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Tuesday, May 5th, 2015

Concerned Catholic Group
c/o <Senders name and address provided on a hard copy only>
His Grace
Archbishop Luigi Bonazzi
Apostolic Nuncio to Canada
724 Manor Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario
K1M 0E3
- His Eminence, Thomas Cardinal Collins, President, Ontario Catholic Bishops Conference,
Archbishop of Toronto;
- Most Rev. Ronald P. Fabbro, c.s.b., Vice-President, Ontario Catholic Bishops Conference,
Bishop of London;
- Most Rev. John A. Boissonneau, Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto, Vicar for Christian Education.
Your Grace,
We are a group of concerned, faithful Catholics and many of us are parents. We trust
Your Grace is aware of the Ontario governments imposition of the newly revised 2015 Health
and Physical Education Curriculum. We would like to implore the Church not to allow any of
the proposed sexual content to be implemented and forced upon our children. Children have a
right to their childhood and to have their innocence protected against such illicit, morally and
spiritually damaging information.
The fact is that no Catholic School Board in Ontario is legally required to implement this
particular curriculum.
[] Catholic School Boards in Ontario have a constitutional right under Section 93 of
The Constitution Act of 1867 to reject any law, regulation or education policy which adversely
affects the content of faith and morals. This is an absolute right that is not subject to a Charter
challenge. Even Section 29 of the "Charter of Rights and Freedoms" affirms that Catholic
denominational rights cannot be abrogated by the Charter. The constitution is the highest law of
the land higher than any federal or provincial law or regulation. Provincial laws which conflict
with the constitution are null and void by definition. Catholic school trustees have a fiduciary
duty on behalf of Catholic ratepayers and the Church, to defend authentic Catholicity and
Catholic moral teachings in every Catholic School Board... At any point in time, a Catholic

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School Board, or the Catholic Bishop of the diocese, can invoke their Section 93 constitutional
rights and simply reject the curriculum. (Attachment 1A)
Some components of the revised 2015 Health and Physical Education Curriculum have
been labeled as sexual child abuse. In a LifeSiteNews article dated March 3, 2015, two Catholic
psychiatrists stated in an interview that they
believe the program is sexual abuse because it sexualizes children prematurely.
In another article, Dr. Robert McDonald, a retired psychotherapist and medical doctor states that
Any action which sexualizes a child before he or she is ready is sexual abuse. Therefore
so-called sex-ed for children before puberty is an act of sexual abuse. (Attachment 2)
Cardinal Collins statement that the content from this newly revised curriculum will be
taught through a Catholic lens and added to the existing Fully Alive family life (sex-education)
and phys-ed programs in Catholic schools, is not sufficiently reassuring. The Institute for
Catholic Education (ICE) is the institution to which this task has been delegated. The orthodox
faithful Catholics have very little confidence in the ICE or the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of
Ontario (ACBO) in this regard due to the implementation of the existing, sexually graphic Fully
Alive program, already unacceptable, forcing faithful Catholic teachers, despite their discomfort
and disapproval, to teach that program.
The Fully Alive program already teaches graphic details to children before puberty and is
not in harmony with the Church guidelines. Examples of some of the graphic details and sex
information contained in the student textbooks are provided in a letter of March 30, 2015 to
Cardinal Collins by Monsignor Vincent Foy who continues to echo Bishop Danylak and
recommends that the Fully Alive program and the Born of the Spirit religion series be removed
and replaced by a faithful religious education program, such as the Faith and Life religion series.
(Attachments 3,4,5)
These grave errors of the ACBO and ICE and the damages of their Fully Alive program include:

The rise in premature teen sexual contact - especially oral sex - which is viewed as a
safe method of avoiding pregnancy.
[] we have seen a steady increase in the percentage of sexually active young women
who are using contraception. That comes mainly in increases in condom use but also
increases in birth control. (;

According to The Canadian Youth, Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Study (Boyce et al.,
2006), conducted on Grade 9 and Grade 11 students in 2002/2003, there has been an
increase in oral sex among teenagers. (;

