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Version 7.5.0
1. What is this?
A falling block puzzle game using Java.
2. How to run
This game needs Java Runtime Environment 1.5 or newer version to run. http://www
Double-click "play_swing.bat", "play_slick.bat", "NullpoMino.exe" or "pl
"play_swing.bat" starts Swing version of NullpoMino.
(Does not use any OS-dependent libraries. However, performance a
nd sound quality are poor.
There is no support for joysticks. BGM is also missing.)
"play_slick.bat" or "NullpoMino.exe" starts Slick version of NullpoMino.
(An OpenGL compatible video card required, some PCs may have pro
blems with keyboard.
Has limited support of joysticks.)
"play_sdl.bat" starts SDL version of NullpoMino.
(Aside from random crashing bug which I can't fix it, it's most
stable for 32bit PCs, I think.
Has best support of joysticks.
Won't work with 64bit PCs.)
"ruleeditor.bat" runs Rule Editor, where you can create your own ruleset
"sequencer.bat" runs Sequence Viewer, which should be helpful for TASing
. (Created by Zircean)
"musiclisteditor.bat" runs MusicListEditor, where you can configure whic
h music file to use.
"netserver.bat" runs NetServer (ALPHA!), which is a server for netplay f
eature. More details later.
"netadmin.bat" runs NetAdmin, which can be used to manage your running N
"airankstool.bat" runs AI Ranks Tool, which can be used to generate a ra
nks file used by Ranks AI.
(Requires HUGE RAM!)
First, open a X-terminal emulator. Next, navigate to the folder where th
e archive was extracted.
(Use "ls" and "cd" command to navigate the folder)
Finally, enter the following commands:
To start Swing version:
chmod +x play_swing
To start Slick version:
chmod +x play_slick
** OR **
chmod +x NullpoMino

To start SDL version:

chmod +x play_sdl
To start rule editor:
chmod +x ruleeditor
To start Sequence Viewer:
chmod +x sequencer
To start MusicListEditor:
chmod +x musiclisteditor
To start NetServer:
chmod +x netserver
To start NetAdmin:
chmod +x netadmin
To start AI Ranks Tool:
chmod +x airankstool
Note: You don't have to execute chmod command from 2nd time.
Depending on your video card and Linux version, you might encounter smal
l or big problems.
Swing version problems:
It's not working yet.
The performance is under 3 FPS, and most SFX won't load.
Slick version problems:
Turn off 3D desktop (such as Beryl) to run smoother.
Because of a bug (or limitation) of SCIM and LWJGL, the "play_sl
ick" shell script will disable any IME by default.
In the "play_slick" shell script, "XMODIFIERS=@im=none" is not n
eeded if your system don't have SCIM.
If you want to run the game with SCIM enabled, try the following
commands (you need access of sudo):
sudo chmod go+r /dev/input/*
java -cp bin:NullpoMino.jar:lib/log4j-1.2.15.jar:lib/slick.jar:lib/lwjgl.jar:lib
/jorbis-0.0.15.jar:lib/jogg-0.0.7.jar:lib/ibxm.jar:lib/jinput.jar -Djava.library
.path=lib -j
The first command will allow everyone (including the game itself
) to read keyboard input directly.
You don't have to execute this command again until you reboot/sh
utdown your operating system.
The second command will run the game with "-j" option.
Normally, the game will read keyboard input from LWJGL, which co
nflicts with SCIM.

However, when this option is used, the game will try to read key
board input directly from your operating system.
So you can play the game with SCIM enabled.
Please note when "-j" option is used, some keys (such as ;) won'
t be detected.
SDL version problems:
If you tried SDL version but it didn't work, you need to manuall
y install libsdl.
In Ubuntu 8.04, I think you can install it with following comman
sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2debian
SDL version requires i386 architecture CPU and 32bit OS to run.
Mac OS X:
Unfortunately I don't own any Mac OS X PC now :(
Slick version does seem to work with Linux version commandline.
SDL version does not work, because sdljava (Java SDL wrapper) doesn't su
pport Mac OS X.
I don't know anything about Swing version.
3. How to play
A piece made of blocks falls from top of the field.
You can do these actions to the piece until the piece lands on something: move,
rotate, or drop.
When the piece lands on something (eg. floor or other blocks), the piece locks,
then the new piece will appear from top of the field.
You can erase blocks by filling a horizontal line without gap (In other words, c
onnect 10 blocks to horizontal).
The game ends when the pile of blocks reaches to top of the field.
4. Controls
* Description of buttons
UP:Hard Drop (Drop current piece instantly) ; Move cursor up
DOWN:Soft Drop (Drop current piece faster) ; Move cursor down
LEFT:Move left ; Decrease current option's value
RIGHT:Move right ; Increase current option's value
A:Rotate ; Confirm
B:Reverse Rotate ; Cancel
D:Hold (Keep a piece to use later)
E:180-Degree Rotate
F:Skip ending credits (SPEED MANIA and GARBAGE MANIA modes), enter pract
ice mode in netplay games
QUIT:Quit the game
PAUSE:Pause the game
GIVEUP:Return to the title screen
RETRY:Reset the game and restart from beginning
FRAME STEP:Frame step (pause screen)
SCREEN SHOT:Save screen shot to ss folder
* Default keyboard mappings in menu
| Button Name | Blockbox | Guideline | NullpoMino |
| (Default) |
| Classic |
|Cursor Up |Cursor Up |Cursor Up |
|Cursor Down |Cursor Down |Cursor Down |
|Cursor Left |Cursor Left |Cursor Left |

|Cursor Right|Cursor Right|Cursor Right|
* Default keyboard mappings in game
| Button Name | Blockbox | Guideline | NullpoMino |
| (Default) |
| Classic |
|Cursor Up |Space
|Cursor Up |
|Cursor Down |Cursor Down |Cursor Down |
|Cursor Left |Cursor Left |Cursor Left |
|Cursor Right|Cursor Right|Cursor Right|
|Cursor Up |S
You can change key mappings in CONFIG screen.
* Reset
If you want to reset settings, delete the following file(s):
Swing: config\setting\swing.cfg
Slick: config\setting\slick.cfg
SDL: config\setting\sdl.cfg
Global settings: config\setting\global.cfg
High-scores: config\setting\mode.cfg
5. Game rule
Depending on the game rule, the movement of pieces will be different.
You can select which rule to use in the CONFIG>RULE SELECT screen.
You can create your own rule by using Rule Editor.
: A rule used to play AVALANCHE type games.
AVALANCHE-CLASSIC: A rule used to play AVALANCHE type games, but is less flexibl
: A classic rule that many Japanese players played like a monke
y. Best suitable for RETRO MANIA mode.
: CLASSIC0 with reverse rotation.
: Only 1 piece preview, no hold function, no hard drop function

, less flexible wallkicks.

