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Codex XI

The Nag Hammadi Library

The Interpretation of Knowledge

Translated by John D. Turner
(13 lines missing)
... they came to believe by means of signs and wonders and fabrications. The likeness that came to
be through them followed him, but through reproaches and humiliations before they received the
apprehension of a vision they fled without having heard that the Christ had been crucified. But our
generation is fleeing since it does not yet even believe that the Christ is alive. In order that our faith
may be holy (and) pure, not relying upon itself actively, but maintaining itself planted in him, do not
say: "Whence is the patience to measure faith?", for each one is persuaded by the things he
believes. If he disbelieves them, then he would be unable to be persuaded. But it is a great thing for
a man who has faith, since he is not in unbelief, which is the world.
Now the world is the place of unfaith and the place of death. And death exists as ... (14 lines
missing)... likeness and they will not believe. A holy thing is the faith to see the likeness. The
opposite is unfaith in the likeness. The things that he will grant them will support them. It was
impossible for them to attain to the imperishability [...] will become [...] loosen [...] those who were
sent [...]. For he who is distressed will not believe. He is unable to bring a great church, since it is
gathered out of a small gathering.

Codex XI
La Biblioteca de Nag Hammadi

La interpretacin del Conocimiento

Traducido al espaol por Jorge Santiago Leiva Delgado

(13 lneas que faltan)

... llegaron a creer por medio de seales y maravillas y fabricaciones. La imagen
que vino a ser a travs de ellos lo siguieron, pero a travs de reproches y
humillaciones antes ellos recibieron la aprehensin de una visin ellos huyeron
sin haber odo que el Cristo haba sido crucificado. Pero nuestra generacin est
huyendo ya que todava ni siquiera creen que Cristo est vivo. Con el fin de que
nuestra fe pueda ser santa (y) pura, no confiando en ello mismo de forma activa,
pero mantenindose plantados en l, no digas: "De dnde es la paciencia para
medir la fe?", porque cada uno es persuadido por las cosas que l cree. Si ellos no
creen, entonces no podran ser persuadidos. Pero es una gran cosa para un
hombre que tenga fe, ya que l no est en la incredulidad, que es el mundo.

Ahora el mundo es el lugar de la falta de fe y el lugar de la muerte. Y la muerte

existe como ... (14 lneas que faltan) ... semejanza y ellos no van a creer. Una
cosa sagrada es la fe para ver la semejanza. Lo contrario es falta de fe en la
semejanza. Las cosas que l les conceda los apoyarn a ellos. Era imposible para
ellos alcanzar la inmortalidad [...] se convertir en [...] perdido [...] los que fueron
enviados [...]. Porque el que se angustia no creer. l es incapaz de traer una gran
iglesia, ya que se reunieron fuera de una pequea reunin.
He became an emanation of the trace. For also they say about the likeness that it is apprehended
by means of his trace. The structure apprehends by means of the likeness, but God apprehends by
means of his members. He knew them before they were begotten, and they will know him. And the
one who begot each one from the first will indwell them. He will rule over them. For it is necessary
for each one ... (25 lines missing)... the Savior removed himself, since it is fitting. Indeed, not
ignorant but carnal is the word who took him as a husband. And it is he who exists as an image,
since that one (masc.) also exists, as well as that one (fem.) who brought us forth. And she caused
him to know that she is the Womb. This is a marvel of hers that she causes us to transcend
patience. But this is the marvel: he loves the one who was first to permit a virgin [...]. It is fitting to
[...] her [...] unto death [...] desire to practice ... (23 lines missing)Therefore she yielded to him in her
path. He was first to fix our eye upon this virgin who is fixed to the cross that is in those places. And
we see that it is her water which the supreme authority granted to the one in whom there is a sign.
This is the water of immortality which the great powers will grant to him while he is below in the
likeness of her young son. She did not stop on his account. She [...] the [...] he became [...] in the
[...] word that appears to the [...]. He did not ... (13 lines missing)... in [...] through [...] come from
those places. Some fell in the path. Others fell in the rocks. Yet still others he sowed in the thorns.
And still others he gave to drink [...] and the shadow. Behold [...] he [...] And this is the eternal reality
before the souls come forth from those who are being killed.

