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PAC MEETING May 4, 2015

Attendance List: Gayle McLeod, Carolina Palacios, Stefanie Lewinson,

Annie ODonoghue, Nicky McConnell, Kathleen Pender, Esther Rosillo,
Cheryl Roehlig, Caroline Dickson, Averill Groeneveld-Meijer, Grace
Kendrick, Heidi Maclean, Deborah Broadhurst, Mio Kiyooka, Liping Wu,
Andrea Shrive, Winnie Park, Mack Ni, Jodie Dorrington
Minutes from April/15: Accepted as is
Treasurers Report: Nicky McConnell
Please see attached sheets for financials
Explanation: A lot of money shown in PAC balance is committed to the
Playground Initiative (about $43K out of $100K). There are still a lot of
outstanding payments to be made; awaiting receipts. Once these are
cleared, we have about $26K in the bank. This is down from around $54K
last year: we spent a good amount of past years money in the last 2 years.
We are still in healthy shape, but need to budget for next year accordingly.
Budget highlights: Keeping fundraising for the playground as the primary
initiative. We are proposing to decrease the fundraising sales revenue to
$2000 (this is Heidis sales, etc) due to decreasing interest by PAC
members in purchasing/donating, and volunteering.
Keeping reserve of $10K. We are assuming revenues for grocery
certificate program, hotdog/pizza, direct appeal will stay the same.
Currently we are projecting a deficit if we keep the budget the same as it
Questions: clarifying how deficit occurred; it is basically due to decreased
projected revenues
-Where is the choir surplus from last year? Answer: Held in general
-Who decides the PE programs? Answer: Principal and staff do, with
feedback and suggestions from parents.
-Do all the kids do the PE programs? Answer: yes.
Averill: given the $4K deficit we need to think about ways to increase
revenue and/or reduce expenses.
Suggestions: Yearbook there is no pre-ordering with the new supplier, so
may not need the $1K. Could reduce.
-possibly move the Kaufmann test ($600) into the supplementary learning
resources (which would reduce the amount each resource teacher would

-Cheryl feels we can increase the forecast for hotdog/pizza.
-Question: why dont we look at increasing the revenue side? Answer: This
one is answered by Heidi in the fundraising report.
Fundraising Report: Heidi Maclean
-Problem: less people participating in fundraising (burnout?). Less people
Suggestions: could use a second person as fundraising chair;
-Do people know how much we need volunteers and money? Need to
generate awareness.
-Heidi is considering requesting a donation vs. fundraising throughout the
-maybe ask for a donation in lieu of volunteering: however, need to be
sensitive to the fact that maybe some people cant afford to do this. How
do we create a culture of involved community?
-lots of ideas generated, but we need people to take them on, so before we
start coming up with these ideas, we need to discuss personnel. This
takes us to the topic of Executive Positions. Any ideas re: fundraising and
volunteerism can be emailed in to the Executive.
Date for Teacher Appreciation luncheon: May 20th.
Sports Day: June 12.
Playground Committee: hopeful they will get a license for bingo soon.
Grand Prize is 2 travel vouchers anywhere West Jet flies! June 4th, 7 pm.
Executive Positions and Key Volunteers:
All Executive positions are vacant for next year. Will re-circulate job
description and approximate time commitments. These need to be voted
on in June.
Key Volunteers: need Fruit and Veggie program lead, Choir/Recorder
person, Read a Thon, Playground, Hot Dog and Pizza, Grocery Voucher,
Cross Country, Music, Leadership
Principals Report: Annie ODonoghue
Please see attached sheets
Choir and Recorder: Esther Rosillo
Proposal for Choir: please see attached. Esther would like some feedback

on the proposal. Other than some wording change suggestions, everyone

in favor.
Next meeting: AGM: June 2, 2015

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