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The Fraudulent Election By Brian Shaw
To better understand why this article is termed The Fraudulent Election
the structure
and existence of the City of London must be introduced into the issue
The City of London Corporation is a Masonic, Private, Independent,
Sovereign State
occupying approximately one square mile within the heart of the Greater
London area inside the old Roman Walls of London The commercial hub
emanates from Guildhall the house of guilds or in todays structure Speculative Freemasonry operating through the House of the Temple The
entrance point between the outer and inner City of London is at Temple
Bar in Fleet Street London, or in simple terms The Bar of the Temple;
From this hub all Law and Finance is controlled and run, through what is
called The
Corporation or The Firm The Constitution of the Commonwealth of
Australia is a Constitution granted to the people of Australia to give the
illusion of Self Government, but, at all times the Corporation of the City
of London controls and manipulates the Constitution via the Lawyers,
Judges and Courts within the Commonwealth of Australia - The most
recent Commonwealth election was a Corporation election; at no time
was it a Constitutional election.
The principal reason for saying this is in the fact that in the period
2003/2004 the State of Western Australia removed the Constitutional
Monarch Queen Elizabeth the Second from Law within Western Australia
by the enactment on 1st January 2004 of the Overt Act titled Acts
Amendment and Repeal Courts and Legal Practice Act 2003 (WA), in
particular Parts 5 & 8 of such Act The Constitutional effect of such Act
meant that the State of Western Australia could not vote nor participate in
a Commonwealth election under the Crown after the removal of the

Crown - The State of Western Australia did participate in the voting

process, but, at no time was the actual truth revealed to the voting
electorate in either Western Australia or the Commonwealth.
This is the Fraud of the Election.
Western Australia was permitted to vote, because the election was held
Under the Corporation not Under the Constitution All Supreme
Courts inclusive of the High Court of Australia are under The City of
London Orders to ensure that the transition from the Constitution into
the Corporation occurs without any legal hindrance to the fraudulent
agenda Under the Corporation structure the actual Chattels of the
Corporation are the People and resources of Australia - Under a correct
and valid Constitution the people can control and monitor Government
Fraud When uncovering the Corporation of the City of London the
following entities come
into the discovery
1. International Freemasonry
2. International Socialism
3. Fabian Socialism
4. The Bank of England
5. The European Union
6. The United Nations
The undeclared international agenda is to turn Commonwealth Countries
into Republics chartered to the United Nations under Socialism and
Over a large number of years England has moved from Roman law to
Protestantism to Socialism and as such Almighty God is excluded in
Socialism and Secularism
When Western Australia removed the Crown, they excluded Almighty
God and
embraced both Socialism and Secularism and at the same time aborted the
Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia and traded themselves
into the secret world of the Corporation of the City of London In simple
terms they trapped themselves in a very well laid trap By voting in a
fraudulent election they traded their Souls from a Constitutional
Protection into a Corporation Deception in simple terms Self Imploded
The President of the Liberal party of Western Australia is Barry Court,
son of Sir Charles Court former Premier, in 1978 Sir Charles Court
revamped Section 73 of the Western Australia Constitution to block or
prevent a Labor Party attempt to gain a Socialist Republic by stealth
Western Australia Constitution
Section 73.2(g)
(2) A Bill that

(g) the Bill has also prior to such presentation been approved by the
electors in
accordance with this section, and a Bill assented to consequent upon its
presentation in contravention of this subsection shall be of no effect as an
This section sending certain Bills to State referendum debate and consent
was not
abided by for The Australia Act Request Act 1984/1985, The Australia
Act 1986 nor the Acts Amendment and Repeal Courts and Legal
Practice Act 2003 (WA),
Western Australia has broken the law of their own Constitution and the
law of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia and as such all
Political Parties has broken the law to transfer all Australians into The
This is the reason for the header of this article The Fraudulent Election The Brief of Evidence
Face Book:
THE UN; HERE'S THE REGO NUMBERS - This is Treason. And it is
by this transition into corporations, they have avoided proper legal
challenge BY also changing the 'Allegience' for all Judiciary to uphold
'NOT TO THE QUEEN' but to the Corporation Terms. . And the IMF
pays their salaries. ==========
"In the December 8 2009 writ the applicants demand that the executive
government of Australia cease all operations that are carried out under
the Commonwealth of Australia ABN 122 104 616 and registered with
the United States American Securities and Exchange Commission :"
No. 000 080 5157 and further command them to dissolve their subsidiary
companies being;
The State of New South Wales ABN 066561153
The State of Victoria ABN 054558619
The State of Queensland ABN 066 102930
The State of South Australia ABN 050208921
The State of Western Australia ABN 072526008
The State of Tasmania ABN 053201308
The Trustees of Northern Territory Government ABN 09059854