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There are known cases of girls being encouraged by the guidance counselors and
physical education teachers to use birth control pills within the Catholic School
Boards. Very recently a teacher in one of the Durham Catholic School Board schools,
mentioned to her grade 5 class that she is on birth control which she described as a
little pill used to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

We are experiencing a drastic decline in priestly vocations: Canadian Catholics left

orphaned by our own lack of priestly vocations...catastrophic decline in priestly
vocations. (Attachment 6)

There are many teens abandoning their Catholic faith upon graduating from Catholic
high schools: 80% of confirmed Catholics stop practicing their faith in grade 9
according to the statistic quoted in the Confirmation homily in the parish of the
Archdiocese of Toronto on April 25, 2015.

There is a noticeable, overall contraceptive mentality among Catholics in Canada.

The Canadian populations demographics data show that the fertility rate is in the dire
straits: 342,176 babies were born in 2005 and the fertility rate was at 1.54 children per
woman. The Canadian fertility rate has not been at replacement level since 1971.
(Attachment 7)

Some of what our Bishops have already implemented and allowed in the Catholic schools
during the past 25 years has undermined and continues to undermine the sanctity which faithful
parents are trying to instill into the lives of our children. Where they should be supporting parents
and standing together with the parents against the evil indoctrinations, they are not. We are
disappointed by the lack of support from our Bishops against the government's proposed
curriculum and their failure to remove the existing Fully Alive program.
In our view, the current state of our Catholic schools is atrocious:

There is no sound, true Catholic catechism, religious education or instruction.

Many Catholic School Board Trustees are openly pro-abortion and/or pro-choice.

At the school Masses, some of the worst sacrileges against the Holy Eucharist occur.
Children in elementary and secondary school are not being adequately taught about
the importance of receiving the Holy Eucharist in a state of grace. Often, they do not
realize that they must confess the number of mortal sins. In the current Born of the
Spirit catechism there is little to no mention of mortal sins.

Many students admit that they do not go to Sunday Mass, yet they receive Holy
Communion during school Masses which is highly encouraged by most teachers and
school pastors.

Children are not being taught about sacrilege and most teachers are aware that some
children are not even practicing Catholics. The Sacred Scripture reminds us:
Therefore whosoever shall eat this bread or drink the chalice of the Lord
unworthily shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord.........eateth and
drinketh judgment to himself, not discerning the Body of the Lord.

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The majority of students in Catholic schools do not know the Ten Commandments,
yet, instead, they are forced to learn other religions and are tested on what they have
learned. The apostle John said:
Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. He who
says, I know Him, and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is
not in him. (1 John 2:3-6).

Numerous students know nothing about sin except a very vague It's something bad
you do; they do not realize what the mortal and venial sins are.

Most students cannot tell anything about the life of any saint or even who a saint is.

Some students do not know there is only One God.

The Holy Trinity is a foreign term to most students (both elementary and secondary
Catholic schools) and these are students who have received sacraments of
Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation.

There is a glorification of Halloween and occult symbols. Archbishop Marek

Jdraszewski of d, Poland, is urging Catholics not to participate even in a
playful form in the pagan rituals, calling Halloween a fundamentally anti-Christian
festival and participation in it a violation of the Church teaching. Archbishop
Jdraszewski states that parents and teachers should protect youngsters against
images of terror and dread, especially when many already associate it with the cult of

Books used as literature deal with the occult, for example Harry Potter. It is good
that you shed light and inform us on the Harry Potter matter, for these are subtle
seductions that are barely noticeable and precisely because of that they deeply
affect (children) and corrupt Christian faith in souls even before it (the faith) could
properly grow and mature," said Cardinal Ratzinger. (Attachment 1B)

There is little mention of the feast of the All Saints. Instead, for much of October
children participate in Halloween-related activities and games. In 2014, Pope Francis
asked the Catholics to reclaim the sacredness of the eve of All Saints and suggested
for children to familiarize themselves with the ways of the Saints rather than with the
Halloween practices. Many continue to disregard the valuable and crucial advice on
the matter, even the advice of the Pope.