If you think standard rules are too easy, this rule might be
suitable for you.
: If you want faster play but dislike standard rules, this rule
can help you.
: If you dislike standard rules but classic 1-2 is too difficul
t, this rule is for you.
I and T shaped pieces has more flexible wallkicks.
CLASSIC-EASY-A : It is much easier than other classic rules. Block colors are
also different.
CLASSIC-EASY-A2 : Almost same as CLASSIC-EASY-A, but block colors are not diffe
rent from others.
CLASSIC-EASY-B : Soft and hard drop behavior is reversed in this rule.
CLASSIC-EASY-B2 : Almost same as CLASSIC-EASY-B, but block colors are not diffe
rent from others.
: CLASSIC0 with reverse rotation and "Wall Only" wallkick. It c
an kick wall, but not the already placed blocks.
: That game was so good that the evil king had to kill it. This
rule is a bit tricky. Has ARE/line clear canceling.
: A classical rule that was bundled with a handheld gadget whic
h was made by king of video game.
: A classical rule that was appeared before or after NINTENDO-L
. Best suitable for RETRO MARATHON mode.
: A rule used to play PHYSICIAN type games.
: A rule used to play SPF type games.
: Rule designed to make it easier to build squares. Best suitab
le for SQUARE mode.
: Suitable for almost all kinds of players.
: Soft and hard drop behavior is reversed in this rule.
: Suitable for fast game play.
STANDARD-FAST-B : Suitable for fast game play. Initial actions (initial rotatio
n/hold) is less detected in this rule.
STANDARD-FRIENDS : Pieces will spawn one space lower than usual, unless that spa
ce is occupied.
: hebo-MAI's rule. This rule is not too fast; giving you the op
portunity to see the opponent's field in VS game.
: Difficult than normal STANDARD rule.
STANDARD-HARD128 : Slightly easier variant of STANDARD-HARD rule. You can move/r
otate the piece 128 times.
STANDARD-HOLDNEXT: A rule created by holdnext. Enjoy the power of orange sticks.
: This variant has slow movements, nothing more than that.
: A rule created by Blink. STANDARD-FAST with no IRS/IHS and fa
ster softdrop.
STANDARD-SUPER3 : A classical rule with the rotation system of STANDARD rules b
ut no wallkicks. Has ARE canceling.
: A rule created by Wojtek. STANDARD-PLUS with 20G Soft Drop an
d Instant DAS.
6. Game mode
Mode for beginner players. The level increases by erasing every 10 lines
There are three game types: 150 lines, 200 lines, and endless.
This mode is similar to MARATHON mode (200 lines game), but has followin
g differences:
* Line clear speed is faster.
* If you complete level 20, you'll enter the 21st level: the "Bonus Leve

This level never ends (until you die), but the playfield occasionally
goes invisible in this level,
so it's better to remember the shape of your playfield.
You can directly start from the bonus level by setting starting level
to 21.
Mode for expert players. Gameplay is similar to marathon mode, but it's
much faster.
Clear certain number of lines as fast as possible.
Goal is selectable from 20, 40, and 100 lines.
Get certain number of points as fast as possible.
Goal is selectable from 10000, 25000, and 30000 points.
Clear all garbage lines as fast as possible.
You win the game when you clear the bottommost line (the line with gem b
Amount of garbage lines is selectable from 5, 10, and 18.
Try to clear all the lines in the well in one combo.
Goal is selectable from 20, 40, 100 lines, or endless mode (stops when y
ou break your combo).
Score as many points as possible or clear as many lines as possible unti
l the time limit.
Duration is selectable from 1 through 5 minutes.
The main goal of this mode is to clear each level as fast as you can.
When the "GOAL" counter reaches zero, the level increases.
You can progress the game faster by erasing multiple lines.
There are five different game types.
LV15-EASY: Reach level 16 as fast as you can.
There is 2-minute level timer, but it's just a bonus counter
and there is no penalty for running out of time.
LV15-HARD: This is similar to LV15-EASY, but when the 2-minute level ti
mer runs out, your game ends instantly.
10MIN-EASY: See how far you can go and how many points you can get withi
n 10 minutes.
When the 2-minute level timer runs out, the goal counter res
10MIN-HARD: This is similar to 10MIN-EASY, but when the 2-minute level t
imer runs out, your game ends instantly.
When the level increases, 30 seconds is added to your time l
imit. Survive as long as you can.
Try placing your pieces in 4x4 squares to get more points.
There are three different game types.
Keep playing until you top out. Go for the most points!
Try to get 150 points as fast as you can. Can you do it
in 8 lines?
Get as many points as you can in 3 minutes.

Best effect can be achieved if you use "SQUARE" rule.

Try to survive against the tide of rising blocks! Send as many lines as
you can.
There are two different game types.
Rising blocks wait until you place your piece, but can b
uild up.
Blocks will rise no matter what when the meter runs down
A classic game that takes you to the nostalgic feeling.
Best effect can be achieved if you use "NINTENDO-R" rule.
A game based on the classics where efficiency is important.
Best effect can be achieved if you use "NINTENDO-R" rule.
A classic game that many Japanese players played like a monkey.
Best effect can be achieved if you use "CLASSIC0" rule.
You can earn "grade" by getting certain amount of score. Aim for highest
If you beat GRADE MANIA mode, try this. It's much harder!
If you don't think GRADE MANIA 2 is so difficult, try this. The speed de
pends on your game play!
Score as many points as possible before you reach level 300.
This mode is designed for beginner players.
Well, it's not so fast as EXTREME mode, but it's very difficult to go th
rough level 500 barrier.
Insane mode! Can you keep up with this crazy speed and some other danger
ous things?
Speed is not fast, but garbage blocks will rise from bottom of the play
field, so watch out.
This is mostly same as SPEED MANIA, but the playfield is "completely" in
Try to remember where you placed the piece.
This game mode is designed only for players who have super-fast-fingers
and super-fast-brain.
Try to correctly control the insane-fast pieces.

