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1 Zbl 1203.37106
Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Curve flows and solitonic hierarchies generated by Einstein metrics. (English)
[J] Acta Appl. Math. 110, No. 1, 73-107 (2010). ISSN 0167-8019; ISSN 1572-9036

Using a pseudo-Riemannian metric and non-linear connections on a non-integrable distribution on

a manifold, some bi-Hamiltonian structures and mKdV hierarchies of solitonic equations are
studied. Using a non-holonomical splitting, couples of generalized sine-Gordon equations are
obtained. Following the geometric construction in the case of the Levi-Civita connection, one get a
``nonholonomic mixing'' of solitonic interaction. A generous discussion for further research and
developments, as well as a technical Appendix are finally given.
[Paul Popescu (Craiova)]

MSC 2000:
*37K05 Hamiltonian structures, etc.
37K10 Completely integrable systems etc.
37K25 Relations with differential geometry
35Q53 KdV-like equations
53B20 Local Riemannian geometry
53B40 Finsler spaces and generalizations (local)
53C21 Methods of Riemannian geometry (global)
53C60 Finsler spaces and generalizations (global)

Keywords: bi-Hamiltonian structure; mKdV hierarchies; solitonic equations; (pseudo) Riemannian

metric; $N$-connection
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2 Zbl 1201.83024
Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Two-connection renormalization and non-holonomic gauge models of Einstein gravity.
[J] Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. 7, No. 5, 713-744 (2010). ISSN 0219-8878

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Summary: A new framework for perturbative quantum gravity is proposed following the geometry
of non-holonomic distributions on (pseudo)Riemannian manifolds. There are considered such
distributions and adapted connections, also completely defined by a metric structure, when
gravitational models with infinite many couplings reduce to two-loop renormalizable effective
actions. We use a key result from our partner work arXiv:0902.0911 from 2009 that the classical
Einstein gravity theory can be reformulated equivalently as a non-holonomic gauge model in the
bundle of affine/de Sitter frames on pseudo-Riemannian space-time. It is proven that (for a class
of non-holonomic constraints and splitting of the Levi-Civita connection into a ``renormalizable"
distinguished connection, on a base background manifold, and a gauge-like distortion tensor, in
total space) a non-holonomic differential renormalization procedure for quantum gravitational
fields can be elaborated. Calculation labor is reduced to one- and two-loop levels and
renormalization group equations for non-holonomic configurations.

MSC 2000:
*83C45 Quantization of the gravitational field
58A30 Vector distributions (global analysis)
53C50 Lorentz manifolds, manifolds with indefinite metrics
53C29 Issues of holonomy
83C05 Einstein's equations
81T17 Renormalization group methods
83D05 Relativistic gravitational theories other than Einstein's

Keywords: perturbative quantum gravity; non-holonomic manifolds; nonlinear connections;

Einstein gravity; gauge gravity
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3 Zbl 1200.83060
Anastasiei, Mihai; Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Nonholonomic black ring and solitonic solutions in Finsler and extra dimension gravity
theories. (English)
[J] Int. J. Theor. Phys. 49, No. 8, 1788-1804 (2010). ISSN 0020-7748; ISSN 1572-9575

Summary: We study stationary configurations mimicking nonholonomic locally anisotropic black

rings (for instance, with ellipsoidal polarizations and/or imbedded into solitonic backgrounds) in
three/six dimensional pseudo-Finsler/Riemannian spacetimes. In the asymptotically flat limit, for
holonomic configurations, a subclass of such spacetimes contains the set of five dimensional black
ring solutions with regular rotating event horizon. For corresponding parameterizations, the
metrics and connections define Finsler-Einstein geometries modeled on tangent bundles, or on
nonholonomic (pseudo) Riemannian manifolds. In general, there are vacuum nonholonomic
gravitational configurations which can not be generated in the limit of zero cosmological constant.

MSC 2000:
*83C57 Black holes
83E15 Higher-dimensional field theories
83C15 Closed form solutions of equations in general relativity
83D05 Relativistic gravitational theories other than Einstein's
53B40 Finsler spaces and generalizations (local)

Keywords: pseudo-Finsler geometry; nonholonomic manifolds and bundles; nonlinear connections;

black rings
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4 Zbl 1196.83014
Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Einstein gravity in almost Kähler and Lagrange-Finsler variables and deformation
quantization. (English)

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[J] J. Geom. Phys. 60, No. 10, 1289-1305 (2010). ISSN 0393-0440

Summary: A geometric procedure is elaborated for transforming (pseudo) Riemannian metrics and
connections into canonical geometric objects (metric and nonlinear and linear connections) for
effective Lagrange, or Finsler, geometries which, in turn, can be equivalently represented as
almost Kähler spaces. This allows us to formulate an approach to quantum gravity following
standard methods of deformation quantization. Such constructions are performed not on tangent
bundles, as in usual Finsler geometry, but on spacetimes enabled with nonholonomic distributions
defining $2+2$ splitting with associate nonlinear connection structure. We also show how the
Einstein equations can be written in terms of Lagrange-Finsler variables and corresponding almost
symplectic structures and encoded into the zero-degree cohomology coefficient for a quantum
model of Einstein manifolds.

MSC 2000:
*83C05 Einstein's equations
53D55 Deformation quantization, star products
53B40 Finsler spaces and generalizations (local)
53B35 Complex differential geometry (local)
83C45 Quantization of the gravitational field

Keywords: Einstein spaces; Lagrange geometry; Finsler geometry; deformation quantization;

quantum gravity
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5 Zbl 1194.58002
Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Nonholonomic distributions and gauge models of Einstein gravity. (English)
[J] Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. 7, No. 2, 215-246 (2010). ISSN 0219-8878

Pseudo-Riemannian metric and a compatible linear connection are studied in the presence of $2 +
2$ nonholonomic distribution preserved by the parallel transports of the connection. The author
describes the geometric structures on a 4-manifold giving this triple and reformulates the Einstein
equations in nonholonomic coordinates (special tetrad formalism). It is shown how the Einstein
gravity theory can be redefined equivalently as certain gauge models on nonholonomic affine or
de Sitter frame bundles.
[Boris S. Kruglikov (Troms\o)]

MSC 2000:
*58A30 Vector distributions (global analysis)
53C07 Special connections and metrics on vector bundles
83C05 Einstein's equations

Keywords: nonholonomic distributions; nonlinear connections; Einstein equations; gauge gravity

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6 Zbl 1190.83067
Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Finsler black holes induced by noncommutative anholonomic distributions in Einstein
gravity. (English)
[J] Classical Quantum Gravity 27, No. 10, Article ID 105003, 19 p. (2010). ISSN 0264-9381;
ISSN 1361-6382

Summary: We study Finsler black holes induced from Einstein gravity as possible effects of
quantum spacetime noncommutativity. Such Finsler models are defined by nonholonomic frames
not on tangent bundles but on (pseudo)Riemannian manifolds being compatible with standard

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theories of physics. We focus on noncommutative deformations of Schwarzschild metrics into

locally anisotropic stationary ones with spherical/rotoid symmetry. The conditions are derived
when black hole configurations can be extracted from two classes of exact solutions depending on
noncommutative parameters. The first class of metrics is defined by nonholonomic deformations of
the gravitational vacuum by noncommutative geometry. The second class of such solutions is
induced by noncommutative matter fields and/or effective polarizations of cosmological constants.