Prepared by Brian Shaw
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The Fraud of the Australia Act
In submitting the article I will make it very clear at the beginning what
the difference isbetween the Constitution of the Commonwealth of
Australia and the Corporation of the Commonwealth of Australia
The Constitution was granted to the people by Queen Victoria
The Corporation is the ruling entity that owns, runs and controls the City
of London
which is not subject to nor under any law of the Monarch of England
This is the First Fraud Prior to Federation in 1900 Australia was divided
into Colonies, after Federation the Colonies became States, but, each
State was subject to the Constitution Prior to the Australia Act any bill
either State or Commonwealth touching a Constitutional issue had to be
reserved for Royal Assent involving the Two Houses of Parliament back
in England in the process By 1984 the International Socialist movement
specifically the Fabian Socialist had
succeeded in getting Mr R Hawke elected as Prime Minster of Australia
The Second Fraud
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In a 1996 Senate Standing Committee paper titled Aspects of Section
44 Professor
Blackshield submitted a paper to the committee which stated that Mr
Hawke may havea case to answer in relation to Section 44 of the
Commonwealth Constitution Act 1900in that at the time of being Prime
Minister Mr Hawke was also a Honorary Citizen of Israel
The Third Fraud
Prior to the actual enactment of the Australia Act 1986 new Letters
Patent were
issued, it appears that the signature to the new Letters Patent signed at
Balmoral in
Scotland in 1984 was Mr R Hawke
The Fourth Fraud
To avoid having to send the Australia Act to a Constitutional referendum
Mr Hawke
and the Six Premiers involved decided to use section 51 (xxxviii) of the
Commonwealth Constitution
The Fifth Fraud
By using Section 51 not Section 128 this activated State Request Acts and
as such under their State Constitutions, Elector approval had to be sought

prior to any Royal Assent being granted

The Sixth Fraud
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In Western Australia, section 73 of their State Constitution
(2) A Bill that
(e) expressly or impliedly in any way affects any of the following sections
this Act, namely sections 2, 3, 4, 50, 51 and 73, shall not be presented
assent by or in the name of the Queen unless
(g) the Bill has also prior to such presentation been approved by the
electors in
accordance with this section, and a Bill assented to consequent upon its
presentation in contravention of this subsection shall be of no effect as an
In Queensland, section 53 of their State Constitution
53.(1) A Bill that expressly or impliedly provides for the abolition of or
alteration in the office of Governor or that expressly or impliedly in any
way affects any of the following sections of this Act namely sections
1, 2, 2A, 11A, 11B; and this section 53 shall not be presented for assent
by or in the name of the Queen unless it has first been approved by the
electors in accordance with this section and a Bill so assented to
consequent upon its presentation in contravention of this subsection
shall be of no effect as an Act.
In New South Wales, section 7 of their State Constitution
7(a) (2) A Bill for any purpose within subsection (1) shall not be
presented to
the Governor for His Majestys assent until the Bill has been approved by
electors in accordance with this section.
7(b) shall not be presented to the Governor for Her Majestys assent until
Bill has been approved by the electors in accordance with this section.
The Seventh Fraud
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Within the Australia Act 1986 section 14 amends the Western Australian
by amending section 50 and 51, but, these particular sections are bound to
consent and approval at section 73 of the Western Australia Constitution
The Eighth Fraud
Within the Australia Act 1986 section 13 amends the Queensland
Constitution by
amending section 11A and 11B, but, these particular sections are bound to

consent and approval at section 53 of the Queensland Constitution
The Ninth Fraud
After the purported enactment of the Australia Act 1986 Reservation of
Bills for
Royal Assent stopped and Royal Assent to Constitutional amendments
operated within Australia after 1986 without any knowledge of the
electorate, that Primary Fraud had occurred in relation to The
Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia as opposed to the
Corporation of the Commonwealth of Australia operating via the
Corporation of the City of London The Brief of Evidence
Face Book:
Hi Chris from James Dean- Article revamped by Chris.
The whole point of a democracy is that the people are in control of the
Common-wealth which they own collectively. In this case, this is the
Commonwealth of Australia.
We, the People, do not vote our political representatives into power
because we, the People, always have the power. Our political
representatives are voted into positions of responsibility to maintain the
laws which we, the People, vote on via referendum as part of the
enactment process. For decades politicians have hoodwinked the People
into believing they and only they have the power to enact laws using a
governor general which they choose.
The highest man-made law in Australia is the Commonwealth of Australia
Constitution Act 1900 and it is by this Constitution under section 51 that
allows our political representatives to make laws "subject to the
Constitution" and this includes the process outlined in section 128 if these
political laws are subject to the Constitution.
If our greatest man-made law in Australia (the Constitution) cannot be
enacted or amended without a vote of the people then because all laws are
subject to the Common-wealth Constitution, all laws must be passed in

the same way and that is by the people.

