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May 7, 2015

The Honorable Don Huffines

P.O. Box 12068
Capital Station
Austin, Texas 78711-2068

Dear Senator Huffines:

On behalf of various municipalities that comprise your Texas Senate District, we write
today to request a meeting with you to discuss our concern about an increasing trend
among some members of the State Legislature to turn local matters into state concerns.
With no prior dialogue, we were caught by surprise with your filing various bills eroding
local control. We suggest a meeting with you, in the District, to establish an ongoing
dialogue for legislative issues concerning cities.
A discussion allowing us to hear your philosophy about local control, and your listening
to the important work performed by municipalities can be advantageous for us all. As
with all tough decisions that local and State elected officials must make, some citizens
or elected officials may not always agree with the ordinances or statutes enacted by
those elected officials.
We, all the Mayors in your District, are proud of our responsiveness to the constituents
we both share. We regularly receive citizens testimony in our open Council meetings.
Just like you, we also read and respond to letters, e-mails and phone calls from the very
same constituents. Both you and we are answerable to our residents in the voting
As our Senator, we would appreciate your regularly consulting with us on matters that
impact our cities and our common constituents. We would also like to request that you
reconsider pursuing legislation, such as your S.B. 343 and S.B. 1673, and work to
defeat the myriad bills introduced this session attacking local control. We ask you to
recognize that municipalities have to make decisions at neighborhood levels, and not
every neighborhood in a state of 26 million people is the same. That is why Texans
have always recognized that there is a role for state government, and a compatible role
for local government. Current law balances municipal authority to enact reasonable
ordinances to protect the liberty, health, safety, and property values, while ensuring that
the will of the local voters is heard, and that our states economy remains vibrant.
Each of us take care being staunch stewards of our residents welfare and of their tax
dollars. Like you, we take these responsibilities seriously and with great pride.
Individually and as a group, we are here as a resource for you to assist in carrying out
these duties. It is our hope that in the future you will reach out to us for our input and
consideration on state legislation affecting local governance.

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