MSC 2000:
*83C57 Black holes
83C65 Methods of noncommutative geometry
83C45 Quantization of the gravitational field
53B40 Finsler spaces and generalizations (local)
53C29 Issues of holonomy

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7 Zbl 1190.83030
Vacaru, Sergiu I.
On general solutions for field equations in Einstein and higher dimension gravity.
[J] Int. J. Theor. Phys. 49, No. 4, 884-913 (2010). ISSN 0020-7748; ISSN 1572-9575

Summary: We prove that the Einstein equations can be solved in a very general form for arbitrary
spacetime dimensions and various types of vacuum and non-vacuum cases following a geometric
method of anholonomic frame deformations for constructing exact solutions in gravity. The main
idea of this method is to introduce on (pseudo) Riemannian manifolds an alternative (to the
Levi-Civita connection) metric compatible linear connection which is also completely defined by the
same metric structure. Such a canonically distinguished connection is with nontrivial torsion which
is induced by some nonholonomy frame coefficients and generic off-diagonal terms of metrics. It is
possible to define certain classes of adapted frames of reference when the Einstein equations for
such an alternative connection transform into a system of partial differential equations which can
be integrated in very general forms. Imposing nonholonomic constraints on generalized metrics
and connections and adapted frames (selecting Levi-Civita configurations), we generate exact
solutions in Einstein gravity and extra dimension generalizations.

MSC 2000:
*83C15 Closed form solutions of equations in general relativity
83E15 Higher-dimensional field theories

Keywords: Einstein spaces and higher dimension gravity; anholonomic frames; exact solutions;
nonholonomic manifolds
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8 Zbl pre05828781
Vacaru, Sergiu I.
New classes of off-diagonal cosmological solutions in Einstein gravity. (English)
[J] Int. J. Theor. Phys. 49, No. 11, 2753-2776 (2010). ISSN 0020-7748; ISSN 1572-9575

Summary: In this work, we apply the anholonomic deformation method for constructing new
classes of anisotropic cosmological solutions in Einstein gravity and/or generalizations with
nonholonomic variables. There are analyzed four types of, in general, inhomogeneous metrics,
defined with respect to anholonomic frames and their main geometric properties. Such spacetimes
contain as particular cases certain conformal and/or frame transforms of the well known
Friedman-Robertson-Walker, Bianchi, Kasner and Gödel universes and define a great variety of
cosmological models with generic off-diagonal metrics, local anisotropy and inhomogeneity. It is
shown that certain nonholonomic gravitational configurations may mimic de Sitter like inflation

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scenarios and different anisotropic modifications without satisfying any classical false-vacuum
equation of state. Finally, we speculate on perspectives when such off-diagonal solutions can be
related to dark energy and dark matter problems in modern cosmology.

MSC 2000:
*83F05 Relativistic cosmology
83C15 Closed form solutions of equations in general relativity
83C55 Hydrodynamics (general relativity)

Keywords: anisotropic cosmology; off-diagonal metrics; exact solutions in gravity; nonholonomic

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9 Zbl 1200.53082
Anastasiei, Mihai; Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Fedosov quantization of Lagrange-Finsler and Hamilton-Cartan spaces and Einstein
gravity lifts on (co) tangent bundles. (English)
[J] J. Math. Phys. 50, No. 1, Paper No. 013510, 23 p. (2009). ISSN 0022-2488

Summary: We provide a method of converting Lagrange and Finsler spaces and their Legendre
transforms to Hamilton and Cartan spaces into almost Kähler structures on tangent and cotangent
bundles. In particular cases, the Hamilton spaces contain nonholonomic lifts of (pseudo)
Riemannian / Einstein metrics on effective phase spaces. This allows us to define the
corresponding Fedosov operators and develop deformation quantization schemes for nonlinear
mechanical and gravity models on Lagrange- and Hamilton-Fedosov manifolds. Editorial remark:
No review copy delivered.

MSC 2000:
*53D55 Deformation quantization, star products
53C60 Finsler spaces and generalizations (global)
81S10 Geometric quantization, symplectic methods

Keywords: geometry; quantisation (quantum theory); quantum gravity

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10 Zbl 1183.83045
Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Branes and quantization for an A-model complexification of Einstein gravity in almost
Kähler variables. (English)
[J] Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. 6, No. 6, 873-909 (2009). ISSN 0219-8878

Author's abstract: The general relativity theory is redefined equivalently in almost Kähler
variables: symplectic form and canonical symplectic connection (distorted from the Levi-Civita
connection by a tensor constructed only from metric coefficients and their derivatives). The
fundamental geometric and physical objects are uniquely determined in metric compatible form by
a (pseudo) Riemannian metric on a manifold enabled with a necessary type nonholonomic 2+2
distribution. Such nonholonomic symplectic variables allow us to formulate the problem of
quantizing Einstein gravity in terms of the A-model complexification of almost complex structures
on spacetime manifold, generalizing the Gukov-Witten method [see {\it S. Gukov, E. Witten},
Branes and Quantization, arXiv:0809.0305]. Quantizing the complexified model, we derive a
Hilbert space as a space of strings with two A-branes which for the Einstein gravity theory are
nonholonomic because of induced nonlinear connection structures. Finally, we speculate on
relation of such a method of quantization to curve flows and solitonic hierarchies defined by
Einstein metrics on (pseudo) Riemannian spacetimes.
[Benjamin Cahen (Metz)]

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MSC 2000:
*83C45 Quantization of the gravitational field
81S10 Geometric quantization, symplectic methods
53D55 Deformation quantization, star products
53B40 Finsler spaces and generalizations (local)
53B35 Complex differential geometry (local)
53D50 Geometric quantization

Keywords: quantum gravity; Einstein gravity; nonholonomic manifolds; symplectic variables;

nonlinear connections; strings; A-branes
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11 Zbl 1175.83059
Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Einstein gravity in almost Kähler variables and stability of gravity with nonholonomic
distributions and nonsymmetric metrics. (English)
[J] Int. J. Theor. Phys. 48, No. 7, 1973-1999 (2009). ISSN 0020-7748; ISSN 1572-9575

Summary: We argue that the Einstein gravity theory can be reformulated in almost Kähler
(nonsymmetric) variables with effective symplectic form and compatible linear connection uniquely
defined by a (pseudo) Riemannian metric. A class of nonsymmetric theories of gravitation on
manifolds enabled with nonholonomic distributions is considered. We prove that, for certain types
of nonholonomic constraints, there are modelled effective Lagrangians which do not develop
instabilities. It is also elaborated a linearization formalism for anholonomic noncommutative
gravity theories models and analyzed the stability of stationary ellipsoidal solutions defining some
nonholonomic and/or nonsymmetric deformations of the Schwarzschild metric. We show how to
construct nonholonomic distributions which remove instabilities in nonsymmetric gravity theories.
It is concluded that instabilities do not consist a general feature of theories of gravity with
nonsymmetric metrics but a particular property of some models and/or unconstrained solutions.

