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More British Converting to Islam

Using census data on race and religion, and questionnaires issued to mosques, Kevin Brice, a researcher at the University
of Wales Trinity Saint David, reckons around 5,200 Britons turn to Islam every year, bringing the total number of
converts to about 100,000, the Economist reported. According to the report, those who embrace Islam tend to do so
after years of contact with Muslims. Some, mostly women (who make up around two-thirds of new believers), want to
marry a Muslim. Others are fed up with
the bawdiness of British society. Many
speak of seeking a sense of community.
Batool al-Toma, an Irish-Catholic convert
who runs the New Muslim Project in
Leeds, was attracted, she says, by the
spirituality of Islam and the warmth of
relationships she saw among Muslims. For
men, prisons have proven a fertile ground
for conversions. Just over 11,000
prisoners are Muslims, about 13% of the
total. A study by the prisons inspectorate
in 2010 says converts, a third of those
interviewed, said the discipline and
structure of Islam helped them to cope
with prison life. Others cited the support
they received from their Muslim "brothers". Some were initially attracted by the prospect of a cushier spell in jailmore
time outside their cells, for example, and better food at Ramadan, but then completed their conversion.

US Claims Chinese Military is On New

Cyber Offensive Against America:
Officials within the United States government say hackers from China have renewed their assault on US targets only
three months after a highly-touted investigation linked the People's Liberation Army to a series of cyber attacks waged
at American entities. According to the New York Times, computer security experts and US officials alike say the PLA's
sophisticated cyber squadron is attempting to hack American businesses after a brief hiatus. Earlier this year, the Times
cited a report by Northern Virginia security firm Mandiant when they alleged that Chinese hackers targeted businesses
and government agencies inside the US, as well as a Canadian utility company and others. Mandiant said in the February
report that the PLA "Unit 61398" group compromised 141 companies across 20 major industries during the last few
years, infecting the computers at Coca-Cola, the Canadian arm of Telvent and others. Earlier this month, the US

Department of Defence threw its weight behind

Mandiant's claims, and for the first time ever the
administration of President Barack Obama accused China
of cybercrimes. "In 2012, numerous computer systems
around the world, including those owned by the US
government, continued to be targeted for intrusions,
some of which appear to be attributable directly to the
Chinese government and military," the Pentagon wrote.
Now, the chief executive at Mandiant and a number of US
officials admit that China relaxed its campaign after the
February report was published only to have already
returned to its hacking ways weeks later. "They dialled it

back for a little while, though other groups that also wear
uniforms didn't even bother to do that," CEO Kevin
Mandia told the Times on Friday. "I think you have to view
this as the new normal." Speaking to the Wall Street
Journal, Geng Shuang, a spokesman for the Chinese
Embassy in Washington, accused the US of "using
cybersecurity as an excuse to take inappropriate actions
against Chinese companies and individuals" without
providing "proof and evidence." "China stands ready to
carry out constructive cooperation with all countries,
including the US, to safeguard peace and security of the
cyberspace on the basis of mutual respect," he said.

Hezbollah And Iran Propping Up Syria:

British Foreign Secretary William Hague has warned that Iran and its militant Shi'ite Lebanese ally Hezbollah are
"propping up" Syrian President Bashar al Assad. Speaking in
Jordan, the Foreign Secretary said: "It is very clear that Syrian
regime is receiving a great deal of support ... from outside Syria
from Hezbollah and Iran." This is a regime that is increasingly
dependent on external support," he told a news conference
given with his Jordanian counterpart Nasser Judeh. Ahead of a
meeting of the Friends of Syria alliance, he said: "The regime is
being propped up by others outside, further undermining its
legitimacy. "It also shows that it is a crisis that is increasing the
threat to regional stability." Mr Hague said Britain would urge
international powers to set a date in the next few days for a
conference to try to end the two-year conflict engulfing Syria. "It is important that it takes place as quickly as possible
because people are dying and more and more people are driven from their homes. "The risk to regional stability grow
every day so this something that cannot be debated endlessly," he added. His comments echo those of a European
Union diplomatic source who said: "Since November the regime has been able to go on the offensive not because it is
stronger, but because those backing it - Iran, Russia, Hezbollah - are directly helping it either through weapons, planning
of operations or financial assistance."

The US Turned India into a Dangerous Nuclear Power:

In January, Delhi revealed a new, 800km-ranged submarine launched missile (SLBM) designated K-15. Twelve of these
strategic, nuclear-armed missiles will be carried by India's first of a class of domestically built nuclear-powered
submarine, "Arihant." India is also working on another SLBM, K-5, with a range of some 2,800km. These new nuclear

subs and their SLBM's will give India the capability to strike many high-value targets around the globe. Equally
important, they complete India's nuclear triad of nuclear weapons delivered by aircraft, missiles, and now sea that will
be invulnerable to a decapitating first strike from either Pakistan or China. Last February, it was revealed that India is
fast developing a new, long-ranged, three-stage ballistic missile, Agni-VI. This powerful missile is said to be able to carry
up to ten independently targetable nuclear warheads, known as MIRV's. Agni-VI's range is believed to be at least
10,000km, putting all of China, Japan, Australia, and Russia in its range. A new 15,000km missile capable of hitting North
America is also in the works under cover of India's civilian space program. India is also developing accurate cruise
missiles and miniaturized nuclear warheads to fit into their small diameter. These important strategic developments will
put India ahead of other nuclear powers France, Britain, North Korea, and Pakistan, about equal in striking power to
Israel and China, and not too far behind the United States and Russia. Delhi says it needs a nuclear triad because of the
growing threat of China, whose conventional and nuclear forces are being rapidly modernized. The Bush administration
began quietly aiding India's nuclear program with nuclear fuel when India had a shortage of fissile material. Some
advanced technology from the US and India's second largest arms supplier, Israel, has also aided Delhi's nuclear and
missile delivery programs.

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