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Mahmoud Madani and his fu**ing Political Fatwa

To those who have not

heard about Abdullah Bin
Obai, Walid Bin Mughira,
Abu Lulu Al Majoosi,
Shahvar , Yazeed,
Shimmar, Mir qasim, Mir
Jafar and Jinnah, let them
know that these were some
of the poisonous snakes
that have bitten Islam in
their respective times. Each
of them was a powerhungry bastard who used
Islam trying to achieve his own worldly goals. This Mahmoud Madni is one such snake who has
been hired by RSS/Modi to misguide Muslims of India in the name of Islam. Readers must ask
themselves a few simple questions before falling pray to his Fatwa gimmick involving Deoband
Islamic Seminary.
Where in Islam is a cleric allowed to become a part of an anti-sharia system (act as an
Indian MP) and receive a salary (which is generated from bank interest ) from the kuffar?
If not, then how can the snake Mahmoud Madani represent Islam ?
And when did the prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) ever sought religious freedom and
security from the enemies of Islam (the kuffar) ?
Neither political elections nor pseudo-secularism is a part of Islam. Against such adventurism,
people like Mahmoud Madani have been strongly warned of dreadful consequences in the verses
of the holy Quran.
And cover not truth with falsehood
Nor conceal the truth when you know (what it is)
The biggest threat to Islam and Muslims in India is not the ever-tightening grip of armed Hindu
militias created and run by RSS gang spearheaded by Modi but the so called unwanted Islamic
clerics like Mahmoud Madani and others who have been deceiving and misguiding the 300
million strong Muslim community through their un-Islamic decrees (fatwas).
Have you ever heard of a defensive mechanism of any country, nation, community or group that
seeks protection in a decree pronounced by a misguided religious cleric ? Defense of a
community needs planning, budget, weapons, soldiers and the willingness to survive and outgun
the invaders. Even poor Afghans had the wisdom and courage to pick up guns and face the
enemies head on. When the holy prophet ( peace be upon him ) was threatened and invaded ,
he nothing but faced the enemies in the battle field. And here is the so called neo-Islamist,
mischievous Mahmoud Madani who instead of preparing the ummah for an armed defensive
seeks refuge in a divisive fatwa from Deoband , a fat salary and police protection from the kuffar.
Is he not even the least ashamed ?
Even after the destruction of Babri
Masjid and the notorious Muslim
massacre by the Hindu terror
group RSS and her allies headed
by Modi in Gujarat , this Madani
guy had the shameless to seek
protection from Modi and his Hindu
security services. How can
someone who doesnt trust Allah
for his own security and survival
lead Muslims to security and peace?
Indian Muslims are hereby warned against falling prey to any politico-religious adventurism by
this stooge of RSS and seek refuge in Allah alone.
Arshad Mohsin

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