You have to complete each level within the time limit, or game will end
in failure.
However, the time limit is usually long, so you won't get a time over.
The level increases by erasing every 10 lines. Time limit will be reset
when the level increases.
This mode features 11 game types.
sy games that ends at 150 lines.
2 of them (NORMAL 200, ANOTHER 200) are 200 lines game but still easy.
The rest of 4 (BASIC, HELL, HELL-X, VOID) is very difficult.
Each level has extremely short time limit, and in the case of HELL and H
ELL-X, there will be more dangerous things.
You can practice various speed settings in this mode.
This is a puzzle mode that requires different strategy than normal modes
Your goal is to erase all gem blocks from the playfield.
This mode features two different types of time limit: "Stage Time" and "
Limit Time".
Stage Time is time limit for each stage. It starts from 1 minute for eac
h stage, and if it reaches zero, the stage ends in failure.
Limit Time is the main time limit. It starts from 3 minutes, and if it r
eaches zero, the game ends.
Complete each stage within 20 seconds to increase the Limit Time.
Not really a "game" mode. This is a tool for creating maps for VS-BATTLE
mode and NetPlay mode.
Controls when you editing a map:
Up/Down/Left/Right: Move cursor
A: Put a block
B: Exit
C+Left/Right: Change color of block
D: Delete a block
Battle against human or AI opponent. You can send garbage blocks by clea
ring 2 or more lines at the same time.
, not lines.

is a puzzle mode where the objective is to clear clusters of colors
chains to score as much as you can before you top out!
for use with "AVALANCHE" rule.


Premade chains will drop down endlessly. Try to get the most points befo
re time runs out!
Only for use with "AVALANCHE" rule.
Clear chains to send your opponent garbage!
Only for use with "AVALANCHE" rule.


Premade chains will drop down endlessly. Detonate them to neutralize you
r garbage handicap, then send your opponent garbage!
Only for use with "AVALANCHE" rule.
Dig down to the flashing gem as fast as you can. The first player to cle
ar it wins!
Only for use with "AVALANCHE" rule.
This is a puzzle mode where you clear gem blocks by lining up blocks of
the same color, like throwing pills into a jar.
Clear more viruses at once to get more points.
Only for use with "PHYSICIAN" rule.
Clear more than one gem block at a time to send your opponent garbage. T
ry to clear your gem blocks first!
Only for use with "PHYSICIAN" rule.
A puzzle mode based on a fighting game. Use gems to clear blocks of the
same color and send garbage.
Only for use with "SPF" rule.
7. How to add BGM
Well, currently this game does not have any BGM by default.
However, if you want, you can add any (but must not too big) music file to the g
ame by using MusicListEditor ("musiclisteditor.bat").
If you don't want the BGM to loop, enable the checkbox next to the filename.
Supported file formats: .ogg .wav .xm .mod .aif .aiff
8. NetPlay (BETA!)
[List of features]
List of what you can do:
* Play against other players (up to 6 players can join)
* Create a multiplayer room
* Create a single player room
* Join an already existing room
* Talk with other players
* Spectate games
* Rated multiplayer with ladder and online leaderboards for single playe
r modes
List of what you can't do & Known problems:
* Multiplayer Replay can't be saved
* No ID/Password system
* No password protected rooms
* Does not completely keep track your amount of wins
* No chat flooding protection
* No ignorelist/banlist
* It has bad lobby GUI
* It's buggy!
* Code is messy and chaos
* Requires a lot of RAM
[Playing the game]
To enter the netplay mode:
1. Launch the game as usual. Any versions can be used for netplay.
2. For Swing version, click File->Netplay from the menubar.

For other versions, select "NETPLAY" from the main menu.

3. The "NetLobby" GUI will appear. You are currently in the server selec
t screen.
To add a new server to the list:
1. In the server select screen, click "Add..." button.
2. You are prompted to enter hostname (or IP address) and the port numbe
r (Optional).
Server address format is "Hostname:Port".
If the server is using default port 9200, you may omit ":9200" part.
3. Click OK button if you are done.
To test a netplay in the local, launch the netserver.bat and add "127.0.
0.1" to the server list. is running a netplay server. Thanks members!
To connect to a server:
1. Enter your nickname and tripcode (optional)
If you enter neither a name or a tripcode, then your name will be "no
A tripcode is a hashed password by which a person can be identified b
y others.
To use it, you can enter #tripcode (password followed by a sharp) to
your nickname field.
(Wikipedia article:
2. Click a server that you want to connect from the listbox.
(Alternately, you can just double click the server name from the list
box to connect)
3. Click Connect button. You are currently in the lobby screen.
To create a multiplayer room:
1. Click "Create Room" button.
2. Enter the room name (Optional) and number of max players.
3. Click OK button if you are done. You are currently in the room scree
To create a single player room:
1. Click "Create 1P Room" button.
2. Select a mode and a rule you want to use.
3. Click OK button if you are done.
To enter an available room:
Simply double click the room name from the table.
If you want to spectate the game, but don't want to join as a player,
right-click the room name and select "Watch" from the context menu.
To make "OK" signal to everyone:
1. Click the game window (an window that you usually play single player
games) to enable the input for game screen.
2. Press A button to make "OK" signal to everyone.
3. The game will start when everyone makes OK signal. Have fun!
[Starting a server]
You can run a server by simply double-clicking "netserver.bat" if you ar
e using Windows.
But the port number is fixed to 9200, which is a default one.
If you want to change the port number you can use the following command:
For Windows:

netserver.bat [PORT NUMBER]

