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General Awareness Quiz

1. Through which constitutional amendment in article 359, it has been laid down that Fundamental Rights under
articles 20 and 21 are enforceable during the operation of emergency.
(A) 44th Amendment Act
(B) 46th Amendment Act
(C) 45th Amendment Act
(D) 48th Amendment Act
2. On whose satisfaction period of emergency shall be extended for operation in case security of India or any part of
the Indian territory is threatened.
(A) Prime Minister
(B) Home Minister
(C) President of India
(D) Vice-President of India
3. Article 20 of the Fundamental Rights represents which subject.
(A) Equality of opportunity in matters of public employment
(B) Protection in respect of Conviction of Offence
(C) Protection of life and personal liberty
(D) None of the above .
4. Article 21 of the Fundamental Rights deals with which subject.
(A) Protection of certain rights regarding freedom of speech,
(B) Protection in respect of conviction of offence
(C) Protection against arrest and detention in certain cases
(D) Protection of life and personal liberty
5. Who declares the financial emergency.
(A) President
(B) Prime Minister
(C) Finance Minister
(D) None of the above
6. After declaration of financial emergency by the President, what is the period of operation without approval by the
(A) Three Months
(B) Four Months
(C) Two Months
(D) One Month
7. Within what period, the Parliament has to approve Financial emergency declared by the
(A) Six Months
(B) Two Months
(C) Three Months
(D) Four Months
8. In Financial Emergency, salaries and allowances of which groups get reduction
(A) Central Government Employees
(B) Judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts
(C) A & B
(D) None of the above

9. Raj Pramukh represents whom under the Indian Constitution

(A) President
(B) Governor
(C) A & B
(D) None of the above
10. Under the Indian Constitution, what is the concept behind the protection of President and
(A) President & Governors are above the law
(B) President & Governors make any law for the Constitution
(C) President and Governors are answerable to Prime Minister
(D) President and Governors shall not be answerable to any court to the exercise and
performance of the powers and duties of their office
11. By which Constitutional amendment, the appellation Rajpramukh was omitted
(A) 7th Amendment Act 1956
(B) 4th Amendment Act 1955
(C) 6th Amendment Act 1956
(D) 10th Amendment Act 1961
12. Which constitutional article provides personal immunity for President and Governors for
official act
(A) Article 362
(B) Article 363
(C) Article 368
(D) Article 361
13. Which constitutional article provides personal immunity to the head of the states for his
official act from legal action, including proceedings for contempt of Court
(A) Article 361
(B) Article 362
(C) Article 368
(D) Article 369
14. Under which constitutional articles, newspapers do not have the right to publish report of
the proceedings of a secret session of either of the Houses of Parliament or Legislative
Assembly & Legislative Council
(A) 361
(B) 361A
(C) 361B
(C) 361C
15. Spell out the condition under Article 361A by which any person or newspaper cannot be
sued for legal proceeding if any report of proceedings of Parliament and State Legislature is
(A) The report must be a report of the `procedings' of a House of the Union or a State
Legislature. Hence, it must be relevant to a motion or other business before the House, and
must not have been expunged
(B) It must be a report as distinguished from one article or `Comment'.
(C) Such report must be substantially true. Hence, an extract or a garbed or perverted report
would not be protected. The reporting must not be actuated by malice
(D) All of the above .
16. Any Court including Supreme Court does not have constitutional right under Article 143 to
exercise jurisdiction over any dispute arising out of any provision of which agreements that
were in operation before commencement of the Constitution

(A) Treaty, Agrrement

(B) Covenant, Engagement
(C) Sanad
(D) All of the above .
17. What is the meaning of Indian State in the Constitution
(A) Any territory recognised by President of India
(B) Any territory before commencement of Indian Constitution by the British ruler
(C) Any territory which government of the Dominion of India recognised
(D) B & C
18. Before which Constitutional Amendment, Prince, Chief or other person were recognised by
the President of India as the Ruler of the Indian State
(A) 26th Amendment Act 1971
(B) 24th Amendment Act 1971
(C) 16th Amendment Act 1963
(D) 17th Amendment Act 1964 .
19. Under which Constitutional Amendment Privy Purses were abolished
(A) 36th Amendment Act 1975
(B) 26th Amendment Act 1971
(C) 16th Amendment Act 1963
(D) 17th Amendment Act 1964
20. Under which Constitutional Article, Union Government has the power to give direction to
the State Govt. regarding any of the provisions of the Constitution
(A) Article 368
(B) Article 362
(C) Article 365
(D) Article 367



1. Which is the most abundant metal present in

earth's surface?
Answer: Aluminum

2. Which is the most abundant metal present in

Answer: Iron
3. Which country has the oldest National Flag?
Answer: Denmark



4. Which country has the oldest national

Answer: Japan
5. Where is National Defense College situated?
answer: New Delhi
6. Where is National Defense Academy (NDA)
answer: Khadakwasla (Pune)

7. Where is Indian Military Academy situated?

answer: Dehradun
8. Who is the First Sports person to win Bharat
Ratna Award?
Answer: Sachin Tendulkar
9. Who is current Lok Sabha Speaker?
Answer: Meera Kumar
10. Which is the largest lake in the world ?
Answer: Caspian Sea
11. Which is the Largest Fresh Water Lake in the
world ?
Answer: Lake Superior
12. Which place is known as land of rising sun ?
Answer: Japan
13. Which country is known as land of lakes ?
Answer: Finland
14. Which place is known as land of midnight
sun ?
Answer: Norway
15. Heart and soul of the constitution ?
Answer: Article 32
16. Necessary evil in the Constitution ?
Answer: Article 22

17. Who discovered the Harappan site Lothal ?

Answer: S.R.Rao
18. Who discovered the Harappan site
Kalibangan ?
Answer: A. Ghosh
19. Who translated Arthashastra in to English ?
Answer: R. Shamasastry
20. Who translated Bhagavad Gita in to
English ?
Answer: Charles Wilkins
21. Who translated Manusmti in to English ?
Answer: William Jones
22. Who translated Gita Govinda in to English ?
Answer: William Jones
23. Who translated Abhinjana Shakunthalam in
to English ?
Answer: William Jones
24. Who is the First president of republic India?
Answer: Dr. Rajendra Prasad
25. The word Secularism was inserted in the
Preamble of the Indian Constitution by
Answer: 42nd Amendment

1. The president can be removed from his office before the expiry of his normal term
only on the recommendation of
A. the Supreme Court
B. the chief justice of India
C. council of ministers
D. the two Houses of Parliament
2. The new committee system constitutes an improvement over the earlier
committee system in so far as
A. it assures representation to all the political parties in proportion to their strength

in the Parliament
B. it enables the Parliament to examine the grants of all the ministries and
departments in detail
C. it enables the Parliament to accept the demands of various ministries without
D. None of the above
3. The members of the State Public Service Commission are appointed by the
A. chief minister
B. chief justice
C. governor
D. vice-president
4. The president can assign any of the functions of the union government to the
state government
A. in consultation with the chief justice of India
B. in consultation with the state governor
C. in his discretion
D. in consultation with the government of the state
5. Mainstream Nationalism in India
A. was characterized by Chauvinism
B. aimed at restoration of the Hindu state
C. had national socialism as its ultimate goal
D. aimed at emancipation from colonial rule
6. The minimum age required to become the prime minister of India is
A. 25 years B. 30 years C. 40 years D. 35 years
7. The objective of the Morley-Minto Reforms was
A. extension of provincial assemblies
B. to give more powers to local government
C. to abolish the post of secretary of the state for India
D. to establish diarchy in provinces
8. The oath of office is conducted to the president by
A. the speaker of Lok Sabha
B. the chief justice of India
C. the vice-president of India
D. None of the above
9. The members of the state legislative assemblies are elected for a period of
A. 2 years
B. 6 years
C. 5 years
D. 3 years
10. The office of the prime minister of India
A. rests on coronations
B. is created by the Parliament

C. is created by the constitution

D. All of the above
11. The Objectives Resolution was unanimously adopted by the Constituent
Assembly on
A. 22nd January 1947
B. 26th November 1946
C. 1st October 1948
D. None of the above
12.The preamble declares India as a sovereign state which implies
A. India is free to conduct her internal affairs
B. India is free to conduct her external affairs
C. India is free to conduct here internal as well as external affairs
D. None of the above
13. The parliament works through committees which
A. help the government in the formulation of policy
B. exercise effective control over government on a regular and continuing basis
C. ensure that the parliament strictly adheres to the provision of the constitution
and the prescribed parliamentary procedure
D. both (a) and (b)
14. The Muslim League as a political party was founded in
A. 1906
B. 1909
C. 1915
D. 1919
15. The members of the state legislature exercise control over the council of the
ministers through
A. questions and supplementary questions
B. criticism of its policies
C. adjournment motion
D. All of the above


5. D
6. A
7. A

1. Civil equality implies(a) Equality before law

(b) Equality of opportunity

8. B
9. C
10. C

11. A
12. C
13. B

14. A
15. D

(c) Equal distribution of wealth

(d) Equal right to participate in the affairs of the state
2. Which of the following is a bulwark of personal freedom?
(a) mandamus
(b) Habeas Corpus
(c) Quo Warranto
(d) Certiorari
3. Right of property was removed from the list of Fundamental Right during the rule of:
(a) Idira Gandhi Government
(b) Morarji Desai Government
(c) Narasimha Rao Government
(d) Vajpayee Government
4. Which part of the Indian Constitution deals with Fundamental Rights?
(a) Part I
(b) Part II
(c) Part III
(d) Part IV
5. Which one of the following is the guardian of Fundamental Right?
(a) Legislature
(b) Executive
(c) Political parties
(d) Judiciary
6. Part III of the Constitution of India relates to
(a) Fundamental Rights
(b) Directive Principles of state policy
(c) Fundamental duties
(d) citizenship
7. Which of the following is given the power to implement the Fundamental Right by the
(a) All courts in India
(b) The Parliament
(c) The President
(d) The Supreme Court and High Courts
8. Which provision of the Fundamental Rights is directly relates to the exploitation of children?
(a) Article 17
(b) Article 19
(c) Article 23
(d) Article 24
9. Right to education to all children between the age of 6 to 14 year is-