El se convirti en una emanacin de la traza. Porque tambin ellos dicen acerca

de la semejanza que es aprehendido por medio de su huella. La estructura
aprehende por medio de la semejanza, pero Dios aprehende por medio de sus
miembros. l los conoca antes de que fueran engendrados, y ellos lo conocern a
l. Y el que engendr a cada uno desde la primera voluntad habitarn ellos. l
reinar sobre ellos. Para ello es necesario que cada uno ... (25 lneas que faltan) ...
el Salvador se elimina a s mismo, ya que es apropiado. De hecho, no ignores,
que la carne es la palabra que lo tom a l como un marido. Y l es el que existe
como una imagen, ya que uno (masc.) tambin existe, as como esta una (fem.)
que nos hizo nacer. Y ella le hizo saber a l que ella es la Matriz. Esto es una
maravilla suya que ella nos hace trascender la paciencia. Pero esta es la
maravilla: l ama al que fue primero en permitir una virgen [...]. Es oportuno para
[...] ella [...] hasta la muerte [...] el deseo de practicar ... (23 lneas que faltan) Por
lo tanto ella se rindi a l en su camino. l fue el primero en fijar nuestra mirada
sobre esta virgen que est fijado a la cruz que se encuentra en esos lugares. Y
vemos que se trata de su agua, que es la suprema autoridad concedida a aquel en
quien no hay una seal. Esta es el agua de la inmortalidad que los grandes
poderes le otorgan a l mientras l est abajo en la semejanza de su pequeo hijo.
No se detuvo en su cuenta. Ella [...] el [...] se convirti (...) en la [...] palabra que

aparece a la [...]. l no lo hizo ... (13 lneas que faltan) ... en [...] a travs [...]
vienen de esos lugares. Algunos cayeron en el camino. Otras cayeron en las
rocas. Sin embargo, otros ms se sembraron en las espinas. Y an a otros el les
dio a beber [...] y la sombra. He aqu [...] l [...] Y esta es la realidad eterna ante
las almas que vienen de aquellos que estn siendo asesinados.
But he was being pursued in that place by the trace produced by the Savior. And he was crucified
and he died - not his own death, for he did not at all deserve to die because of the church of
mortals. And he was nailed so that they might keep him in the Church. He answered her with
humiliations, since in this way he had borne the suffering which he had suffered. For Jesus is for us
a likeness on account of ... (14 lines missing)... this [...] the entire structure and [...] the great
bitterness of the world [...] us with the [...] by thieves [...] the slaves [...] down to Jericho [...] they
received [...]. For [...] down to those who will wait while the entire defect restrains them until the final
reality that is their portion, since he brought us down, having bound us in nets of flesh. Since the
body is a temporary dwelling which the rulers and authorities have as an abode, the man within,
after being imprisoned in the fabrication, fell into suffering. And having compelled him to serve them,
they constrained him to serve the energies. They split the Church so as to inherit ... (9 lines
missing)... power to [...] and [...] and [...] having touched [...] before [...] it is the beauty that will [...]
wanted to [...] and to be with [...] fighting with one another [...] like others [...] virgin [...] to destroy [...]
wound [...] but she [...] she likens herself to the [...] her since they had struck [...] imperishable. This
[...] that he remain [...] virgin. The [...] her beauty [...] faithfulness [...] and therefore [...] her. He
hastened [...] he did not put up with [...] they despise [...]. For when the Mother had ... (5 lines
missing)... the Mother [...] her enemy [...] the teaching [...] of the force [...] nature [...] behold a
maiden [...] he is unable [...] first [...] the opposite [...]. But how has he [...] maiden [...] he was not
able [...] he became [...] killed him [...] alive [...] he reckoned her [...] better than life [...] since he
knows that if [...] world created him [...] him to raise him [...] up from [...] upon the regions [...] those
whom they rule [...]. But [...] emitted him [...] he dwells in him [...] the Father of the All [...] be more to
her [...] him. He ... (8 lines missing)... like [...] into [...] he has them [...] them [...] each one will be
worthy [...] take him and [...] the teacher should hide himself as if he were a god who would
embrace his works and destroy them. For he also spoke with the Church and he made himself her
teacher of immortality, and destroyed the arrogant teacher by teaching her to die.