For Linux/MacOS:
./netserver [PORT NUMBER]
Optionally, there is a second argument to pass in the path of the server
configuration file.
9. FAQ
Q: My Joystick/Gamepads doesn't work correctly in Slick version.
A: Try changing "JOYSTICK METHOD" option (JOYSTICK SETTING screen) to LWGJL, the
n let's mess around the rest of "JOYSTICK SETTING" options.
Please note Joystick/Gamepads support in Slick is not so good as SDL version.
Q: Why NetPlay in SDL version eats too much RAM and crashes after few minutes?
A: Try using Swing or Slick version. I know it's a bug, but I don't have any sol
ution yet.
It seems large amount of RAM is eaten by SDL itself, not the Java code. If th
is bug is SDL itself or SDLJava, then it's out of my hand.
Q: I'm trying to run SDL version on 64bit systems but doesn't work.
A: Give up! The SDL library for Java is already abandoned years ago, thus does n
ot support 64bit at all.
Q: My netplay rankings and single-player-records are not saved. Why?
A: Your record will not be saved if you don't use tripcode in your name.
To add tripcode to your name, add a sharp (#) and password. (ex. entering "AB
CDEF#nullpomino" to the nickname field will be "ABCDEF !gN6kJVofq6")
10. Credits/Thanks
NullpoMino created by:
NullNoname !bzEQ7554bc (also known as pbomqlu910963, was known as Nanash
i, No name, or noname)
Wojtek (aka dodd)
Spirale (olivier.vidal1 on the SVN)
Shrapnel.City (aka Pineapple)
vic7070 (aka Digital)
johnwchadwick (aka nmn)
prelude234 (aka awake)
sesalamander (aka 4matsy)
delvalle.jacobo (aka clincher)
bob.inside (aka xlro)
See also "People" section of Google Code project page:
This game used the following tools, libraries and materials.
Thank you on this occasion.
Eclipse 3.6
PictBear SE

(Excite translation:
Slick - 2D Game Library based on LWJGL
License: BSD
Lightweight Java Game Library (LWJGL)
License: BSD
JOrbis -- Pure Java Ogg Vorbis Decoder
License: LGPL-2
IBXM Java MOD/S3M/XM Player
License: BSD
sdljava - Java Binding to SDL
License: LGPL-2
Simple DirectMedia Layer
License: LGPL-2.1
Apache log4j 1.2.15
License: Apache-2.0 (Java-based implementation of the unix crypt(3) command)
License: BSD
License: BSD
License: BSD
License: BSD
Sound effects:
(The matchmakers)
(Excite translation:
TAM Music Factory
(Excite translation:
Background Images (res/graphics/oldbg):

Yun Free Stock Photos

(Original Font "Mikachan")
(Excite translation:
Also thanks to:
xlro (
vicar (
(NullpoMino Topic:
Hard Drop
(NullpoMino Topic:
NullpoMino Guide:
NullpoMino on HD wiki:
Puyo Nexus
11. Project Page at Google code
12. Update History (The date and time is sometimes JST)
+ means new feature, - means bugfix, * means other updates, # means some extra n
Version 7.5.0 (2011/01/21) {r518-r716; Stable Release}
#This version is NO LONGER compatible with 7.4.0 netplay server.
+Swing/Slick: Added screen resize options.
+Slick/SDL: Added Mode Folders to 1P Start menu, with featured modes at the star
+Slick: LWJGL updated to version 2.6.
+Added DIG CHALLENGE mode.
+Practice: Added "Hebo Hidden" option.
+AI: Added "Avalanche-R" AI for Avalanche modes, "Combo Race" AI for Combo Race,
and "Ranks AI". Also added Ranks AI Tool.
+New "Sticky" mino skins
+NetServer: Much more stable! 100% CPU bug fixed.
#Enhanced Netplay features:
+Improved rated system, no longer requires rule lock, instead uses server prese
t game types
nd TIME ATTACK to Netplay 1P modes
+Single player modes have a leaderboard for all rules, including those not rate
+Lobby and rooms now have chat history
+Team colors in Netplay games
+Support for changing the hole change rate in Fractional garbage style based on

the number of live players.

*Various other tweaks to improve the experience
-Fixed PoochyBot, "No Prethink" variations are no longer needed. Instead, No Pre
think is an option in the AI menu.
-Fixed many, many bugs.
*New icons! Default is made by gif. Another one in the file is made by virulent.
*Moved some additional documents to "doc" directory. Readme files and LICENCE.tx
t are still in root directory.
#And maybe more... See doc/svnlog7_5_0.txt for SVN log.
Version 7.4.0 (2010/10/29) {r277-r517; Unstable Release}
#This version is NO LONGER compatible with 7.3.0 netplay server.
+Swing/Slick/SDL: Added bigger side-preview option (Enable both "SHOW NEXT ON SI
DE" and "BIG SIDE NEXT" in the general options screen)
+Swing/Slick/SDL: Can use different keyboard mappings in menu screens (This is i
n debate. Your feedback helps us.)
+Swing/Slick/SDL: Default rotation is now left instead of auto. You may want to
go "GAME TUNING" menu and check or change "A BUTTON ROTATE" option.
+Swing/Slick/SDL: Added recommended-rule selector (appears after you select a mo
+Slick/SDL: Can reconfigure each button individually in keyboard settings screen
+Slick/SDL: First-time setup screens are no longer present (Default keyboard map
pings are Blockbox style)
+Slick/SDL: Mouse support in some menus (Incomplete)
+Slick: Added "NullpoMino.exe" executable file which will start Slick version
+Avalanche/SPF: Added bigger screen option to Avalanche and SPF modes
+New mino skins (Thanks 4matsy!)
#Enhanced Netplay features:
+Ranked Room and Leaderboard
+View lobby while in a room
+"NetAdmin", the administrator tool of NetServer, can ban/kick a player, can de
lete a record from leaderboard, and can delete any room.
+Online single player room (WIP. Currently supports LINE RACE and SCORE RACE mo
#And maybe more... See svnlog7_4_0.txt for SVN log.
Version 7.3.0 (2010/08/09) {r1-r276; Stable Release}
#This version is NO LONGER compatible with 7.2.0 netplay server.
+Swing/Slick/SDL: When saving replays, a replay folder will be created if one is
not found.
+Swing/Slick/SDL: Fixed location of NEXT piece when spawn offset is non-zero.
+Swing/Slick/SDL: Added option to display NEXT pieces on side of playfield.
+Slick: Added PERFECT FPS option (uses more CPU, does not work in menus).
+Slick: LWJGL updated to version 2.5, Slick updated to build 274
Modes for other gametypes are either Release Candidate (AVALANCHE, PHYSICIAN) o
r Beta (SPF).
Special thanks to Puyo Nexus for supplying Fever chain data.
+Randomizer: Randomizers have been replaced. This breaks all replays prior to th
is release.
+Sequencer: Added "Set piece enable" dialog.
+AI: Added "Defensive" and "No Prethink" versions of PoochyBot
+Engine: Added support for AVALANCHE, PHYSICIAN, and SPF type games
+Engine: Added rainbow blocks and rainbow gem blocks support
+Engine: Added delay canceling to properly simulate DTET and STANDARD-SUPER3 rul

