7-Minute-Talk Outline 2013 Fillable

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APS 112 & APS 113

Seven Minute Extemporaneous Prepared Talk Instructions

Basic Presentation Outline Form

3URMHFW: 141
Presenters Andrew, Nicholas, Tina
Team Members (not presenting): Fuad, Terry, Tiffany
Date: March 21, 2014
Purpose Statement: To

Opening Strategy:

Main Statement:
Keyword Summary of Sub-statements that support the Main Statement:



Sub-statement A:

Sub-statement B:

Sub-statement C:


Therefore statement (Synthesis of Main Statements and Support):

Key recommendation(s):

Take-away statement:

APS 112 & APS 113

Seven Minute Extemporaneous Prepared Talk Instructions

Basic Presentation Outline Form Instructions and Examples

The left-hand column gives directions and the right-hand column give some examples.
Identify the presenters.
Team Members:
Other team members not presenting.

Date: When the speech took place.

Event: Where the speech took place. You may never want to
use the same speech again, but you may want to use parts,
ideas or see what you already told a group so that when you
next speak to them, you are progressing in a logical manner
from information you have given.

Jul Cantabile
Len Ngan
Team Members:
Luk Dsano
Skip Fraser
Krystle Ran
Date: 2012-03-03
Event: 7 Minute talk in tutorial

Purpose Statement:
This is the objective for the talk. It is more than just the topic.
This is not a statement you give to your audience; it is one you
use for planning the talk. It is what you want the talk to
accomplish. It is related to the main idea, and figuring out one
will help you figure out the other. It is always expressed in terms
of the effect you wish to have on the audience. An effective
purpose statement will not only help you focus your main point,
but it will also help you determine a take-away and improve the
delivery of your talk.
Main Statement:
The main statement has two aspects: the topic and the
particular aspect of the topic you are highlighting. The main
statement must be unique to your talk.

Opening Strategy:
If we want to establish a rapport, how we begin is critical.
Fortunately, we have a wide variety of strategies at our disposal,
depending on the context.

Keyword Summary:
As you begin a talk, you want to give the listeners a mental
roadmap of points you are going to make in support of your
main idea. It is best not to write this until you have figured out
the body of your talk. The Keyword Summary (much like an
overview) forecasts the direction your talk is going to take,
increases the sense of flow, and helps the audience feel smart
by recognizing points as they occur. Finally, it reassures the
audience that you are in control of your speech. Weak
overviews provide structure with no information.

Purpose Statement:
To assure the supervisor and coworkers [ed. This is the goal] that
our team made a credible design
decision [ed. This is the topic] that
we can deliver on schedule.

Main Statement:
Even though our decision making
process indicated that a Binary
Search Tree would be the most
efficient data structure, we chose
to implement Linked Lists because
of time constraints.
Opening Strategy:
Introduce ourselves; ask if anyone
has ever had a dream to do
something but realized they just
didnt have the resources to do it.
Well, thats what happened to us.
1. Storage Server Project
2. Linked Lists
3. Hash Tables
4. Binary Search Trees
5. How We Finally Made the

APS 112 & APS 113

Seven Minute Extemporaneous Prepared Talk Instructions


May be based on the Problem Statement for your
Our team is designing and programming a new
project or a combination of the Problem Statement
storage server for the Registrars Office. Our
and Main Statement of this talk. Give the audience
enough information so that they can appreciate the first major design decision was to determine the
Data Structure. We considered three kinds.
design situation at the moment.
Sub-Statement A:
Some talks will have one point; some
Linked list description
will have more. The outline looks like a Advantages
bullet list and, as in writing a bullet list,
you must think about the order of the
Sub-Statement B:
points so that they have some kind of
logic. They may be chronological or in Hash Tables description
order of importance. They should not
be random or in the order the ideas
came to you. Rather, they should be in Sub-Statement C:
the order that will be most meaningful
Binary Search Trees description
for the listener.
Sub-Statement D:
Using a weighted decision matrix, we determined that Binary
Search Trees would be the most efficient and fastest data
structure. However, in finally making our choice, we used
step three of the decision making process was this choice
really possible? We realized, given the time we had and our
ability, using the more familiar Linked Lists would allow us to
get the project done on time

Therefore statement (Synthesis of All Above statements):
Your ending makes a lasting impression. Plan it carefully. In
fact, after your purpose, plan this next. Also, signal that it is
coming with phrases like In conclusion or to sum up. Give the
talk unity by referring back to your main points (you dont usually
need to summarize unless the talk has been quite long and
complicated). Do not repeat your headings, but bring out the
important idea from each point. This section is labeled
Therefore statement because it is often difficult to create a
conclusion that is more than a mere repetition of points. If you
begin it with the word therefore in your mind, you are more
likely to come up with a synthesis than a repetition.
Key recommendation(s): In some cases, recommendations
are appropriate. The seven-minute presentation is a progress
report and so would not normally have a recommendation.
Take-away statement:
Takes the focus off of yourself and puts it onto the audience.
Because it tells them the next step they are to take, it is highly
related to the purpose you have set for your talk. The worst way
you can end a presentation is by apologetically mumbling,
Thats all I have to say. Plan your ending in advance and make
it appropriate and memorable. You may even script it; just make
sure you get there and have time to say it strongly.

Therefore statement
So, we decided to implement Linked
Lists and got the milestone
completed a day early, rather than
two weeks late, which is what we
figured it would take for BST,
especially given all the midterms
coming up.

Take-away statement:
We think that in industry, time is
money and so we believe that not
only was our choice of Linked Lists
realistic given our time line and
resources, but it was also
economically responsible.

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