MSC 2000:
*83D05 Relativistic gravitational theories other than Einstein's
83C05 Einstein's equations
53B35 Complex differential geometry (local)

Keywords: gravity and symplectic variables; nonsymmetric metrics; nonholonomic manifolds;

nonlinear connections; stability
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12 Zbl 1173.53029
Vacaru, Sergiu I.
The entropy of Lagrange-Finsler spaces and Ricci flows. (English)
[J] Rep. Math. Phys. 63, No. 1, 95-110 (2009). ISSN 0034-4877

The present paper is a possible extension of Perelman's approach to Ricci flows in order to derive
the evolution equations for Lagrange and Finsler geometries. Moreover, in the final part a
statistical analogue of regular mechanical systems is discussed. The author is following quite
closely the classical theory using for the extension the Levi-Civita connection of the Sasaki metric
induces by a Lagrange or Finsler structure on the tangent space. The concrete evolution equations
are computed in the paper. This seems to be one of the first attempts to apply the celebrated
theory of Ricci flows to more general manifolds than Riemannian ones. Even though the paper in
the present form contains merely the setting of such an attempt, one can expect further
developments of this approach that will clarify the topological properties of Lagrange and
Finslerian structures.
[Hideo Shimada (Sapporo)]

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MSC 2000:
*53C44 Geometric evolution equations (mean curvature flow)
53C21 Methods of Riemannian geometry (global)
53C25 Special Riemannian manifolds
83C15 Closed form solutions of equations in general relativity
83C99 General relativity
83E99 Unified, higher-dimensional and super field theories
53C60 Finsler spaces and generalizations (global)

Keywords: Ricci flows; nonholonomic manifolds; Lagrange geometry; Finsler geometry; nonlinear
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13 Zbl 1162.83359
Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Nonholonomic Ricci flows, exact solutions in gravity, and Symmetric and nonsymmetric
metrics. (English)
[J] Int. J. Theor. Phys. 48, No. 2, 579-606 (2009). ISSN 0020-7748; ISSN 1572-9575

Summary: We provide a proof that nonholonomically constrained Ricci flows of (pseudo)

Riemannian metrics positively result into nonsymmetric metrics (as explicit examples, we consider
flows of some physically valuable exact solutions in general relativity). There are constructed and
analyzed three classes of solutions of Ricci flow evolution equations defining nonholonomic
deformations of Taub NUT, Schwarzschild, solitonic and pp-wave symmetric metrics into
nonsymmetric ones.

MSC 2000:
*83E05 Geometrodynamics
83C47 Quantum field theory on curved space-times
83C57 Black holes

Keywords: nonsymmetric metrics; nonholonomic manifolds; nonlinear connections; nonholonomic

Ricci flows; Taub NUT spacetimes; solitons in gravity; pp-Waves
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14 Zbl 1153.37409
Anco, Stephen C.; Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Curve flows in Lagrange-Finsler geometry, bi-Hamiltonian structures and solitons.
[J] J. Geom. Phys. 59, No. 1, 79-103 (2009). ISSN 0393-0440

Summary: Methods in Riemann-Finsler geometry are applied to investigate bi-Hamiltonian

structures and related mKdV hierarchies of soliton equations derived geometrically from regular
Lagrangians and flows of non-stretching curves in tangent bundles. The total space geometry and
nonholonomic flows of curves are defined by Lagrangian semisprays inducing canonical nonlinear
connections ($N$-connections), Sasaki type metrics and linear connections. The simplest examples
of such geometries are given by tangent bundles on Riemannian symmetric spaces $G/SO(n)$
provided with an $N$-connection structure and an adapted metric, for which we elaborate a
complete classification, and by generalized Lagrange spaces with constant Hessian. \par In this
approach, bi-Hamiltonian structures are derived for geometric mechanical models and (pseudo)
Riemannian metrics in gravity. The results yield horizontal/vertical pairs of vector sine-Gordon
equations and vector mKdV equations, with the corresponding geometric curve flows in the
hierarchies described in an explicit form by nonholonomic wave maps and mKdV analogs of
nonholonomic Schrödinger maps on a tangent bundle.

MSC 2000:

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*37K05 Hamiltonian structures, etc.

37K10 Completely integrable systems etc.
37K25 Relations with differential geometry
35Q53 KdV-like equations
53B20 Local Riemannian geometry
53B40 Finsler spaces and generalizations (local)
53C21 Methods of Riemannian geometry (global)
53C60 Finsler spaces and generalizations (global)

Keywords: curve flow; (semi) Riemannian spaces; nonholonomic manifold; nonlinear connection;
Lagrange and Finsler geometry; bi-Hamiltonian; soliton equation
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15 Zbl pre05840824
Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Spectral functionals, nonholonomic Dirac operators, and noncommutative Ricci flows.
[J] J. Math. Phys. 50, No. 7, 073503, 24 p. (2009). ISSN 0022-2488

Editorial remark: No review copy delivered

MSC 2000:
*81-99 Quantum theory

Keywords: Dirac equation; geometry; noncommutative field theory

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16 Zbl 1175.53034
Vacaru, Sergiu I.; Gonzáles-Hernández, Juan F.
Nonlinear connections on gerbes, Clifford-Finsler modules and the index theorems.
[J] Indian J. Math. 50, No. 3, 573-606 (2008). ISSN 0019-5324

The authors propose to develop the geometry of non-holonomic bundle gerbes having a nonlinear
connection structure, and non-holonomic gerbe modules, as a theory of Clifford modules on
non-holonomic manifolds, which need not necessarily be spin-manifolds. They consider
non-holonomic Dirac operators and derive the related Atiyah-Singer index formulae. Their paper
concludes with certain applications in modern gravity and the geometric mechanics of Clifford-
Lagrange/Finsler gerbes and their realization as non-holonomic Clifford and Riemann-Cartan
modules. Contents include: Introduction; $n$-anholonomic manifolds; Examples of
$n$-anholonomic spaces; Lifts of non-holonomic bundle gerbes and connections; Non-holonomic
Clifford grebes and modules; Some local formulae from $n$-connection geometry; and References
(fifty-seven items).
[Joseph D. Zund (Las Cruces)]

MSC 2000:
55R65 Generalizations of fiber spaces and bundles
53C05 Connections, general theory
53C27 Spin and Spin$^c$ geometry
57R20 Characteristic classes and numbers
57R22 Topology of vector bundles and fiber bundles
53B20 Local Riemannian geometry
70H99 Hamiltonian and Lagrangian mechanics
81T13 Gauge theories
83C60 Spinor and twistor methods in general retativity

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Keywords: non-holonomic bundle gerbes; Clifford modules; Dirac operator; Atiyah-Singer index
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17 Zbl 1162.53329
Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Einstein gravity, Lagrange-Finsler geometry, and nonsymmetric metrics. (English)
[J] SIGMA, Symmetry Integrability Geom. Methods Appl. 4, Paper 071, 29 p., electronic only
(2008). ISSN 1815-0659

Summary: We formulate an approach to the geometry of Riemann-Cartan spaces provided with

nonholonomic distributions defined by generic off-diagonal and nonsymmetric metrics inducing
effective nonlinear and affine connections. Such geometries can be modelled by moving
nonholonomic frames on (pseudo) Riemannian manifolds and describe various types of
nonholonomic Einstein, Eisenhart-Moffat and Finsler-Lagrange spaces with connections compatible
to a general nonsymmetric metric structure. Elaborating a metrization procedure for arbitrary
distinguished connections, we define the class of distinguished linear connections which are
compatible with the nonlinear connection and general nonsymmetric metric structures. The
nonsymmetric gravity theory is formulated in terms of metric compatible connections. Finally,
there are constructed such nonholonomic deformations of geometric structures when the Einstein
and/or Lagrange-Finsler manifolds are transformed equivalently into spaces with generic local
anisotropy induced by nonsymmetric metrics and generalized connections. We speculate on
possible applications of such geometric methods in Einstein and generalized theories of gravity,
analogous gravity and geometric mechanics.