(a) Included in the Directive Principle of State Policy

(b) A fundamental Right(c) A Statutory Right(d) None of the above
10. Which one of the following writs examins the functioning of Subordinate Courts?
(a) Quo Warranto
(b) Mandamus
(c) Certiorari
(d) Habeas Corpus
11. Which Amendment to the Constitution inserted a new Article 21 A providing Right to
Education in the Constitution?
(a) 86th Amendment
(b) 87th Amendment
(c) 88th Amendment
(d) 89th Amendment
12. Which provision relating to the Fundamental Right is Directly related to the exploitation of
(a) Article 17
(b) Article 19
(c) Article 23
(d) Article 24
13. The Word Hindus in Article 25 of the Constitution of India does not include?
(a) Buddhists
(b) Jains
(c) Sikhs
(d) Parsees
14. The 44th Amendment in the Constitution of Indian removed the following right from the
category of Fundamental Right?
(a) Freedom of speech
(b) Constitutional remedies
(c) Property
(d) Freedom of religion
15. In the Indian Constitution the Right Equality is granted by five Article. They are
(a) Article 13 to Article 17
(b) Article 14 to Article 18
(c) Article 15 to Article 19
(d) Article 16 to Article 20
16. Which Article of the constitution of India says, No child below the age of fourteen years shall
be employed to work in any factory or mine or engaged in any other hazardous employment?
(a) Article 24
(b) Article 45

(c) Article 330

(d) Article 368
17. According to the National Human rights Commission (NHRC) Act, 1993, who amongst the
following can be its Chairman?
(a) Any serving judge of the Supreme Court
(b) Any serving judge of the high court
(c) Only a retired Chief Justice of Indian
(d) Only a retired Chief Justice of High Court
18. Who is the guardian of Fundamental Rights enumerated in Indian Constitution?
(a) Supreme Court
(b) Parliament
(c) Constitution
(d) President
19. Which part of the Indian constitution has been described as the soul of the constitution?
(a) Fundamental Rights
(b) Directive Principles of State Policy
(c) The Preamble
(d) Right to Constitutional Remedies
20. Which one among the following pairs of Articles relating to the Fundamental Rights can not
be suspended during the enforcement of emergency under Article 359 of the Indian
(a) Article 14 and 15
(b) Article 16 and 17
(c) Article 20 and 21
(d) Articles 24 and 25

a 1

B 1

B 1

C 1

D 1

A 1

D 1

D 1

B 1


C 2

1. Who is competent to dissolve the Rajya Sabha?

(1) The Chairman, Rajya Sabha
(2) The President
(3) The joint- Session of Parliament
(4) None
2. Rajya Sabha enjoys more power than the Lok Sabha in the case of
(1) Money bills
(2) None- money bills
(3) Setting up of new all India Services
(4) Amendment of the Constitution
3. The tenure of the Rajya Sabha is
(1) 2 years
(2) 5 years

(3) 6 years

4. What is the term of a member of the Rajya Sabha?

(1) 3 years
(2) 4 years
(3) 5 years
(4) 6 years
5. The vice President is the ex-officio Chairman of the
(1) Rajya Sabha
(2) Lok Sabha
(3) Planning Commission
(4) National Development Council
6. The Rajya Sabha is dissolved after(1) Every five years
(2) Every six years
(3) On the advice of the Prime Minister
(4) None of these
7. The upper house of Indian Parliament is known as(1) The Rajya Sabha
(2) The Lok Sabha
(3) The National Assembly
(4) The Indian Parliament

(4) Permanent

8. Who is the Chairman of Rajya Sabha?

(1) The President
(2) The Vice- President
(3) The Prime Minister
(4) The Speaker
9. Which is the House where the Chair person is not the member of that House?
(1) Rajya Sabha
(2) The Lok Sabha
(3) Legislative Council
(4) Legislative Assembly
10. How many members are nominated by the President in the Rajya Sabha?
(1) 2
(2) 10
(3) 12
(4) 15




GOI Act 1935

Parliamentary form of government
Rule of law
Legislative procedure
Cabinet system etc.
Federal scheme
Public service commissions
Emergency provisions
Office of Governor etc.



Fundamental rights
Impeachment of President
Removal of judges
Judicial review
Independent judiciary
Office of vice president


Directive Principles of State Policy(DPSP)

Method of election of President
Nomination of members to RajyaSabha


Federation with strong centre

Vesting residuary powers with centre
Appointment of Governor by the centre
Advisory jurisdiction of Supreme Court
Single citizenship


Concurrent list
Joint sitting of two houses of Parliament

(Now Russia)
Weimer Constitution
French constitution
South Africa

FundamentalDuties(addedwith42nd amendment in 1976)

Ideal of Justice (Social, Political and Economic) in the preamble

Suspension of fundamental rights during emergency

Republic Idea of liberty,
equality and fraternity in preamble
Procedure of amendment to the constitution
Election of members of RajyaSabha
Procedure established by law


March 20 --------- International Day of the

January 1 --------- Global Family Day


January 10 --------- World Laughter Day

March 20 --------- World Day of Theatre for

January 15 --------- Army Day

Children and Young People

January 23 --------- Netaji Subhash Chandra

March 21 --------- World Sleep Day

Bose's birth anniversary

March 21 --------- World Forestry Day

January 26 --------- Republic Day

March 21 --------- International Day for the

January 26 --------- International Customs day

Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

January 28 --------- Birth anniversary of Lala

March 22 --------- World Water Day

Lajpat Rai

March 23 --------- World Meteorological Day

January 28 --------- Data Protection Day

March 24 --------- World TB Day

January 30 --------- World Leprosy Eradication

March 24 --------- International Day for


March 25 --------- International Day of

February 4 --------- World Cancer Day
February 5 --------- Kashmir Day
February 6 --------- International Day against
Female Genital Mutilation
February 12 --------- Darwin Day
February 12 --------- World Day of the Sick
February 14 --------- Valentines Day
February 20 --------- World Day of Social
February 21 --------- International Mother
Language Day
February 22 --------- World Scout Day
February 23 --------- World Peaces and
Understanding Day
March 4 --------- World Day of the Fight
Against Sexual Exploitation
March 8 --------- International Womens' Day
March 13 --------- World Kidney Day
March 13 --------- World Rotaract Day
March 15 --------- World Consumer Rights Day

Remembrance - Victims of Slavery and

Transatlantic Slave Trade
March 27 --------- World Drama Day
April 2 --------- World Austism Awareness Day
April 7 --------- World Health Day
April 17 --------- World Haemophilia Day
April 18 --------- World heritage Day
April 22 --------- Earth Day
April 23 --------- World Book and Copyright
April 25 --------- World Malaria Day
April 29 --------- International Dance Day
May 1 --------- International Labour day
May 3 --------- Press Freedom Day
May 4 --------- Coal Miners day
May 8 --------- World Red Cross day
May 9 --------- - Victory Day
May 11 --------- National Technology Day
May 12 --------- International Nurses day
May 14 --------- World Migratory day

May 15 --------- International Day of the Family

World's Indigenous People

May 17 --------- World Information Society Day

August 12 --------- International Youth Day

May 21 --------- Anti-Terrorism Day

August 15 --------- Independence Day (India )

May 31 --------- World No Tobacco Day

August 23 --------- Internatinal Day for the

Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its



June 4 --------- International day of Innocent

August 29 --------- National Sports Day

Children Victims of Aggression

( Birthday of Dhyan Chand )

June 5 --------- World Environment Day

June 7 --------- International Level Crossing


Awareness Day

September 5 --------- Teacher's Day (Dr.

June 8 --------- World oceans Day

Radhakrishnan's Birth Day)

June 12 --------- World Day against Child

September 7 --------- Forgiveness Day


September 8 --------- International Literacy Day

June 14 --------- World Blood Donor day

September 14 --------- Hindi day,World First

June 17 --------- World Day to Combat

Aid Day

Desertification and Drought

September 16 --------- World Ozone Day

June 20 --------- World Refugee Day

September 21 --------- International Day of

June 23 --------- United Nations Public Service

Peace, World Alzheimer's day


September 25 --------- Social Justice Day

June 23 --------- International widow's day

September 27 --------- World Tourism Day

June 26 --------- International Day against

Drug Abuse and IIlicit Trafficking


June 27 --------- International Diabetes Day

October 1 --------- International Day of Older



October 2 --------- International day of Non-

July 1 --------- National doctor's Day


July 11 --------- World Population Day

October 3 --------- World Nature Day, World

July 12 --------- Malala Day

Habitat Day

July 18 --------- Nelson Mandela International

October 4 --------- World Animal Day


October 5 --------- World Teacher's Day

July 28 --------- World Nature Conservation

October 8 --------- Indian Airforce Day


October 9 --------- World Post Day

July 30 --------- International Day of Friendship

October 11 --------- International Girl Child Day

October 12 --------- World Arthritis Day


October 14 --------- World Standards Day

August 3 --------- Independence Day of Niger

October 15 --------- World Students Day

August 5 --------- Independence Day of Upper

October 16 --------- World Food day


October 17 --------- International Day for the

August 9 --------- International day of the

Eradication of Poverty

October 20 --------- World Statistics Day


October 24 --------- United Nations Day

December 2 --------- International Day for the

October 31 --------- World Thrift Day

Abolition of Slavery
December 3 --------- International Day of


People with Disability

November 1 --------- world vegan Day

December 3 --------- World Conservation Day

November 5 --------- World Radiography Day

December 4 --------- Navy Day

November 9 --------- World Services Day

December 5 --------- International Volunteer

November 14 --------- Children's Day ( Birth

Day for Economic and Social Development

Anniversary of Jawaharlal Nehru )

December 7 --------- International Civil Aviation

November 16 --------- International Day for



December 9 --------- The International Day

November 17 --------- International students

Against Corruption


December 10 --------- International Day of

November 17 --------- National Journalism Day


November 18 --------- World Adult Day

December 10 --------- Human Rights Day

November 19 --------- World Citizen Day

December 11 --------- International Mountain

November 20 --------- Universal Children's Day


November 21 --------- World Television Day

December 14 --------- World Energy Day

November 21 --------- World Fisheries day

December 18 --------- International Migrants

November 25 --------- World Non-veg Day


November 26 --------- Law Day

December 19 --------- Goa's Liberation Day

November 30 -------- Flag Day

December 20 --------- International Human

Solidarity Day


December 29 --------- International Biodiversity

December 1 --------- World AIDS Day


December 2 --------- World Computer Literacy


Who was the Viceroy at the time of Quit India Movement?

