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A Tale of Unfortunate Events.

Sometimes, I have to sit back and think, if I were Stevens wife how
would I feel having to come home to a dismayed husband? Having
the trophy at your fingertips, then to slip in front of it at the last
hurdle. To be honest, if I was Alex Gerrard, Id cheer him up with my
good looks, however Im not married, nor a model and Im sat in
front of a television screen barking orders at an incoherent bearded
beauty 86 miles away.
We all love talking about last season; the delinquent Suarez, the
butterflies after a win and definitely seeing our favorite captain ever
closer to a Premier League medal. But what about all the slips and
dips? Gerrard falling on his knees will forever be etched in the
embarrassing section of my memory, although its hard not to cry
about the bastion of last season, we need to sit down and talk
because without it, its going to get harder for Stevie and us.

Lets get to the serious business. Ive self -titled the 0-2 defeat to
Chelsea as Slipping through Chelseas strikers. Quite reasonable
for the factual approach? Its not all the time we get to witness the
emotions of the skipper, some say hes miserable but the ladies
know what to think. Read between the lines is what they say, read
between the lines of what? Mamadou Sakho wanting the ball across
his box? Fair to say it was both faults, and lets not mention what
happened next with Iago Aspas, however this was just the first slip
up - making a mountain out of a mole hill, little did he and we know
that there would be more heartache than getting run over by a bus
driven by Jose Mourinho.
Norwich - my next game to look at in Gerrards position. He didnt
have much to do in this game; clearly as his new role pointed out he
wasnt going to bomb forward. Yes, we had an unbeaten run and yes
it was Luis favorite team but it was never going to be easy
especially as a relegation battle was ongoing. It was the game
before the big three, we could all tell that Gerrard had spine tingles,
but he had to stay calm and composed as you dont really want to
see the captain running to every Liverpool fans door with were

gonna win the league written across his chest, well maybe we did, I
Our Stevie described the Norwich game as a cup final, instead of
going post -match on this one well go all pre match and pull some
alluring quotes from the man who wanted to win it all.
We have got to treat Norwich like we treated AC Milan in 2005.
Thats just how football is. We cant think about what color shirts
Norwich are wearing (highly doubt it would be Dolce and Gabbana)
weve got to treat them like the best team in the world.
It was after that game it all cascaded, all the excitement the poor
lad must have felt, especially with the young fans looking at him
with hope in their big full eyes, the bus parades with the vast pyros
and the chants of the Kop.
You could rehearse this as the Titanic, no matter how hard you tried,
the ship is going to go down.
Although, Stevie didnt give up. Oh no, he became an invincible,
firing answers back at Geoff Shreeves like no tomorrow.
But before we hand the title over to Manchester City, hold your
tears one more game to go.
Sigh, heres Newcastle.
Although weve come to the end of the season, still I cant let go.
Time to play the Geordie boys, and now you can cry. The title wasnt
ours but we still needed a win, to end the season on a high, to thank
the fans (yes I was there for Oldham it still counts!!) Particular
thanks to Daniel Aggers sort of scissor kick and Sturridge who
provided the goals.
I see Stevie as a talisman, the diamond in the rough. Weve seen
him with that thermal vest, kissing the camera and not again but I
have to.. falling on his knees. In conclusion he is the epitome of
every womens dream and every young boy that wants to play
Youll Never Walk Alone, Stevie G.

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