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Introduction to 'Dragon of the

Two Flames'
TheInextinguishable Fire
With my most humble respect and boiling
blood I approached the themes I have always
been a true admirer of - those energies that
have been filling me up ever since my
childhood years. As instinctual passion and the
longtime inextinguishable fire in my spirit have
driven me to spend restless hours, weeks and
months working on how to honour the
enthralling sublime the most proper way by
giving them shapes and likenesses I realized
how determinate all these years have proven
to be. Those years which I spent engaged in
the inherent, immense interest in the Darker
Aspects of Nature. They have definitely bore
their fascinating fruit as right now I am trying
my best to choose the most fitting words to
describe that which cannot be described
through mere words as the primary illustrator
of this
precious, in-depth Grimoire written by Mr. Ford.
His newest effort which you are fortunate
enough to hold in your hands now is
completed with the pieces of my first largescale graphic endeavour.
Despite the fact I had been studying for five

years at a local school of fine arts over here in

Hungary, on artistic standards my creations
are rather a unique blend of instinct, personal
drawing style and some respective
physiognomy. Though I absolutely uphold the
significance of constant learning something
new - self- education through much reading
and manual practice besides studying
extensive art history, these do mean a lot;
these subject matters actually widen one's
comprehension, view and taste later - from
Luciferian aspects my creations presented in
this book do represent a way higher meaning
than being only lines and tones. There are no
restrictions in creativity, studying just helps
one delve deeper into the conscious and
subconscious. The balance of studying and
practice is truly something which I encourage
everybody to experience.
Since these images that emanate from my
own liberated, endless creativity were inspired
by the infallible senses beyond body & mind,
they may help the Adept to grant a specific
initial shape or form to the energies that fill his
or her being & surroundings during their
workings. The aforementioned beneficial traits
prove that these illustrations are much like
channels suggested by the energies of pure
Magick. The True Will via progressive selfinitiation - kind of a divine urge within which

lies in those overwhelming, intense spiritual

vibrations that take my hand to create.
In this book many of these Deific Masks have
been given the first likeness to date in known
art history. To these pieces I could rely only on
written sources and my own imagination. As
for the others, I often used a collective source
of photo reproductions of original, historically
accurate reliefs, archeological findings,
contemporary Canaanite/Egyptian clothing and
different armour examples of the given age
plus artworks and artisan products from
different periods in documented art history.
These all helped me to take the illustrations
of specific Deific Masks to the closest level on
their authentic appearance while some
instinct-influenced physiognomy has been
added and was responsible for their depicted
Consider these current presentations as
milestones for your imagination in Magickial
workings and rites if you like; they are modern
representations filled with their ancient
essence however. I honestly hope they may
give you similar thrills as they do to me when I
am walking their sublime path.
Since a life-time span of studying marks my
way of individual self-initiation, working on the
illustrations for this worthy Grimoire has

offered me a wonderful insight upon those

primordial aspects that you can find not only in
this book but deep in yourself as well. Through
reawakening words the eternal values re-gain
their ancient magnificence. Personally from
this ever- deepening initiation I gain ascension
to even more stirring, striking levels of
powerful knowledge that grant excellence,
pride,balance and wisdom. Thus I would
like to thank Mr. Ford for the opportunity he
granted and our exciting mutual work.

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