MSC 2000:
*53Z05 Appl. of differential geometry to physics
53B40 Finsler spaces and generalizations (local)
53C21 Methods of Riemannian geometry (global)
53C12 Foliations (differential geometry)
53C44 Geometric evolution equations (mean curvature flow)
58A30 Vector distributions (global analysis)

Keywords: nonsymmetric metrics; nonholonomic manifolds; nonlinear connections; Eisenhart-

Lagrange spaces; generalized Riemann-Finsler geometry
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18 Zbl 1152.81623
Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Nonholonomic Ricci flows. II: Evolution equations and dynamics. (English)
[J] J. Math. Phys. 49, No. 4, 043504, 27 p. (2008). ISSN 0022-2488

Editorial remark: No review copy delivered.

MSC 2000:
*53C44 Geometric evolution equations (mean curvature flow)
37J60 Nonholonomic dynamical systems
53C60 Finsler spaces and generalizations (global)

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19 Zbl 1152.53016
Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Finsler and Lagrange geometries in Einstein and string gravity. (English)

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[J] Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. 5, No. 4, 473-511 (2008). ISSN 0219-8878

In this survey paper the author presents the current status of Finsler-Lagrange geometry and
generalizations. The goal is to aid non-experts on Finsler spaces, but physicists and geometers
well informed of general relativity and particle theories, to understand the crucial importance of
such geometric methods for applications in modern physics. He also proposes a canonical scheme
when geometrical objects on a (pseudo) Riemannian space are non-holonomically deformed into
generalized Lagrange, or Finsler, configurations on the same manifold. Such canonical transforms
are defined by the coefficients of a prime metric and generated target spaces as Lagrange
structures, their models of almost Hermitian/Kähler, or non-holonomic Riemann spaces. Finally,
the author considers some classes of exact solutions in string and Einstein gravity modeling
Lagrange-Finsler structures with solitonic pp-waves and speculates on their physical meaning.
[R. Iordanescu (Bucureşti)]

MSC 2000:
*53B40 Finsler spaces and generalizations (local)
53B50 Appl. of local differential geometry to physics
53C21 Methods of Riemannian geometry (global)
53C55 Complex differential geometry (global)
83C15 Closed form solutions of equations in general relativity
83E99 Unified, higher-dimensional and super field theories

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20 Zbl 1199.83004
Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Generalized Lagrange transforms: Finsler geometry methods and deformation
quantization of gravity. (English)
[J] An. Ştiinţ. Univ. Al. I. Cuza Iaşi, Ser. Nouă, Mat. 53, Suppl., 327-342 (2007). ISSN
1221-8421; ISSN 0041-9109

Summary: We propose a natural Fedosov type quantization of generalized Lagrange models and
gravity theories with metrics lifted on tangent bundle, or extended to higher dimension, following
some stated geometric/physical conditions (for instance, nonholonomic and/or conformal
transforms to some physically important metrics or mapping into a gauge model). Such
generalized Lagrange transforms define canonical nonlinear connection, metric and linear
connection structures and model almost K\" ahler geometries with induced canonical symplectic
structure and compatible affine connection. The constructions are possible due to a synthesis of
the nonlinear connection formalism developed in Finsler and Lagrange geometries and
deformation quantization methods.

MSC 2000:
*83C45 Quantization of the gravitational field
81S10 Geometric quantization, symplectic methods
53D55 Deformation quantization, star products
53B40 Finsler spaces and generalizations (local)
53B35 Complex differential geometry (local)
53D50 Geometric quantization

Keywords: deformation quantization; quantum gravity; Finsler and Lagrange geometry; almost
K\" ahler geometry

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21 Zbl 1158.83010
Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Parametric nonholonomic frame transforms and exact solutions in gravity. (English)

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[J] Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. 4, No. 8, 1285-1334 (2007). ISSN 0219-8878

A geometric approach to constructing and classifying exact solutions in vacuum Einstein gravity is
developed and higher-dimensional theories of gravity by superposing parametric and anholonomic
frame transformations. After outlining and comparing both the parametric and anholonomic frame
methods of constructing exact solutions, a unified formalism for both formalisms is elaborated,
where two alternative constructions are considered: either a class of solutions generated by the
parametric method is deformed nonholonomically to the other ones and, inversely, the parametric
transform is applied to nonholonomic Einstein space-times. Finally, there are presented explicit
examples of how superpositions of both transformations can be applied in order to generate new
classes of solutions and how ``physically valuable configurations" can be selected. Some
constructions are performed for 5D space-times with torsion, but the bulk of them for 4D Einstein
space-times with generic off diagonal metrics.
[Horst-Heino von Borzeszkowski (Berlin)]

MSC 2000:
*83C15 Closed form solutions of equations in general relativity
53B40 Finsler spaces and generalizations (local)

Keywords: exact solutions; Finsler geometry methods; nonlinear connections

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22 Zbl 1153.81445
Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Deformation quantization of almost Kähler models and Lagrange-Finsler spaces. (English)
[J] J. Math. Phys. 48, No. 12, 123509, 14 p. (2007). ISSN 0022-2488

Summary arXiv: Finsler and Lagrange spaces can be equivalently represented as almost Kähler
manifolds enabled with a metric compatible canonical distinguished connection structure
generalizing the Levi--Civita connection. The goal of this paper is to perform a natural
Fedosov-type deformation quantization of such geometries [see {\it V. Karabegov} and {\it M.
Schlichenmaier}, Lett. Math. Phys. 57, No. 2, 135--148 (2001; Zbl 1044.53061)]. All
constructions are canonically derived for regular Lagrangians and/or fundamental Finsler functions
on tangent bundles. No review copy delivered.

MSC 2000:
*53D55 Deformation quantization, star products
53C60 Finsler spaces and generalizations (global)

Keywords: Fedosov-type deformation quantization; almost Kähler geometry; nonlinear connection

Citations: Zbl 1044.53061
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23 Zbl 1112.83010
Vacaru, Sergiu I.; Visinescu, Mihai
Nonholonomic Ricci flows and running cosmological constant. I: 4D Taub-NUT metrics.
[J] Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 22, No. 6, 1135-1159 (2007). ISSN 0217-751X

Summary: In this work we construct and analyze exact solutions describing Ricci flows and
nonholonomic deformations of four-dimensional (4D) Taub-NUT space--times. It is outlined a new
geometric technique of constructing Ricci flow solutions. Some conceptual issues on space--times
provided with generic off-diagonal metrics and associated nonlinear connection structures are
analyzed. The limit from gravity/Ricci flow models with nontrivial torsion to configurations with the

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Levi-Civita connection is allowed in some specific physical circumstances by constraining the class
of integral varieties for the Einstein and Ricci flow equations.

