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Submitted to:
Basit Afzal

Submitted by:
Muhammad Zeeshan 2133252
Umair Zahid
Fahad Shaihd

Hafiz Raza Zaib


Interview with Ramzan

Mr. Ramzan Sharif was born in a

middle standard community on December 1972, Lahore, Pakistan.

After a hard and long strive of education and experience he
establish The Green Technologies in July 2007. Moreover he has

also been expended himself with an export of HVAC spare parts

concern as a partner. Because since his matriculation he had been
serving the various firms by supplying office stationary and
Computer accessories to meet his educational expenses. In 2001
he emerged as Mechanical Engineer from renowned institute of
Pakistan, the University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore,
Pakistan. This promising boy now was full groomed to climb up
the glories of success. He brilliantly stepped up as a Member of
ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air
Conditioning Engineering), Pakistan HVACR, MAP (Marketing
Association of Pakistan) and PEC (Pakistan Engineering Council).
Furthermore he also contributed to many welfare platforms to
support and encourage the brilliant youth of Pakistan to get
together with him at the apexes of novelty achievements.
Please tell us about the evolution of your business, your
vision and mission?
Mr. Ramzan Sharif: You know, success is a journey not a
destination. I am unusually at a fix to share where a success
stirred in my carrier. Anyway, I joined YORK after my engineering,
you may say it a success for a carrier beginner. This, no doubt,
gave me everything e.g. experience, vision, identity and money
as well. While my stay at YORK I stationed Saudi Arabia, Dubai
and for a year in Pakistan. YORK closed it operations due to
terrorism and insecurity in Pakistan.
In such circumstances I had to be relocated at Dubai in May 2007
at $6000 per month. I refused the offer for abroad and decided to
put my all potential for my beloved mother land, Pakistan. I find
the gap of providing services related to particular field due to
absence of YORK operations in Pakistan and start his own
business of selling his skills, abilities and competencies. I
commenced a project under the banner of The Green

Technologies which fruited the wonderful result with the grace of

Allah Almighty. The enthusiastic and talented youth through the
Pakistan joined hands with hands and made a glorious chain of
victories through their skills, abilities and competencies. The
vision was to enforcement of the advance technologies which I
learnt while my service in YORK and which are being implemented
in advance countries.
Kindly share what you learnt through this continuing
Mr. Ramzan Sharif: Of course, I believe journey of one thousand
miles begins with single step. It is common conception among us
that to commence a trade of concern you must have a huge
capital but I do a bit different. I believe in one man army and put
my all strengths in the task under taken what matter most. As per
my continuous learning you just need the will, passion, faith,
determination, integrity, ethics and honesty for doing business.
Moreover, you must have clarity about business scope and
limitations. Furthermore client satisfaction should be at first
Nowadays Leadership is a necessity not a choice. Then
what qualities and competencies should an entrepreneur
Mr. Ramzan Sharif: Yes, it is a vital picking. I believe no setup or
organization can stand without leadership. A leader must be role
model one. Up to me, a mania for business concern, passion,
enthusiasm, tenacity despite failure, committed with your words
and philosophy, one must look forward only, clarity of vision,
competency and excellence in the particular field, no expectations
and reliability upon others, having a summed up planning in prior
and so.

What inspires you most in personal and professional life?

Mr. Ramzan Sharif: well, Inspiration and follow ship are the
things I avoid due to innovation of my profession but in the
reflection of your query I may say that I personally love people
who love humanity selflessly like Abdul Sattar Edhi. One thing
more I also owner the people in the professional life who are
highly qualified and delivering interpersonal skills among the
professional and understand the problems of supporting staff
members and executives.
What differentiates your organization/product/service
from competitors?
Mr. Ramzan Sharif: I believe in uniqueness and novelty of
innovations. As a matter of our products they are very truly
matching technically to our environment and needs. You may
have our better products at the same or low rates than the
competitors in the market.

