IWMW 2015 Programme

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Institutional Web Management Workshop

IWMW 2015: Beyond Digital: Transforming the Institution, Edge

Hill University, 27-29 July 2015
Monday 27th July 2015
10:00 17:00


Entrance Lobby

Opening Session: Putting the Web Manager First

B001, Business
School (building
no. 9)

13:45 14:15

Opening of IWMW 2015, Brian Kelly, UK Web Focus

14:15 14:45

Plenary 1: Out With the Old, In With the New: Digital Services at Liverpool
John Moores University, Mandy Phillips, Liverpool John Moores University

14:45 15:30

Plenary 2: An Agile Approach to Content, Rich Prowse, University of Bath

15:30 16:00


Coffee area

16:00 17:30

Parallel Sessions

Seminar rooms

19:00 late


The Hub

Tuesday 28th July 2015

07:30 09:00


The Edge

Morning Session 1: Supporting our Users, Revolutionising the Experience!

B001, Business
School (building
no. 9)

09:00 09:45

Plenary 3: The Challenge Is Institutional: Merging Customer Needs With

New Operating Realities, Mike McConnell, University of Aberdeen

09:45 10:30

Plenary 4: User Experience Design. How Far Will You Go?, Paul Boag

10:30 11:00


Coffee area

Morning Session 2: Managing the Content, Developing the Services

11:00 11:30

Plenary 5: From Hack Day to Open Day: Building a Tour

Mark Fendley, University of Kent

11:30 12:30

Plenary 6: Marrying Creativity with Management Complexity

Rob Van Tol, Precedent and Sam Sanders, KPMG

12:30 14:00

Afternoon Session: Master Classes

14:00 17:30

Master Classes

Seminar rooms

19:00 late

Drinks Reception

The Hub

Wednesday 29th July 2015

07:30 09:00


The Edge

Morning Session 1: Beyond the Institution

Note late start

09:15 10:00

Plenary 7: Integrating Institutional Web Services with Jiscs Cloud First,

Mobile First Platform, Michael Webb, Jisc

10:00 10:45

Plenary 8: LinkedIn for Higher Education How Universities Can Leverage

LinkedIn to Engage Future, Current and Past Students
Charles Hardy, LinkedIn

B001, Business
School, (main
lecture theatre)

10:45 11:15


11:15 12:00

Plenary 9: Beyond Digital - The Agile University

Niall Lavery and Dan Babington, PwC
Morning Session 2: What Does the Future Hold?

12:00 12:30

Plenary 10: Looking to the Future

12.30 12.45

Conclusions and finish

IWMW 2015: Beyond Digital: Transforming the Institution, 27-29 th July 2015

Coffee area

The IWMW 2015 event (the plenary talks, master classes and workshop sessions) will take place in the Business
School, Edge Hill University, Ormskirk, L39 4QP (building 9 on the campus map).

Parallel Workshop Sessions

The parallel workshop sessions last for 90 minutes.

Working with an Institutional Web Team Edge Hill University. Room B003.
iBeacons for Recruitment Events. Room B102.
BS 8878: Systematic Approaches to Documenting Web Accessibility Policies and Practices. Room B103.
All CMSs are Rubbish: Live With It! Room B104.
A Revolution in the Exchange of Courses Information: The National Rollout of XCRI-CAP for
Postgraduate Course Marketing Information. Room B105.
A8: Future-proofing the Web Professional. Room B106.
Workshop sessions are interactive with participants having opportunities to join in discussions and group exercises.

Parallel Master Class Sessions

The parallel master class sessions last for 3.5 hours.

Moving From the Old Web Team to a New Digital Services - Liverpool John Moores University. Rm B101.
Working With an Institutional Web Team University of Bradford. Room B101 [merged with B1].
Working in an Agile Way Content Creation, Delivery and Standards. Room B003.
Lessons Learned From Helping HE Institutions Develop Their Digital Strategies. Room B004.

The master class sessions are interactive with participants having the opportunity to join in discussions. They provide
additional time to address the topic area in more depth.

The cost is 390 per person with two night's ensuite accommodation or 300 with no accommodation. The fee covers
attendance at the workshop, conference materials, refreshments and lunch, workshop BBQ and social events.

Social Events
A workshop dinner will be held at the first evening on the University
campus. A wine reception will be held on the second night. Afterwards
people will be free to visit local restaurants and pubs. Note that the
suggested meeting place on Tuesday 28 July is the Salt and Liquor,
~15 minutes walk from the University.

University Location
Edge Hill University is based in Ormskirk, Lancashire. The university is
~15 minutes walk from Ormskirk station. Note that free car parking is
available at the university.

Further Information
Further information about the event is available on the IWMW 2015
Web site at http://iwmw.org.uk/iwmw2015/ In addition details of the
event are also available on Lanyrd at http://lanyrd.com/2015/iwmw15/

About the Event

IWMW 2015 is the 19th annual Institutional Web Management Workshop, the main event for UK University web
professionals. The IWMW 2015 event is organised by Brian Kelly, UK Web Focus Ltd.

IWMW 2016
Would you like to attend, speak at, sponsor, help organise or provide a venue for IWMW 2016 (the 20 th in the series)?
If so please get in touch with Brian Kelly at IWMW 2015 or send an email to ukwebfocus@gmail.com.

IWMW 2015: Beyond Digital: Transforming the Institution, 27-29 th July 2015

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