MSC 2000:
*83C05 Einstein's equations
83C15 Closed form solutions of equations in general relativity

Keywords: Ricci flows; exact solutions; Taub-NUT spaces

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24 Zbl 1133.53307
Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Ricci flows and solitonic pp-waves. (English)
[J] Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 21, No. 23-24, 4899-4912 (2006). ISSN 0217-751X

Summary: We find exact solutions describing Ricci flows of four-dimensional pp-waves nonlinearly
deformed by two-/three-dimensional solitons. Such solutions are parametrized by five-dimensional
metrics with generic off-diagonal terms and connections with nontrivial torsion which can be
related, for instance, to antisymmetric tensor sources in string gravity. There are defined
nontrivial limits to four-dimensional configurations and the Einstein gravity.

MSC 2000:
*53C44 Geometric evolution equations (mean curvature flow)
53C80 Appl. of global differential geometry to physics
83C15 Closed form solutions of equations in general relativity
83E30 String and superstring theories
35Q51 Solitons

Keywords: Ricci flows; gravitational solitons; pp-waves

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25 Zbl 1114.53062
Vacaru, S.; Stavrinos, P.; Gaburov, E.; Gonţa, D.
(Anastasiei, Mihai)
Clifford and Riemann-Finsler structures in geometric mechanics and gravity. Selected
works. With a preface by Mihai Anastasiei. (English)
[B] DGDS. Differential Geometry - Dynamical Systems. Monographs 7. Bucharest: Geometry of
Balkan Press. xlix, 643~p. (2006).

The book contains a collection of works on Riemann-Cartan and metric-affine manifolds. Nonlinear
connection structures, generalized Finsler-Lagrange and Cartan-Hamilton geometries and Clifford
structures are the main emphasis. Modelling locally anisotropic and/or noncommutative structures
in gravity and geometric mechanics are explicitely discussed. Einstein gravity theories and extra
dimension gravity, string models of gravity, black holes, anholonomic frame methods are examples
for the applications of the developed mathematical frame work. The overwhelming manifold of
results will appeal to people interested in noncommutative and quantum developments of Finsler-
Lagrange-Hamilton geometrics and nonholonomic structures in gravity and string theory.
[Johannes Viktor Feitzinger (Bochum)]

MSC 2000:
*53C60 Finsler spaces and generalizations (global)
53C80 Appl. of global differential geometry to physics
83C20 Classes of solutions of equations in general relativity
83C57 Black holes
83E30 String and superstring theories
70G45 Differential-geometric methods

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58A50 Supermanifolds, etc. (global analysis)

81R60 Noncommutative geometry
81T30 String and superstring theories

Keywords: Clifford structures; Riemann-Finsler structures; Einstein gravity; geometric mechanics;

Black Holes; string theory
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26 Zbl 1112.53068
Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Clifford-Finsler algebroids and nonholonomic Einstein-Dirac structures. (English)
[J] J. Math. Phys. 47, No. 9, 093504, 20 p. (2006). ISSN 0022-2488

Summary: We propose a new framework for constructing geometric and physical models on a
nonholonomic manifold provided both with Clifford-Lie algebroid symmetry and nonlinear
connection structure. Explicit parametrizations of generic off-diagonal metrics and linear and
nonlinear connections define different types of Finsler, Lagrange, and/or Riemann-Cartan spaces.
A generalization to spinor fields and Dirac operators on nonholonomic manifolds motivates the
theory of Clifford algebroids defined as Clifford bundles, in general, enabled with nonintegrable
distributions defining the nonlinear connection. In this work, we elaborate the algebroid spinor
differential geometry and formulate the (scalar, Proca, graviton, spinor, and gauge) field equations
on Lie algebroids. The paper communicates new developments in geometrical formulation of
physical theories and this approach is grounded on a number of previous examples when exact
solutions with generic off-diagonal metrics and generalized symmetries in modern gravity define
nonholonomic spacetime manifolds with uncompactified extra dimensions.

MSC 2000:
*53D99 Symplectic geometry, contact geometry
58H05 Pseudogroups on manifolds

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27 Zbl 1067.83011
Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Exact solutions with noncommutative symmetries in Einstein and gauge gravity. (English)
[J] J. Math. Phys. 46, No. 4, 042503, 47 p. (2005). ISSN 0022-2488

Summary: We present new classes of exact solutions with noncommutative symmetries

constructed in vacuum Einstein gravity (in general, with nonzero cosmological constant),
five-dimensional (5D) gravity and (anti) de Sitter gauge gravity. Such solutions are generated by
anholonomic frame transforms and parametrized by generic off-diagonal metrics. For certain
particular cases, the new classes of metrics have explicit limits with Killing symmetries but, in
general, they may be characterized by certain anholonomic noncommutative matrix geometries.
We argue that different classes of noncommutative symmetries can be induced by exact solutions
of the field equations in commutative gravity modeled by a corresponding moving real and
complex frame geometry. We analyze two classes of black ellipsoid solutions (in the vacuum case
and with cosmological constant) in four-dimensional gravity and construct the analytic extensions
of metrics for certain classes of associated frames with complex valued coefficients. The third class
of solutions describes 5D wormholes which can be extended to complex metrics in complex gravity
models defined by noncommutative geometric structures. The anholonomic noncommutative
symmetries of such objects are analyzed. We also present a descriptive account how the Einstein
gravity can be related to gauge models of gravity and their noncommutative extensions and
discuss such constructions in relation to the Seiberg--Witten map for the gauge gravity. Finally,
we consider a formalism of vielbeins deformations subjected to noncommutative symmetries in
order to generate solutions for noncommutative gravity models with Moyal (star) product.

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MSC 2000:
*83C65 Methods of noncommutative geometry

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28 Zbl 1067.53075
Etayo, Fernando; Santamaria, Rafael; Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Lagrange-Fedosov nonholonomic manifolds. (English)
[J] J. Math. Phys. 46, No. 3, 032901, 17 p. (2005). ISSN 0022-2488

Summary: We outline a unified approach to geometrization of Lagrange mechanics, Finsler

geometry and geometric methods of constructing exact solutions with generic off-diagonal terms
and nonholonomic variables in gravity theories. Such geometries with induced almost symplectic
structure are modeled on nonholonomic manifolds provided with nonintegrable distributions
defining nonlinear connections. We introduce the concept of Lagrange-Fedosov spaces and
Fedosov nonholonomic manifolds provided with almost symplectic connections adapted to the
nonlinear connection structure. We investigate the main properties of generalized Fedosov
nonholonomic manifolds and analyze exact solutions defining almost symplectic Einstein spaces.

