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Wear 269 (2010) 664671

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High temperature sliding wear behaviour of Inconel 617 and Stellite 6 alloys
Yucel Birol
Materials Institute, Marmara Research Center, 41470 TUBITAK, Kocaeli, Turkey

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:
Received 11 March 2010
Received in revised form 7 July 2010
Accepted 7 July 2010
Available online 15 July 2010
Sliding wear
High temperature
Wear testing

a b s t r a c t
The high temperature wear performance of Inconel 617 and Stellite 6 alloys was investigated and compared with that of the X32CrMoV33 hot work tool steel. The wear performance of the latter at 750 C is
judged to be very poor due basically to its inferior oxidation resistance. Extensive oxidation co-occurring
with wear at 750 C leads to substantial material loss basically due to the lack of an adhesive oxide scale,
sufciently ductile to sustain the wear action without extensive spalling. The wear resistance of the
Inconel 617 and Stellite 6 alloys at 750 C is relatively superior. The adhesive oxides growing slowly on
Inconel 617 and Stellite 6 alloys sustain the wear action without spalling and are claimed to be responsible
for the superior wear resistance of these alloys at 750 C.
2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
High temperature wear is one of the life-limiting factors when
metallic surfaces are in repeated contact [13]. High forming
temperatures impact the wear behaviour of tools through loss
of mechanical strength and enhanced oxidation [4]. The significant role of the latter in high temperature sliding wear was
rst identied by Fink [5]. It is well known that oxidation leads
to material degradation and consequently, reduces the material
resistance to wear. However, a surface oxide may reduce the
oxidation rate and help to decrease the wear loss if it is dense
and strong [6,7]. The role of oxide scale in the wear of metals
was discussed extensively both for ambient and high temperature wear [816] while the mechanisms of oxidation wear were
reviewed by Quinn [17,18]. Some new approaches on the interpretation of oxidation wear mechanisms have also been proposed
High temperature wear is identied to be a potential failure
mechanism for thixoforging tools [20,21]. While thixoforging is a
very attractive processing route for the manufacture of steel parts
for drive units and chassis components, it is very demanding on
tool materials with high process temperatures involved (>1300 C)
[22]. The conventional hot work tool steels were shown to rapidly
deteriorate under such severe conditions [2327]. With a dispersion of hard carbide particles in a cobalt-rich solid solution matrix,
cobalt-base alloys are exceptionally good for applications requiring resistance to oxidation and wear [2831]. Ni-base alloys are

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also attractive high temperature materials owing to an excellent

oxidation resistance, creep strength and phase stability at high
temperatures [32].
Co- and Ni-based high temperature alloys were tested recently
for their potential to withstand the steel thixoforming environment [3336]. Their thermal fatigue performance is encouraging
[3337]. It is thus of great technological interest to explore their
wear resistance at high temperatures. While the ambient temperature wear performance has been investigated in detail, published
information on the wear performance of these alloys at high temperatures is scarce. The present work was undertaken to investigate
the high temperature sliding wear resistance of Stellite 6 and
Inconel 617 alloys and rate their performance against that of the
conventional hot work tool steel employed in hot forging of steel
2. Experimental
A CETR Universal Material Tester-2 model ball-on-disc type tribometer (Fig. 1) was used to investigate the high temperature wear
properties of Inconel 617 and Stellite 6 alloys and X32CrMoV33 hot
work tool steel (Table 1). Wear tests were carried out at 750 C with
a sliding speed of 0.025 m/s, under 5 N load for 60 min. The test
temperature was selected with a consideration of the maximum
temperature achieved at the surface of the die cavity during steel
thixoforming experiments [33]. Since the tool is abraded by very
small -Fe particles that make up the solid fraction of the semi-solid
feedstock, the ball diameter and the applied load were selected so
as to produce a scratching case. A 0.001 m diameter alumina ball ran
over disk samples over a circular path having a diameter of 0.03 m.
The disc surfaces were ground with a 1000 mesh grit sandpaper

Y. Birol / Wear 269 (2010) 664671


Table 1
Chemical composition of the X32CrMoV33 hot work tool steel and Ni- and Co-based high temperature alloys used in the present work.