Pero l estaba siendo perseguido en ese lugar por la huella producida por el
Salvador. Y l fue crucificado y muri - no su propia muerte, pues l en absoluto
no merece morir a causa de la iglesia de los mortales. Y l fue clavado para que
elos pudieran tenerlo en la Iglesia. l le respondi a ella con humillaciones, ya
que de esta forma l haba llevado el sufrimiento que haba padecido. Porque
Jess es para nosotros una semejanza a causa de ... (14 lneas que faltan) ... este
[...] toda la estructura y [...] la gran amargura del mundo [...] nosotros con la [...]
por los ladrones [...] los esclavos [...] a Jeric [...] ellos recibieron [...]. Para [...] a
los que van a esperar mientras todos los defectos los frena a ellos hasta la
realidad ltima que es su porcin, ya que l nos trajo abajo, habiendonos atado en
redes de carne. Puesto que el cuerpo es una vivienda temporal que los
gobernantes y las autoridades tienen como una morada, el hombre dentro,
despus de haber sido encarcelado en la fabricacin, cay en el sufrimiento. Y
habiendole obligado a l a servirlos, ellos le obligaron a servirles las energas.
Ellos se separaron de la Iglesia con el fin de heredar ... (9 lneas que faltan) ...
poder para [...] y [...] y [...] haber tocado [...] antes [... ] es la belleza que [...]

quera [...] y estar con [...] la lucha entre s [...] como los dems [...] virgen [...]
para destruir [...] la herida [...] pero ella [...] ella misma se asemeja a la [...] desde
que ellos haban golpeado [...] incorruptible. Este [...] que l quede [...] virgen. El
[...] su belleza [...] la fidelidad [...] y por lo tanto [...] ella. Se apresur [...] l no
puso con [...] ellos desprecian [...]. Para cuando la Madre tena ... (5 lneas que
faltan) ... la Madre [...] su enemigo [...] la enseanza [...] de la fuerza [...] la
naturaleza [... ] he aqu una doncella [...] que l no puede [...] primero [...] lo
contrario [...]. Pero, cmo l tiene [...] de soltera [...] l es incapaz [...] se
convirti en [...] lo mataron [...] vida [...] l calcul a ella [.. .] mejor que la vida
[...] ya que l sabe que si [...] mundo que lo cre [...] a l para subir a l [...] a
partir de [...] en las regiones [.. .] aquellos a quienes gobiernan [...]. Pero [...]
emite a l [...] l habita en l [...] el Padre del Todo [...] ser ms a su [...] a l.
l ... (8 lneas que faltan) ... como [...] en [...] l los tiene [...] a ellos [...] cada uno
ser digno [...] llevarlo y [...] el profesor debe ocultarse a s mismo como si l
fuera un dios que abarcara sus obras y destruirlos. Porque l tambin habl con
la Iglesia y l se hizo a si mismo su profesor de la inmortalidad, y destruy al
profesor arrogante por ensear a ella muera.
And this teacher made a living school, for that teacher has another school: while it teaches us about
the dead writings, he, on the other hand, was causing us to remove ourselves from the surfeit of the
world; we were being taught about our death through them.
Now this is his teaching: Do not call to a father upon the earth. Your Father, who is in heaven, is
one. You are the light of the world. They are my brothers and my fellow companions who do the will
of the Father. For what use is it if you gain the world and you forfeit your soul? For when we were in
the dark, we used to call many "father," since we were ignorant of the true Father. And this is the
great conception of all the sins ... (8 lines missing)... pleasure. We are like [...] him to [...] soul [...]
men who [...] the dwelling place.
What now is the faith laid down by the master who released him from the great ignorance and the
darkness of the ignorant eye? He reminded him of the good things of his Father and the race. For
he said to him, "Now the world is not yours, may you not esteem the form that is in it as
advantageous; rather (as) disadvantageous and (as) a punishment." Receive now the teaching of
the one who was reproached - an advantage and a profit for the soul - and receive his shape. It is
the shape that exists in the presence of the Father, the word and the height, that let you know him
before you have been led astray while in (the) flesh of condemnation.
Likewise I became very small, so that through my humility I might take you up to the great height,
whence you had fallen. You were taken to this pit. If now you believe in me, it is I who shall take you
above, through this shape that you see. It is I who shall bear you upon my shoulders. Enter through
the rib whence you came and hide yourself from the beasts. The burden that you bear now is not
yours. Whenever you (fem.) go ... (14 lines missing)... from his glory [...] from the first. From being
counted with the female, sleep brought labor and the sabbath, which is the world. For from being
counted with the Father, sleep brought the sabbath and the exodus from the world of the beasts.
For the world is from beasts and it is a beast. Therefore he that is lost has been reckoned to the
crafty one, and that one is from the beasts that came forth. They put upon him a garment of
condemnation, for the female had no other garment for clothing her seed except the one she
brought on the sabbath. For no beast exists in the Aeon. For the Father does not keep the sabbath,
but (rather) actuates the Son, and through the Son he continued to provide himself with the Aeons.