The constitution is binding on all Judges, courts and people of every
State, notwithstanding anything in the laws of any State so no high court
can usurp the authority of the referendum of the people of Australia and
in 1988 the people of every State once again reiterated their wish not to
recognise LOCAL GOVERNMENT's and so therefore LOCAL
GOVERNMENT's are invalid under section 109 of the Commonwealth of
Australia Constitution Act 1900 regardless of the State LOCAL
GOVERNMENT ACT 1995 which automatically became invalid the day
it was supposedly enacted.
Inconsistency of Laws
"When a law of a State is inconsistent with a law of the Commonwealth,
the latter shall prevail, and the former shall, to the extent of the
inconsistency, be invalid."> - COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA
The people decided in 1988 not to recognise LOCAL GOVERNMENT in
their Commonwealth Constitution referendum, so the only reason for
their existence is to support State Governments for the shortfall funding
each year via the Federal consolidated funds.
The question put at the referendum was, "The Constitution recognises
Government at Federal and State levels, but makes no mention of local
government. Constitution Alteration (Local Government) 1988 proposed
to alter the constitution so as to recognise local government."
The proposal was refuted by the people at the 1988 referendum.
Improper Collection and Use Of Local Council Rates
Due to a range of UN treaties and agreements, hard working Australians
have their taxes sent overseas in foreign aid, to the known tune of $4.5
billion dollars, by the Commonwealth government without even being
asked permission to do so by their representative parliamentarians and, at
the same time, are taxed again by unconstitutional taxes in the form of
Local Council 'RATES' on freehold land which was originally purchased

from the Commonwealth pool of land and became "alienated land"

recognised under the LAND ADMINISTRATION ACT 1997.
It is interesting that the LAND ADMINISTRATION ACT 1997 also
became unconstitutional under the Commonwealth Constitution
because it offends section 51.2 or (ii) which states,
" (ii) taxation; but so as not to discriminate between States or parts of
and by giving the State Minister the right to Tax freehold land and section
81 which says;
Consolidated Revenue Fund
All revenues or moneys raised or received by the Executive Government
of the Commonwealth shall form one Consolidated Revenue Fund, to be
appropriated for the purposes of the Commonwealth in the manner and
subject to the charges and liabilities imposed by this Constitution."
The above section says that there shall be one consolidated fund for the
purposes of the Commonwealth. Where does it say we give $4.5 billion
dollars in foreign Aid and at the same time borrow billions from the IMF
at bloated interest rates? We the people did not say this in our
Commonwealth Constitution.
Clause 5 of the Constitution reads as follows:
"COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA CONSTITUTION ACT CLAUSE 5 Operation of the Constitution and laws [see Note 3]
This Act, and all laws made by the Parliament of the Commonwealth
under the Constitution, shall be binding on the courts, judges, and people
of every State and of every part of the Commonwealth, notwithstanding
anything in the laws of any State; and the laws of the Commonwealth
shall be in force on all British ships, the Queen's ships of war excepted,
whose first port of clearance and whose port of destination are in the
Under section 106 all State Constitutions come under the

Commonwealth Constitution.
Saving of Constitutions
The Constitution of each State of the Commonwealth shall, subject to this
Constitution, continue as at the establishment of the Commonwealth, or
as at the admission or establishment of the State, as the case may be, until
altered in accordance with the Constitution of the State."
So if each State Constitution is "subject to the Commonwealth
Constitution" and the Commonwealth Constitution does not recognise
LOCAL GOVERNMENT then no State Constitution can continue to or
On 1st January 2004 the Attorney General of Western Australia Mr. J
McGinty in agreement with the then Governor Mr. Sanderson enacted an
Act titled "Acts Amendment and Repeal Courts and Legal Practice Act
2003 (WA)".
The purpose of the Bill/Act was to remove the Crown and Her Majesty
Queen Elizabeth ll Her Heirs and Successors and Subjects from specific
law within Western Australia. This was in full breach of the 1999
Commonwealth referendum result. Therefore, as this Bill/Act did not go
to any referendum authorizing this legislation - it is invalid legislation.
2 . Legislature to be constituted in Western Australia
(1) There shall be, in place of the Legislative Council now subsisting, a
Legislative Council and a Legislative Assembly: and it shall be lawful for
Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the said Council and
Assembly, to make laws for the peace, order, and good Government of the
Colony of Western Australia and its Dependencies: and such Council and
Assembly shall, subject to the provisions of this Act, have all the powers
and functions of the now subsisting Legislative Council.
(2) The Parliament of Western Australia consists of the Queen and the
Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly.
(3) Every Bill, after its passage through the Legislative Council and the
Legislative Assembly, shall, subject to section 73, be presented to the

