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How Organization Designing The Training Module

As a company which give services and facilities , See Hup Group design the module for their
trainees ( employee ) . See Hup Group design the module to make sure their trainees follow the
training syllabus step by step. See Hup Group manager , design the module for their trainees to
learn the skill to handle the machine and system. See Hup Group as a service company which
give service business like Inland Transportation and Freight Forwarding of course want to care
about their standard service and give a best service to their customer. See Hup Group training
module are starting with first step, Preparation of training, second is Implementation training and
final step is Evaluation of training.
First step about preparation, company provide the facilities to their employee during training
process such as, provide the machine, training room, safety preparation and others thing to make
trainees feeling comfortable with training condition.
Secondly, regarding implementation of training. Generally, company using the machine and
system to give a good service. Therefore, the company needs to train their employee to handle
the machine. The training module including early step to handle the machine such as, controlling,
repairing and upgrade the machine performance. The Objective is to make sure their employee
have a higher knowledge to use the machine besides increasing their number of product. On the
training module, employee also trained about the service been given to the customer to ensure
the efficiency of service is good.
After all syllabus of training finish, manager will measure whether their training effective or not.
Company will indicate the outcome the training based on the manager observation. Manager will
observe their skills and evaluate the outcome of the training. Manager also doing evaluation to
their trainees or employee to make sure benefit of the training to them based on the Key
Performance Indicator or appraisal method.

2. Method The Organization Use To Train Their Employee.


On-The-Job Training Method.

Method by which employees are given hands-on experience with instructions from their
supervisor or other trainer. This all about teaching process at the workplace. Sometimes its called
one-on-one at the training site between instructor and trainees. See Hup Group also use this
method to conduct their training. For example, company generally using the machine to carried
the goods in Inlad Transportation. The machine need to check always to make sure process
operating as normally. For See Hup Group, their manager will be the instructor to teach and
share the knowledge or experience with employees to handle the machine. Their employee
trained using the machine besides their manager will conduct survey to make sure the trainees
handle the machine and system wisely to avoid any injuries and accidents during training.
For the Safety and health aspect, manager as a instructor will inform and provide guidance to
their employee about guide lines to maintain the standard of service especially during business
process. This is because their company as a business service.
OJT refers to new employee or employee have not experience or knowledge learning at the
workplace during work by observing peers and instructor doing their job and try follow that
behavior. OJT also can use for training new employee, upgrading employee experience and
improve employee skills when use the new technology or inform to the employee about the task
and objective for the new job


Presentation Method.

See Hup Group also use presentation method on their training process. Presentation method
intended to teaching their employee on the formal condition. This method give a lecture
opportunities about one-way communication with trainees. Normally, others company use the
classroom when do the presentation.But, See Hup Group using their meeting room to conduct the
presentation method. This is because,at the company have the LCD projector in their meeting
room. From that, their manager as a trainer will use the visual audio, Microsoft power point
Slides to present regarding their training.
This method take the lower cost, least time consuming when conduct the presentation. Besides
trainees absorb the information, lecture also using this opportunities to support and improve the
training method such as regarding behavior and sharing about technology techniques. Other than
that, trainer also can showing their trainees some videos to avoid them form feeling boring and

Group Building Method.

Normally in the company have a group working together to achieve the organization objective.
In the company must have a team. Group building method is the solution to make the team more
effectiveness and will improve teamwork. For See Hup Group this method use when all trainees
need to interact and want to discuss some thing with their manager. From this way, manager can
interact such as two-way communication with their employee. All issue will discuss on the group
and they will find the way to solve the company problem. Other than that, trainees also can
sharing their knowledge, ideas and experience on the group and can know each other opinion.
Effective teamwork will increase by group technique focus on. This technique provide solution
to improve the quality of group work and increasing team performance. Overall aspect form
group building method or team work will give benefit to the company depends on commitment
of team members and supporting and motivation form trainer or their manager.


Usually, training evaluation refers to the process of collecting the outcomes needed to
determine whether training is effective or not. Training effectiveness give benefits to the
company and the trainees because they receive feedback from the training. Benefit for trainees
may include learning something such as new skill or behaviors. While benefit for the company is
it increased sales and more satisfied customers. Actually See Hup Gorup use both of formative
and summative evaluation to evaluate the effectiveness of training. See Hup Group also use the
Kirkpatrick model of training evaluation to evaluate the effectiveness of training and


Evaluation also is a measure of employee See Hup Group to learning. One useful technique is to
assess the student before training, during training and after training. These assessment activities
inform both the student and instructor how well the student mastered the objectives, and how
well the instructor presented the training. This evaluation is necessary but not sufficient to
determine training effectiveness. However, it will yield important indicator.
Test item analysis will also yield a useful set of effectiveness indicator. One method uses pretraining test post-training. This method is time consuming and seldom used, but done correctly it
provides very useful indicators of training effectiveness. The value of pre-training test is that it
may show that students already possess mastery of some of the training objectives. Also if the
students do poorly on the pre-training test, and do well on the post-training test, then strong
indication of training effectiveness is provided. With the use of a variety of assessment activities,
the results can yield more accurate indicators. If all you do is administer written assessment
activities, you will only be able to measure specific levels of knowledge. Additional activities
can include oral and performance assessments using field conditions and simulator settings that
provide additional indicators of effective training. See Hup Group also measures the trainees
satisfaction with the instructor, training material and training administration to measure
effectiveness of the training program.

If trainer feel happy from training program, and easy transfer the training program to the real job
that means the training program is effectiveness and success.


Cognitive outcomes are used to determine the degree to which trainees are familiar with the
principle, fact, technique, procedure and process emphasize in training program. Cognitive
outcomes measure what knowledge trainees learn in the training. To measure the effectiveness,
See Hup Group uses the pencil-and-paper test for their employer. This pencil-and-paper test can
measure whether the trainees know how to make a decision. See Hup Group will give the
question about what their learn during training program for the employee and see whether they
can use the decision making skill on the job or not. If they can solve the question that mean the
training is effective.

Philips Jack J. (1987) Training Evaluation and Measurement Methods.
Donald L. Kirkpatrick (1999) Evaluating Training Programs.
P. Nick B. & James W. T. (1999)Effective Training: System, Strategies and Practices.
Dr. Briget OConnor, Dr. Michael Bronner & Chester Delaney (2002) Training for Organization
publish by Thomson learning.

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