Yoga is practiced in numerous schools in the Peel, Durham, Wellington, York

Catholic School Boards, as an exercise introduced as early as the kindergarten.

Gay/Straight Alliance Clubs have been approved in schools within the Catholic
School Boards throughout Ontario.

The sole purpose of the HPV vaccine is to protect against sexually transmitted
diseases. It is administered in grades 7 and 8 in all schools, including Catholic
schools. There are documented serious health risks posed by this vaccine and it
remains highly questionable why it is being offered and administered in the Catholic

The anti-bullying program and the celebration of the Pink Day, the Trojan horses for
homosexual/gender ideology and indoctrination, are introduced under the umbrella of

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inclusion and compassion. His Holiness, Pope Francis, recently echoed strong words
against the gender ideology (Attachment 1C and 8). We are all in agreement that
mercy and compassion must be shown to all as we are all sinners in need of mercy
and compassion. However, we see an enormous pressure for the so-called
acceptance of highly questionable, sinful behaviors in direct conflict with the
Catholic Teaching. Catholic students are pressured to accept unnatural, disordered
and intrinsically evil behavior or unions as something natural and equivalent to a
heterosexual union/marriage. The gender ideology is taught in the newly revised
2015 Health and Physical Education Curriculum both in the elementary and
secondary schools. (Attachment 9)

Hiring teachers who clearly do not follow guidelines regarding the Church Teaching.
According to the Additional Qualification Course Guideline for Teaching in Catholic
School System, there teachers are required to project understanding and integrating
the core teachings of the Church biblical, doctrinal, moral, sacramental and
liturgical. (Attachment 1D). As a remedy, the Bishops could require that all teachers
in Catholic schools make the Profession of Faith and the Oath of Fidelity (Code of
Canon Law, No. 806).

In 2014, the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association (OECTA) marched in the
annual Gay Pride Parade, against the advice of Cardinal Thomas Collins who then
This decision shows that they and the OECTA leadership have an inadequate
and mistaken understanding of their faith.
Despite this strong statement, the OECTA received a warm welcome at the meeting
with the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario. (Attachments 10 and 11)

With the above-described problems already under way in our Catholic schools, any
further problems introduced by the newly revised 2015 Health and Physical Education
Curriculum will have truly disastrous results; we are certain of that, Your Grace.
Here is a description of some teachings included in the curriculum:

Masturbation, anal and oral sex will be taught as natural. The six-gender theory will
be taught to young children (starting from grade 1!) and the traditional family
structure will be mocked by the introduction of two-mother and two-father families.

Abstinence is briefly and vaguely mentioned and it will have no effect unless
followed with a clear teaching on what is the mortal sin and punishment for it;
currently, it is absent.

One of the resources given in the new curriculum for

teachers and students links to several abortion providers. (Attachment 9)

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There is also an access on this link to explanations/guidance on every type of sexual

actions in gross detail as well as some advice for teens who wish to have an abortion
without their parent's knowledge.

There is some advice for Grade 9 on using protection, including barrier and
hormonal methods, to prevent unintended pregnancy; using condoms and dental
dams to protect against STIs." (Attachment 9)

The gender ideology:

Gender identity refers to a persons sense of self, with respect to being male or
female, both, or neither, and may be different from biological or birth-assigned sex.
Sexual orientation refers to how people think of themselves in terms of their sexual
and romantic attraction to others. (Attachment 9)

Once the curriculum is implemented,

the students cannot be excused from lessons on accepting different sexual lifestyles
because it is protected by the Ontario Human Rights Code. (Attachment 12)

The chairperson of the Parental Rights in Education Defense Fund states that there is:
an aggressive push by the educational and state authorities to eradicate parental
rights in education, especially the right to guide children according to the familys
own religious and moral beliefs. (Attachment 13)