+Engine: Added DAS charge on blocked move, neutral DAS store and DAS redirect in
delays to properly simulate NINTENDO family rules
+Engine: Added Instant DAS and shift lock
+Engine: Added hard block and hard garbage support
+NetPlay/NetServer: Added more room creation options, separated options into tab
Garbage: B2B separation, hole change rate, toggle change rate per attack, combo
block, garbage countering
Bonus: Spin check type, all clear bonus
-NetPlay: Now correctly forces 60 FPS in SDL version
-NetPlay: Saves chat logs even when game window is closed or Java process is kil
-NetPlay: You can see opponent's HOLD/NEXT pieces in any-rule 2 players game now
-NetServer: Fixed "ghost room" bug
-Slick/SDL: Fixed bug where replay screen could crash if replays were deleted.
+Added more maps (Thanks Jenn, SecretSalamender and Magnanimous!)
*Added Mac/Linux boot scripts. (Thanks croikle!)
*Renamed Standard-GIZA rule to fit naming convention.
*Restored JRE 1.5 compability
*[Internal change] Main package changed to
*[Internal change] Documentation is being translated to English.
Version 7.2.0 (2010/06/19)
#This version is NO LONGER compatible with 7.1.* netplay server.
+Slick/SDL: Added new title screen. (Thanks Zircean!)
+Swing/Slick/SDL: Added "Outline Ghost Piece" option. If enabled, ghost piece wi
ll be outline-styled instead of darker image of the piece.
+NET-VS MAP EDIT: Added "GRAY->?" tool. When used, it will change all gray block
s on the field to different colors.
+NetPlay/NetServer: It now compresses rule, map, and (if needed) field data. It
will reduce a lot of packet size.
-Slick: Restores title-bar texts when you come back to title screen.
(Previously, name of game mode was still displayed even if you come back to the
title screen)
-NetPlay: Fixed tripcode spoof bug. (Thanks Wojtek!)
-NetPlay: Fixed a bug that room list doesn't get cleared after you disconnect. (
Thanks hebo-MAI!)
-NetServer: Fixed a CPU 100% causing bug on onAccept()
-GRADE MANIA 2: Leaderboard is no longer displayed when 20G option is used. (Tha
nks 2ch thread >>779!)
*Updated hebo-MAI's rule, "StandardGIZA". Now it has faster softdrop speed.
*AIs no longer not affect leaderboards. Replay file is still created. (Thanks SW
*[Internal change] All AIs (including PoochyBot) now extends DummyAI class inste
ad of implementing AIPlayer interface.
So, no changes are required to AIs when AIPlayer adds something.
*[Internal change] PoochyBot/Crypt: Moved to different packages (net.tetrisconce and, respectively)
Version 7.1.0 (2010/06/15)
#This version is NO LONGER compatible with 7.0.* netplay server.
#I, the NullpoMino author, will use the name "NullNoname !bzEQ7554bc" from this
+Added PoochyBot v1.21. Read "PoochyBot Readme.txt" for details. Thanks Poochy!
(I added some Javadocs to suppress compiler warnings, but the code itself is sa
+Swing/NetPlay: "Watch" feature now works with Swing version.
+NetPlay: Added three new game stats: KO, Wins, and Games.

KO: Number of players you knocked out in this game

Wins: Total number of win/1st place (Reset to zero when you exit the room)
Games: Total number of games you played in this room (Reset to zero when you ex
it the room)
+NetPlay: Chat log is automatically saved inside the log directory.
+NetServer: Added Tripcode system. A tripcode is a hashed password by which a pe
rson can be identified by others.
To use it, you can enter #tripcode (password followed by a sharp) to your nickn
ame field.
(Wikipedia article:
+NetServer: Added an option to display IP/Hostname in various ways. Both plainte
xt and hashcode are supported.
Open "config/etc/netserver.cfg" with any text editor to adjust settings of your
+Added hebo-MAI's rule, "StandardGIZA". (Thanks hebo-MAI!)
-PHANTOM MANIA: Fixed grade re-award (or re-flash) bug. (Thanks Zircean!)
-GRADE MANIA 3: Fixed GM-awarded-when-it-shouldn't bug. (Thanks Zircean!)
MM grade with GM performance will be shown as flashing MM on results screen.
-NetPlay: Doesn't stop BGM when one of opponents dies in 3P+ match (Thanks SWR!)
-NetPlay: "Sit out from game" and "Change Team" buttons are enabled as soon as y
ou die.
*NetServer: Disconnect the client when message send fails (workaround for CPU 10
0% bug)
*NetServer: Cleans up every list (including room list and player list) when ever
yone disconnects.
(This is an workaround for ghost room bug)
*NetPlay: Applied Wojtek's new fractional garbage system patch (60 denominator)
*All log files are created inside the log directory.
Version 7.0.2 (2010/06/06)
#This version is still compatible with 7.0.0 netplay server. There is no change
to the server.
+NetPlay: Added tool-tips to some of Create Room options.
-NetPlay: Fixed a bug that sometimes your block skin gets overwritten.
-NetPlay: Fixed a bug that your default room settings get overwritten when you c
lick "View Setting" button in an other player's room.
-I forgot to include various libraries in the previous version (ouch!). Included
again from this version.
Version 7.0.1 (2010/06/06)
#This version is still compatible with 7.0.0 netplay server. There is no change
to the server.
+Added an update checker. When new version is available, it will notify you on t
he title screen (or mode select screen in case of Swing version).
Currently settings screen is only available on Swing version.
By default, it uses Burbruee's XML file on dropbox to check updates, but it can
be changed via Swing version's setting screen.
+Added "previews above shadow" option to all three versions. (Thanks Wojtek!)
+Slick: Keyboard settings now displays actual key names.
+NetPlay: Added "View Setting" button to room screen. It lets you to view the se
ttings of your current room without having to leave.
-NetPlay: Disable "Join/Sit out" buttons after clicked until the server makes a
response. (Again thanks Wojtek!)
-NetPlay: Disable "Sit out from game" and "Change Team" buttons after the match
starts, because they do nothing during the game.
*NetPlay: Better garbage meter for fractional garbage system.
*Updated STANDARD-ZERO rule to most recent version. (Rotation buttons are no lon
ger reversed)
*Support of JRE 1.5 is discontinued because the part of update checker requires

