Ijct 12 (1) 105-107

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Indian Journal of Chemical Technology

Vol. 12, January 2005, pp. 105-107


Effect of gamma radiation on solution

viscosity of galactomannans: Influence of
galactose : mannose ratio
Roshan Issarani & B P Nagori*
Lachoo Memorial College of Science & Technology,
Shastri Nagar, Jodhpur, India
Received 17 June 2004; revised received 1 October 2004;
accepted 14 October 2004
Various seed galactomannans differ from each other in G:M
ratios, molecular weight and fine structure, w.r.t. the distribution
of galactose side groups on the main chain. In the present
investigation, galactomannan samples of fenugreek, guar and
locust bean having different G:M ratios of 1:1, 1:2 and 1:4
respectively, were exposed to different doses of gamma radiation.
Dispersions of the resulting products were prepared and their
viscosities were measured. A considerable fall in their viscosities
was noted. The lower viscosity is obtained due to the production
of lower molecular weight products, indicative of depolymerization. It was observed that galactomannan having the
highest galactose : mannose (G:M) ratio of 1:1 resisted depolymerization the most in comparison to the galactomannan
possessing the lowest G:M ratio of 1:4.
Keywords: Depolymerization, gamma irradiation,
mannas, locust bean, fenugreek, guar.


IPC Code: G05D 24/00

Galactomannans are found as reserve food material in

the endosperms of leguminous plant seeds. Galactomannans consist of -(1-4)-mannose backbone having
-(1-6)-galactose side chains. Various seed
galactomannans differ from each other in galactosemannose (G:M) ratios, molecular weight and fine
structure, w.r.t. the distribution of galactose side
groups on the main chain1-7.
The unusually high viscosity of galactomannans is
in a way a limitation for their use in both food and
non-food industries. The limitations of using these
gums in their native forms (i.e. non-deploymerized
form) include:
(i) The quantity of high viscosity gum employed as
food additive (0.1% of bulk) is too insufficient
to make it effective dietary fibre (12 - 28 g/day).
*For correspondence (E-mail: bpnagori@sancharnet.in;
Fax: 0291-2433919)

(ii) In dairy products, it provides a thickening that is

very unnatural.
(iii) High viscosity gum does not work well in
pharmaceutical applications like coating of
granular and spray dried products.
(iv) An ideal viscosity builder should have a fast rate
of hydration and should maintain a consistent
viscosity under variable shear rate and
temperature. This is not possible with a very
high viscosity gum product.
(v) It is the low molecular weight galactomannan
that finds application in preparation of adsorbents for chromatography.
Hence, there is a need to modify them by
depolymerization to offset this limitation and suit the
requirements. Various methods8-17 of modifying the
native gum include enzymatic, acid catalyzed
hydrolysis and thermal methods.
In the present study, a novel method of
depolymerization of galactomannans was conceived
involving the use of gamma rays. The effect of
gamma radiation on depolymerization of galactomannans having different G:M ratio was studied.
Experimental Procedure
The galactomannans of guar (GG), fenugreek
(FGM), and locust bean (LBG), were obtained from
M/s Sunita Minechems, Jodhpur.
Six samples of each galactomannan, contained in
Borosil glass tubes were exposed to different doses of
gamma radiation ranging from 0 - 40 Kgrays. 1.5%
(w/v) aqueous dispersions of the gamma irradiated
galactomannan samples were prepared using a
mechanical stirrer at 1500200 rpm. Their viscosities
were determined using Synchrolectric Brookfields
Viscometer spindle no. 4 at 25C.
Results and Discussion
It is evident from the data given in Table 1 that the
reduction in viscosity is least in the case of galactomannan having the highest G:M ratio of 1:1 i.e. FGM.
On the other hand, the reduction in viscosity on
depolymerization in case of LBG is highest among
the three galactomannans which correlates with its



Table 1Viscosities of 1.5% (w/v) aqueous dispersions of different galactomannans exposed to different doses of gamma radiation
S. No.