The Ontario Minister of Education, Liz Sandals, has implied that while the Catholic
school system will be able to provide commentary on the government-mandated sex-ed
through its own family life program, it wont be allowed to change anything and must
deliver the sex-ed as written". (Attachment 14)
In an interview with Maclean's, Sandals said:
In terms of (what) your parents would want to know, the Catholic trustees, the Catholic
teachers, the Catholic principals, the Catholic directors have all been quite supportive of the
curriculum." On Monday February 23, 2015, at a news conference, the Minister of
Education also stated "..the government won't back down in the face of criticism as it did in
2010 when religious groups complained about proposed revisions". (Attachment 15)
The Fully Alive program already introduces homosexuality without explaining that
homosexual inclinations are disordered or that homosexual acts are grave, mortal sins. The
program also introduces masturbation and pornography without stating they are mortal sins. All
it states is that compassion is to be shown; and prayer and sacraments and other activities are to
be sought. Examples of the Models of Commitment include highly objectionable figures: Nellie
McClung, an advocate for eugenics and sterilization and Rachel Carson, who led a lesbian affair.
(Attachment 16)
Numerous parents have reported that their children are being inundated with information
through the Fully Alive program that is contrary to the Church Teaching. In a recent article, a
concerned Catholic parent writes, My twelve-year-old daughter recently came home with a
Grade 7 Fully Alive assignment on how to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STI). Her
answer included the use of condoms, the article continues, I contend that Fully Alive, as taught

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in our Ontario schools is not very Catholic at all. (Attachment 17) This statement is echoed by
hundreds of Catholic parents.
Where are our children being led, dear Archbishop? Surely, it is not to sanctity.
How are we to place trust in the ACBO who has hired Mr. Robert Lawler to serve as their
general secretary? In his previous position, Mr. Lawler was the director of education at the
Waterloo Catholic District School Board which has a reputation of being the most non-Catholic
Catholic School Board in Ontario. (Attachment 18)
We cannot trust the Institute for Catholic Education: Sr. Joan Cronin, the Head of ICE, as
far back as 2001, supported the homosexual ideology. Sr. Cronin and her organization were
advising teachers to withhold the Church teaching on the homosexual inclination as objectively
disordered until grade 12. Such advice was given in a 2001 document from the Ontario
Catholic Family Life Educators Network bearing her name as a member of the executive
committee. Sr. Cronin participated in a meeting at the Toronto Catholic School Board on their
equity policy where they opened with a prayer calling the homosexual inclination a
manifestation of [Gods] goodness. (Attachment 19)
Over the past months of February, March and April, many letters were sent to His
Eminence, Cardinal Thomas Collins, as well as local bishops, including Reverend Bishop
Nguyen and Reverend Bishop Douglas Crosby. To this day, the letters have not been answered
or acknowledged. Letters were sent to the Catholic trustees and Catholic School Boards, most of
these letters of concern were not answered or acknowledged and those which were, brought only
a reiterated Cardinal Collins statement made on February 23rd, 2015.
We are faithful to our Most Holy Roman Catholic Church and all Her Teachings, to Christ
Himself. We strongly feel that these Teachings need to be upheld and followed by all of our
Shepherds. The Catholic parents do not wish to feel abandoned in the middle of the growing
struggle to uphold our Roman Catholic faith.
Your Grace, we would greatly appreciate if you would look into these matters; the matters-we
fear-if allowed to continue will have very serious and grave consequences. We kindly ask Your
Grace to forward this correspondence to each of these dicasteries: the Congregation for the
Doctrine of the Faith and the Congregation for Catholic Education. With great confidence and
hope, we pray for Your Grace to be able to help us resolve these matters. Thanking you in
Faithfully Yours in Christ,
We, the undersigned,
c/o <Senders name and address provided on a hard copy only>
Signatures of Concerned Catholics
Attachments 1 -19
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