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Plan of action for Wilderness incidents.

General rules.
1 Know your route and approximately how long it takes to cover the distance.
2 Check the weather forecast.
3 Ensure that your cell phone is charged.
4 Carry emergency numbers relevant for the area.
5 Carry a pen and notebook.
6 Carry basic first aid.
7 Hike in a group of no less than four people.
8 Carry the contact numbers of the hikers and their next of kin.
9 Assess the ability of the hikers.
10 Ensure all hikers have appropriate clothing and footwear and carry sufficient
water and food.
11 Compile a trip plan (eg: and
appoint someone to raise the alarm if you dont come home on time. At the
very least leave a Trail Note (
12 Prepare for an unexpected night out carry a head lamp and a warm
jacket/survival bag.
13 Ensure that you have emergency contact numbers for the area:
Template for Gauteng region.
South African Police Search
and Rescue

082 371 7858 (Mr Els)

072 490 2932

Mountain Club of South Africa

Search and Rescue

074 163 3952 Rob Thomas

074 125 1385

The Off Road Rescue Unit

Iain - Operations Officer 083 447 4097

Chris - Duty Officer 082 772 6566
Simon - Duty Officer 083 632 1061

K9 dog unit

086 177 6832

Closest road access

GPS co-ordinates

R513 . From Damdoryn cross roads, travel 5 km

passed Mount Amanzi and over the c Crocodile
River, then 2 km to the rise of the hill. Farm
entrance on the left.

S 25.42.18 E 27.50.40

Incident Management.
Injury and illness that need intervention:
1 Ensure the safety of the group and the injured.
2 Assess the situation and the injured persons condition and decide on a
course of action.
3 Appoint a scribe to meticulously record the order of events and actions taken.
4 Do not move a person who has spinal and neck injuries unless leaving them
where they are exposes them to danger.
5 Reassure the patient and keep the patient warm and conscious.
6 Do not give any food or any medication that may interfere with medical
7 Should you need assistance with illness or injury, contact the MCSA Search
and Rescue or the Off-road rescue unit.
8 Provide as much information as possible about the patient and GPS coordinates for the closest road access. Etc
9 If the injured person is being evacuated then try to ensure that they are not
taking essential items (such as car keys with them).
10 If the injured person is supervising a minor on the trip take steps to ensure the
safety and safe return home of the minor.
11 If the injured person is your party leader, then inform the responding
authorities of this so that they can make the necessary arrangements such as
either evacuating the entre party or providing a replacement leader to get you
off the mountain.

Lost persons.
1 Ensure the safety of the group.
2 If you initiate your own preliminary search set strict time limits and a
regrouping point. Do not send out search parties smaller than 3 people and
give them clear instructions of their task and limitations.
3 Appoint a scribe to meticulously record the order of events and actions taken.
4 Contact the Police Search and Rescue unit.
5 Failing the police or if the police require, contact the relevant Search and
Rescue. South Africa: Off-road Rescue Unit, K9 dog unit or MCSA Search and
6 Provide as much information as possible about the incident, including age of
the person, clothes, your cell no, the GPS co-ordinates and closest road
access etc


1 Ensure the safety of the group.

2 Ensure the dignity of the deceased.
3 Do not move the deceased unless this is necessary to protect the body, in
which case photograph the body before you move it and document your
reasons for moving it.
4 Take steps to isolate non-essential party members (and especially minors)
from unnecessarily viewing the body.
5 Appoint a scribe to meticulously record the order of events and actions taken.
6 Appoint someone who will contact the next of kin and communicate the loss
appropriately. This communication is only to take place after certification of
7 Contact the police Search and Rescue unit.
Provide as much information as possible about the incident, including your
cell no, the GPS co-ordinates and closest road access.
Contact MCSA Search and Rescue and or the Off-road Rescue. They will
support the police.
Be patient as due process takes time: many departments are involved
and protocol must be followed to prevent an inquest:

The paramedics must perform an ECG and certify death.

The police photographer must photograph the scene.

The police must take statements.

After this the police will assess the best way in which the deceased can
be taken to the closest mortuary.

Ensure that the deceased does not have essential items (such as car
keys with him). Obtain permission from the police to retrieve these items if

If the deceased was supervising a minor on the trip take steps to ensure
the safety and safe return home of the minor.
8 If the deceased was your party leader, then inform the responding authorities
of this so that they can make the necessary arrangements such as either
evacuating the entre party or providing a replacement leader to get you off the
9 The group may like to say a prayer, or build a cairn as a way to cope
emotionally with the incident and mark the spot to give themselves and the
family members a sense of place and context.
10 Take a photo of the cairn and the environment which, at your discretion, which
you can give to the family.

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