MSC 2000:
*53D55 Deformation quantization, star products
81S10 Geometric quantization, symplectic methods

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29 Zbl 1073.53034
Vacaru, Sergiu I.; Vicol, Nadejda A.
Generalized Finsler superspaces. (English)
[A] Tsagas, Grigorios (ed.), Proceedings of the conference on applied differential geometry and
general relativity and the workshop on global analysis, differential geometry and Lie algebras,
Thessaloniki, Greece, 2002. Bucharest: Geometry Balkan Press; Bucharest: Balkan Society of
Geometers. BSG Proceedings 11, 197-229 (2004). ISBN 973-8381-08-8/pbk

This paper applies general Finsler methods (generalized Lagrangian) to spaces with
supersymmetry. Various geometric structures such as nonlinear connections, torsions, and
curvatures are computed. Locally anisotropic spaces are studied and conditions for equivalence of
supergravity models are developed.
[Ralph G. Beil (Marshall)]

MSC 2000:
*53B40 Finsler spaces and generalizations (local)
53B50 Appl. of local differential geometry to physics

Keywords: Finsler geometry; supergravity; local anisotropy; nonlinear connection

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30 Zbl 1073.53033
Tsagas, Grigorios; Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Nonlinear connections and isotopic Clifford structures. (English)
[A] Tsagas, Grigorios (ed.), Proceedings of the conference on applied differential geometry and
general relativity and the workshop on global analysis, differential geometry and Lie algebras,
Thessaloniki, Greece, 2002. Bucharest: Geometry Balkan Press; Bucharest: Balkan Society of
Geometers. BSG Proceedings 11, 153-196 (2004). ISBN 973-8381-08-8/pbk

This is a general application of Finsler geometric methods to the isogeometry of Santilli. The ideas
of Miron and Anastasiei, for example, using the nonlinear connection, appear to be compatible

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with isotopic products. This includes structures with Clifford fibration. It should be investigated,
however, if isogeometry is not equivalent to generalized Lagrangian geometry with nonholonomic
[Ralph G. Beil (Marshall)]

MSC 2000:
*53B40 Finsler spaces and generalizations (local)
53B50 Appl. of local differential geometry to physics

Keywords: isogeometry; Clifford algebra; nonlinear connection; tangent bundles

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31 Zbl 1071.53043
Vacaru, Sergiu I.; Vicol, Nadejda A.
Nonlinear connections and spinor geometry. (English)
[J] Int. J. Math. Math. Sci. 2004, No. 21-24, 1189-1237 (2004). ISSN 0161-1712; ISSN

Summary: We present an introduction to the geometry of higher-order vector and covector

bundles (including higher-order generalizations of the Finsler geometry and Kaluza-Klein gravity)
and review the basic results on Clifford and spinor structures on spaces with generic local
anisotropy modeled by anholonomic frames with associated nonlinear connection structures. We
emphasize strong arguments for application of Finsler-like geometries in modern string and
gravity theory, noncommutative geometry and noncommutative field theory, and gravity.

MSC 2000:
*53C60 Finsler spaces and generalizations (global)
15A66 Clifford algebras
83C60 Spinor and twistor methods in general retativity
53C27 Spin and Spin$^c$ geometry

Keywords: anholonomic frames; nonlinear connection; Finsler-like geometries; noncommutative

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32 Zbl 1079.83531
Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Horizons and geodesics of black ellipsoids. (English)
[J] Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 12, No. 3, 479-494 (2003). ISSN 0218-2718

Summary: We analyze the horizon and geodesic structure of a class of 4D off-diagonal metrics
with deformed spherical symmetries, which are exact solutions of the vacuum Einstein equations
with anholonomic variables. The maximal analytic extension of the ellipsoid type metrics are
constructed and the Penrose diagrams are analyzed with respect to the adapted frames. We prove
that for small deformations (small eccentricities) there are such metrics that the geodesic
behaviour is similar to the Schwarzschild one. We conclude that some vacuum static and
stationary ellipsoid configurations may describe black ellipsoid objects.

MSC 2000:
*83C57 Black holes

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33 Zbl 1079.83530
Vacaru, Sergiu I.

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Perturbations and stability of black ellipsoids. (English)

[J] Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 12, No. 3, 461-478 (2003). ISSN 0218-2718

Summary: We study the perturbations of two classes of static black ellipsoid solutions of
four-dimensional vacuum Einstein equations. Such solutions are described by generic off-diagonal
metrics which are generated by anholonomic transforms of diagonal metrics. The analysis is
performed in the approximation of small eccentricity deformations of the Schwarzschild solution.
We conclude that such anisotropic black hole objects may be stable with respect to the
perturbations parametrized by the Schrödinger equations in the framework of the one-dimensional
inverse scattering theory.

MSC 2000:
*83C57 Black holes

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34 Zbl 1026.83049
Dehnen, Heinz; Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Nonlinear connections and nearly autoparallel maps in general relativity. (English)
[J] Gen. Relativ. Gravitation 35, No.5, 807-850 (2003). ISSN 0001-7701; ISSN 1572-9532

Summary: We apply the method of moving anholonomic frames with associated nonlinear
connections to the (pseudo) Riemannian space geometry and examine the conditions when locally
anisotropic structures (Finsler like and more general ones) could be modeled in the general
relativity theory and/or Einstein-Cartan-Weyl extensions [{\it S. L. Vacaru} and {\it H. Dehnen},
Gen. Relativ. Gravitation 35, 209-250 (2003; Zbl 1016.83034)]. New classes of solutions of the
Einstein equations with generic local anisotropy are constructed. We formulate the theory of
nearly autoparallel (na) maps generalizing the conformal transforms and formulate the Einstein
gravity theory on na-backgrounds provided with a set of na-map invariant conditions and local
conservation laws. There are illustrated some examples when vacuum Einstein fields are
generated by Finsler like metrics and chains of na-maps.

MSC 2000:
*83D05 Relativistic gravitational theories other than Einstein's
83C10 Equations of motion
53B40 Finsler spaces and generalizations (local)

Keywords: Anholonomic frame; Finsler metric; Einstein-Cartan-Weyl theory

Citations: Zbl 1016.83034
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35 Zbl 1016.83034
Vacaru, Sergiu I.; Dehnen, Heinz
Locally anisotropic structures and nonlinear connections in Einstein and gauge gravity.
[J] Gen. Relativ. Gravitation 35, No.2, 209-250 (2003). ISSN 0001-7701; ISSN 1572-9532

Summary: We analyze locally anisotropic configurations modeled by anholonomic frames with

associated nonlinear connections in general relativity, affine-Poincaré and/or de Sitter gauge
gravity and Kaluza-Klein theories. A suitable geometrical formalism for theories with higher order
anisotropies and non compactified extra dimensions is introduced. We give a mostly
self-containing review of some aspects of gauge models of gravity and discuss their anholonomic
generalizations and the conditions of equivalence with the Einstein gravity in arbitrary
dimensions. New classes of cosmological solutions describing Friedmann-Robertson-Walker like
universes with resolution ellipsoid or torus symmetry.

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MSC 2000:
*83D05 Relativistic gravitational theories other than Einstein's
83E15 Higher-dimensional field theories

Keywords: anholonomic frames; Einstein gravity; gauge gravity

Cited in: Zbl 1026.83049
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36 Zbl 1059.83034
Vacaru, Sergiu I.; Singleton, D.
Ellipsoidal, cylindrical, bipolar and toroidal wormholes in 5D gravity. (English)
[J] J. Math. Phys. 43, No. 5, 2486-2504 (2002). ISSN 0022-2488

Summary: In this article we construct and analyze new classes of wormhole and flux tubelike
solutions for the 5D vacuum Einstein equations. These 5D solutions possess generic local
anisotropy which gives rise to a gravitational running or scaling of the Kaluza-Klein ``electric"
and "magnetic" charges of these solutions. It is also shown that it is possible to self-consistently
construct these anisotropic solutions with various rotational 3D hypersurface geometries (i.e.,
ellipsoidal, cylindrical, bipolar and toroidal). The local anisotropy of these solutions is handled
using the technique of anholonomic frames with their associated nonlinear connection structures
[{\it S. I. Vacaru}, Ann. Phys. 256, No. 1, 39--61 (1997; Zbl 0956.83049); Nucl. Phys., B 494,
No. 3, 590--656 (1997; Zbl 0934.81032); J. Math. Phys. 37, No. 1, 508--523 (1996; Zbl
0870.53054); J. High Energy Phys. 1998, No. 9, Paper No. 11, 50 p. (1998; Zbl 0951.83031);
Phys. Lett., B 498, No. 1-2, 74--82 (2001; Zbl 0972.83047)]. Through the use of the anholonomic
frames the metrics are diagonalized, in contrast to holonomic coordinate frames where the metrics
would have off-diagonal components. In the local isotropic limit these solutions are shown to be
equivalent to spherically symmetric 5D wormhole and flux tube solutions.