The Father has living rational elements from which he puts on my members as garments. The
man ... (11 lines missing)... this is the name. The [...] he emitted himself and he emitted the
reproached one. The one who was reproached changed (his) name and, along with that which
would be like the reproach, he appeared as flesh. And the humiliated one has no equipment. He
has no need of the glory that is not his; he has his own glory with the name, which is the Son. Now
he came that we might become glorious through the humiliated one that dwells in the places of
humiliation. And through him who was reproached we receive the forgiveness of sins. And through
the one who was reproached and the one who was redeemed we receive grace.

Y este profesor hizo una escuela de la vida, puesto que el maestro tiene otra
escuela: mientras nos ensea acerca de las escrituras muertas, l, por otro lado, es
causarnos para eliminarnos a nosotros mismos desde el hartazgo del mundo;
estabamos siendo enseados sobre nuestra muerte a travs de ellos.
Ahora bien, este es su enseanza: No llames a un padre sobre la tierra. Tu Padre,
que est en el cielo, es uno. Vosotros sois la luz del mundo. Ellos son mis
hermanos y mis projimos compaeros que hacen la voluntad del Padre. Para qu
sirve si ganas el mundo y t pierdes tu alma? Porque mientras estbamos en la
oscuridad, solamos llamar a muchos "padre", ya que ramos ignorantes del
verdadero Padre. Y esta es la gran concepcin de todos los pecados ... (8 lneas
que faltan) ... el placer. Somos como [...] lo que [...] alma [...] hombres que [...]
habitando el lugar.
Lo que ahora es la fe establecido por el maestro que lo liber de la gran
ignorancia y la oscuridad de los ojos ignorantes? l le record las buenas cosas
de su Padre y la raza. Porque l le dijo a l: "Ahora el mundo no es el suyo, usted
no puede estimar la forma que hay en l como ventajoso, sino (como)
desventajosa y (como) un castigo." Recibe las enseanzas de aquel que fue
reprochado - una ventaja y un beneficio para el alma - y recibir su forma. Es la
forma que existe en la presencia del Padre, la palabra y la altura, que te deja
conocerlo antes de haber sido llevado por mal camino, mientras que en (la) carne
de la condena.
As mismo me puse muy pequeo, por lo que a travs de mi humildad que podra
llevarte hasta la gran altura, de donde t haba cado. Usted fue llevado a este
pozo. Si ahora usted cree en m, soy yo quien os llevar ms arriba, a travs de
esta forma que se ve. Soy yo el que os llevar sobre mis hombros. Entrar por la
costilla donde viniste y te escondiste de las bestias. La carga que llevas ahora no
es tuya. Cada vez que usted (fem.) Va ... (14 lneas que faltan) ... de su gloria [...]
a partir de la primera. De ser contados con la hembra, dormir trajo labor y el
sbbath, que es el mundo. Porque de ser contado con el Padre, el sueo trajo el
sbado y el xodo del mundo desde los animales. Pues el mundo es de las bestias