(A) Lord Irwin

(B) Lord Mountbatten

(C) Lord Wavell

(D) Lord Linlithgow


What is the first sermon of Buddha called as

(A) Mahaparinirvansutta

(B) Brahmajalasutta


(D) Kachchayanagottasutta

Who gave the title of Mahamana to Madan Mohan Malaviya ?

(A) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

(B) Dadabhai Nauroji

(C) Gopal Krishna Gokhale

(D) Mahatma Gandhi


The vacancy of the office of the President must be filled within

(A) 3 months

(B) 6 months

(C) 12 months

(D) 1 month

Multi-purpose river valley projects are the New temples of modern India.

The above statement is made by

(A) Jawaharlal Nehru

(B) Motilal Nehru

(C) Mahatma Gandhi

(D) Rajiv Gandhi

Which one of the following observations is not true about the Quit India Movement of 1942 ?

(A) It was a non-violent movement

(B) It was led by Mahatma Gandhi

(C) It was a spontaneous movement

(D) It did not attract the labour class in general


The Khilafat Movement was organised to protest against

(A) religious interference by the British


(B) Russian Revolution(C) dismemberment of

(D) suppression of Pathans

The present Somnath Temple located in the Kathiawar region of Gujarat is the seventh temple

built on the original site. It was completed on

(A) January 10, 1991

(B) August 6, 1992

(C) March 20, 1994

(D) December 1,1995

Akbar built Fatehpur Sikri (city of victory) near Agra, commemorating the emperors conquest

(A) Gujarat

(B) Bengal

(C) Magadh

(D) Sindh

10. Name the Commander of the Arab army who conquered Sindh
(A) Qutbuddin Aibak(B) Allauddin Khilji(C) Muhammad bin Qasim
(D) Al Hazzaz



Important Age Limits in Indian Constitution

1. Minimum age for election to the post of President/Vice-President/Governor 35 years
2. Minimum age for election as MP (Lok Sabha)/MLA 25 years
3. Minimum age for election as MP (Rajya Sabha)/MLC 30 years

4. Upper age limit for appointment as a judge of Supreme Court, Attorney General, Comptroller
General, member of Public Service Commission 65 years
5. Upper age limit for appointment as a judge of High court/ Advocate General/member of State
Commission 62 years
6. Minimum age limit for employment in a factory 14 years
7. Age between which education has been made a fundamental right 6 to 14 years
8. Minimum marriageable age for a male 21 years
9. Minimum marriageable age for a female 18 years.

Important Time Limits in Indian Constitution

1. Maximum interval between two sessions of Parliament/State Assembly Six months
2. Maximum life of Presidential Ordinance Six months
3. Maximum period within which an election is to be held to fill a vacancy created by the death,
resignation or removal, or otherwise of a President Six months
4. Maximum duration for which Presidents rule can be imposed in a state Six months
extendable up to a maximum of three years
5. Time after which money bill passed by Lok Sabha is deemed to have been passed by Rajya
Sabha when no action is taken by it 14 days
6. Maximum duration for which a President/Vice-President/Governor may hold his office from
the date on which he enters his office 5 years
7. Maximum duration for which a Lok Sabha/State Legislature may function from the date
appointed for its first meeting 5 years
8. Maximum period for which the term of a Lok Sabha/State Legislature may be extended while
a Proclamation of Emergency is in operation 1 year at a time
9. Maximum duration for which a Union Minister/State Minister may hold his office without
being a member of either of the houses of the Parliament/State Legislature Six months
10. Maximum duration for which a member of either House of Parliament may be absent
without permission, before his seat is declared is vacant 60 days

11. Maximum period within which a person who is arrested and detained in custody shall be
produced before the nearest magistrate 24 hours
12. Maximum duration for which a Panchayat/Municipality shall function from the date
appointed for its first meeting 5 years
13. Maximum duration for which a member of a Public Service Commission may hold his office
subject to his not attaining the age of sixty-five years 6 years
14. Maximum duration for which a member of a State Commission may hold his office subject to
his not attaining the age of sixty-two years 6 years
1. Carbon, diamond and graphite are together called:
1. isomers
2. allotropes
3. isomorphs
4. isotopes
2. Permanent hardness of water, due to sulphates of the metal, can be destroyed by
the use of:
1. nitrates
2. zeolites
3. sulphonates
4. None of these
3. Which of the following metals remains in liquid form under normal conditions ?
1. Uranium
2. Radium
3. Zinc
4. Mercury
4. Diamond is harder than graphite because of:
1. difference of layers of atom
2. tetrahedral structrue of diamond
3. difference of crystalline structures
4. None of these

5.Which of the following is the lightest gas ?

1. Nitrogen
2. Hydrogen
3. Ammonia
4. Carbon dioxide

6. Bromine is
1. a colourless gas insoluble in water

2. a highly inflammable gas

3. a black solid
4. a red liquid
7. Which of the following s a marsh gas?
1. hydrogen
2. nitrogen
3. methane
4. ethane
8. Which of the following gases is used as an illuminant in lamps used by
hawkers ?
1. Methane
2. Ethylene
3. Acetylene
4. Hydrogen
9. Production of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) gas which is proposed to be banned in
India, is used in which of the following domestic products ?
1. Television
2. Tubelight
3. Cooking gas
4. Refrigerator
10. Which of the following is not a bleaching agent ?
1. Sulphur dioxide
2. Carbon dioxide
3. Sodium hypochlorite
4. Chlorine
11. Find the odd one :
1. Marble
2. Chalk
3. Limestone
4. Slaked lime
12. Which of the following is used in pencils ?
1. Charcoal
2. Silicon
3. Phosphorus
4. Graphite
13. The gas used to extinguish fire, is:
1. neon
2. nitrogen

3. carbon dioxde
4. carbon monoxide
14. Most soluble in water is
1. camphor
2. sugar
3. sulphur
4. common salt

1. 2
2. 2
3. 4
4. 3

5. 2
6. 4
7. 3
8. 3

9. 4


1. The elements in the periodic table is arranged according to which order?

1. Atomic Number
2. Atomic Mass
3. Number of electrons
4. Number of protons
2. Soap is prepared by boiling Caustic soda with which substance?
1. Fats
2. Protein
3. Alcohol
4. Salt
3. Heavy water is also called as?
1. Acetic Acid
2. Sodium Chloride
3. Deuterium oxide (D2O)
4. Sodium Hydroxide
4. Rock Cotton is generally referred as?
1. Brick
2. Asbestos
3. Cement
4. Sand
5. Which of the following is known asBlack Diamond?
1. Coal
2. Graphite

3. Limestone
4. Charcoal
6. Which of the following is referred as Brown Coal?
1. Cadmium
2. Lignite
3. Sodium
4. Calcium
7. Metals that are extracted from sea water?
1. Sodium and Magnesium
2. Iron and Calcium
3. Nickel and Chromium
4. Lead and Tin
8. Which metal is also called as Metal ofFuture?
1. Uranium
2. Plutonium
3. Titanium
4. Diamond
9. Who discovered Electron ?
1. J.J Thomson
2. Rutherford
3. Charles Darwin
4. Albert Einstein
10. Freon used as a refrigerant is chemically known as?
1. Fluorinated Hydrocarbon
2. Sodium Bicarbonate
3. Calcium Oxide
4. Bauxite
11. Paper is chemically known as?
1. Starch
2. Glucose
3. Fat
4. Cellulose
12. Plumbism is a disease caused by which substance?
1. Lead
2. Tin
3. Iron
4. Sulphur

13. Ethai ethai is a disease caused by which metal?

1. Cadmium
2. Chromium
3. Nickel
4. Lead
14. Minamata is a disease caused by?
1. Lead
2. Tin
3. Mercury
4. Methane
15. Which gas is evolved when a metal react with acid?
1. Hydrogen
2. Carbon Dioxide
3. Oxygen
4. Nitrogen

1. 1
2. 1
3. 3
4. 2
5. 1

6. 2
7. 1
8. 3
9. 1
10. 1

11. 4
12. 1
13. 1
14. 3
15. 1

Important Years in INDIAN History

1866 First Indian Political Association
1870 Poona Sarvajanik Sabha
1876 The Indian Association
1884 Madras Mahajana Sabha
1885 -Bombay Presidency Association
1885 Dec -Indian National Congress
Three Important Periods:
1885-1905 Moderate Period
1905-1919 Extremist Period
1919-1947 Gandhian Period
1905 Vandemataram movement
1916 Home Rule movement
1920 Non-Cooperation Movement
1930 Civil Disobedient Movement
1942 Quit Indian Movement
1892 Indian Council Act
1909 Minto-Morely Reforms Act