Inconel 617
Stellite 6
























Fig. 1. Experimental set-up for high temperature ball-on-disc sliding wear test.

and were ultrasonically cleaned in acetone and dried before each

test. Disc samples were allowed to warm up to the test temperature
before the start of dry sliding. Wear tracks were investigated with
a VeecoWyko NT1100 3D model optical prolometer.
Wear quantication was done by measuring the volumetric loss
of the worn area. The wear behaviour was characterized by stereo,
optical and a JEOL 6335F model eld emission gun scanning electron microscope (FEG-SEM) tted with an Oxford Instruments INCA
model energy dispersive X-ray analyzer (EDS). XRD analysis with

Fig. 3. Wear volume loss of the X32CrMoV33, Inconel 617 and Stellite 6 disc samples
submitted to high temperature ball-on-disc sliding wear test.

Cu K radiation and step size of 0.02 was also used to identify the
oxides formed on the worn surfaces. The hardness of the samples
were measured in Vickers units with a load of 1 kg (HV1) before
and after the wear test.

Fig. 2. Two- and three-dimensional prolometer images and two-dimensional surface proles of the X32CrMoV33, Inconel 617 and Stellite 6 disc samples submitted to high
temperature ball-on-disc sliding wear test.


Y. Birol / Wear 269 (2010) 664671

Fig. 4. Friction coefcient curves of the X32CrMoV33, Inconel 617 and Stellite 6 disc samples submitted to ball-on-disc sliding wear test at 750 C.

3. Results and discussion

Two- and three-dimensional prolometer images and twodimensional surface proles of the tested surfaces are illustrated
in Fig. 2. The widest and the deepest wear track, and thus the high-

Fig. 5. Optical micrographs of (a) X32CrMoV33, (b) Inconel 617 and (c) Stellite 6
disc samples submitted to ball-on-disc sliding wear test at 750 C.

est volume loss occurred in the hot work tool steel. It is clear from
Fig. 2 that the surface of the hot work tool steel disc sample has
deteriorated not only inside but also outside the wear track, due to
the extensive oxidation suffered by this material at the test temperature. The width and the depth of the wear tracks are relatively
smaller in the Inconel 617 alloy and the smallest in the Stellite 6
alloy. These are consistent with the wear volume loss measurements which clearly identify the hot work tool steel to be the least
and the Stellite 6 alloy the most resistant to sliding wear at 750 C
(Fig. 3).
The friction coefcients measured during the sliding wear tests
are shown in Fig. 4. The friction coefcient of the X32CrMoV33 hot

Fig. 6. Optical micrographs showing transverse section of the wear track of (a)
X32CrMoV33, (b) Inconel 617 and (c) Stellite 6 disc samples.

Y. Birol / Wear 269 (2010) 664671


work tool steel is as low as 0.2 at the start of the test and increases
with time to approximately 0.4. The thick oxide layer formed on
the surface of the tool steel at 750 C is believed to have served as
a lubricant leading to a low friction coefcient initially. Low friction coefcients are linked with poor adherence and thick oxide
layers [38,39] which help to enlarge the contact surface thereby
decreasing the strain and thus the friction coefcient [40]. Small
initial friction coefcient values may also be accounted for by the
sudden loss of strength upon thermal exposure. The decohesion of

oxide scales, generation and accumulation of debris in the contact

zone are responsible for the relatively larger uctuations and for
an ever-increasing friction coefcient. It is inferred from these features of the friction coefcient curve that the oxide layer on the tool
steel disc sample is not stable.
The friction coefcient curves of the Inconel 617 and Stellite 6
alloys are markedly different. That of the former is stabilized at

Fig. 7. Scanning electron micrographs of (a) X32CrMoV33, (b) Inconel 617 and (c)
Stellite 6 disc samples submitted to ball-on-disc sliding wear test at 750 C.

Fig. 8. Scanning electron micrographs of (a) X32CrMoV33, (b) Inconel 617 and (c)
Stellite 6 disc samples submitted to ball-on-disc sliding wear test at 750 C.