y es una bestia. Por lo tanto el que se pierde se ha contado con el astuto, y que
uno es de las bestias que vinieron sucesivamente. Ellos pusieron sobre l un
manto de condena, pues la mujer no tena otra prenda para vestir su descendencia
de ella, excepto la que ella trajo en sbbath. Pues ninguna bestia existe en el
Aeon. Porque el Padre no guarda el sabbath, sino (ms bien) acciona el Hijo y
por medio del Hijo continu a proveerse el mismo con los eones. El Padre ha
vivido con elementos racionales desde los cuales el pone en mis miembros como
prendas de vestir. El hombre ... (11 lneas que faltan) ... este es el nombre. El
[...]nico que fue reprochado cambi su nombre y, junto con eso, que sera como
el reproche, apareci como carne. Y el humillado no tiene equipo. No tiene
necesidad de la gloria que no es suya; l tiene su propia gloria con el nombre, que
es el Hijo. Ahora l vino para que nosotros fusemos gloriosos a travs del
humillado que habita en los lugares de la humillacin. Y a travs de l que fue
reprochado es que recibimos el perdn de los pecados. Y a travs del que se
reprochaba y el que fue redimido recibimos la gracia.
But who is it that redeemed the one who was reproached? It is the emanation of the name. For just
as the flesh has need of a name, so also is the flesh an Aeon that Wisdom has emitted. It received
the majesty that is descending, so that the Aeon might enter the one who was reproached, that we
might escape the disgrace of the carcass and be regenerated in the flesh and blood of ... (8 lines
missing)... destiny. He [...] and the Aeons [...] they accepted the Son although he was a complete
mystery [...] each one of his members [...] grace. When he cried out, he was separated from the
Church like portions of the darkness from the Mother, while his feet provided him traces, and these
scorched the path of the ascent to the Father.
But what is the way and manner (in) which it (fem.) became their head? Well, it (fem.) made the
dwelling place to bring forth the light to those who dwell within him, so that they might see the
ascending Church. For the Head drew itself up from the pit; it was bent over the cross and it looked
down to Tartaros so that those below might look above. Hence, for example, when someone looks
at someone, then the face of the one who looked down looks up; so also once the Head looked
from the height to its members, our members went above, where the Head was. And it, the cross,
was undergoing nailing for the members, and solely that they might be able ... (7 lines missing)...
have [...] because they were like [...] slave. The consummation is thus: He whom she indicated will
be completed by the one who indicated. And the seeds that remain will endure until the All is
separated and takes shape.
And thus the decree will be fulfilled, for just as the woman who is honored until death has the
advantage of time, so too will it give birth. And this offspring will receive the body appointed for it,
and it will become perfect. He has a generous nature, since the Son of God dwells in him. And
whenever he acquires the All, whatever he possesses will <be dissolved> in the fire because it
greatly despised and outraged the Father.
Moreover, when the great Son was sent after his small brothers, he spread abroad the edict of the
Father and proclaimed it, opposing the All. And he removed the old bond of debt, the one of
condemnation. And this is the edict that was: Those who made themselves enslaved have become
condemned in Adam. They have been brought from death, received forgiveness for their sins, and
been redeemed by ... (9 lines missing)... since we are worthy [...] and [...] but I say [...] and these
[...]. For [...] is worthy to [...] God. And the Father [...] the Christ removed himself from all these,
since he loves his members with all his heart. One who is jealous sets his members against one

another. If he is not jealous, he will not be removed from (the) other members and the good which
he sees.