1919 Montague-Chelmsford Act

1919 Rowlatt Act
1935 Government of India Act
20thJuly 1905 Division of Bengal by
Lord Curzon
1906 Birth of Muslim League
1940 August offer
1922 October Chauri-Chaurah
1922 Swaraj Party Formation
1927 Simon Commission appointed
by British Parliament
1928 Simon Commission visit to
1931 Gandhi-Irwin Pact
1930, 31, 32 Three Round Table


Simla Conference (Lord Wawell)

Cripps Proposals
Cabinet Missions arrival
Mountbatten Plan

1950 India became Republic

1956 Re-organization of the States
23 rd March 1931 Execution of
Bhagath Singh,Sukhdev and Rajguru

1. Which of the following are considered as sources of indirect taxes?

1. Excise
2. Custom
3. Service Tax
4. Property Tax
Choose the correct option from the codes given below:
[A]Only 1 & 2
[B]Only 1, 2 & 3
[C]Only 3 & 4
[D]1, 2, 3 & 4
2. The number of public sector banks in India in 2014 is:
3. According to latest RBI directive a new sub-category of the Commercial real
estate sector (CRE) is introduced :
[A]Residential projects
[B]Commercial projects
[C]Industrial projects
[D]SEZ projects
4. Rangachary Committee is appointed for?
[A]Taxation of Software Development Centres & IT Sector
[B]Taxation of Biotechnology and Pharmacy sector
[C]Taxation of MSME sector
[D]None of the above
5. What is a floating-rate bond?
[A]A bond with a fixed interest rate and has better yield than varying interest rate bond
[B]A bond with a fixed interest rate and has lower yield than varying interest rate bond
[C]A bond with a varying interest rate and has better yield than fixed interest rate bond
[D]A bond with a varying interest rate and has lower yield than fixed interest rate bond
6. Why Indirect taxes are often reffered as regressive taxing?
[A]They are charged at higher rates than direct taxes
[B]They are charged the same for all income groups

[C]They are not charged the same for all income groups
[D]None of the above
7. For which of the following purpose is The Cabinet Committee on Investments
set-up ?
[A]To submit a report on the hurdles creating bottle-necks on the economy
[B]To boost big ticket investments and untangle red-tapism
[C]To fast track disinvestment in PSUs
[D]To attract foreign investment into India to attract foreign investment into India
8. Once a Budget has been presented in the Parliament, the government has to get
all moneybills related to the union budget passed within how many days?
[A]30 Days
[B]60 Days
[C]75 Days
[D]90 Days
9. Chit funds in India is governed by which of the following?
[B]Central Government
[C]State Governments
[D]Local Bodies
10. India is worlds leading exporter of which of the following commodities?
1. Tea
2. Coffee
3. Sugar
4. Guar gum
Choose the correct option from the codes given below:
[A]Only 1
[B]Only 1 & 3
[C]Only 3 & 4
[D]Only 4
11.The National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM) enlists how may drugs?
12. What is termed as Market Capitalization?
1. Market capitalization is the product of total number of shares and stock price
2. Market capitalization changes daily
Choose the correct option from the codes given below:
[A]Only 1

[B]Only 2
[C]Both 1 & 2
[D]Neither 1 nor 2
13. The Modified Special Incentive Package Scheme (M-SIPS) by government is
introduced for which sector?
[A]Electronic System Design and Manufacturing
[B]Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
[C]Hotel and Tourism Sector Investments
[D]Textile Industry
14. Recently, India and Saudi Arabia decided to set up a joint working group on the
Nitaqat lawplaced by the Saudi government. The Nitaqat law relates to:
[A]Labour Laws
[B]Marriage Laws
[C]Criminal Procedure Code
[D]Owning Property Rights
15. Recently, the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) has launched an Islamic equity
index which isbased on:
[A]S&P BSE 500 index
[B]S&P BSE 200 index
[C]S&P BSE 100 index

1. B
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. D

6. B
7. B
8. C
9. C


Geography Notes
Q1: Name the elements that determine the weather of a place.
Answer: Following are the important elements that determine weather of a

Air pressure
Wind Speed


Q2: How do pressure and temperature influence weather pattern?

Answer: Higher temperatures cause air near the equator to expand and rise,
that produces high winds and ocean currents. Similarly, pressure difference
between warm and cold air causes air to flow from high pressure region to
low pressure region. It leads to production of high winds.
Q3: When are the maximum and minimum temperature likely to




Answer: The maximum temperature of the day occurs generally in the

afternoon while the minimum temperature occurs generally in the early
Q4: What is humidity? What is the instrument used to measure it?
Answer: Humidity is a measure of the moisture in air. Hygrometer is used to
measure humidity.
Q5: Define Weather.
Answer: The day-to-day condition of the atmosphere at a place with respect
to the temperature, humidity, rainfall, windspeed, etc., is called the weather
at that place.
Q6: Fill in the blanks:
(i) The average weather taken over a long time is called ___________.
(ii) A place receives very little rainfall and the temperature is high throughout
the year, the climate of that place will be _______ and _______.
(iii) The two regions of the earth with extreme climatic conditions are
__________ and _______.
iv) The weather reports are prepared by the ____________ department of the
(v) Special features of an animal to live in its surrounding is called
(vi) One of the important feature of tropical region is ____________.
(vii) The temperature, humidity, rainfall and other factors are called
___________ of the weather.
(i) climate of the place

(ii) hot, dry

(iii) tropical, polar

(iv) Meteorological

(v) adaptation

(vi) hot climate

(vii) elements
Q7: Name a few countries where tropical rain forests are present.
Answer: Countries where the tropical rainforests are found:


Republic of Congo




Q8: What is the role of the Meteorological Department of a country?
Answer: The Meteorological department collects data on temperature, wind,
etc., and prepares various kinds of weather reports.
It also makes the weather prediction.
It provides services to aviation sector like fog information.
It issues various national and zonal alerts like cyclone, tsunami information
It studies and identifies seismic activities and provides earthquake reports.
It helps farmers and agriculture sector by providing monsoon and rainfall
The department also use Satellite data to map patterns of heating and
cooling of various regions of the earth.
Q9: Name the instrument used to measure rainfall.
Answer: Rain gauge
Q10: What do you mean by Climate?
Answer: The average weather pattern taken over a long time, say 25 years,
is called the climate of the place.
Q11: Which of the two changes frequently, weather or climate?
Answer: Weather changes frequently. It is based on atmospheric conditions
(humidity, rainfall, wind speed etc.) in that place of that day. Climate is the
long-term average of a regions weather (e.g. 25 years).
Q12: What do you mean by adaptation?
Answer: The tendency of an animal (organism) to develop special features
which improve the chances of its survival in the surroundings where it lives is
called adaptation.

e.g. the thick coat of fur of polar bear is its adaptation to survive in polar/cold
Q13: What is the relationship among climate, adaptation and
Answer: Climate plays an important role on living organisms. It brings about
certain changes in the shape, structure and function of animal body so that it
can live and survive in those climatic conditions. These features and habits
that help animals to adapt to their surroundings are a result of the process of
Q14: Following are some of the characteristics of animals:
(i) Diets heavy on fruits

(ii) White fur

(iii) Need to

(iv) Loud voice

(v) Sticky pads on feet

(vii) Wide and large paws

(vi) Layer of fat under skin

(viii) Bright colours

(ix) Strong

(x) Long and large beak
For each characteristic indicate whether it is adaptation for tropical
rainforests or polar regions. Do you think that some of these characteristics
can be adapted for both regions?
(i) Diets heavy on fruits : tropical rainforests

(ii) White fur : polar

(iii) Need to migrate : polar region

(iv) Loud voice : tropical rainforests

(v) Sticky pads on feet :tropical rainforests

(vi) Layer of fat under skin:

polar region
(vii) Wide and large paws : polar region

(viii) Bright colours : tropical

(ix) Strong tails : tropical rainforests

(x) Long and large beak : tropical

In general, the characteristics adapted are specific to a region only.
Q15: How do penguins keep themselves warm?
Answer: Penguins huddle together to keep themselves warm.

Q16: The tropical rainforest has a large population of animals.

Explain why it is so.
Answer: The climatic conditions in rainforests are highly suitable for
supporting an enormous number and variety of animals. It is due to the
following reasons:
1. Climate is hot and gets plenty of rainfall. Because of continuous warmth
and rain, this region supports wide variety of plants and animals.
2. The region being near to equator, receives more solar energy available. It
contributes to higher productivity in terms of food and population.
3. Tropical rainforest remained less disturbed for millions of years, thus
giving longer time to evolution. It resulted in wide variety of species.
Q17: List at least three the animals living in tropical regions.
Answer: Monkeys, apes, gorillas, lions, tigers, elephants, leopards, lizards,
snakes, birds and insects.
Q18: Where do we find tropical rainforest in India?
Answer: Tropical rainforests are found in Western Ghats (Kerela, Karnataka,
Nilgiri Hills, Maharashtra etc.) and Assam in India,
Q19: Explain, with examples, why we find animals of certain kind
living in particular climatic conditions.
Answer: Animals are adapted to the conditions in which they live. These
adaptations are the outcomes of long process of evolution. It would be
difficult for them to survive if they are moved to region having different
climate conditions than from their habitat. e.g.
1. A polar bear has thick layer of fat under their skin which acts heat
insulator. It protects the bear from extreme cold climate of polar region. The
polar bear cannot survive if it is moved to hot and dry desert region.
2. Monkeys have long tails for grasping branches adapted to live in tropical
rain forests. It cannot survive in polar regions.
Q20: How do elephant living in the tropical rainforest adapt itself.
Answer: An elephant has adapted to rainforest climatic conditions in the
following ways:
1. It long trunk which acts as nose has a strong sense of smell.
2. It also uses its trunk to pick up food.