Viscosity of galactomman (cps)

G:M ratio
Radiation dose





Locust bean

9100 986
1100 97
185 22
35 4
10 7

3850 350
1450 127
910 100
360 44
100 13
30 4
09 5

2850 223
150 12

The data indicates mean S.D. of triplicate determinations.

Sufficient viscosity was not produced; hence viscosity could not be determined.

lowest galactose-mannose ratio of 1:4. The same

corollary is extendible in case of guar having a G:M
ratio of 1:2, which shows a fall in viscosity which is
intermediate between the above two galactomannans.
In Fig.1, log values of the viscosities are plotted
against the gamma radiation dose. If a straight line is
drawn, through the points, then slopes can be worked
out which will give a direct measure of the rates of
depolymerization in the three galactomannans. The
slopes are found to be 0.065, 0.147, and 0.29 for
fenugreek, guar and locust bean gums, respectively.
The lower negative value of slope in case of FGM
indicates its resistance to depolymerization, followed
by GG and the highest negative slope value in case of
LBG indicates its relatively easier depolymerization.
The above fact is also confirmed by other
observations, when depolymerization was carried out
by acid hydrolysis method. It was observed that
fenugreek galactomannan took the longest time for
complete hydrolysis, requiring 30-35 min. This was
followed by guar, requiring a time of 15-18 min and
the least time of 10-12 min was required by locust
bean for complete hydrolysis.
In order to ensure that on exposure of gums to
gamma radiation only galactose and mannose are
obtained and that the ring of galactose and mannose is
not ruptured, the following experiments were carried
out. 1% (w/v) aqueous dispersions of depolymerized
galactomannans were prepared and centrifuged to
remove any insoluble matter. The depolymerized (low
molecular weight) galactomannans were precipitated
from aqueous solution by adding 70% ethanol and the
precipitated galactomannans were collected by

Fig.1Plot of log viscosity of 1.5 % (w/v) dispersions of

galactomannans versus different doses of gamma radiation (mean
values of triplicate determinations).

filtration, washed with acetone, dried and weighed.

The TLC of the filtrate was performed using mannose
and galactose as reference. Two spots were obtained
having Rf value of 0.62 and 0.36 corresponding to
mannose and galactose, respectively. This proves that
these sugars remained intact and did not undergo ring
rupture. Further, the breaking of glycoside bonds
requires much less energy compared to the rupture of
pyranose ring in sugars. Depolymerization involves
breaking of glycosidic (sugar-sugar) bond. This is
preferred over pyranose ring rupture when gamma
radiation, which possesses sufficient energy to break
the glycoside bond, is being employed. The
galactomannans have an abundance of adjacent OH
groups in cis position, due to which they enter into


complex formation with a number of ions like Ca2+,

Cu2+, Al3+, Ti2+, and Sb3+. However, the most noted
interaction takes place with the borate ion18, resulting
in considerable increase in viscosity. The increase in
viscosity was also observed on addition of borax to
the prepared dispersions of gamma irradiated
depolymerized galactomannans.
Viscosity depends on the molecular weight and the
chain length of polymers. The viscosities of dispersions prepared using the gamma-irradiated galactomannans showed a considerable fall in comparison to
the viscosities of dispersions prepared using native
galactomannans. This indicates the formation of lower
molecular weight polymers. Thus, the products of
depolymerization of galactomannans on exposure to
gamma radiation include depolymerized low
molecular weight galactomannans, galactose and
It is concluded that galactomannans can be
depolymerized by exposure to gamma radiation to
yield low viscosity galactomannans and that a
galactomannan with the highest G:M ratio resists
depolymerization in comparison to a galactomannan
with a lower G:M ratio.
The authors acknowledge Dr. A. K. Vadhawan,
Head of Ravi, the gamma radiation plant at Defense


Lab, Jodhpur for providing the plant facilities for the

present study. The authors also acknowledge Dr. N.
K. Mathur, Ex-president, Association of Carbohydrate
Chemists and Technologists of India, for providing
guidance for the study.
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