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Annotated Bibliography

Browne, K. D., & Giachritsis, C. (2005). The inuence of violent media on children and
adolescents: A public-health approach. The Lancet, 365, 702-710.
This article describes that children are seen to be more aggressive after being exposed to
television violence based on findings that were reviewed from past experiments. However, Kevin
D Browne and Catherine Hamilton-Giachritsis have stated that there is only a positive but small
notable connection between the exposure of television violence and aggressiveness in children.
Thereby they do not fully supporting that television violence could play a big role in affecting a
child to become more aggressive and hostile towards others, as there are other factors that
contributes more towards this behavior such as video games, family background, and mental
illness. This article is based on the fact that other factors contribute significantly towards the
aggression and hostility in children besides television violence. I will use this article as a
counter-argument to my position on this topic, as I believe that television violence is a significant
contributor towards a childs increased aggressive behavior.
Dowd, N. E., Singer, D. G., & Wilson, R. F. (2006). How Real Is the Problem of TV
Violence? Handbook of Children, Culture, and Violence (pp. 203-218). California : Sage
In this book, Nancy E. Dowd, Dorothy G. Singer, and Robin Fretwell Wilson stated that
the findings from longitudinal studies, which involve a study on children, had proved that
exposure to television violence contributes to upcoming aggressive behavior. The author has also
stated that effects of this type of violence are noteworthy after controlling other factors that
might influence the aggressive in children. From this article, it can be found that children pick up
aggression and hostility from the exposure towards violence on television. This article contains

useful information about the contribution of violence towards the aggressive and hostile behavior
in children. I will use this article to further strengthen my position on this argument, by providing
evidence on the negative consequences of television violence.
Grossman, D., & DeGaetano, G. (1999). Stop teaching our kids to kill: A call to action against
tv, movie & video game violence. New York: Crown Publishers.
In this book, David Grossman and Gloria describe how violence on television could
affect children in a negative way. Television violence could influence children by increasing their
aggressiveness, feeling less sensitive towards others, and affects the child to be confused about
reality and fantasy. The authors had also brought in stories from other observers on the massacres
that they have witnessed with their own eyes. Not only that, this book also states that children are
naturally born without sense of aggressiveness. This book offers insight into how television
violence could affect growing children in a negative manner by increasing their aggressiveness
and making them less sensitive. I will use the information and findings from this book to prove
that violence on television acts as a trigger for the negative behavior and perception of children.

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