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1. Colins Story: The Bluebird of Happiness

Colins father left him after he was born. His mother remarried with Jack, who Colin
called Dad. He was very close to Jack who always took care of Colin due to his
mother being busy all the time. They spent a lot of time together. However, one day,
his mother decided to move away without telling Jack. Colin kept one of Jacks
tobacco tin in his shoes as he realized that they were leaving Jack. He could not cope
with his new environment and felt lonely at school. He wrote letters to Jack but there
were no replies. Every night, he would smell the tobacco tin to help him remember
Jack until his mother threw away the boots with the tobacco tin unknowingly. He
worked hard to save enough money so that he can go to look for Jack one day. Colin
often went to the skating rink just to listen to Jacks favourite song, The Bluebird of
2. Pixies Story: The Pains in My Life
Pixies parents divorced and she gained a stepfamily because her father married Lucy,
who had 2 children named Sophie and Hetty. She was constantly irritated by her
stepsisters behaviour. This worsened when Hetty and Sophie had a fight and Hetty
was moved to her room. Pixie tried her best to force Hetty out of her room. When she
did it, Hetty complained to her mother, Lucy, who came to confront Pixie about the
situation. Pixie burst out about her unhappiness with her stepsisters. Her father
noticed but decided not to take part in it. Lucy, angered by his actions, had a row with
Pixie and both ended up crying. They made amendments. Pixie could now cope with
her stepsisters better than before.
3. Richards Story
Richard, a young boy lived in a happy family. At least, it was before his father fell ill
with fever. When he died, his mother, Lilith Harwick then married Reverend
Coldstone. Mr Coldstone despised Richard and sent him to Mordanger School, where
he had to undergo multiple hardships. Despite that, he still came back to his home and
whittle wooden cows for Charlotte, his sister. They discussed about Mr Coldstone and
Richard declared furiously that he would never be his father. He decided to leave the
house for once and for all. Richard worked and soon became a captain. After several
years, he returned to the place he called home to find out that his mother and
Reverend Coldstone had passed away, his mother by grief and his stepfather by anger.
He also read a letter by Charlotte which explained her marriage to a rich man who
goes by the name of Charles Devere to look for him. He grieved for his sister upon
knowing that she, too had left the cold world. Richard wondered if he should stay or
leave, as no one he had known his entire life is at the place where he once put upon all
else anymore.

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