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Pollution is now becoming an important issue to cause the urban problem particularly
the air pollution. Human is the main factor to cause a huge of air pollution to environment.

Air pollution:

Air pollution is the introduction into the atmosphere of chemicals, particulates, or

biological materials that cause discomfort, disease, or death to humans, damage other living
organisms such as food crops, or damage the natural environment or built environment.
Obviously, in the city air pollution is mostly produced by the vehicles such as cars and
greenhouse gas emission. According to the report recently, it mentions that urban outdoor air
pollution is occurring in almost 1100 cities in 91 countries around the world. Below is the
database of the annual mean of air pollution produced by the cities around the world.

Afr: Sub-Saharan Africa; Amr: Americas; Emr: Eastern Mediterranean; Eur: Europe; Sear:
South-East Asia; Wpr: Western Pacific; HI: High income; LMI: Low and middle income;
PM10: Fine particulate matter of 10 microns or less.
The air pollution is like a weapon that could kill the people indirectly, because air
pollution is really harmful to human health. In order to reduce the air pollution in the city, I
strongly recommend that government should follow these solutions below:
Reduce the using of the machine that consuming the fuel
Encourage to build the building with green area (LEED=Leadership in Energy and
Environment Development) to ensure it couldnt produce any pollution to the
Plant more trees in the city in order to reduce the carbon dioxide

Transportation in the city is like a blood vessel in the human-being because it can
affects the relative accessibility of different sites especially the economic. However, most of
city are encountering with the traffic congestion.
Traffic congestion is a condition on road networks that occurs as use increases, and is
characterized by slower speeds, and longer trip times. Due to the increasing of people moving
from the countryside and the edge of the city to city center, traffic in the city becomes worse.
Moreover, people prefer to drive their own vehicle to work instead of the using the public
transportation because they think public transportation is inconvenient and it is not allowable
in some places. Apart from these, the shortage of road parking is one component to cause
traffic jam. The drivers dont have the parking lot to park their cars, so they sometime park on
the side of the street.
Below is the list of the top 10 countries with most traffic congestion in the world:

Brussels, Belgium


Antwerp, Belgium


Los Angeles, USA


Milan, Italy


London, U.K.


Paris, France


Honolulu, USA


Rotterdam, Netherlands


Manchester, UK


San Francisco, USA

Each year, cities have been lost a huge amount of money and the citizens lost their
time just waiting on their vehicle because of the traffic congestion. Therefore, the government
has to bring the measures to overcome such kind of problem. The solutions to this problem
would be:

Increase the public transportation facilities to all the citizens in the city
Organize the parking lots in
Enlarge the street size
Restrict the entering of the vehicle from the countryside to the city center


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