3. Its tusks are modified teeth which can tear the bark of trees for food.
4. Large ears of the elephant help it to hear even very soft sounds.
5. Large ears also help the elephant to keep cool in the hot and humid
climate of the rainforest.
Q21: A carnivore with stripes on its body moves very fast while
catching its prey. It is likely to be found in:
(a) polar regions
(b) deserts
(c) oceans
(d) tropical rainforests
Answer: (d) tropical rainforests
Q22: Which features adapt polar bears to live in extremely cold
(a) A white fur, fat below skin, keen sense of smell.
(b) Thin skin, large eyes, a white fur.
(c) A long tail, strong claws, white large paws.
(d) White body, paws for swimming, gills for respiration.
Answer: (a) A white fur, fat below skin, keen sense of smell.
Q23: Which option best describes a tropical region?
(a) hot and humid
(b) moderate temperature, heavy rainfall
(c) cold and humid
(d) hot and dry
Answer: (a) hot and humid
Q24: Which of the following is NOT an element of weather?
(a) Humidity
(b) Temperature
(c) Soil
(d) Rain
Answer: (c) Soil
Q25: What is camouflage?

Answer: Many tropical animals can blend their skin colour with the

surroundings. This feature is called camouflage. It protects them from

predators. It also helps wild cats (e.g. lions and tigers) to catch their prey.
A.P.J. Abdul Kalam :- Wings of Fire, Ignited Minds, Target 3 Million, The

luminous Spark, India 2020, Mission India, Indomitable Spirit, The Life Tree,
India My Dream, Inspiring Thoughts, Thoughts for Change, Spirit of India,
Evolution of Enlightened Societies, You are Born to Blossom, Turning Point
,Guiding Souls : Dialogues on the
Lipika, Chandralika, Chitra, Geethanjali, Gora, Ghare, Broken Ties, Malini, Sacrifice, Two Sisters ,
Bhaire, Chaturanga ------- Rabindranath Tagore
Anil Padmanaban :- Kalpana Chawla A Life
Annie Besant :- Wakeup India
Barack Obama :- Dreams From My Father
Bill Clinton :- My Life
Chetan Bhagat :- The 3 Mistakes of My Life, Five Point Someone, Two States, Revolution 2020,
One Night at the Call Center, Half Girlfriend
Dr. Bimal Jalan :- The Future of India
Dr. S. Radhakrishnan :- Indian Philosophy
G.D. Khosla :- Last Days of Nethaji
Indira Gandhi :- My Truth
Jackie Chan :- My Life in Action
Jawaharlal Nehru :- Glimpses of World History
Jawaharlal Nehru :- The Discovery of India
Jonathan Swift :- Gulliver Travels
K. R. Malkani :- India First
Kalidasa :- Megdoot, kumarasambhava, Malavikagnimitra
Kautilya :- Arthashastra
Khuswant Singh :- We Indians, Train To Pakistan, Women and Men in My Life
Koutilya :- Arthashastra
L.K. Advani :- My Nation My Life
Lala Lajpat Rai :- Unhappy India
Leo Tolstoy :- War and Piece
Mahatma Gandhi :- My Experiments with Truth
Mrs. Indira Gandhi :- Eternal India
N.R. Narayan Murthy :- A Better India A Better World
Nandan Nilekani :- Imagining India
Narendra Modi :- Jyoti punj

P. V. Narasimha Rao :- Ayodhya

Panini :- Ashtadhyayi
R. C. Dutt :- Economic History of India
R.K. Narayanan :- My Days, The Guide, Malgudi days, Waiting for the Mahatma, The Dark Room,
The Bachelors of Art, The English Teacher, The Financial Expert
S.K. Banerjee :- Independence
Sarojini Naidu :- Broken Wing, Golden Threshold
Shakespeare :- Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, King Lear
Sharat Chandra Chatterjee :- Devdas
Shiv Khera :- Living with Honour
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle :- The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Sunil Gavaskar :- One Day Wonders
Swami Vivekananda :- Inspired Talks, The Sleeping Giant, Living at the State, Way of the Saint,
Jnana Yoga, Raja Yoga, My Master, Women of India, Vedanta Philosophy
V.S Naipoul :- Half a Life
V.V. Giri :- My life and Times
Valmiki :- Ramayana
Vatsayana :- Kamasutra
Veda Vyas :- Bhagwad Gita, Mahabharata
Vikram Seth :- Two Lives, The Golden Gate, A Suitable Boy, Arion and The Dolphin, An Equal
Music, From Heaven Lake:Travels
Vishnu Sharma :- Panchatantra
Yann Martel :- Life of Pi
True Colours Adam Gilchrist
My Life Struggle Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan
Sandy Storms Sandeep Patil
Runs in Ruins Sunil Gavaskar
Assam-A Valley Divided Shekhar Gupta
Swami and Friends R.K. Narain
The Indian Epics Retold R. K. Narayan
Pakistan-The Gathering Storms Benazir Bhutto
The Morarji Papers Arun Gandhi
Cricket My Style Kapil Dev
Sunny Days Sunil Gavaskar
By Gods Decree The Autobiography of Kapil Dev
My Childhood Days Taslima Nasreen

The Cost of Living , Capitalism: A Ghost Story , Walking with the Comrades , God of

Small Things Arundhati Rai

Development as Freedom Amartya Sen
Interpreter of Maladies Jhumpa Lahiri
Living History Hillary Rodham Clinton
Business at the Speed of Thought Bill Gates
Life of Pi Yann Martel
Long Walk to Freedom Nelson Mandela
The Writer and the World V. N. Naipaul
Two Lives Vikram Seth
The Family and the Nation Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam and Acharya Mahapragya
The Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri
Straight From the Heart Kapil Dev
My Life Bill Clinton
Magic Seeds V. S. Naipaul
To a Hunger Free World Dr. M. S. Swaminathan
The Line of Beauty Alan Hollinghurst
The Piano Teacher Elfriede Jelinek
Shalimar, the Clown Salman Rushdie
Purpose of Life with Arun K. Tiwari
Identity and Violence : The Illusion of Destiny Prof. Amartya Sen
The Last Moghul William Darlymple
In the Line of Fire : A Memoire Parvez Musharraf
Mohandas : A True Story of a Man, Once Upon a Time in the Soviet Union Dominique Lapierre
My Country My Life L. K. Advani
Jinnah : India-Partition-Independence Jaswant Sing
The Post American World Farid Zakaria
Yours Sincerely Natwar Singh
Convenient Action : Gujarats Response to Challenges of Climate Change Narendra Modi
The Orphan Masters Son: Adam Johnsons novel
(The Orphan Masters son won the Pulitzer Prize forfiction in 2013.)
Religion, Law & Society Authored by Prof. Tahir Mahmood
The First Woman President of India, Reinventing leadership, Smt. Pratibha
Devisingh Patil written by Professor Sunaina Singh
Walking with Lions: Tales from a Diplomatic Past - written by K. Natwar Singh, the
former Union Minister for External Affairs.
Yuvi- Book on Cricketer Yuvraj Singh authored by Makarand Waingankar

Narendra Modi Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Department of Atomic Energy,
Department of Space, All important policy issues and all other portfolios not allocated to any

Minister (Varanasi)
Rajnath Singh Home Affairs (Lucknow)
Sushma Swaraj External Affairs, Overseas Indian Affairs (Vidisha, MP )
Arun Jaitley Finance, Corporate Affairs, additional charge of Defence (Amritsar, lost the
elections, Rajysabha MP from Gujarat)
M Venkaiah Naidu Urban Development, Housing, Urban Poverty Alleviation, Parliamentary
Affairs (Karnataka (Rajya Sabha)
Nitin Gadkari Road Transport and Highways, Shipping (Additional charge Rural
Development, Panchayati Raj, Drinking Water and Sanitation) (Nagpur)
DV Sadananda Gowda Railways ( Bangalore North)
Uma Bharati Water resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation (Jhansi, UP )
Dr Najma Heptulla Minority Affairs ( Madhya Pradesh , Rajyasabha)
Ramvilas Paswan Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution (Hajipur , Bihar)
Kalraj Mishra Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (Deoria, UP)
Maneka Gandhi Women and Child Development (Pilibhit, UP)
Ananthkumar Chemicals and Fertilizers (Bangalore South)
Ravi Shankar Prasad Communications and Information Technology Law and Justice
(Rajyasabha, Bihar)
Ashok Gajapathi Raju Civil Aviation (Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh)
Anant Geete Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises (Raigad, Maharashtra)
Harsimrat Kaur Badal Food Processing Industries (Bathinda, Punjab)
Narendra Singh Tomar Mines, Steel, Labour and Employment (Gwalior, MP)
Jual Oram Tribal Affairs (Sundargarh, Odisha)
Radha Mohan Singh Agriculture (Purvi Champaran, Bihar)
Thaawar Chand Gehlot Social Justice and Empowerment (Rajya sabha from Madhya
Smriti Irani Human Resource Development (Rajya Sabha MP from Gujarat)
Dr Harsh Vardhan Health and Family Welfare (Chandni Chowk , Delhi)
" " -1:- -- 1952-62 , , ,
, "" |
2:- -- 1962-67 , (1952-62) , 5 ,
( 5 ) ,
"" |
3:- -- 1967-69 , , ( 2 ) ,
"" |
, "" |
4:- -- 1969-74 ,
5:- -- 1974-77 , , ( 2 1
2+1=3 ) |
6:- -- 1977-82 , , * -- 25 (
6 13 25 |
7:- -- |
8:- |
9:- |
10:- -- |

