Cheney, CIA Torture Offer Rare Glimpse Into Darkness of New World Order

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Activist Post: Cheney, CIA Torture Offer Rare Glimpse Into Darkness of New World Order


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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Cheney, CIA Torture Offer Rare Glimpse Into Darkness of

New World Order
Bernie Suarez
Activist Post
The CIA torture program is fully exposed to the world and
there goes Dick Cheney - still alive, still defiant, still selling
tyranny, dictatorship and fascism to anyone who will listen.
Every time the man speaks he seems to be attempting to
speak to your consciousness with the voice of darkness
and evil. The voice seems to be saying- "Bad is good, eye
for an eye, survival of the fittest wins, he who has the
biggest gun wins, kill or be killed, the ends justifies the
means." Now where have I (we) heard this before? Who thinks this way? Who declares boldly that
anything goes, murder and torture is fair game, love and peace is weak and useless, might and
force rules, and thinks that we live to kill enemies?
I remember now - it's the villains in every movie we watched as children. It was the villain in every
cop show we watched growing up. Remember the bad guys that always died at the end? The ones
whose missions almost succeeded except for the actions of a superhero, or hero cop, detective,
agent or investigator saving the day.

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I remember the typical villains in old shows and movies - They never felt like they owed anything to
humanity. Everything they did was for themselves. They were consumed in egoism and selfishness.
The villains of old movies and TV shows never felt responsible for anything they did and they never
felt any guilt when doing something evil. Remember those typical personality profiles of the evil


10 hours ago

I thought the answer to the questions in the first paragraph was g

In psychology there is a clear and definite set of signs and symptoms that point to someone being
a psychopath. Scott Bonn, PhD, professor of criminology, and expert criminologist states:
Psychopaths are very manipulative and can easily gain peoples trust. They ...
despite their inability to actually feel (emotion) ... will appear normal to
unsuspecting people.
Psychopaths are often well educated and hold steady jobs. Some are so good at
manipulation and mimicry that they have families and other long-term relationships
without those around them ever suspecting their true nature.

Furthermore, Bonn goes on to state regarding psychopaths:

When committing crimes, psychopaths carefully plan out every detail in advance
... psychopathic criminals are cool, calm, and meticulous ... Intelligent psychopaths
make excellent white-collar criminals ... due to their calm and charismatic natures.
Can you see how Dick Cheney and many of the globalists fit perfectly into this profile? Looking
back at scary movies and thrillers of old, they often portrayed the killer as a psychopath. Consistent
with this definition, they were portrayed as intelligent people who planned out their murders,
manipulated their victims and never felt any remorse whatsoever for what they did, all the while
appearing as "normal" to the outside world including family and friends.
Unfortunately this darkness and psychopathic behavior we are talking about goes far beyond Dick
Cheney. The CIA torture documents that have come to light offer a mere glimpse into the
psychopathic mindset that is behind the entire concept of global domination. What some like to call
the "new world order" or the controllers, the globalist gangsters, the Illuminati, NATO, the West, the
U.S.-Israeli empire, the Military Industrial Complex, the anti-Christ, Babylon, the Beast, the Federal
Reserve banking cabal, whatever you want to call this movement. It's an organized movement lead
by a dark consciousness whose evil mind is on display recently for people to see. The forcefulness
by which they operate, the tyranny and global dictatorial meme is on display and it's capable of
inflicting misery and suffering on all its enemies and all of humanity.
The truth of the matter is that most of humanity is not prepared to wrap their heads around the
reality of the new world order and the minds of its control freaks. This cognitive dissonance prevents
them from being able to fathom the evil and psychopathic minds we speak of, so they choose to
ignore it instead.
Thanks to the recent attention focused on the CIA
torture programs, coupled with the voices of Americans
who blindly and defiantly support and defend torture, we
are now able to have a rare glimpse into the

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psychopathic minds of the new world order in a way that

will hopefully wake up more people and make us more
aware of how serious their plans are.

SILENCED Official Trailer 2014

Americans are bombarded with mainstream media lies

and mind control propaganda every single day. On top of
that, there is the engineered mass amnesia effect.
That's when the mainstream media drops a topic and
suddenly no one is talking about it. The topic then seems to drop out of sight out of mind (like the
mind of a one year old).

Dick Cheney on Torture: the Report Is Full of

Crap and Id Do It Again in a Minute

Mainstream media carefully chooses their top stories to push into the forefront of everyone's
consciousness and they also decide which stories to fade away. We've seen this with Ebola over
the last few months. Sometimes, however, stories get out that don't fit the agenda so they have to
work it out of everyone's consciousness. In order to phase these unwanted stories out they will
come up with bigger stories, bigger distractions while deemphasizing the story they want to fade
away. (See example of recent Sandy Hook anniversary ignored by media.)

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There is no question that many people in America are finally questioning what this nation is all
about and what we believe in. America's reputation has been raped ever since 9/11 and is now seen
by most as the next global oppressive empire. Subsequently, more than ever people are looking
twice at the stories put out by the western (NATO) powers and their propaganda media and they are
questioning things.

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I, however, urge all Americans and people around the world to consider this. Consider that given
how fast stories are pulled from everyone's consciousness, we may have just seen the only
temporary glimpse into the darkness that drives the individuals pushing for war and global
domination. The huge wave of consciousness pushing through this week will soon go away; and
while many will become more aware, more educated and more vigilant - unfortunately many will go
back to sleep and forget that the CIA just got caught deliberately and maliciously torturing innocent
people and got away with it.
Soon none of this will matter as the mainstream media will pull off brand new false flag attacks
(Sydney Australia?) to get the attention away from the stories that don't help their long-term
Let's therefore do what we can to help others see this glimpse of reality while it lasts, and hopefully
more people will finally put their foot down to stop the evil that has taken over America. Hopefully
realizing how psychopathic our leaders are, we will start to take definitive action to pursue justice
against those who have violated human rights and conducted unethical and illegal torture programs.
Let us hope that as a whole, we (humanity) can restore the principles of ethics, morality, human
decency, dignity, respect, justice, accountability, and good will that America (even if just in
principle) once stood for. We watched the last two presidential administrations blatantly push
America from the (perceived) beacon of freedom it used to be, into the role of a dictatorial global
aggressor murdering without consequences.
So let's all grasp a glimpse, while we can, into the dark mind of the psychopaths that run this world
and truly understand what is at stake here. Let us never underestimate the forces who wish to
control all of humanity, and may we never lose sight of how evil all of this really is.
Bernie Suarez is an activist, critical thinker, radio host, musician, M.D, Veteran, lover of freedom
and the Constitution, and creator of the Truth and Art TV project. He also has a background in
psychology and highly recommends that everyone watch a documentary titled The Century of the
Self. Bernie has concluded that the way to defeat the New World Order is to truly be the change
that you want to see. Manifesting the solution and putting truth into action is the very thing that will
defeat the globalists.


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Labels: Bernie Suarez, CIA torture, Consciousness,

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