EDU 519 Summer 2015 Weekly Schedule

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University School of Education

Prof. Alex Hodges EDU 519: The Uses of Technology in Education


Note: These details are subject to change. Be aware of in-class & online announcements.
Lecture/Discussion Topics & Activities
Assignments/Readings Due

May 12 Introduction to the Course
In-Class Assignments:
Class 1
-Tell me about you
Review syllabus & schedule
In person
-Complete first posts to PBworks
Create PBworks account
Student profile

Favorite educational website
Online Safety & Privacy
View PBS Frontline, digital_nation
Examine PBS teaching materials

May 14 What is Web 2.0?
Reading Due:
Class 2
Lecture/Class Discussion:
(Bb) Web 2.0 and Emergent
In person
Multiliteracies, Alexander, Theory
Share & explore favorite Web sites
into Practice
Explore Web 2.0 for classroom use
(Bb) When Young Teachers Go Wild
Review Web 2.0 vocabulary:
on the Web, Shapira, Washington
Social Networks Blogs Wikis
Content Management Systems

Learning Management Systems
PBworks Post by 5/14, 4pm
2) Post reactions to readings

to individual PBworks page
May 19 What is a Community of Practice (CoP)?
Reading Due:
Class 3
Lecture/Class Discussion:
(Bb) Supporting Dialogic Literacy
In person
Through Mashing and Moddling of
Continue Web 2.0 discussion

Places and Spaces, Hedberg &
Introduce CoP principles
Brudvik, Theory Into Practice

(Bb) A conceptual perspective:
theory and practice, Wenger,
Learning style inventory & debate
Communities of Practice: Learning,
CoP-InTASC standards exercise
Meaning, and Identity

(Bb) InTASC Model Core Teaching

Homework #1: Post by 5/19, 4pm
Post to individual PBworks page

EDU 519: The Uses of Technology in Education

American University School of Education

Prof. Alex Hodges EDU 519: The Uses of Technology in Education

May 21
Class 4
In person

May 26
Class 5
In person

May 28
Class 6

June 2
Class 7

June 4
Class 8

In person

Lecture/Discussion Topics & Activities

Evaluating Web Sources & Software
Lecture/Class Discussion:
Introduce information literacies
Discuss the critical evaluation of Web-
based curriculum materials
Critique Web Quests

Midterm Web Evaluation Project assigned

Education Research Instruction:
Information & Digital Literacy in Action
Use information literacy to critique
information and digital literacy
Review learning theory: objectivism,
constructivism, critical literacy

In-Class Quiz

Teaching with Wikipedia?
Watch Clip: Truth in Numbers, Glosserman
(2010) DVD 8798

Blackboard Discussion:
React to the documentary & reading

Educational Technology Policy in the U.S.
Blackboard Discussion:
Debate policy
Describe ideal classroom

Learning Theory & Instructional Design (1)

Lecture & Activity:
Introduce instructional design
principles, part 1
Explore Wix
Final Project Assigned

EDU 519: The Uses of Technology in Education

Assignments/Readings Due
Reading Due:
(Bb) Chapter 7, Literacy, boyd, Its
(Bb) AASL, Standards for the 21st
Century Learner

Homework #2: Post by 5/21, 4pm
Post to individual PBworks page

Reading Due:
(Bb) Digital Natives, Yet Strangers to
the Web, Wong, The Atlantic

Homework #3: Post by 5/26, 4pm
Complete and review the Library
Research Tutorial

Reading Due:
(Bb) Instructor Basics: How to use
Wikipedia as a teaching tool,
Wikimedia Foundation

Reading Due:
(Bb) Natl Educational Tech Plan

Assignment Due:
Midterm Web Evaluation Project,
Post on PBworks by
Tues, June 2, 11:59pm

Reading Due:
(Bb) Clark & Mayer, Ch. 2-4


American University School of Education

Prof. Alex Hodges EDU 519: The Uses of Technology in Education

June 9
Class 9

In person

June 11
Class 10
In person

June 16
Class 11
In person

June 18
Class 12

Lecture/Discussion Topics & Activities

Learning Theory & Instructional Design (2)
Lecture & Activity:
Introduce instruction design principles,
part 2
Explore Prezi

Adventures in Multimedia
Learn how to incorporate multimedia
and screencasting into instruction
Explore Jing & Google Sites

Final Project Presentations
Student In-Class Presentations

Student Evaluations of Teaching (SETs)
Peer Evaluations of Final Projects

Final Project ALL parts due online
Project Report, Screencasts & Websites are
viewable online linked from PBworks.

Class time is for final project completion.

Assignments/Readings Due
Reading Due:
(Bb) Clark & Mayer, Ch. 5-7

Homework #4: Post by 6/11, 4pm

Final Project Proposal: Print out and
hand in at the beginning of class

Final Project Presentation Due:

Presentation to the class
Students provide feedback to
one another

Final Project Report, Screencast &

Website Due:
Email report, screencast & website
and post to individual PBworks page
by Thurs, June 18, 11:59pm
Email Subject Line:
EDU519: Final Project
Name Attachment:
Ex: Hodges_edu519_final.doc

EDU 519: The Uses of Technology in Education

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