-- " , |
12:- -- ,- , -
, , |
13:- -- | - | -- |

( ) -- |
1. 1:
2. 3: , ,

3. 5-11:
20. 248:

4. 12-35:
21. 266:
5. 36-51: -

6. 51():
22. 267:
7. 52-73:

23. 280:

24. 281:
8. 74-75:

25. 312:
9. 79:
10. 80:
11. 81:
27. 320:
28. 324:
123 :
29. 330:

13. 124:
30. 331: 14. 153-162:

31. 343-351: ,
15. 163-164:

16. 168-195:
32. 352-360:
17. 216:
33. 368:

239() :

19. 243: ,
34. 370: -

1. Prithvi-I (SS-150)(Range: 150 km, Payload: 1000 kg, User: Army)
2. Prithvi-II (SS-250)(Range: 250 km - 350 km, Payload500 kg - 1000 kg, User: Air Force,
3. Prithvi-III (SS-350)(Range: 350 km - 600 km,Payload: 250 kg - 500 kg, User: Army, Air
Force, Navy)
4. Agni-I(Range: 700 1,200 km, Type: MRBM, User:Army, Air Force)
5. Agni-II(Range: 2,000 2,500 km, Type: IRBM, User:Army, Air Force)
6. Agni-III(Range: 3,000 5,000 km, Type: IRBM, User:Army, Air Force)
7. Agni-IV(Range: 2,500 3,700 km, Type: IRBM, User:Army, Air Force)

8. Agni-V(Range: 5,000 8,000 km, Type: ICBM, User:Army, Air Force)

9. Agni-VI(Range: 8,000 10,000 km, Type: ICBM, User:Army, Air Force)
10. K-15(Range: 750 km, Weight: 10 tonne, Warhead: 1tonne, length: 10 m)
11. K-4(Range: 3,500-5,000 km, Weight: 17 tonnes,Warhead: 1 tonne - 2.5 tonnes, length: 10 m)
12. K-5(Range: 6,000 km, Weight: Unspecified, Warhead:1 tonne, length: Unspecified)
13. BrahMos(Type: Supersonic, Range: 290 km, Status:Inducted)
14. Shaurya (Type: Hypersonic, Range: 1000-1800 Km, Status: Inducted)
15. SRSAM (Type: Hypersonic, Range: 15 Km, Status: Inducted)
16. Pinaka (Range: 40 km, Status: Inducted)
17. Nag (Range: 4km, Status: Induction)
18. Akash (Range: 30 Km , Status: Inducted)
19. Phase-I:(Status: Development completed)
20. MRSAM(Range: 70 km, Used: Air force) Some other Indian Missiles that are either in
development phase or in testing phase are :
1. BrahMos-2(Type: Hypersonic, Range: 290 km, Status: In development)
2. Long-Range Cruise Missile (LRCM) (Type: Supersonic, Range: 1000 km, Status: In
3. Pinaka 2 (Range: 120 km, Status: Design Phase)
4. Nag 2(Range: 7 km, Status: In development)
5. Akash MK2(Range: 45 -50 KM, Status: In development)
6. Astra missile Mk2(Range: 100-120 km, Status: Design Phase)
7. Phase-II(Status: In design Phase)
8. Prahaar(Range: 150 KM, Status: In Test Phase)
9. Astra(Range: 80 km, Status: In Trail Phase)
10. Helina(Range: 7Km, Status: In Test Phase)
11. LRSAM (Range: 70 Km, Status: testing phase)
12. Trishul (Range: 8-12 Km, Status: Closed)
#### RUPEE ####
Mind Tricks: PIMS of MNSe
P Pakistan, I India , M- Maldives , S
M Mauritius , N Nepal , S-Seychelles
#### POUND #### : S-U-L ,S-E
S - South Sudan ,L- Lebanon , U - UK , E
Egypt , S Syria
#### PESO ####: M-A-C Co C-P-U
MindTrick : just like MAC intoshCpu
M-Mexico , A-Argentina , C-Chile
***Co*** Colombia

C-Cuba , P-Philippines , U-Uruguay
#### KRONE ####:
Mind Trick : denMARK on his norWAY to
receive Crown
1) Denmark
#### WON ####:
MindTrick : Koreas Won in the Battle
1)South Korea
2)North Korea
#### SHILLING ####:
Mind Trick: Shilling ko SUK
1) Kenya

2) Somalia
Ba-Bahrain , S- Serbia , T- Tunisia
3) Uganda
#### EURO ####: BIG -FAN-PI SMS
J-Jorden, A-Algeria, I-Iraq, L-Libya
Mind Trick: BIG FAN of PI and wished
through SMS
#### DOLLAR ###: Li-Ne
B-Belgium, I-Ireland,
Li-Liberia , Ne-New Zealand
SiZE -Ca-Fi-T-E-A
Si- Singapore , Z- Zimbabwe, E- Ecuador
P-Portugal, I-Italy
Ca-Canadian , Fi- Fizzi
S-Spain , M-Malta , S-Solvaria
T-Taiwan, E-Ethiopia , A-Australia
#### DINAR #### : BaST K J-A-I-L
Real or Riya
Saudi Qatar Iran
Ten countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark,
Hungary,Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Sweden, and the United Kingdom)
are EU members but do not use the euro, though Lithuania is due to adopt
the euro from 1 January 2015.
BULGARIA-Bulgarian lev
CROATIA-Croatian kuna
Czech Republic-Czech koruna
DENMARK-Danish krone
HUNGARY-Hungarian forint
LITHUANIA-Lithuanian litas
POLAND-Polish zoty
ROMANIA-Romanian leu
SWEDEN-Swedish krona
UK-UK Pound


Green revolution--wheat ,rice,cereals,
2nd Green revolution- paddy
White Revolution--Milk and Dairy products
Blue Revolution--Fishing and marine products
Yellow revolution--Oil seeds/edible oil
especially mustard,
Pink Revolution--Prawns, onion
Rainbow Revolution--Fruits/breeding of
ornamental fish
Brown Revolution--Cocoa/Leather
Black Revolution--Petroleum

Grey Revolution-- Fertilizer

Red Revolution-- Meat, tomato
Round Revolution-- Potato
Golden Revolution--Honey, Horticulture
Golden fiber--Jute
Silver fiberCotton
Saffron Kesar
Silver-- Eggs (Poultry)
protein revolutionprotein

Bandhavgarh National Park

Check out the place where firstly and formostly the white Tigers of Rewa were discovered
Bandhavgarh. This park is some of the left out preserved wild pockets of Madhya Pradesh of
what were once splendid forests that extended across the whole of Central India.
Ranthambore National Park
A nearby attraction of Sawai Madhopur, in the state of Rajasthan, Ranthambore National Park is
an outstanding example of Project Tigers efforts at conservation in the India.
Kaziranga National Park
The land of Rhino is counted among the two major wild pockets, the only surviving habitats of
this prehistoric survivor in India.
Kanha National Park
Ever though what it feels like to visit a tiger country, then visit the state of Madhya Pardesh,
check out the wilds of Kanha and see for yourself why this place is called a wild hideout taken
straight from the famous Jungle Book.
Sundarbans National Park
Come to Sundarbans where adventure awaits you at every corner. Known as the largest
estuarine delta in the world, this Tigerland vibrates with countless forms of colourful life.
Manas National Park
Assam is the state of the Great One Horned Rhino. Beside the Kaziranga theres Manas another
habitat of the Rhinos, located in one of the remotest region among the foothills of Himalayas.
Bandipur National Park
Lies halfway down the Mysore-Ooty highway became one of the first of Indias Tiger Reserves
and the southernmost of the nine reserves specially established under Project Tiger.
Sultanpur National Park
Sultanpur national park was a stretch of marshy land that has been remodeled and converted
into a water body. The park is home to a large range of birds, both resident and migratory.
Royal Chitwan National Park (Nepal)
Established in 1973, provides a great wildlife experience with its rich flora and fauna. Short grass
makes the months of February-May the best game-viewing season, but the autumn months are
perfectfor visiting, with Himalayan views, and in winter months of December-January, Chitwan
has quiet a pleasant climate compared to Kathmandu.
Royal Bardia National Park (Nepal)
Largest and most undisturbed wild area of the Terai region of the Nepal Himalayas. Simialar to
Chitwan park, but with a drier climate and a more remote location, Bardia encompasses 1,000sq-kms of riverine grassland and sal forests.
Rajaji National Park, Uttaranchal
Situated in the forested hills, east of Haridwar, is quiet known for its wild Elephants, which have
an approximate population of 150. Because of the pleasant climate this hideout becomes a pretty
good tourist destination and a perfect retreat for picnicking.
Dudhwa National Park, U.P.
Also popular as a Tiger Reserve, this national park is located in the district of Lakhimpur, along
the Indo-Nepal border. Another major attraction of this wild reserve is the Barasingha or the
Swamp Deer,found in the southwest and southeast region of the park.