Y. Birol / Wear 269 (2010) 664671

Fig. 9. Scanning electron micrograph of the glazed layer in Inconel 617 disc sample
submitted to ball-on-disc sliding wear test at 750 C.

approximately 0.24 and remains more or less constant with sliding

time after an initial running-in period of about 500 s. The friction
coefcient of Stellite 6 alloy shows a similar trend but runs at a
higher value, at approximately 0.48. It is fair to conclude that the
friction and wear conditions are quite stable in the Inconel 617 and
Stellite 6 alloys owing to a stable oxide layer.
The optical micrographs of the wear tracks are shown in Fig. 5.
Interestingly, the microstructural features are readily identied
on Inconel 617 and Stellite 6 disc samples without the benet of
chemical etching. This is typical of a well known practice in metallography [41] and evidences a thin oxide lm which helps to
delineate the microstructure under cross polarizer. This effect is
not offered by the hot work tool steel disc sample simply due to
a much thicker oxide all over. Further evidence for the extent of
oxidation in the three alloys is available in the transverse sections
of the wear tracks in the respective disc samples (Fig. 6). A very
thick oxide scale is evident in the hot work tool steel sample while
oxide lms on the Inconel 617 and Stellite 6 alloys are apparently

Fig. 10. Element distribution proles (a, b, c) and oxygen distribution proles (d, e, f) across the wear tracks of (a, d) X32CrMoV33, (b, e) Inconel 617 and (c, f) Stellite 6 disc
samples submitted to ball-on-disc sliding wear test at 750 C.

Y. Birol / Wear 269 (2010) 664671

too thin to be resolved with an optical microscope. The former has

apparently failed to sustain the wear loading and has fractured to
produce oxide debris in the wear track.
Abrasive wear with grooving in the sliding direction, a very thick
oxide layer and an appreciable quantity of debris accumulated at
the edges of the track were the basic wear features for the hot work
tool steel (Figs. 7 and 8). The oxides along the edges of the wear
track were inferred from their colour to be hematite, in contrast to
the dark-coloured magnetite covering the disc surface. The oxide
debris was apparently carried to the edge of the track by the alumina ball where it has oxidised again. Magnetite reacts with oxygen
to produce hematite. Oxidation, fresh surface generation via frac-


ture and removal of the surface oxides inside the wear track and
reoxidation of the fresh surface are claimed to be responsible for
the substantial wear loss suffered by the hot work tool steel. The
removed oxide itself might have acted as an abrasive agent whilst
still within the wear interface producing an abrasive element in the
wear of X32CrMoV33. Fig. 7a suggests that this is a likely mechanism when the oxide debris does not readily sinter to form a glaze
and act as a third body abrasive [11].
The features of the worn surfaces of the Inconel 617 and Stellite
6 alloys are markedly different (Figs. 7 and 8). The oxides on the
Inconel 617 and Stellite 6 samples are very thin. The oxide debris,
although much less in quantity, was somehow retained inside the

Fig. 11. XRD spectra obtained from the tested surfaces of (a) X32CrMoV33 and (b) Stellite 6 disc samples submitted to ball-on-disc sliding wear test at 750 C.