*LWJGL 2.4.2 is now included in lib/LWJGL2_4_2 directory, because it seems requi

red for 64bits systems.
Version 7.0.0 (2010/06/04)
#This version is NO LONGER compatible with 6.9.0.* netplay server.
+Added an "all spin" option to all modes that has T-Spin bonus. To enable it, ch
ange "SPIN BONUS" setting (renamed from "T-SPIN") to "ALL".
When enabled, all twists (not only T pieces) are recognized.
+VS-BATTLE/NetPlay: Added map options. When enabled, every match will begin with
preset pattern of blocks.
To create maps, you can use newly added "TOOL-VS MAP EDIT" mode.
+NetPlay: Added "Use fractional garbage system" option. When enabled, all player
s' attack power will be divided in 3P+ games.
Garbage will not rise until the amount of garbage exceeds 1.0, but small garbag
es (0.1 to 0.9) must be removed before you are able to attack.
You can use it with "Reduce attack power in 3P+ game" option, which will result
in much longer game.
+NetPlay: Re-added "Disable auto start timer after someone cancelled" feature as
an selectable option.
+NetPlay: Added tabs to "create a room" screen. Speed settings are moved to "Spe
ed Settings" tab.
Version (2010/05/08)
#This version is still compatible with 6.9.0.* netplay servers. However, there a
re some bugfixes to NetPlay server.
+NetPlay: Added a proper GUI of team change.
+Swing: You can double-click the mode select list box to start the game.
-Slick: 64bit LWJGL libraries were still 2.4.2. Changed back to 2.1.0.
-NetPlay: Fixed a ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException bug in field updateing routine.
-NetServer: Fixed various bugs of team play. (Includes disconnecting NPE bug on
-NetServer: Player queue should work fine now.
-DIG MANIA: Big mode removed
-Slick: Fixed "Field BG bright" option's description (128 is max, but descriptio
n said 255 instead)
Version (2010/05/07)
#This version is still compatible with netplay server. However, there is
a small change to NetPlay server.
+STANDARD-PLUS (Created by Blink) and STANDARD-ZERO (Created by Wojtek) rules ar
e now bundled.
+Updated batch files to both 32bit and 64bit compatible ones. (Thanks dodd!)
+NetPlay: You can change your team by using "/team" command.
To change your team, type "/team <New Team Name>" to chat input box, then push
Enter key.
To change back to no team, type "/team" to chat input box, then push Enter key.
(Yes, no proper GUI yet. I'll add a proper way from next release.)
*NetPlay: Changed Ping interval to 10 seconds instead of 30 seconds.
Client will automatically disconnect if there is no response from the server mo
re than 30 seconds.
*NetServer: Removed "Timer Disable" feature from TNET2-style auto start timer be
cause I misunderstood.
(I'll re-add this feature as an separated option from next release.)
*Slick: Changed LWJGL back to 2.1.0 because it caused problems to some people.
Version (2010/05/06)
#This version is NO LONGER compatible with 6.8 netplay server.
+Added "DIG RACE" mode. Clear the bottommost line as fast as possible.
+GARBAGE MANIA: Now fully compatible with big option. Previously, the garbage ho
le was too small to clear the line, but now hole is big enough.

+SDL/Slick: Rule Select screen will appear after the first keyboard setup screen
+NetPlay: Added experimental team play support. If you are on a team, any team m
ate can't attack you, and you can't attack them.
When someone dies, and if all survivors are on the same team, game ends and the
ir team name will be displayed in chat log as the winner.
+NetPlay: Added "TNET2-style auto start timer" option. When enabled, the followi
ng changes will take place:
1.Timer won't start until at least 2 players are ready.
2.When the timer runs out, all non-ready players will be moved to spectator.
3.If someone cancels the OK sign, timer will be disabled until the next match s
-NetPlay: Fixed the following bugs:
1.when you join game in progress garbage shows on your garbage meter and you ca
n hear danger sound
2.when you have more than 20 lines in garbage meter big black bar shows up
3.if all players but one are ready and this one player leave room or go to spec
tators, game wont start
4.when you are spectator, room is full and you join queue, then when you get yo
ur spot you still have spectator view and you can't go ready
Thanks dodd for pointing out those bugs.
*Slick: Upgraded LWGJL to 2.4.2.
Version (2010/04/30)
#This version is NO LONGER compatible with 6.7 netplay server.
+Added "Game Tuning" options. Here you can select rotation button behavior, sele
ct any block skin, adjust DAS and movement speed.
To access it, select "GAME TUNING" from CONFIG menu in SDL/Slick versions, or s
elect "1P(2P) Tuning Setting..." from config menu in Swing version.
Tuning settings are shared from all 3 versions, and you can use it in netplay.
(It can overcome "Same rule for all players" option!)
+SDL/Slick: Enhanced joystick options menu. Now you can test your joystick from
this "INPUT TEST" option.
Most joystick related settings were moved from General Options menu.
+NetPlay: Added "Reduce attack power in 3P+ game" option in room creation screen
When enabled, it will reduce all player's attack power in 3-6 players game. The
attack power will increase when any player dies.
+VS-BATTLE/NetPlay: Added "Hurryup" options.
When timer reaches specific time limit, you'll hear alarm sound, then undestroy
able blocks will start rising from bottom of the playfield.
By default, undestroyable blocks will rise every time you put 5 pieces, but it
can be changed by "Interval" setting.
+NetPlay: Garbage collector will run after each game. (Yep, this is just a worka
round, but it's better than nothing)
-NetPlay: Cleans up player list when destroying a room. (Probably reduces memory
-NetServer: Fixed a memory leak bug. (Logged out player's incomplete-packet will
-SDL/Slick: Fixed "SCRREN SHOT" typo.
*GEM MANIA: Decreased Ready&Go duration.
Version (2010/04/12)
#This is a small fix patch. If you want to use this version, you'll need to over
write this version to previous release.
#It doesn't change anything but netplay server.
-NetServer: Workarounds for tsunami of "broken pipe" IOException in doWrite(Sock
1.Changed log level of doWrite(SocketChannel) to debug instead of error, so it
will not recorded to the log file when using default settings.

