Chapter 19 Study Guide

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Chapter 19: The Interwar Years and the Challenge

of Dictators and Depression

Following the Paris peace treaties, all of the following transpired
Germany believed treaty provision were not being properly enforced
Following the end of WWI, a state of normalcy
Could not be restored
Which of the following was NOT a factor that contributed to the
intense severity and the extended length of the Great Depression in
Increasing governmental control of economic affairs
Most money the Allies collected in war reparations went to
The United States
The Wall Street crash of October 1929 was the result of
Virtually unregulated financial speculation
In the summer of 1932 this, in effect, ended the era of reparations
Lausanne Conference
One result of the economic crisis of the depression of a body of
economic thought first set forth in 1936 in "General Theory of
Employment, Interests, and Money" by
John Maynard Keynes
When American ________ for Europe began to run out, a severe
financial crisis struck the Continent
The collapse in __________ prices and the financial turmoil resulted
in stagnation and depression for European industry
The purpose of this coalition was to oppose right-wing political
Popular Front
While the capitalist economies of Western Europe floundered in the
Great Depression, the Soviet Union undertook
A tremendous industrial advance
Between 1928 and 1940, Soviet industrial production
Rose dramatically

Government set prices for grain in the Soviet Union resulted in all of
the following EXCEPT
The stabilization of the rural economy
All of the following is true of collectivization EXCEPT
Children of peasants were forcibly removed from their homes
The 1936 Popular Front government of France consisted of an
alliance of the following political parties
Socialists, Radicals, and Communists
The Soviet Communist Party was __________ in its ideology
The pretext for the onset of this was the assassination of Sergei Kirov
on December 1, 1934
The Great Purges
_________ enunciated the doctrine of "Socialism in one country"
The replacement of private peasant farms with huge-state-run and
state-owned farms was called ____________
__________ was the executor of the imprisonment and execution of
millions of Soviet citizens between 1934 and 1939
Most scholars agree that all of the following adjectives could be
applied to fascist governments EXCEPT
In his support of various policies, Mussolini was all of the following
Committed to unwavering principles
The fascists' seizure of the Italian government can be primarily
attributed to the
Failure of the king to authorize the army to block the Black Shirt March
Mussolini's success can be attributed to all of the following EXCEPT
His ability to charm his rivals
The Lateran Accord of 1929 established that
The Pope was ruler of the independent Vatican City

Fascists won a great victory in the Italian Chamber of Deputies in

The socialist newspaper that Mussolini was editor of by 1912 was
In 1919, extremist Gabriele D'Annunzio rallied support from patriotic
Italians to seize
The city of Fiume
In 1924 this plan reorganized the administration and transfer of
reparations, which, in turn, smoother the debt repayments to the
United States
Dawes Plan
The outflow of foreign capital from Germany beginning in 1928
undermined the brief prosperity and resulted in economic crisis
Parliamentary government
German unemployment from March 1930 to March 1932
More than doubled
By 1933, the Nazi storm troopers (SA) had
1 million members
The 1932 presidential elections resulted in
Hindenburg's dismissal of Bruning
Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany
By legal means
Support for Hitler was particularly strong among groups such as
Farmers, was veterans, and the young
All of the following were steps toward Hitler's consolidation of
power EXCEPT the
Creation of an alliance with centrist parties
The suspending of civil liberties and arrests of communists or alleged
communists was a direct result of
The Reichstag fire
The 1935 Nuremberg laws
Stripped German Jews of their citizenship

Nazi policy called for German women to do all of the following

Occupy key positions in the German government
The most remarkable political event that the uncertainty and turmoil
of the Great Depression caused was the coming to power of the
________ in Germany
The ________ Republic was the German democratic regime that
existed between the end of WWI and Hitler's coming to power in
Papen and the circle around Hindenburg wanted to find some way to
use the Nazis without giving _______ effective power
On March 23, 1933, the Reichstag passed an _________ that
permitted Hitler to rule by decree
Enabling Act
The Nazis won out over other conservative nationalistic parties
because, unlike those conservatives, the Nazis did address ________
_________, meaning "crystal night," refers to the broken glass that
littered the German streets after the looting and destruction of Jewish
homes, businesses, and synagogues
The following can be said about the successor states in eastern
All the new states were primarily urban nations
The new Poland was constructed from the following countries
Russia, Germany, and Austria
Which successor state avoided a self-imposed authoritarian
Royal dictatorships were imposed in
Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Greece

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