Pero, quin es el que redimi el que fue reprochado? Es la emanacin del

nombre. Porque as como el cuerpo necesita de un nombre, as tambin la carne
es un Aeon que la Sabidura ha emitido. Recibi la majestuosidad que est
descendiendo, por lo que el Aeon podra entrar en el que se le reprocha, para que
podamos escapar de la desgracia de lo canal y regenerarse en la carne y la sangre
de ... (8 lneas que faltan) ... destino . El [...] y los Eones [...] que aceptaron el
Hijo a pesar de que era un completo misterio [...] cada uno de sus miembros [...]
la gracia. Cuando l grit, l fue separado de la Iglesia, como partes de la
oscuridad de la Madre, mientras que sus pies le proporcionaron los rastros, y
stos quemaron el camino de la ascensin al Padre.
Pero cul es el camino y la forma (en) el que ella (fem.) se convirti en su
cabeza? Bueno, ella (fem.) hizo la morada para traer la luz a los que habitan
dentro de l, para que puedan ver a la Iglesia ascendente. Pues el Jefe llam en s
misma desde la fosa; se inclin sobre la cruz y mir hacia abajo al Trtaros para
que los de abajo puede ver arriba. De ah que, por ejemplo, cuando alguien mira a
alguien, entonces la cara de quien mir hacia abajo mira hacia arriba; as tambin
una vez el Jefe mir desde la altura a sus miembros, nuestros miembros se fueron
arriba, donde estaba la Cabeza. Y, la cruz, fue sometido clavada por los
miembros, y el nico que podra ser capaz ... (7 lneas que faltan) ... tienen [...]
porque eran como [...] esclavo. La consumacin es as: l quien ella indic se
completar por el nico que indic. Y las semillas que permanecen perdurarn
hasta que el Todo se separe y tome forma.
Y as el decreto se cumplir, porque as como la mujer que es honrada hasta la
muerte tiene la ventaja del tiempo, as tambin lo va a dar a luz. Y esta
descendencia recibir el organismo designado por ella, y se convertir en
perfecta. l tiene una naturaleza generosa, ya que el Hijo de Dios habita en l. Y
cada vez que adquiera el Todo, todo lo que l posee <ser disuelto> en el fuego,
porque es en gran medida despreciado y ultrajado el Padre.
Por otra parte, cuando el gran Hijo fue enviado despus de sus hermanos
pequeos, el extendi fuera el edicto del Padre y lo proclam, oponindose el
Todo. Y l quit el viejo vnculo de la deuda, el de la condena. Y este es el edicto
que era: aquellos que se hicieron ellos mismos esclavos han llegado a ser
condenados en Adn. Ellos han sido trado desde la muerte, recibieron el perdn
de sus pecados y han sido redimido por ... (9 lneas que faltan) ... ya que somos
dignos [...] y [...] pero yo digo [... ] y estos [...]. Para [...] es digno de [...] Dios. Y
el Padre [...] el Cristo elimina l mismo de todo esto, ya que l ama a sus

miembros con todo su corazn. Aquel que es celoso establece sus miembros
contra otros. Si l no es celoso, no se eliminar de (los) otros miembros y el bien
que l ve.
By having a brother who regards us as he also is, one glorifies the one who gives us grace.
Moreover, it is fitting for each of us to enjoy the gift that he has received from God, and that we not
be jealous, since we know that he who is jealous is an obstacle in his (own) path, since he destroys
only himself with the gift and he is ignorant of God. He ought to rejoice and be glad and partake of
grace and bounty. Does someone have a prophetic gift? Share it without hesitation. Neither
approach your brother jealously nor ... (8 lines missing)... chosen as they [...] empty as they escape
[...] fallen from their [...] are ignorant that [...] in this way they have [...] them in [...] in order that they
may reflect perforce upon the things that you want them to think about when they think about you.
Now your brother also has his grace: Do not belittle yourself, but rejoice and give thanks spiritually,
and pray for that one, in order that you might share the grace that dwells within him. So do not
consider him foreign to you, rather, (as) one who is yours, whom each of your <fellow> members
received. By loving the Head who possesses them, you also possess the one from whom it is that
these outpourings of gifts exist among your brethren.

Al tener un hermano que nos considera como l tambin es, uno glorifica al que
nos da la gracia. Adems, es apropiado para cada uno de nosotros disfrutar el
regalo que ha recibido de Dios, y que nosotros no seamos celoso, ya que sabemos
que quien es celoso es un obstculo en su (propio) camino, ya que l se destruye
slo a s mismo con el don y l es ignorante de Dios. l debera alegrarnos y
regocijarnos y participar de la gracia y generosidad. Alguien tiene un don
proftico? Compartelo sin dudarlo. Ni acercarse a tu hermano celosamente ni ...
(8 lneas que faltan) ... elegido como ellos [...] vaco, como ellos escapan [...]
cado desde su [...] son ignorantes de que [...] en esta manera ellos tienen [...]
ellos en [...] con el fin de que ellos puedan reflejar forzosamente en las cosas que
usted los quiere para pensar acerca cuando ellos piensan acerca de ti. Ahora tu
hermano tambin tiene su gracia: No te menosprecies a ti mismo, sino alegrate y
da gracias espiritualmente, y reza por este uno, para que puedas compartir la
gracia que habita en l. As que no tienes que considrarlo ajeno a ti, ms bien,
(como) que es tuyo, a quien cada uno de sus <compaeros> miembros recibieron.
Por amar al Jefe que los posee a ellos, t tambin posees a aquel desde quien es
que estas efusiones de dones existen entre vuestros hermanos.
But is someone making progress in the Word? Do not be hindered by this; do not say: ''Why does
he speak while I do not?", for what he says is (also) yours, and that which discerns the Word and
that which speaks is the same power. The Word ... (13 lines missing)... eye or a hand only, although
they are a single body. Those who belong to us all serve the Head together. And each one of the
members reckons it as a member. They cannot all become entirely a foot or entirely an eye or
entirely a hand, since these members will not live alone; rather they are dead. We know that they
are being put to death. So why do you love the members that are still dead, instead of those that
live? How do you know that someone is ignorant of the brethren? For you are ignorant when you
hate them and are jealous of them, since you will not receive the grace that dwells within them,
being unwilling to reconcile them to the bounty of the Head. You ought to give thanks for our
members and ask that you too might be granted the grace that has been given to them. For the
Word is rich, generous and kind. Here he gives away gifts to his men without jealousy, according