Governor for assent by or in the name of the Queen and shall be of no

effect unless it has been duly assented to by or in the name of the Queen.
73 . Legislature as constituted by this Act empowered to alter any of its
(1) Subject to the succeeding provisions of this section, the Legislature of
the Colony shall have full power and authority, from time to time, by any
Act, to repeal or alter any of the provisions of this Act. Provided always,
that it shall not be lawful to present to the Governor for Her Majestys
assent any Bill by which any change in the Constitution of the Legislative
Council or of the Legislative Assembly shall be effected, unless the
second and third readings of such Bill shall have been passed with the
concurrence of an absolute majority of the whole number of the members
for the time being of the Legislative Council and the Legislative
Assembly respectively. Provided also, that every Bill which shall be so
passed for the election of a Legislative Council at any date earlier than by
Part III provided, and every Bill which shall interfere with the operation
of sections 69, 70, 71, or 72, or of Schedules B, C, or D, or of this section,
shall be reserved by the Governor for the signification of Her Majesty's
pleasure thereon 10, 11 .
(2) A Bill that
(a) expressly or impliedly provides for the abolition of or alteration in the
office of Governor; or
(b) expressly or impliedly provides for the abolition of the Legislative
Council or of the Legislative Assembly; or
(c) expressly or impliedly provides that the Legislative Council or the
Legislative Assembly shall be composed of members other than members
chosen directly by the people; or
(d) expressly or impliedly provides for a reduction in the numbers of the
members of the Legislative Council or of the Legislative Assembly; or
(e) expressly or impliedly in any way affects any of the following sections
of this Act, namely sections 2, 3, 4, 50, 51 and 73,
shall not be presented for assent by or in the name of the Queen unless

(f) the second and third readings of the Bill shall have been passed with
the concurrence of an absolute majority of the whole number of the
members for the time being of the Legislative Council and the Legislative
Assembly, respectively; and
(g) the Bill has also prior to such presentation been approved by the
electors in accordance with this section,
and a Bill assented to consequent upon its presentation in contravention
of this subsection shall be of no effect as an Act.
(3) On a day fixed by the Governor by Order in Council, being a day not
sooner than 2 months, and not later than 6 months, after the passage
through the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of a Bill of
a kind referred to in subsection (2), the question for the approval or
otherwise of the Bill shall be submitted to the electors qualified to vote
for the election of members of the Legislative Assembly according to the
provisions of the Electoral Act 1907 .
(4) When the Bill is submitted to the electors the vote shall be taken in
such manner as is fixed by law.
(5) If a majority of the electors voting approve the Bill, it shall be
presented to the Governor for assent by or in the name of the Queen.
(6) Any person entitled to vote at a general election of members of the
Legislative Assembly is entitled to bring proceedings in the Supreme
Court for a declaration, injunction or other remedy to enforce the
provisions of this section either before or after a Bill of a kind referred to
in subsection (2) is presented for assent by or in the name of the Queen."
Jim McGinty is way out on a treasonous limb by removing the Queen
who wears the peoples Crown of authority from the West Australian
Government. As a matter of interest the Crown was taken from the
despotic King John in the year 1215 at the signing of the Magna Charta.
Dennis McLeod is making millions of dollars out of local councils who
are unconstitutionally controlled by the equally unconstitutional LOCAL
It is interesting to note that both Constitutionally recognised State and
Federal Governments use the independent DPP to prosecute their cases

while unconstitutional LOCAL GOVERNMENT's use private lawyers

with financial vested interests to commence litigation.
Neither private lawyers nor LOCAL GOVERNMENT's are recognised as
being authorised authorities to bring criminal charges under the
Criminal Procedure Act 2004 section 20 & 80.2 a - e. LOCAL
GOVERNMENT needs an authorization from the Governor of Western
Australia before it can commence any criminal offense.
LOCAL GOVERNMENT is recognized as a private person, a body
corporate capable of being sued and suing which falls in the category of
only civil actions, not criminal and therefore cannot prosecute without
written authorization from the West Australian Governor.
State and Federal Governments use the independent DPP, so if LOCAL
GOVERNMENT is constitutionally recognised like State and Federal
Government's are they would use the DPP and would not need the
authorization of the WA Governor.
There is a lot more to this matter than a few cleaver words from either
McGinty or McLeod (and who Mr Winderstorm is, I have no idea) but he
sound like another one banging the drum of antidemocratic process.

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