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Robots face new testofcreativeabilities

By Jane Wakefield

A US professor is proposing a new way to test whether artificial

intelligence (AI) ison a par with that of humans.
Currently scientists use the Turing test - name dafter computer scientist Alan
Turing - which evaluates whe theran AI can convince a judge that it is human in
a conversation.Prof Mark Riedl, from the Georgia Institute of Technology, is
proposing a new test.It woul dask a machine to create a convincing poem, story
or painting.Dubbed Love lace 2.0 it is aniteration of a previous Lovelace Test,
proposed in 2001.Named after one ofthe first computer programmers, the
original test requiredan AI to create some thing that it would bein capable of
explaining how it was created.Lovelace 2.0 develops that idea.
"For thetest, the artificial agent passes if it develops a creative artefact from a
sub se to fartistic genres de emed to require human-level intelligence and the
art efactmeets certain creative constraints given by a human
evaluator,"explained ProfRiedl.The arte factcouldbe painting, poetry,
architectural design or a fictional story.
"Creativity is not unique to human intelligence, but it is one of the hall marks of
human intelligence, "said ProfRiedl. Algorithms have al ready created stories
and painting salthoug haccordingtoProfRiedl "no existing story generation
system can pass the Lovelace 2.0 test".
Experts hadmixed feelings abouthowgoodsuch a testwouldbe.Prof Alan
Woodward, a computer expert fromtheUniversityofSurreythinks it could help
make a keydistinction.
"I thinkthis new test shows thatweallnowrecognisethathumans are more
andthatcreativityisoneofthosefeaturesthatseparatesusfromcomputers - for now."
But David Wood, chairman ofthe London Futurists, isnotconvinced.
"It's a popular
ereasAIsonlyfollow paths ofstrictrationality,"hesaid.
"Thisis a comfortingview, but I thinkit'swrong. There are
eadywriteinspiringmusic."The 65-year-old Turing testissuccessfullypassedif a
computerismistaken for a human more than 30% ofthe time during a series
offive-minute keyboard conversations.Back in June a computerprogramcalled
Eugene Goostman, whichsimulates a 13-year-old Ukrainian boy,
wassaidtohavepassedthe Turing testalthough some experts disputedtheclaims.

1. Aps a leitura superficial do texto, defina o assunto do mesmo?

R: Ver se a IA esta igual ao do ser humano.
2. Identifique 02 grupos nominais no texto e traduza-os.
R: artificial intelligence = Inteligncia Artificial
computer programmers = programadores de computador
3. Qual a proposta do professor Americano, apresentada logo abaixo
do ttulo no texto?
R: Um professor norte-americano prope uma nova maneira de testar
se a inteligncia artificial (AI) est em p de igualdade com a dos seres
4. Qual o origem do nome do programa LOVELACE 2.0 ? Porqu ele
foi atribudo?
R: "Para o teste, o agente artificial passa se desenvolve um artefato
criativo a partir de uma sub se a gneros fartisticos de EMED exigir
de nvel humano de inteligncia. Restries criativas dadas por um
avaliador humano"
5. O que David Wood, chairman da empresa London Futurists tem a
dizer sobre a inteligncia artificial em comparao com a
inteligncia humana?
R: "Criatividade no exclusivo para a inteligncia humana, mas
uma das marcas do salo da inteligncia humana

Nome: Jess Jackson / 2 perodo/ SI

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