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Application Deadline: March 12, 2009

Regional Internship Program for

Myanmar Nationals - January 2010
Program Overview
About Internships Asia
Internships Asia (IA) is a non-profit, educational institution based in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Diverse, highly motivated
individuals are provided organizational exchange internships with local, national, and regional non-governmental
and community-based organizations. These experiential learning exchanges encourage participants to become well
informed and engaged within their fields of interest upon returning to their home organizations. Interns contribute
significantly to their placements, and often demonstrate qualities of interest to projects seeking longer-term support.
For this reason, program alumni serve as leaders in their professions, communities, and nations around the region.

2010 Regional Internship Program

In the first half of 2010, Internships Asia is promoting the first of two intakes of Myanmar nationals for its Regional
Internship Program. This program aims to assist Myanmar development workers enhance practical skills through
work placements with community development institutions throughout the region. At least ten individuals
representing organizations primarily inside Myanmar will be selected to participate in this intake. The English
language is the primary language of instruction for all internships. Through placements ranging from three (3) to six
(6) months, after which interns return to their home organizations to utilize their newly developed skills and

Internships Asia aims to provide interns with opportunities to accomplish the following goals:
 To develop and expand skills of individuals through work in key areas of community work such as project
management, community theatre and public education.

 To develop and expand skills of organizations by giving preference to individuals planning to return to their
communities upon completion of the program.

 To strengthen and develop networks between regional NGOs and development workers.

 To provide experience with other cultures in the region to encourage intercultural exchange.

 More specific aims will be developed for each participant from feeback from the intern, home organization, and
the host organization.

General Eligibility Requirements

In order to be eligible for the 2010 Regional Internship Program, applicants must:
 Be of Myanmar nationality or descent
 Be currently working for the development of Myanmar
 Be working with and recommended by an organization in Myanmar to participate in this program
 Be committed to returning to their home organization after completion of an internship*
 Have an intermediate level of English comprehension to perform successfully in the program

* Prospective interns will need to demonstrate a clear comitment to work in their communities after completion of
their internships for at least one year before pursuing any form of higher education.

Internships Asia actively strives for equal access to its programs for all, regardless of ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender, sexual
orientation, age, or physical challenge. All Internships Asia programs attempt to include a diversity of students in order to
enhance the educational experience for all participants.
2010 Regional Internship Program Overview 2 of 3

Application Materials & Selection Procedure

Applicants must complete and submit their application materials to Internships Asia by March 12, 2010. The
Internship Application and Internship Reference Forms should be completed electronically on your computer and
sent to, or submit through website at
now.html It is highly recommended that all application materials be completed by using the free Adobe
Reader (version 7.0 or higher).

If you do not have this PDF reader, you can download it for free at:
Your application materials will be processed more quickly if submitted in this manner, but hand-written or scanned
copies of these documents are acceptable only if you cannot complete these forms electronically.

When completed, please submit the following seven (7) documents by e-mail before the deadline. Please only
submit the documents listed below in order to expedite the processing of your application. If you do not have
access to e-mail, or when some documents are not available to submit electronically, please print these application
materials and mail to the following address:

Internships Asia - P.O. Box 130 Mae Ping Post Office, A. Muang Chiang Mai, Thailand 50301

Your application should consist of the following items WRITTEN IN ENGLISH, and placed in numerical order:

1 Completed 2010 Internship Application Form

-- If submitting by postal mail, please leave enough time to ensure the documents arrive before the deadline

2 Completed Essays
-- These essays are found within the application form

3 ONE Letter of Recommendation* from Your Home Organization

-- This document is requred for all applicants to demonstrate your plan to return to your home organization upon
completion of the internship program. The letter should include information about specifically when you are
scheduled to return, as well as information about any projects on which you are scheduled to work.

4 ONE Letter of Recommendation* From:

-- A past employer, organizational membership, or school advisor/educator

5 Copy of the Photo Page of your Passport (if available)

6 Copies of Grade Transcripts for Undergraduate/Graduate Courses (if available)

-- Please submit all grade transcript copies in English

7 Official English Language Test Scores (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS)

-- If you do not have official language scores, please notify us when you submit your application

For your application, you must include two recommendation letters - one from the head of your current organization/
project and one from past organizations/jobs or schools. The reference form is bundled with this application, and two
completed forms must be submitted by the application deadline. The reference forms should be submitted directly to
Internships Asia by the referee, or returned to you (the applicant) in a sealed envelope to return by postal mail. Reference
letters should be written by your leaders, employers and/or teachers. They should have known you at least six months and
not be members of your family.
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Important Dates
The proposed timeline for this intake is noted below. We make every effort to stay on schedule, however, individual availability,
a host organization's requirments, and other factors must be considered when planning for this program. As a result,each selected
candidate may have their own timeline in which to complete this program.

 January 26, 2010 Application Period Begins

 March 12, 2010 Application Period Ends

 March 23, 2010 Applicants are notified of their application status

 March 28-April 3, 2010 Applicants are short-listed and interviewed

 April 5, 2010 Successful applicant invited to join the program

 April 9, 2010 Invitation acceptance deadline

 May, 2010 Orientation for successful applicants and their organzations

 May, 2010 Internships Begin*

* The internship Start date is dependent upon the time needed to obtain visas and travel documents required by applicants. The
duration of internship placements are dependent upon the pre-selected placement duration from three (3) to six (6) months.

Additional Information
All interns selected to participate in this program will be given an orientation guide to help them understand the program, its
objectives, as well as the responsibilities associated with being a participant in this program. Basic information is provided below
to help you better understand the logistical process. If you would like more comprehensive information about the 2010 Regional
Internship Program, please visit


All interns will receive support for their travel, visas, accommodations and living expenses. They will NOT receive support for
their families or trips back to their home during their internship. In addition, interns may also request material support for
items to use during their placements, including computers, telephones, and bicycles.

Individuals accepted into the program will work with the Internship Coordinators to secure all the proper documents
required for travel, including a passport and visas. In order to allow enough time to process requests for travel documents,
you must first submit the complete IA application before the deadline.

We cannot guarantee a foreign consulate will issue the proper documents, but we will make all the necessary efforts to
secure them.


During the course of an internship placement, several documents are required to adequately develop an individual's
expectations and learning objectives. These learning objectives establish the core purpose behind the internship program,
and evaluation documents are required to be completed at different stages of the internship process.

If you have any questions or comments about the application process, or the program in general, please contact Internship
Asia's Program Assistant via e-mail at

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