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I feel cold breeze on my face, my vision is still hazy ,is it morning already or is it
still night. Either way I dont want to wake up.
Raj Raj wakeup or else you will be late for office. Raj come on now you are not kid
I just want act sleeping for 5 more minutes to listen to her sweet voice, but wait a
second sandhya?!!!
I woke up in a second. ahhh! my neck
This old body cant take a slightest twist and the pain brought me back to senses .
Not the pain in my sprained neck but the pain of the fact that there is no Sandhya
and the fact that I am alone.
Losing your loved ones is always difficult and moving on in life takes a lot
of time. But Rajshekars problem is not about moving on. It is about
where to move on. Being a 72 year old with all the memories of past he
sees no end and lives day by day cursing his existence.
Sir , I have cooked you food do not forget to eat, the maid shouted and left.
Another day and I am still alive. Food is before me but I am not hungry. Time is
before me and I dont know what to do with it. May be this is a punishment for me. I
turned towards sandhyas photo on the wall and asked her Are you punishing me ?
did I hurt you in anyway that you dont want me to come to you?
There is nothing but silence around and I was just staring at her picture. Then I
came to remember that sandhya always wanted me to go with her to temple. She
always said that God gives us whatever we need . I never believed in him. May be I
should ask him.
I went to the temple and in my heart first I argued with him and then I pleaded him
and then I begged him to take me away from this lonely life and he was just smiling
back at me . I came back home.
There was just loneliness and silence inviting me. I was just staring at sandhyas
photo and time moved on, then suddenly I felt like something within me was pulling
me inside, my eyes were open but I was not able to see her photo. May be this is

death , thank god he really listened to me. Sandhya I am coming to you , at last
the angel of death came to embrace me.
Once again I felt something cold on me . someone is standing before me , but it is
all hazy. Is it sandhya.
I am not sandhya uncle , its me karthik , uncle.. uncle can you
hear me?
Yes I can hear you because I am the most ill fated person who is left to suffer in this
loneliness. Why is it karthik ? why am I not dying?
Karthik : come on uncle , its been 5years that sandhya aunty died and you are
still living like it was yesterday.
That is my problem its been 5 years and I am still living. If I died in her place , she
couldnt even live for an year and here I am still living.
Karthik : first thing uncle, you are not an immortal. So dont call your life a
punishment. Second thing , you have shown a lot of improvement , you fainted five
times in last three days and the no.of bottles of brandy you are drinking, I think you
are not too far away from death.
Dont take it as a joke. You have seen nothing , you have not experienced what it is
like to lose your loved ones . You think living alone in an unknown city is loneliness?
Ask me what is like to be lonely.
Karthik : why dont you go to America ,to your daughters place ?
Everyone is busy in their life, I went there , I have seen it. Its the same loneliness
there. Here I at least have sandhyas memories.
Karthik : memories are in our head uncle not in a place. I think even in her
memories she didnt want to see you like this. Here is this months rent and have
some food and medicine at least for her sake.
That evening:
I made some coffee for myself and I saw one of my neighbor at the gate. She
asked me is karthik alright?
What happened to him. She replied in a surprising tone his leg had a bandage
and his friends helped him home and he was limping, dont you know? They just
brought him an hour before.
You see I am an old man now I dont even know when I am awake and asleep. so, I
didnt know you go and see him.

In my heart I was a bit happy that he got punished for mocking my suffering. Then I
saw a lot of neighbors coming to see him. Hours passed and the people were still
coming to see him, neighbors, his friends and even his boss. I did not expect these
many people would love him even with the kind of attitude he has.
It was 9oclock and I had my supper. I was feeling a little guilty. Even though he felt
no empathy for my feelings, he helped me when I was unconscious and it is not that
he is a bad boy. He always gave rent on time and was always ready to help even
before my asking. So I went upstairs to see him.
How is your leg now?
Karthik: Num with this big bandage , so I dont feel anything.
Same straightforward foolish answer with that innocent smile. That smile made me
feel even more guilt.
I am sorry karthik. I did not come to see you in the evening and I am sorry that I felt
a bit happy that you had an accident. Its so foolish of me, just because we had an
argument in morning I hated you. I really sorry thats not the proper behavior for my
Karthik: Someone has said it right , once people become old they behave like kids.
There is no need to feel sad about it now uncle. And about mornings argument you
were right. I did not experience losing someone close to me, because I didnt even
know how I lost them or they were close to me or not.
What? What are you saying?
Karthik: I dont even remember my parents, people said me that they died in a car
accident. my teacher brought me up for a while and then he was also gone.
So your also alone like me.
Karthik : No I am not. Not in this 25 years of life and will not be alone ever after.
You see uncle I am not boasting looking at the no.of people who came to see me till
now. It is because my teacher always used say one who lives for others is never
So you want me to live for others.
Karthik : I am no one to direct you uncle. And we are not the only people who are
alone. All our old neighbors are alone , all their children got settled in abroad and
they to dont have anyone. Even the other people who have families feel lonely at
some point of time in a day when people dont show concern to them.
So you mean everyone is lonely and suffering same like me.

Karthik : not everyone. Those suffer whose life revolves around things like
I , me and myself. The one who lives for he , they and them is not alone
and he is neither afraid of being alone.
Next morning
I feel slight pain in my knee. Its already 7o clock. I woke carefully from my bed .
whose that at the door?
Rajshekar : its me Raj uncle I brought you some coffee.

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