. (play)

(dress) quickly.
(help) my mother in the kitchen.

3. We

(walk) in the park.

4. They

(wash) their clothes in the bathroom.

5. We

(watch) an interesting film.

6. Students
7. Guna
8. The girl
9. It

(play) basketball.
(skip) very fast. (X2)
(rain) a lot.

10. Henry

(work) in the garden.

(ski) down the hill.

(snow) last winter.

2. We

(open) the door.

3. Children

(smile) happily.

4. Martin

(listen) to music.

5. She
6. Ervin

(want) a new dress.

(count) the documents.

7. A lot of people
8. Nick
9. We

(rest) last summer.

(paint) the walls.

10. The teacher

1. We
2. Ervin
3. The girl

(skate) on the lake.

(plant) a tree.

(wait) for you.

(fix) the bike.
(clean) the house.

4. We

(search) for information.

5. They

(work) in the morning.

6. She

(promise) to help.

7. They

(ski) in winter.

8. I

(look) through the window.

9. You

(listen) to music.

10. She

(wash) the cups and the plates.

1. Write the Simple Past of these verbs.

a) WASH: .........................................
f) STOP: ...................................................
b) HELP: ............................................
g) HURRY: ................................................
c) CLEAN: .........................................
h) PLAY: ....................................................
d) TIDY: ...........................................
i) CHAT: ...................................................
e) DANCE: ........................................
j) LISTEN: ..............................................
2. Complete the sentences with the Simple Past of the verbs in brackets.
a) The people (enjoy) .........................................the party last weekend.
b) The children (phone) ......................................thier grandparents two days ago.
c) We (plan) ..........................................a trip to England last year.
d) The family (stay) home yesterday.
e) Mum (fry) and chips for our lunch on Sunday.
f) The teacher (arrive) hour ago.
g) The student (organise) ...................................a picnic last week.
h) The children (close) .................................their books after the lesson.
i) John (invite) ............................................his neighbours to a party.
j) It (rain) .....................................all day yesterday.
k) We (shop) the shopping centre all morning.

l) Walter and Catherine (visit) ..........................................the circus last month.

3. Write the negative of these sentences.
a) He played basketball. .........................................................................................
b) They tidied their rooms. ...................................................................................
c) She danced at the party. ..................................................................................
d) We visited our grandparents. ...........................................................................
e) You watched TV. ..................................................................................................
f) I helped my dad. ..................................................................................................
g) He studied the exam. .........................................................................................
h) You lived in London. .............................................................................................
i) We played tennis. ................................................................................................
j) They cooked dinner last night. .........................................................................
4. Form the YES/NO Question of these sentences.
a) You helped your sister. ......................................................................................
b) They locked the door. ........................................................................................
c) She opened her present. ...................................................................................
d) He carried the boxes. ................................................................................
e) You called your best friend. ......................................................................
f) She played volleyball. ..................................................................................
g) My brother studied History. .....................................................................
h) We waited for the bus. ...............................................................................
i) He listened to music last night . ...............................................................
j) They helped their mother. .........................................................................
5. Write the affirmative, negative and interrogatives of these sentences.
a) They (work) the morning.
b) You (watch) .............................................a film.
c) She (close) ......................................the shop.
d) He (work) London.
e) You (study) ........................................the exam.

f) He (play) the park.



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