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Cincinnati Adaptive Music Camp

Volunteer Application
Please fill out and return to: Cincinnati Adaptive Music, 808 Finney Trail,
Cincinnati, Ohio 45224 or email to
Phone Number _________________ Alternate Phone Number ______________
Email ______________________________________________________________
What is the best method for communication? Phone

Alternate Phone


Address: ___________________________________________________________
Age: ________ or Adult (circle if you are over 20)
We have several volunteer opportunities available. Please circle which you are
interested in:
Music History Centers M-F 9:30-11:30
Monday Friday of Camp we will host three centers each day for the students
to rotate through and learn some music history. Each center will be a table with
activities for the student to complete with the help of the volunteer running the
table. The activities will be approximately 20 minutes long, and the students will
rotate through 3 tables for an hour, then another group of students will come
through for a follow hour. Only 1 to 2 students will come to your table at one
Please circle days you are available (you can volunteer from 1 to all 5 days)





There will be training offered on Sunday, August 4, at the Mount from 3:00-4:30.
We will issue service hour letters to any teens who volunteer.

We are looking for church groups, business or families that would be willing to
provide a simple lunch, free of charge, to the camp. Groups may sign up for 1day,
or several groups may share one day. We will need enough food to feed about
10-15 people, including paper products such as plates. This will help keep down
the expense of the camp for families, as well as provide bonding time during
lunch for the students. Lunch providers are more than welcome to stay and have
lunch with us! It will need dropped off by 11:30 at the Mount, or brought to my
home in Finneytown (Springfield Township) the evening before.
Please circle days that would work (once I have all volunteers, I will connect
with you about which day will work best).





Host Families

We are also looking for potential host families who can offer their home, and
breakfast and dinner, for out-of-town campers. This will greatly keep the cost of
camp down. You would need to be able to host a parent and child.

Below this line, fill out only if you are interested in volunteering for the Music Centers.

Please explain briefly why you would like to volunteer with our students: _____________________________

What experience do you have working with children?


Do you play an instrument, sing or know how to read music?


Please list two references below (pastor, teacher, employer,etc. not family)








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