MSC 2000:
*83E05 Geometrodynamics
83E15 Higher-dimensional field theories

Citations: Zbl 0956.83049; Zbl 0870.53054; Zbl 0951.83031; Zbl 0972.83047; Zbl 0934.81032
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37 Zbl 1007.83032
Vacaru, Sergiu I.; Singleton, D.
Warped, anisotropic wormhole/soliton configurations in vacuum 5D gravity. (English)
[J] Classical Quantum Gravity 19, No.11, 2793-2811 (2002). ISSN 0264-9381; ISSN 1361-6382

Summary: We apply the anholonomic frames method developed in previous work to construct and
study anisotropic vacuum field configurations in 5D gravity. Starting with an off-diagonal 5D
metric, parametrized in terms of several ansatz functions, we show that using anholonomic frames
greatly simplifies the resulting Einstein field equations. These simplified equations contain an
interesting freedom in that one can choose one of the ansatz functions and then determine the
remaining ansatz functions in terms of this choice. As examples we take one of the ansatz
functions to be a solitonic solution of either the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation or the
sine-Gordon equation. There are several interesting physical consequences of these solutions.
First, a certain subclass of the solutions discussed in this paper has an exponential warp factor
similar to that of the Randall-Sundrum model. However, the warp factor depends on more than
just the fifth coordinate. In addition the warp factor arises from anisotropic vacuum solutions
rather than from any explicit matter. Second, the solitonic character of these solutions might allow
them to be interpreted either as gravitational models for particles (i.e. analogous to the 't Hooft-
Polyakov monopole, but in the context of gravity), or as nonlinear, anisotropic gravitational

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MSC 2000:
*83E15 Higher-dimensional field theories
53Z05 Appl. of differential geometry to physics
83C35 Gravitational waves

Keywords: anisotropic vacuum field configurations; 5D gravity; sine-Gordon equation; warp

factor; anisotropic gravitational waves
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38 Zbl 1005.83029
Vacaru, Sergiu I.; Singleton, D.
Warped solitonic deformations and propagation of black holes in 5D vacuum gravity.
[J] Classical Quantum Gravity 19, No.14, 3583-3601 (2002). ISSN 0264-9381; ISSN 1361-6382

This paper is devoted to the study of warped solitonic deformations and propagation of black holes
in 5D vacuum gravity. The authors present the theoretical framework of the anholonomic frames
method, introduce the 5D metric ansatz form and write down the corresponding vacuum Einstein
equations, discuss the sine-Gordon soliton, gravitational soliton, 4D Schwarzschild solution
embedded in the 5D spacetime, solitonic black hole solutions which move in the bulk 5D spacetime
and show that these solitonic solutions may either violate or preserve local Lorentz invariance,
and these solutions may point to Lorentz violation effects in Yang-Mills and electrodynamic
theories induced from 5D vacuum gravity.

MSC 2000:
*83E15 Higher-dimensional field theories
83C57 Black holes

Keywords: black holes; 5D vacuum gravity; solitonic deformations; Yang-Mills theories

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39 Zbl 0989.83040
Vacaru, Sergiu I.; Tintareanu-Mircea, Ovidiu
Anholonomic frames, generalized Killing equations, and anisotropic Taub-NUT spinning
spaces. (English)
[J] Nucl. Phys., B 626, No.1-2, 239-264 (2002). ISSN 0550-3213

Summary: By using anholonomic frames in (pseudo)-Riemannian spaces we define anisotropic

extensions of Euclidean Taub-NUT spaces. With respect to coordinate frames such spaces are
described by off-diagonal metrics which could be diagonalized by corresponding anholonomic
transforms. We define the conditions when the 5D vacuum Einstein equations have as solutions
anisotropic Taub-NUT spaces. The generalized Killing equations for the configuration space of
anisotropically spinning particles (anisotropic spinning space) are analyzed. Simple solutions of the
homogeneous part of these equations are expressed in terms of some anisotropically modified
Killing-Yano tensors. The general results are applied to the case of the four-dimensional locally
anisotropic Taub-NUT manifold with Euclidean signature. We emphasize that all constructions are
for (pseudo)-Riemannian spaces defined by vacuum solutions, with generic anisotropy, of 5D
Einstein equations, the solutions being generated by applying the moving frame method.

MSC 2000:
*83E05 Geometrodynamics

Keywords: pseudo-Riemannian spaces; off-diagonal metrics; 5D vacuum Einstein equations

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Zbl 1062.82047
Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Locally anisotropic kinetic processes and thermodynamics in curved spaces. (English)
[J] Ann. Phys. 290, No. 2, 83-123 (2001). ISSN 0003-4916

Summary: The kinetic theory is formulated with respect to anholonomic frames of reference on
curved spacetimes. By using the concept of nonlinear connection we develop an approach to
modelling locally anisotropic kinetic processes and, in corresponding limits, the relativistic
nonequilibrium thermodynamics with local anisotropy. This leads to a unified formulation of the
kinetic equations on (pseudo) Riemannian spaces and in various higher dimensional models of
Kaluza-Klein type and/or generalized Lagrange and Finsler spaces. The transition rate considered
for the locally anisotropic transport equations is related to the differential cross section and
spacetime parameters of anisotropy. The equations of states for pressure and energy in locally
anisotropic thermodynamics are derived. The obtained general expressions for heat conductivity,
shear, and volume viscosity coefficients are applied to determine the transport coefficients of
cosmic fluids in spacetimes with generic local anisotropy. We emphasize that such local anisotropic
structures are induced also in general relativity if we are modelling physical processes with respect
to frames with mixed sets of holonomic and anholonomic basis vectors which naturally admits an
associated nonlinear connection structure.