Bandipur & Nagarhole National Parks, Karnataka Two of the most attractive national
parks of Karnataka are Nagarhole and Bandipur. Even if separate entities, they are a part of a
large neighboring wildlife reserve that also includes Madumalai Sanctuary of Tamil Nadu and
Wynad Reserve of Kerala.
Bhalukpong, Arunachal
For the energetic visitor, keen to experience of faraway Arunachal Pradesh, Bhalukpong is a
place to visit. On the edge of the luxuriant forest of the Pakhui Game Sanctuary, along the
Kameng river lies the village settlement of Bhalukpong, also known as the gateway to Bomdila
and the Tawang Monastery.
Simplipal National Park, Orissa
Simplipal is counted among the earliest Project tiger reserves of India and is located in the
northernforested belt of Orissa. Beside the faunal attractions, the attractive terrain also includes
numerous waterfalls.
Nandankanan Zoo, Orissa
A combination of a beautiful botanical garden, a zoo and a sanctuary, Nandankanan, is situated
20-km from Bhubaneshwar, and is popularly known as the Garden of Pleasure in Orissa. The
zoo at Nandankanan is world famous for its White Tigers.
Gahirmatha Turtle Sanctuary, Orissa
Aqua fauna is what going to attract you to this sanctuary, the breeding center of the Giant Olive
Ridley Turtles, who crossover the Pacific to come here and lay their eggs.
Namdhapha National Park, Arunachal
Tucked away in the northern most state of Arunachal, is the Namdhapa National Park, famous
for the extremely elusive snow and the clouded Leopard. The park is also a Tiger Reserve under
Project Tiger.
Velvadhar Blackbuck Sanctuary, Gujarat
Popularly known as the home of the Indian Black Buck, has attracted worldwide attention for
the successful conservation of the fastest of the Indian Antelopes Black Buck.
Wild Ass Sanctuary, Gujarat
Gujarat is an exciting place for wildlife enthusiasts, mainly because it resides some of the unique
wild attractions within its numerous sanctuaries. Wild Ass sanctuary is another of Gujarats wild
surprises famous for its large wild Ass herds.
Dachigam National Park, J&K
Of all the sanctuaries present in the state of Jammu & Kashmir, the one at Dachigam is the best
known. Once an exclusive hunting preserve of the Maharaja of Kashmir, it was declared a
national park in 1951, owing to a strictly enforced conservation programme, to preserve the or
Hangul population or theKashmiri Stag.
The Great Himalayan National Park, H.P.
The National Park with an area of 620-sq-kms is caved out of the splendid mountain terrain of
the Kullu District and has the representative area of temperate and alpine forests of Himachal. It
is also one of the largest protected area of the state.
Dibru Saikhowa National Park, Assam
Located on the alluvial flood plains of Brahmaputra in Upper Assam neighboring Arunachal is a
biosphere reserve called Dibru Saikhowa National Park Its also an orchid paradise besides being
a home to numerous wild animals and birds.
Milroy or Pabha Sanctuary, Assam

This splendid wildlife reserve even if doesnt have many faunal varieties to offer, still it possesses
the most coveted one, the Wild Water Buffalo.This sanctuary has been exclusively built for the
protection of the wild water buffalo.
Nameri National Park, Assam
Nameri is the second Tiger reserve of Assam, situated at the foothills of eastern Himalayas. The
hilly backdrop, deciduous and the river Jia Bhoroli have added a unique natural charm to it.
Pin Valley National Park, H.P.
Tucked in between the snow laden higher reaches and scree slopes covered with scanty tufted
vegetation, Pin Valley National Park forms the natural habitat of a number of endangered
animals including Himalayan Ibex, Snow Leopard, Bharal, Wooly Hare, Tibetan Wolf, and Snow
Hemis High Altitude National Park, J&K
Hemis is a high altitude protected area that was created in the year 1981, in the eastern part of
the cold desert of Ladakh, for the conservation and protection of its unique flora and fauna.
National Movement (1920 to 1940)
National Movement of India: 1920 to 1940
Chauri Chaura Incident (1922)
(i) A mob of people at Chauri Chaura (near Gorakhpur) clashed with police and burnt 22
policemen on February 5, 1922.
(ii) This compelled Gandhiji to withdraw the Non Cooperation movement on Feb. 12, 1922.
Simon Commission (1927)
(i) Constituted under John Simon, to review the political situation in India and to introduce
further reforms and extension of parliamentary democracy. Indian leaders opposed the
commission, as there were no Indians in it.
(ii) The Government used brutal repression and police attacks to break the popular opposition.
At Lahore, Lala Lajpat Rai was severely beaten in a lathi-charge. He succumbed to his injuries
on Oct. 30, 1928.
Lahore Session (1929)
(i) On Dec. 19, 1929 under the President ship of J. L. Nehru, the INC, at its Lahore Session,
declared Poorna Swaraj (Complete independence) as its ultimate goal.
(ii) On Dec. 31, 1929, the newly adopted tri-colour flag was unfurled and an. 26, 1930 was fixed
as the First Independence Day, was to be celebrated every year.
Revolutionary Activities
(i) The first political murder of a European was committed in 1897 at Poona by the Chapekar
brothers, Damodar and Balkishan. Their target was Mr. Rand, President of the Plague
Commission, but Lt. Ayerst was accidentally shot.
(ii) In 1907, Madam Bhikaiji Cama, a Parsi revolutionary unfurled the flag of India at Stuttgart
Congress (of Second international).
(iii) In 1908, Khudiram Bose and Prafulla chaki threw a bomb on the carriage of kingford, the
unpopular judge of Muzaffapur. Khudiram, Kanhaiyalal Dutt and Satyendranath Bose were
hanged (Alipur Case).
(iv) In 1909, M L Dhingra shot dead Col. William Curzon Whyllie, the political advisor of India
Office in London.

(v) In 1912, Rasbihari Bose and Sachindra Nath Sanyal threw a bomb and Lord Hardinge at
Delhi (Delhi Conspiracy Case).
(vi) In Oct, 1924, a meeting of revolutionaries from all parts of India was called at Kanpur. They
setup Hindustan Socialist
Republic Association/Army (HSRA).
(vii) They carried out a dacoity on the Kakori bound train on the Saharanpur-Lucknow railway
line on Aug. 9, 1925.
(viii) Bhagat Singh, with his colleagues, shot dead Saunders (Asst. S. P. Of Lahore, who ordered
lathi charge on Lala Lajpat Rai) on Dec. 17, 1928. Then Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt
threw a bomb in the Central Assembly on Apr 8, 1929. Thus, he, Rajguru and Sukhdev were
hanged on March. 23, 1931 at Lahore Jall (Lahore Conspiracy Case) and their bodies cremated
at Hussainiwala near Ferozepur. In 1931, Chandrashekhar Azad shot himself at Alfred Park in
Dandi March (1930)
(i) Also called the Salt Satyagraha.
(ii) Along with 78 followers, Gandhiji started his march from Sabarmati Ashram on March 12,
1930 for the small village Dandhi to break the salt law.
(iii) He reached the seashore on Apr. 6, 1930.
(iv) He picked a handful of salt and inaugurated the Civil Disobedience Movement.
First Round Table conference (1930)
(i) It was the first conference arranged between the British and Indians as equals. It was held on
Nov. 12, 1930 in London to discuss Simon commission.
(ii) Boycotted by INC, Muslim League, Hindu Mahasabha, Liberals and some others were
Gandhi Irwin Pact (1931)
(i) Moderate Statesman, Sapru, Jaikar and Srinivas Shastri initiated efforts to break the ice
between Gandhiji and the government.
(ii) The two (government represented by Irwin and INC by Gandhiji) signed a pact on March 5,
(iii) In this the INC called off the civil disobedience movement and agreed to join the second
round table conference.
(iv) The government on its part released the political prisoners and conceded the right to make
salt for consumption for villages along the coast.
Second Round Table Conference (1931)
(i) Gandhi represented the INC and went to London to meet British P. M. Ramsay Macdonald.
(ii) However, the session was soon deadlocked on the minorities issue and this time separate
electorates was demanded not only by Muslims but also by Depressed Classes, Indian Christians
and Anglo Indians.
The Communal Award (Aug 16, 1932)
(i) Announced by Ramsay McDonald. It showed divide and rule policy of the British.
(ii) Envisaged representation of Muslims, Sikhs, Indian Christians, Anglo Indians, women and
even Backward classes.
(iii) Gandhi, who was in Yeravada jail at that time, started a fast unto death against it.

Poona Pact (September 25, 1932)

(i) After the announcement of communal award and subsequent fast of Gandhiji, mass meeting
took place almost everywhere.
(ii) Political leaders like Madan Mohan Malviya, B. R. Ambedkar and M. C. Rajah became
(iii) Eventually Poona pact was reached and Gandhi broke his fact on the sixth day (Sept 25,
(iv) In this, the idea of separate electorate for the depressed classes was abandoned, but seats
reserved to them in the provincial legislature were increased.
Third Round Table Conference (1932)
(i) Proved fruitless as most of the national leaders were in prison. The discussions led to the
passing of the Government of India Act, 1935.
Demand For Pakistan
(i) In 1930, Iqbal suggested that the Frontier Province, Baluchistan, Sindh and Kashmir be
made the Muslim State within the federation.
(ii) Chaudhary Rehmat Ali gave the term Pakistan in 1933.
(iii) Mohd. Ali Jinnah of Bombay gave it practicality.
(iv) Muslim League first passed the proposal of separate Pakistan in its Lahore session in 1940.
Ques. : 1 __________ is the capability to continue as if nothing has happened, even after a
major component failure.
1) redundancy 2) interoperability
3) fault tolerance 4) backup
5) None of these Ans.) 3
Ques. : 2 Striping with parity is also known as RAID __________.
1) 0 2) 1
3) 4 4) 6
5) all of the above Ans.) 3
Ques. : 3 A storage device that is connected directly to a network is an example of
1) network attached storage 2) storage area network
3) direct attached storage 4) RAID
5) None of these Ans.) 1
Ques. : 4 A tape library will use a robotic component called a(n) __________ to change and
store multiple tape cartridges.
1) RAID 2) backup device
3) redundant system 4) auto loader
5) None of these Ans.) 4
Ques. : 5 More than one of the same component is an example of a __________ system.
1) scalable 2) redundant
3) RAID 4) back-up
5) None of these Ans.) 2
Ques. : 6 _______ is a first-generation cellular phone system.
3) GSM 4) none of the above

