Conditional Sentences, Type I, Statements - Exercise 1

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Conditional sentences, type I, statements - Exercise 1

Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Form a Conditional sentence - type I. Only use the willfuture in the main clauses.

Example: If I __ (to go) to the cinema, I ________ (to watch) an interesting film.

Answer: If I go to the cinema, I will watch an interesting film.

1) If I (to study), I (to pass) the exams.

2) If the sun (to shine), we (to walk) to the town.
3) If he (to have) a temperature, he (to see) the doctor.
4) If my friends (to come), I (to be) very happy.
5) If she (to earn) a lot of money, she (to fly) to New York.
6) If we (to travel) to London, we (to visit) the museums.
7) If you (to wear) sandals in the mountains, you (to slip) on the rocks.
8) If Rita (to forget) her homework, the teacher (to give) her a low mark.
9) If they (to go) to the disco, they (to listen) to loud music.
10) If you (to wait) a minute, I (to ask) my parents

Conditional sentences, type II, statements

Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Form a Conditional sentence - type II.

Example: If I __ (to go) to the cinema, I ________ (to watch) an interesting film.

Answer: If I went to the cinema, I would watch an interesting film.

1) If I (to come) home earlier, I (to prepare) dinner.

2) If we (to live) in Rome, Francesco (to visit) us.
3) If Tim and Tom (to be) older, they (to play) in our hockey team.

4) If he (to be) my friend, I (to invite) him to my birthday party.

5) If Susan (to study) harder, she (to be) better at school.
6) If they (to have) enough money, they (to buy) a new car.
7) If you (to do) a paper round, you (to earn) a little extra money.
8) If Michael (to get) more pocket money, he (to ask) Doris out for dinner.
9) If we (to hurry), we (to catch) the bus.
10) If it (to rain), Nina (to take) an umbrella with her.

Conditional sentences, type III, statements

1) If the weather (to be) nice, they (to play) football.

2) If we (to go) to a good restaurant, we (to have) a better dinner.
3) If John (to learn) more words, he (to write) a good report.
4) If the boys (to take) the bus to school, they (to arrive) on time.
5) If the teacher (to explain) the homework, I (to do) it.
6) If they (to wait) for another 10 minutes, they (to see) the pop star.
7) If the police (to come) earlier, they (to arrest) the burglar.
8) If you (to buy) fresh green vegetable, your salad (to taste) better.
9) If Alex (to ask) me, I (to email) the documents.
10) If he (to speak) more slowy, Peggy (to understand) him.

Conditional sentences, type I to III

Choose the correct phrases and form a Conditional sentence - type I, II or III. Mind the position
of the if-clause and negations.

1) If I go went had gone to Leipzig, I'll visit the zoo.

2) If it doesn't rain didn't rain hadn't rained , we'd be in the garden.
3) If you wear wore had worn a lighter jacket, the car driver would have seen you earlier.
4) We will watch would watch would have watched TV tonight if Peter hadn't bought the
theatre tickets.
5) She wouldn't have had two laptops if she does not sign did not sign had not signed the
6) If I was/were a millionaire, I will live would live would have lived in Beverly Hills.

7) You would save energy if you switch off switched off had switched off the lights more
8) If we had read the book, we will understand would understand would have understood the
9) My sister could score better on the test if the teacher explains explained had explained
the grammar once more.
10) They will arrive would arrive might have arrived on time if they hadn't missed the train.

Choose the correct answer for each question.

1 If I had gone to England, I ______ missed Rachel's visit.
would have
2 If I'd gone to University, I ______ liked to have studied Economics.
would have
3 I ______ gone to the cocktail party if I hadn't had too much work on.
would have
4 I ______ recognized you if somebody hadn't told me who you were.
wouldn't have
5 I would have bought a Mercedes if I ______ been able to afford it.
would have
6 I ______ sent you a postcard if I hadn't lost your address.
would have
7 I wouldn't have told you if I ______ known that you would get upset.
would have
8 I'd have come in earlier if I ______ known how much urgent work there was.
would have

9 I ______ forgotten all about it if you hadn't reminded me.

would have
10 I'd have helped you if you ______ asked me.
would have
11 If I'd left the house on time, I ______ missed the train.
wouldn't have
12 I'd have preferred it if you ______ kept that to yourself.
would have
13 If you ______ listened to what I said, none of this would have happened.
would have
14 I ______ taken the job if I'd known about the bad working atmosphere.
would have
15 If you ______ been out when I called, I would have told you yesterday.
wouldn't have
16 I ______ come and seen you if I'd known you were ill.
would have
17 I wouldn't have bought this if I ______ known it only has a 3 month guarantee.
would have

18 If I'd taken that job, I don't think I ______ been very happy.
would have
19 If I ______ worked harder when I was at school, I could have had a better job.
would have
20 If you ______ told me sooner, I'd have kept you a ticket.
would have

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