2.When this exception happens the server will try to disconnect the (probably d
ead) client.
-I couldn't include latest PHANTOM MANIA source code in previous version, so I i
ncluded it along with new NetServer source code.
Version (2010/04/10)
#This version is NOT compatible with 6.6 netplay server.
+NetPlay: Now you can customize speed settings (gravity and various delays) and
some game settings (T-Spin, B2B, and Combo).
+NetPlay: Now you can see opponent's statistics in the lobby GUI.
+NetPlay: Added auto start timer setting. When half or more players are ready, t
his timer will start ticking. Set the timer 0 to disable it.
+NetPlay: AIs can be used (but there is a problem that F button doesn't work for
single player game and practice game)
*NetServer: Changed default log setting so the total log size will be limited to
-PHANTOM MANIA: Fixed a bug that green/orange lines not saved to the ranking.
-PHANTOM MANIA: Fixed a bug that RO medal was shown as SK medal.
Version (2010/04/06)
#This version is minor fix release. NetPlay feature is still compatible with 6.6
netplay server.
+Added section time best records to following modes. Push F button in settings s
creen to see it.
+GRADE MANIA 3: Created separated leaderboard for exam-enabled setting. It has s
ome differences from the normal (no-exam) one:
1.GM grade doesn't appear in this leaderboard unless you are qualified as GM.
2.Your game doesn't appear in this leaderboard when the game is promotional/dem
otional exam.
+AI: Added T-Spin AI (WIP)
+NetPlay: You can end single player game instantly by pressing F button.
-NetPlay: Fixed a bug that sometimes when you lose, "Win!/1st Place!" message do
es not appear in the winner field.
-GRADE MANIA 2/SPEED MANIA: Fixed a bug that RE medal not awarded for ARE-enable
-TECHNICIAN: Fixed a bug that game does not end when LV15 is completed with T-Sp
in Zero.
Version (2010/04/03)
#This version is NOT compatible with 6.5 netplay server.
+SDL/Slick/NetLobby: Added "Watch" (or "Observer") feature. (If you have a bette
r name please tell me :p)
This feature displays how many players are online. Number of current not-logged
-in players and already-logged-in players will be displayed.
If you are the only online player, the font color is blue.
If there are some other players but nobody is in NetPlay mode, the font color i
s green.
If someone is in NetPlay mode, the font color is red.
You can enable it in NetLobby GUI, by selecting a server then click "Set to wat
ch" button.
Click "Unset watch" button to disable the watch feature.
+NetPlay: Added Rule Lock feature (Force all players to use the same rule you ar
e using)
+NetPlay: Added opponent piece preview in 1vs1 game (But only when Rule Lock fea

ture is used)
+NetPlay: Game screen displays amount of your wins (But will be reset in zero wh
en you leave the room)
+NetPlay: Client will automatically disconnect if there is no response from the
server more than 5 minutes
+GRADE MANIA 3: Various exam-related debug log will be dumped to "log_sdl.txt",
"log_slick.txt", or "log_swing.txt".
-GRADE MANIA 3: Probably fixed a bug that qualified grade does not update in exa
m when the game is ended by surviving the roll.
Version (2010/04/02)
#This version is minor fix release. NetPlay feature is still compatible with 6.5
netplay server.
+NetLobby: Some minor GUI tweaks.
Player list boxes have a popup menu, which you can copy the user name (along wi
th some extra things which is annoying...) to the clipboard.
You can now double click the server name to connect the server.
+NetPlay: Game screen displays the following informations:
Number of current players (includes you if you are joined as a player)
Number of spectators (includes you if you are joined as a spectator)
Number of multiplayer games played (resets when you leave the room)
Number of all players that currently connected into the server (includes you)
Number of rooms (includes your current room)
+Swing/NetPlay: Added in-game player name display for Swing version
-Slick: Mysterious "test.png" no longer loaded into the memory (I forgot to remo
ve it...)
*GRADE MANIA 3: Some workaround fixes for exam.
Exam will happen at the probability of 0.33% (1/3). I know that probability is
not accurate, but at least it's better than always-happening.
The demotion point will be reset in zero when the demotional exam starts, or wh
en the player passes the promotional exam.
Probably fixed the multi-demotion bug. (The demotion code was executed more tha
n once in the gameover routine)
Probably fixed the demotional exam fake-pass bug.
*GRADE MANIA 3: Grade now always overcomes the game completed line in leaderboar
Version 6.5 (2010/03/31)
+Added NetPlay feature (ALPHA!)
+VS-BATTLE: Added "1-ATTACK" garbage pattern option. Less random than NORMAL but
more random than ONE RISE. (In other words, it's T0J.)
+VS-BATTLE: Added "SE" option that can disable the sound effects. This may impro
ve the performance of You VS AI games.
-GRADE MANIA 3: Probably fixed that infamous MM-exam bug. Sorry for late fix :(
-RETRO MANIA: Score no longer goes past 999999. Lines no longer goes past 999. L
evel no longer goes past 99.
-SDL/Slick: Fixed a bug that hitting left from 1P in the Options menu will chang
e it to 0P (Thanks Poochy!)
-Core: Bugs on Field.getHighestPieceY(int) and Field.getValleyDepth(int) are pro
bably fixed (Thanks again Poochy!)
*Slick: Changed Joystick config screen code, so more joysticks may work.
*Replaced native jinput library for Mac OS (lib/libjinput-osx.jnilib) to Snow Le
opard compatible version
Version 6.4 (2010/03/02)
+Added MusicListEditor (Allows you to setup BGM files easily)
+Added GEM MANIA mode (Clear all gem blocks from the playfield to complete the s
+Added MARATHON+ mode (Features a bonus level where playfield sometimes go invis