to ... (11 lines missing)... appeared in each of the members [...] himself [...] since they do not fight at
all with one another on account of their difference(s). Rather, by laboring with one another, they will
work with one another, and if one of them suffers, they will suffer with him, and when each one is
saved, they are saved together.

Pero alguien est haciendo progresos en la Palabra? No te veas obstaculizado por

esto; No digas: '' Por qu l habla, mientras que yo no lo hago", por lo que l
dice es (tambin) tuyo, y lo que discierne la Palabra y este que habla es el mismo
poder.La Palabra ... (13 lneas faltan) ... ojo o slo una mano, aunque son un solo
cuerpo. Los que pertenecen a todos nosotros servir a la Cabeza juntos. Y cada
uno de los miembros se reconoce como miembro. No todos pueden llegar a ser
totalmente un pie o totalmente un ojo o una mano por completo, ya que estos
miembros no van a vivir solos, sino que estn muertos. Sabemos que estn siendo
puestos a la muerte. Entonces, por qu amas a los miembros que an estn
muertos, en lugar de los que viven? Cmo conoces t que alguien es ignorante de
los hermanos? Porque t eres ignorante cuando usted los odia y es celoso de
ellos, ya que t no recibirs la gracia que habita en ellos, no estando dispuesto a
reconciliar a ellos a la generosidad de la Cabeza.T tiene que dar gracias por
nuestros miembros y pedir que a usted tambin puede ser que se le conceda la
gracia que se le ha dado a ellos. Porque la Palabra es rica, generosa y amable.
Aqu l regala regalos a sus hombres sin celos, de acuerdo con ... (11 lneas que
faltan) ... apareci en cada uno de los miembros [...] el mismo [...] ya que no
luchan en absoluto uno con otro en razn de sus diferencia (s). Ms bien, por
laborar unos con otros, que van a trabajar unos con otros, y si uno de ellos sufre,
ellos van a sufrir con l, y cuando cada uno es salvado, ellos son salvados juntos.
Moreover, if they would wait for the exodus from the (earthly) harmony, they will come to the Aeon.
If they are fit to share in the (true) harmony, how much the more those who derive from the single
unity? They ought to be reconciled with one another. Do not accuse your Head because it has not
appointed you as an eye but rather as a finger. And do not be jealous of that which has been put in
the class of an eye or a hand or a foot, but be thankful that you do not exist outside the Body. On
the contrary, you have the same Head on whose account the eye exists, as well as the hand and
the foot and the rest of the parts. Why do you despise the one that is appointed as [...] it desired to
[...] you slandered [...] does not embrace [...] unmixed body [...] chosen [...] dissolve [...] of the Aeon
[...] descent [...] however plucked us from <the> Aeons that exist in that place. Some exist in the
visible Church - those who exist in the Church of men - and unanimously they proclaim to one
another the Pleroma of their aeon. And some exist for death in the Church on whose behalf they go
- she for whom they are death - while others are for life. Therefore they are lovers of abundant life.
And each of the rest endures by his own root. He puts forth fruit that is like him, since the roots have
a connection with one another and their fruits are undivided, the best of each. They possess them,
existing for them and for one another. So let us become like the roots, since we are equal [...] that
Aeon [...] those who are not ours [...] above the [...] grasp him [...] since [...] your soul. He will [...] we
gave you to him. If you purify it, it abides in me. If you enclose it, it belongs to the Devil. Even if you
kill his forces that are active, it will be with you. For if the soul is dead, still it was enacted upon (by)
the rulers and authorities.