Y. Birol / Wear 269 (2010) 664671

wear track and was compacted into a glazed surface [2,42,43]. The
high hardness of the alumina ball and its capacity to form large
groves so as to retain the oxide debris inside the wear track might
have been critical in glazed layer formation. While the glazed layer
is continuous in the Inconel 617 alloy and marks the boundary of
the wear track all around the disc sample, it is revealed as discontinuous patches inside the wear track in the Stellite 6 alloy.
The glazed surfaces in the contact zone have been reported to be
responsible for the relatively lower friction coefcients at high temperatures as they increase the carrying surface [44]. This could be
a plausible account of the low friction coefcient in the Inconel
617 alloy where the glazed layer in the wear track is uninterrupted
(Fig. 9).
It is inferred from the increased signal intensities across the
wear tracks of the Inconel 617 and Stellite 6 disc samples that the
oxygen concentration is greater inside the wear tracks than it is
outside where oxidation has occurred statically (Fig. 10). Generation of fresh surface and defects due to abrasion via sliding wear
and subsequent reoxidation may be responsible for the relatively
higher oxygen levels inside the wear tracks. Oxygen signals become
even stronger when crossing the glazed layers. Such a signal prole
is not evident in the case of the hot work tool steel which is believed
to be heavily oxidised both inside and outside the wear track.
It is fair to conclude from the foregoing that the hightemperature wear performance of the three alloys tested in the
present work is closely linked with their oxidation behaviour at
750 C. The tribological behaviour is strongly affected by the nature,
the thickness, the adherence, and the morphology of the oxide
scales [45,46]. The thick surface oxide layer on the tool steel sample
is shown by XRD analysis to consist of Fe3 O4 and Fe2 O3 (Fig. 11a).
The poor adherence and limited ductility of these oxides promote
the failure of the oxide scale impairing the resistance to wear at elevated temperatures [47]. Lack of oxide debris sinterability, which
appears to be adequate in the case of Inconel 617 and Stellite 6
alloys, as inferred from Fig. 8c, might have also contributed to the
poor wear resistance of the tool steel sample [11]. The adhesive and
highly plastic Cr2 O3 lm, identied to be the predominant oxide
on the surface of both Inconel 617 and Stellite 6 samples (Fig. 11b),
on the other hand, has sustained the abrasion and is claimed to
be responsible for the improved wear resistance of these alloys at
750 C as suggested in [47,48]. The reduced oxidation rate in these
two alloys suppresses the synergy between oxidation and wear,
thus improving the resistance to wear at 750 C. High-temperature
alloys rely on Cr to form protective scales and require a minimum
of 20 wt% Cr to develop a continuous Cr2 O3 lm to enjoy protection
[49]. With a Cr content only as much as 3 wt% and with hardly any
Si and Al, the present hot work tool steel evidently lacks a continuous protective oxide and cannot take advantage of such protection.
The strain-induced phase transformation from face-centred-cubic
to hexagonal-close-packed structure and alignment of the basal
plane to the direction of sliding, could also be responsible for the
reduced wear of the Stellite 6 alloy [50,51].
Wear resistance of the X32CrMoV33 tool steel is impaired
at high temperatures also via loss of mechanical strength.
X32CrMoV33 tool steel responded to thermal exposure at 750 C
with a sharp hardness drop (Fig. 12). This is not surprising since
most hot work tool steels are known to soften starting around
600 C [52]. The substantial softening in the X32CrMoV33 hot
work tool steel is believed to have been critical in the wear volume loss it has suffered. Inconel 617 and Stellite 6 alloys, on the
other hand, retain their hardness at 750 C and are thus much
more wear resistant owing to a higher resistance to abrasion. The
wear volume loss and hot hardness are inversely proportional suggesting that the wear resistance of the three alloys tested in the
present work is closely linked with their hardness at this temperature.

Fig. 12. Hardness measurements of X32CrMoV33, Inconel 617 and Stellite 6 disc
samples before and after ball-on-disc sliding wear test at 750 C.

4. Conclusions
The sliding wear performance of the X32CrMoV33 hot work
tool steel is degraded at 750 C due basically to its inferior oxidation resistance. Extensive oxidation co-occurring with abrasion at
750 C leads to substantial material loss basically due to the lack
of an adhesive oxide scale, sufciently ductile to sustain the abrasive action without extensive cracking or spalling. Fe3 O4 fails to
survive the abrasion conditions and is readily detached from the
surface. The wear resistance of the Inconel 617 and Stellite 6 alloys,
on the other hand, is much better at 750 C. The adhesive and the
relatively more plastic Cr2 O3 on Inconel 617 and Stellite 6 alloys
sustains the sliding wear action without spalling and is claimed to
be responsible for the improved wear resistance of these alloys at
750 C.
D. I sler performed the ball-on-disc wear tests. Prof. M. Urgen is
thanked for the provision of the wear test facilities. F. Alageyik and
O. Cakr are thanked for their help in the experiments and C. Berk
for his help in SEM-EDS investigations. This work was funded by
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