+Added TIME ATTACK,CLASSIC MARATHON,FINAL modes from NullpoUE build 010210 by Zi
+TIME ATTACK: Added BGM support
+TIME ATTACK: Added BASIC difficulty
+TIME ATTACK/Engine: Added more accurate HELL-hidden
+GRADE MANIA: Added Pier21 grading system from NullpoUE build 010210 by Zircean
+RETRO MANIA: Added "POWERON" option, which will enable you to use famous Poweron Pattern
+SDL/Slick: Line-clear effects for gem blocks added
-Slick: Line-clear effects for normal blocks is now split to 2 files because som
e video cards had problems
-Swing: Translucent effect now works correctly
Version 6.3 Alpha (2010/01/02)
*The game now uses log4j for logging. No more black-blank DOS window. However, S
wing version and utilities now requires external library.
*Changed background images to NullpoUE's (Old BGs can still be found in res/grap
hics/oldbg folder)
*Changed block images to NullpoUE's (Old blocks can still be selectable in Rule
+Added RETRO MANIA, PHANTOM MANIA, SCORE ATTACK modes from NullpoUE build 121909
by Zircean
(TIME ATTACK,CLASSIC MARATHON,FINAL modes are not available yet)
+Translated NullpoUE modes' source code comments to English
-RETRO MANIA: Levelup behavior is more accurate, especially when level increases
by level timer
-SCORE ATTACK: BGM2 now plays correctly when you reach level 300
+SCORE ATTACK: Background image will not change until you clear lines
+SCORE ATTACK: You can speed up ending by pressing F button
*MANIA modes: Applied various fixes and new features from NullpoUE build 121909
+GRADE MANIA 3: You can disable qualified grade and exam features from the menu
+GRADE MANIA 3: Level 500 torikan is disabled during exams
+Added DTET wallkick from from NullpoUE build 010210
+Added all rule sets from NullpoUE build 010210
+PRACTICE: Settings screen of Practice mode is now in fullscreen and bigger than
+PRACTICE: Can set goal lines when level type is set to none
+PRACTICE: Start with bone blocks option
+PRACTICE: Time limit reset option (Time limit will be reset when the level incr
+PRACTICE: Field Map options with field editor
([Field Editor controls] UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT:Move cursor A:Put a block B:Exit C+
LEFT/RIGHT:Select block color D:Delete a block)
+Engine: Gem blocks added (Line-clear effects are not implemented yet)
+Engine: Added "piece skip by D button" function (not used yet)
*Maybe more...
Version 6.2 (2009/10/29)
Re-added Swing version.
Changed block skin text field to a combobox, and added a image preview in Rule E
Upgraded LWJGL version to 2.1.0. It has better 64bit support. Slick version soun
d in Linux amd64 now works.
Added 200 lines game type to Marathon mode.
Fixed initial hold bug in Mania modes. (Thanks Zircean)
Added secret-grade to Mania modes. (Thanks Zircean)
Added piece type setting to Practice mode. Now you can play with I1, I2, I3, and
L3 pieces.
Fixed batch files to log the errors correctly.

Version 6.1 (2009/08/20)

Re-added Mac OS X support.
You can turn off multi-thread AI. (Mainly for debug purpose)
In SPEED MANIA and GARBAGE MANIA modes, you can keep pressing F button to end th
e ending credits faster.
Version 6 (2009/08/17)
Many things were changed.
Added an AI. (not so strong)
Re-added slick version game pad support.
Swing version is gone because it has many problems.
Version 5.5
Added Sound
Added combo
BGM fadeout

RACE mode.
Effects Volume setting and BGM Volume Setting.
in SDL version now works.

Version 5.4+ (2008/11/29)

Added SDL version
The game engine remain unchanged, so the version display still says 5.4.
Version 5.4 (2008/11/25)
Added GRADE MANIA 3 mode and SPEED MANIA 2 mode.
Added line-clear visual effect. (Currently Slick version only)
Added mode name display in Slick version. (This was present in Swing version alr
Version 5.3 (2008/10/29)
Fixed some DAS bugs.
Fixed a big mode wall kick bug of Classic rule.
Added piece spawn offset options in rule customize screen.
Added replay rerecord function (Pause the game and press D to use it)
Version 5.2 (2008/10/05)
Disable sound effect by default in Slick version. Now this game can work with Op
enAL incompatible sound cards.
Added a max FPS option in Slick version.
Added frame step function. You have to enable it in settings screen if you want
to use. During pause screen, you can push F button to use it.
Added a goal option in PRACTICE mode.
And minor bugfixes.
Version 5.1 (2008/09/19)
Added BIG option to all modes (pieces will be bigger if you enable this)
Added level type option to PRACTICE mode
Fixed a bug of initial rotation (sometimes this feature didn't work)
Version 5.0 (2008/09/12)
Many things were changed!
Added Swing version
Added rule customize option
Added simple leaderboard
Removed game pad support (because it was so buggy)
Version 4 (2008/08/10)
Changed the detection method of game pad's directional buttons (again).
Added SPEED MANIA mode

Saves various error logs to log.txt

Version 3 (2008/08/05)
Changed the detection method of game pad's directional buttons.
Added GRADE MANIA 2 mode
Added PRACTICE mode
Fixed a bug in replay screen. (Occurs when replay files are 20 or more)
And maybe more. However I can't remember...
Version 2 (2008/07/29)
Added an option of FPS display in game options menu.
Added an option of play level-stop sound in GRADE MANIA mode.
Added mode name display in each mode.
Added more frame colors. Now frame color changes from mode to mode.
Fixed a bug of game pad that doesn't recognize directional buttons.
Fixed a bug in GRADE MANIA mode that level increases even if you use hold.
Version 1.01 (2008/07/29)
This version has no change for binary or source. So the in-game version display
still says "VERSION 1".
Fixed the game pad bug (I forgot to include the game pad library. Ouch.)
Added instruction for Linux and Mac users in readme.
Added English version of readme file. (this file)
Version 1 (2008/07/27)
First version.
12. Todo List
More features and fixes for Netplay
* Fix CPU 100% bug of NetServer
* Reduce RAM usage
* More room customize features
(Garbage pattern options, and more...)
* Detect disconnected players from server-side
* Replay support
* Manage the lag
* Password protected rooms
* ID/Password or something like that
Various Bugfixes
Helpful items in SCORE ATTACK mode
MISSION MANIA mode where players must accomplish certain task within the given t
ime limit
HANABI MANIA mode with fireworks
More garbage pattern options for VS-BATTLE (and Netplay)
More AI players
Replace Swing version with something better (jME maybe?)
Better replay selector system
TAS detection (I didn't include it in this version because the current method ha
d problems with music)
Fix the possible high score list inaccurates for MANIA modes (Grade always overc
ome green-line?)

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