How does the change in market present challenges and

how do you cope with it?
Mr. Ramzan Sharif: In the perfect competition of market no
doubt, survival claims the fittest. Unfortunately, we meet a series
of challenges every day. One even cannot count on both hands
challenge of energy crises, technology changes have been
influencing the whole market for a decade. We are trying to our

level best to introduce energy efficient equipments for our best

survival. Furthermore, we are also going to introduce inverter
system to cope with the instability in our local energy system in
future near. We are doing research and development for making
products more environment friendly, protective and economical.
What was the toughest decision you have ever made. How
do you tackle with negative situations?
Mr. Ramzan Sharif: Habitually I take time to sharp my saw, and
look before I leap, but when I determine to achieve something I
never give up. I shoot for the moon and dwell among the stars.
For taking decision is very tough situation for everyone because
once one decide than he had to get through. You know,
commencing of a personal project was a hard nut to crack for me.
A salaried person usually never thinks of personal enterprise
probability of success of a business particularly in Pakistan is a
major risk because of lot social, political and economic
uncertainty and instability. It was really a great trail for me to
decide commencing a business or continue with Job when I had no
investment. My friends, colleagues and professional were of the
opinion that he might lick the dust. An unknown inner force was
compelling and encouraging me to take an initiative. No doubt, it
was firm believe in Allah Almighty which made one to set on the
stepping stone and of sure success. Since the day I have a motto
of honesty, commitment and integrity as a professional prestige.

How would you describe yourself as an entrepreneur? If

you were not one what would you have been?
Mr. Ramzan Sharif: Success and failure of business is degree of
faith but we should keep on struggling. For me fair business is

very important, in Pakistan most of people say fair business is not

possible without bribe. I am honest with my human resources,
with my clients and all stakeholders, Im friendly and open
minded, and I listen at every level of person without any
discrimination. I never compromise upon any undesired acts. I
personally did not believe to punish people if something occur
mistakenly I must find route cause. I believe the money of client is
like trust and if you are not providing them committed product or
services than it is like deceived. If I was not an entrepreneur than
Im definitely doing job anywhere. Because at that time I have
only two options whether to start similar business or continue
with job or even I have no other option. I am also a risk taker as
an entrepreneur and I take risk with firm believe that Allah
Almighty will give me success.
Considering the current political and economic instability
in Pakistan, what is the future of entrepreneurship?
Mr. Ramzan Sharif: In current scenario I think future of
entrepreneurship is very dark, our environment is not business
friendly in fact our environment is corruption friendly, in fair words
if you want to do corruption all the ways are open but if you want
to do fair business all the ways are closed. Our system is also very
main barrier to do fair business until you did not give bribe our
system did not support. No check and balance on fraud and no
regulation is active to prevent scam. Due to energy crises you
cannot start even any small manufacturing moreover different
departments disturb you for doing manufacturing until you done
any deal with them.

Anything you wish to say?

Mr. Ramzan Sharif: Even everything is dark but you should not
disappoint from Allah Almighty and always trust in Allah Almighty
everything will be better. If you start business with Believe in
Allah Almighty defiantly he will give you success. For me doing
engineering is like dream but I stickily have faith on Allah
Almighty and I done my engineering I dont know how I manage
all. You should continue struggle and then believe in Allah
Almighty. Honesty is compulsory in all area not in business. I
believe everything which happen is always good for us according
to Allah Almighty because he knows what is good for us and what
is wrong. Moreover some time we beg from Allah Almighty which
is not suitable for us thats why Allah Almighty did not give us. If
you beg from Allah Almighty he did not refuse, he give you
anything else which is beneficial for you. For me to start any
business you should get complete knowledge of it and must have
experience of it whether doing job. I think every young guy should
go abroad for broader vision and exposure so that he can cope
with difficulties. And then commitment and dedication for
business. People think if they will not success in business than
they will start again job if you think like this your efforts are not
that level because you know I have other option of doing job,
People should have no other option even despite failure.

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