Who Are We As Malaysian Youths

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0 Who are We as Malaysian Youth

The culture of the world changes according to time. Even Malaysian culture too changes
too. These changes are caused mainly by globalization. These changes are deemed to be
our identity. Our main identity is our multiracial society. As an example of that, we have
our own traditional attire. The Malays have their baju Melayu and baju kurung. The
Chinese have their cheongsam and Indians have their sari and dhoti. However nowadays,
the youngsters dont really wear traditional clothes. Some are being discriminative
towards their own races traditional attire. They think it is out of fashion and out of date.
With saying that, some who still wear their traditional attire, do limit the exposure of skin.
Since we are not a Western country, we are strictly adhered to certain dress codes in
public place. By doing this, we are actually avoiding certain discrimination towards
certain races on how they dress themselves.
In Malaysia, each race possess the right and chance to learn their own mother tongue
especially during primary education. There is still a vernacular education system where
the Chinese and the Indians are able to send their children to school based on the primary
language of the school. However, each race is not restricted to only send their children to
the school of their own mother tongue. A Malay can send his child to a Chinese and Tamil
school, a Chinese can send his child to Tamil and Malay school, and a Indian can send his
child to a Chinese and Malay school. Each member of the society has the right to defend
their own ethnic language and education. When it comes to secondary education, there is
an abundant on Malay schools. Very few Tamil and Chinese school are available. But, the
Tamil language and Mandarin language classes are provided in these Malay schools. This
is a symbolism of Malaysias multiracialism. The Malay language is the official language
of Malaysia. Through 11 years of free education, everyone in Malaysia can speak the
Malay language. It is just the matter of fluency. It is safe to say that, the Malay language
is the key to unity of Malaysia.

Islam is the official religion of the federation thus, not every Malaysians are compelled to
be a Muslim. All races are free to practice their own religion as drafted by the
Constitution. The best part of Malaysia is, there is always cooperation are toleration
among all the races, especially in the regards of religious affairs. For an example, during
the Subuh prayers, which is at dawn, the Islamic call to worship (Adhan/Azan) doesnt
affect the non-Muslim. Some even make the Azan as their daily alarm. The non-Muslim
respect this ritual. We Malaysians are alert to not offend and cause religious sensitivity.

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