5) None of these Ans.) 1

Ques. : 7 __________ is a second-generation cellular phone system.
3) GSM 4) none of the above
5) all of the above Ans.) 2
Ques. : 8 ____________ is a digital version of AMPS.
1) GSM 2) D-AMPS
3) IS-95 4) none of the above
5) all of the above Ans.) 2
Ques. : 9 ___________ is a second-generation cellular phone system used in Europe.
1) GSM 2) D-AMPS
3) IS-95 4) all of the above
5) none of the above Ans.) 1
Ques. : 10 The __________ cellular phone system will provide universal personal
1) first-generation 2) second-generation
3) third-generation 4) all of the above
5) none of the above Ans.) 3
Ques. : 11 Computer can not do anything without a
1) Chip 2) Memory
3) Output device 4) Program
5) None of these Ans.) 4
Ques. : 12 A process known as ____________ is used by large retailers to study trends.
1) data mining 2) data selection
3) POS 4) data conversion
5) None of these Ans.) 1
Ques. : 13 Which generation of computers is covered by the period 1964-77?
1) First 2) Second
3) Third 4) Forth
5) None of these Ans.) 3
Ques. : 14 __________ is data that has been organized or presented in a meaningful fashion.
1) A process 2) Software
3) Storage 4) Information
5) None of these Ans.) 4
Ques.: 15 ____________terminals (formerly known as cash registers) are often connected to
complex inventory and sales computer systems.
1) Data 2) Point-of-sale
3) Sales 4) Query
5) None of these Ans.) 2
Ques.: 16 A(n) ____________ system is a small, wireless handheld computer that scans an
items tag and pulls up the current price (and any special offers) as you shop.
1) PSS 2) POS
3) inventory 4) data mining
5) None of these Ans.) 1
Ques.: 17 The ability to recover and read deleted or damaged files from a criminals computer is

an example of a law enforcement specialty called:

1) robotics 2) simulation
3) computer forensics 4) animation
5) None of these Ans.) 3
Ques. : 18 Which of the following is not one of the four major data processing functions of a
1) gathering data 2) processing data into information
3) analyzing the data or information 4) storing the data or information
5) None of these Ans.) 3
Ques.: 19 ____________ tags, when placed on an animal, can be used to record and track in a
database all of the animals movements
1) POS 2) RFID
3) PPS 4) GPS
5) None of these Ans.) 2
Ques.: 20 Surgeons can perform delicate operations by manipulating devices through computers
instead of manually This technology is known as
1) robotics 2) computer forensics 3) simulation 4) forecasting 5) None of these
Ans.) 1
Ques: 21 Technology no longer protected by copyright, available to everyone, is considered to be:
1) proprietary 2) open
3) experimental 4) in the public domain
5) None of these Ans.) 1
Ques. : 22 All of the following are examples of real security and privacy risks except
1) hackers 2) spam
3) viruses 4) identity theft
5) None of these Ans.) 2
Ques. : 23 ____________ is the study of molecules and structures whose size ranges from 1 to
100 nanometers.
1) Nanoscience 2) Microelectrodes
3) Computer forensics 4) Artificial intelligence
5) None of these Ans.) 1
Ques.: 24 ____________ is the science that attempts to produce machines that display the
same type of intelligence that humans do.
1) Nanoscience 2) Nanotechnology
3) Simulation 4) Artificial intelligence
5) None of these Ans.) 4
Ques. : 25 The name for the way that computers manipulate data into information is called
1) programming 2) processing
3) storing 4) organizing
5) None of these
Ans.) 2
Ques.: 26 An e-mail address typically consists of a user ID followed by the ____ sign and the
name of the e-mail server that manages the users
electronic post office box.
1) @ 2) #
3) &4) *

5) None of these Ans.) 1

Ques. : 27 Software applies ____ also called algorithms, to process data.
1) arithmetic 2) procedures
3) objects 4) rules
5) None of these Ans.) 1
Ques. : 28 A file extension is separated from the main file name with a(n) ____ but no spaces.
1) question mark 2) exclamation mark
3) underscore 4) period
5) None of these Ans.) 5
Ques. : 29 An ad hoc query is a
1) pre-planned question 2) pre-scheduled question
3) spur-of-the moment question 4) question that will not return any results
5) None of these Ans.) 2

First in India in various fields

11. The first Indian woman to cross the English

Channel swim- Miss Arati Saha

1. The first British Governor General of Bengal

- Warren Hastings
12. The first to climb Mount Everest- Tenzing
2. Independent Indias first Governor-General Lord Mount Baton
13. The first man to climb Mount Everest
without oxygen - Fu Dorji
3. Independent Indias first Commander-inChief- Roy Butcher
14. Man to climb Mount Everest twice- Nwaag
4. First Prime Minister- Jawaharlal Nehru
15. The first Indian to receive Nobel Prize
5. First President- Dr. Rajendra Prasad
- Rabindranath Tagore
6. Field Marshal- S.H.F.J. Manekshaw
7. The first Indian Governor General of India
- C. Rajagopalachari

16. The first president of the Indian National

Congress- WC Banerjee (vyomesh Chandra

17. First Test Tube Baby- Durga (Kanupriya

8. First Indian Ailsi.asl Officer- Satyendra Nath Agarwal)
18. The first test tube baby pioneer of Indian
9. The first Indian member of the Viceroys
scientific- Dr. Subhas Mukhopadhyay
Executive Council- S. P. Sinha
19. independent Indias first Commander-in10. The first Indian to cross the English
Chief- General Sir Roy Bucher
Channel swim- Mihir Sen

20. independent Indias first Commander-inChief- General. M. Cariappa, 1949

35. The first woman governor- Sarojini Naidu

36. First Woman President- Mrs. Pratima Patil

21. The first Indian cosmonaut- Squadron

Leader Rakesh Sharma, 1984
22. The first Indian to reach the South Pole
- Col Jatinder Kumar Bajaj
23. The first Indian woman to climb Everest
- Bcendrai sail May 23, 1984 (the worlds fifth

37. The first woman president of the Indian

National Congress- Dr. Annie Bisent
38. The first woman PM- Mrs. Indira Gandhi
39. First female president of an assembly- Mrs.
Shanno Devi
40. First Muslim President- Dr. Zakir Hussain

24. The first Indian woman to reach the South

Pole- Rina skills Dharmskhu
25. The first Indian to North Pole- Squadron
Leader Sanjay Thapar

41. The first Speaker of Lok Sabha- Yes. V.

42. The first woman judge of the Supreme
Court- Meera Sahib Bibi Fatima

26. Made in India, the first Indian film (silent

- Raja Harishchandra, in 1913

43. First female Chief Justice of the High Court

of a State- Mrs. Leila Seth

Built in 27lbart first Indian film (silent film)

building Karta- Dada Saheb Phalke

44. The first Indian woman in space (American

citizen)- Dr. Kalpana Chawla

28. The first Indian color film- Kishen

Kanhaiya (1937)

45. First Olympic bronze medalist weightlifter

- Divine Karnam Malleswari (Sydney, 2000)

29. Cinemascope film- Paper flowers (1959)

46. In the first world chess champion IndianViswanathan Anand

30. Lifetime Achievement Oscar Award

Winner- Satyajit Ray (1992)

47. Indias first paperless newspaper- The

News Today (3 January 2001 start)

31. Best Costume Design Oscar winner- Bhanu

48. Indias first woman Merchant Navy Officer
Athaiya (1982)
- Sonali Banerjee
32. Indias first Waysray- Lord Kenning
49. The first Speaker of the oppressed classes
33. The Government of Indias first woman
- G. M. C. balyogi
minister- Amrit Kaur
34. Indias first woman chief minister- Mrs.
Sucheto Kripalani

50. The first Indian woman cricketer to score a

double century- Mithali Raj (against England
in August 2002)

51. Indias first woman Air Vice Marshal- P.


63. Indias first woman legislator- DR. S.

Mudhulkshmi Reddy

52. The United Nations civilian police adviser

appointed as the first Indian- Kiran Bedi

64. Indias first Sikh president- Giani Zail


53. International Court of Justice appointed the

first Indian judge- Dr. Nagendra Singh

65. the first woman to receive the Bharat Ratna

- Indira Gandhi

54. The first Indian woman to RBI Deputy

Governor- The. J. Udeshi (10 in June 2003)

66. The first Chinese traveler to India- Fahien

67. Indias first Deputy Prime Minister- Sardar

55. The first Indian to win a medal at the World Vallabhbhai Patel
Athletics Championships Mahila- Anju Bobby
68. Indias first Vice President- DR. S.
George (August 2003)
56. First Woman Speaker- Meira Kumar
69. The first Indian woman to receive the
57. The first woman IPS officer- Kiran Bedi
Nobel Prize- Mother Teresa
58. First Chief Justice of India- J. Hiralal.

70. Indias first Sikh prime minister- Dr.

Manmohan Singh

59. First World beauty (Ms Word)- Ku. Reita


71. The first Indian to receive the Nobel Prize

in Economics- Amartya Sen

60. The first Miss Universe- Susmita Sen

72. Indias first Home Minister- Sardar

Vallabhbhai Patel

61. The first woman doctor- Kadambini

62. The first woman to take 100 wickets in
international womens cricket- Diana Adulji

73. The first Indian to receive the Nobel Prize

in physics- CV Raman
74. The first Indian to receive the Nobel Prize
in Medicine- Dr. Har Gobind Khorana

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