Por otra parte, si ellos iban a esperar por el xodo de la (terrenal) armona, ellos
vendrn al Aeon. Si ellos estn en condiciones de participar en la (verdadera) la

armona, cunto ms los que derivan de la nica unidad? Ellos tienen que ser
reconciliados entre s. No acuses a su Jefe porque no le ha nombrado como un
ojo, sino ms bien como un dedo. Y no seas celoso de lo que ha sido puesto en la
clase de un ojo o una mano o un pie, pero estar agradecido de que no existes
fuera del cuerpo. Por el contrario, tu tienes la misma Cabeza en cuya cuenta
existe el ojo, as como la mano y el pie y el resto de las piezas. Por qu
menosprecias al uno que se design como [...] que desea [...] t calumniados [...]
no aceptar [...] cuerpo sin mezcla [...] elegidos [... ] disolver [...] del Aeon
[...]desciende [...] sin embargo nos han arrancado desde <los> eones que existen
en ese lugar. Algunos existen en la Iglesia visible - a los que existen en la Iglesia
de los hombres - y por unanimidad elllos proclaman el uno al otro el Pleroma de
su en. Y algunos existen para la muerte en la Iglesia en cuyo nombre ellos van ella por quien ellos estn muertos -, mientras que otros estn por la vida. Por lo
tanto ellos son los amantes de la vida abundante. Y cada uno del resto perdura
por su propia raz. l pone fruto que son como l, ya que las races tienen una
conexin entre s y sus frutos son indivisos, lo mejor de cada uno. Ellos los
poseen a ellos, existiendo para ellos y para unos y los otros. As que vamos a ser
como las races, ya que somos iguales [...] este Aeon [...] aquellos que no son los
nuestros [...] lo toma a el [...] ya que [...]tu alma. El [ ...] daremos a ti. Si tu lo
purificas, permanece en m. Si tu lo encierras, ello pertenece al Diablo. Incluso si
usted mata a sus fuerzas que estn activas, estarn contigo. Porque si el alma est
muerta, todava se promulg sobre (por) los gobernantes y autoridades.
What, now, do you think of as spirit? Or why do they persecute men of this sort to death? Are they
not satisfied to be with the soul and seek it? For every place is excluded from them by the men of
God so long as they exist in flesh. And when they cannot see them, since they (the men of God) live
by the spirit, they tear apart what appears, as if thus they can find them. But what is the profit for
them? They are senselessly mad! They rend their surroundings! They dig the earth! [...] him [...] hid
[...] exists [...] purify [...] however [...] after God [...] seize us [...] but we walk [...]. For if the sins are
many, how much the more now is the jealousy of the Church of the Savior. For each one was
capable of both (types) of transgression, namely that of an adept, and (that of) an ordinary person.
It is still a single ability that they possess. And as for us, we are adepts at the Word. If we sin
against it, we sin more than Gentiles. But if we surmount every sin, we shall receive the crown of
victory, even as our Head was glorified by the Father.

Qu, ahora, piensa t del espritu? O por qu ellos persiguen a los hombres de
este tipo de muerte? No estn satisfechos para estar con el alma y buscarla?
Pues cada lugar se excluye de ellos por los hombres de Dios, siempre y cuando
ellos existan en carne. Y cuando ellos no pueden verlos, ya que ellos (los
hombres de Dios) vivimos por el Espritu, ellos desgarran lo que parece, como si
as ellos puedan encontrarlos. Pero cul es el beneficio para ellos? Ellos son sin
sentido locos! Ellls desgarran sus alrededores! Ellos cavan la tierra! [...] a el [...]
escondi [...] existe [...] purificar [...] sin embargo [...] despus de Dios [...] nos
aprovechar [...] pero caminamos [...]. Porque si los pecados son muchos, cunto

ms ahora es la envidia de la Iglesia del Salvador. Pues cada uno era capaz de
ambos (tipos) de transgresin, a saber, la de un adepto, y (la de) una persona
ordinaria. Todava es una sola habilidad que ellos poseen. Y en cuanto a nosotros,
somos adeptos a la Palabra. Si pecamos en contra de ella, pecamos ms que los
Gentiles. Pero si superamos todos los pecados, recibiremos la corona de la
victoria, como nuestro Jefe fue glorificado por el Padre.

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