MSC 2000:
*82C40 Kinetic theory of gases
53B40 Finsler spaces and generalizations (local)
53C80 Appl. of global differential geometry to physics
83C99 General relativity

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41 Zbl 0987.83038
Vacaru, Sergiu I.; Popa, Florian Catalin
Dirac spinor waves and solitons in anisotropic Taub-NUT spaces. (English)
[J] Classical Quantum Gravity 18, No.22, 4921-4938 (2001). ISSN 0264-9381; ISSN 1361-6382

Summary: We apply a new general method of anholonomic frames with associated nonlinear
connection structure to construct new classes of exact solutions of Einstein-Dirac equations in
five-dimensional (5D) gravity. Such solutions are parametrized by off-diagonal metrics in
coordinate (holonomic) bases or equivalently, by diagonal metrics given with respect to some
anholonomic frames (pentads or fuenfbeins satisfying corresponding constraint relations). We
consider two possibilities of generalization of the Taub-NUT metric in order to obtain vacuum
solutions of 5D Einstein equations with effective renormalization of constants (by higher
dimension anholonomic gravitational interactions) having distinguished anisotropies on an angular
parameter or on an extra-dimensional coordinate. The constructions are extended to solutions
describing self-consistent propagations of 3D Dirac wave packets in 5D anisotropic Taub-NUT
spacetimes. We show that such anisotropic configurations of spinor matter can induce gravitational
3D solitons which are solutions of Kadomtsev-Petviashvili or sine-Gordon equations.

MSC 2000:
*83C60 Spinor and twistor methods in general retativity
83C57 Black holes
83E15 Higher-dimensional field theories

Keywords: spinor waves; Einstein-Dirac equations; five-dimensional (5D) gravity; Taub-NUT

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42 Zbl 0972.83021

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Vacaru, S.I.; Singleton, D.; Boţan, V.A.; Doţenco, D.A.

Locally anisotropic wormholes and flux tubes in 5D gravity. (English)
[J] Phys. Lett., B 519, No.3-4, 249-259 (2001). ISSN 0370-2693

Summary: In this letter we examine a class of wormhole and flux tube like solutions to 5D vacuum
Einstein equations. These solutions possess generic local anisotropy, and their local isotropic limit
is shown to be conformally equivalent to the spherically symmetric 5D solutions by {\it V.
Dzhunushaliev} and {\it D. Singleton} [Phys. Rev. D (3) 59064018, No. 6, 064018 (1999)]. The
anisotropic solutions investigated here have two physically distinct signatures: first, they can give
rise to angular-dependent, anisotropic ``electromagnetic'' interactions. Second, they can result in
a gravitational running of the ``electric'' and ``magnetic'' charges of the solutions. This
gravitational running of the electromagnetic charges is linear rather than logarithmic, and could
thus serve as an indirect signal for the presence of higher dimensions. The local anisotropy of
these solutions is modeled using the technique of anholonomic frames with respect to which the
metrics are diagonalized. If holonomic coordinate frames were used then such metrics would have
off-diagonal components.

MSC 2000:
*83C15 Closed form solutions of equations in general relativity
83E15 Higher-dimensional field theories
83E05 Geometrodynamics

Keywords: 5D vacuum Einstein equation solutions; gravitational electromagnetic charge running;

metric diagonalization
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43 Zbl 0972.83047
Vacaru, S.I.
Gauge and Einstein gravity from non-abelian gauge models on noncommutative spaces.
[J] Phys. Lett., B 498, No.1-2, 74-82 (2001). ISSN 0370-2693

Summary: Following the formalism of enveloping algebras and star product calculus we formulate
and analyze a model of gauge gravity on noncommutative spaces and examine the conditions of
its equivalence to the general relativity theory. The corresponding Seiberg-Witten maps are
established which allow the definition of respective dynamics for a finite number of gravitational
gauge field components on noncommutative spaces.

MSC 2000:
*83C65 Methods of noncommutative geometry
81T13 Gauge theories
81T75 Noncommutative geometry methods
83C45 Quantization of the gravitational field
81S10 Geometric quantization, symplectic methods

Keywords: Seiberg-Witten maps; enveloping algebras; star product calculus

Cited in: Zbl 1059.83034
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44 Zbl 1006.53066
Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Nearly autoparallel maps, tensor integral and conservation laws on locally anisotropic
spaces. (English)
[A] Gill, Tepper (ed.) et al., Fundamental open problems in science at the end of the millennium.
Proceedings of the international workshop, Beijing, China, August 1997. Vols. I-III. Palm Harbor,

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FL: Hadronic Press. 67-103 (1999). ISBN 1-57485-029-6/pbk

The author proposes a certain generalization of conformal transformations which he calls ``nearly
autoparallel maps''. In the resulting theory the proofs of most of the results are, to use the
author's own description, mechanical and tedious. The theory is supposed to be applicable to the
formulation of conservation laws for locally anisotropic gravity, though the theory has not yet
reached a point where it can present an experimentally verifiable result.
[Chandra Shekhar Sharma (London)]

MSC 2000:
*53C80 Appl. of global differential geometry to physics
83C40 Groups of motions, etc.
53C07 Special connections and metrics on vector bundles
83E15 Higher-dimensional field theories

Keywords: autoparallel maps; conformal transformation; anisotropic space

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45 Zbl 0977.83130
Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Exact solutions in locally anisotropic gravity and strings. (English)
[A] Rembieliński, Jakub (ed.), Particles, fields, and gravitation. Papers from the conference
dedicated to the memory of Ryszard Raczka, Łódz, Poland, April 15-19, 1998. Woodbury, NY:
American Institute of Physics. AIP Conf. Proc. 453, 528-537 (1998). ISBN 1-56396-837-1

Summary: In this report we outline some basic results on generalized Finsler-Kaluza-Klein gravity
and locally anisotropic strings. There are investigated exact three-dimensional solutions for locally
anisotropic Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universes and string black holes with generic anisotropy.

MSC 2000:
*83F05 Relativistic cosmology
53B40 Finsler spaces and generalizations (local)
83E15 Higher-dimensional field theories
83C57 Black holes
83C80 Analogues in lower dimensions
83D05 Relativistic gravitational theories other than Einstein's
83E30 String and superstring theories

Keywords: gravity; strings; Finsler-Kaluza-Klein gravity; Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universes;

string black holes
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46 Zbl 0954.53049
Vacaru, Sergiu Ion
Interactions, strings and isotopies in higher order anisotropic superspaces. (English)
[B] Hadronic Press Monographs in Mathematics. Palm Harbor, FL: Hadronic Press. 448 p. \sterling
45.00; \$ 85.00 (1998). ISBN 1-57485-032-6/pbk

In some sense, this is a book of everything. The author's ambitious formalism is applicable to most
of the branches of mathematical physics, including gauge theories, strings, spinors, superstrings,
conservation laws and diffusion processes. The mathematical tools for this aggregation are found
in Finsler geometry and its generalization to Lagrange spaces, prolongations of this geometry to
higher order fiber bundles, and the further extension to stochastic processes. The speculative
isogeometry of Santilli is also encompassed. This difficult task is accomplished quite competently.
The only problem is that the resulting system is so complicated that it takes a concerted effort to
get through to the physics. In a forest so dense it is difficult to find the right tree. The book has an

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adequate bibliography, but suffers from the lack of an index.

[R.G.Beil (Marshall)]

MSC 2000:
*53Z05 Appl. of differential geometry to physics
81-01 Textbooks (quantum theory)
83-01 Textbooks (relativity)
53B40 Finsler spaces and generalizations (local)
53B50 Appl. of local differential geometry to physics
81Q60 Supersymmetric quantum mechanics
81T30 String and superstring theories
83C60 Spinor and twistor methods in general retativity
83E15 Higher-dimensional field theories
83E30 String and superstring theories

Keywords: Finsler geometry; strings; spinors; superstrings; stochastic analysis; Kaluza-Klein

theory; Lagrangian geometry
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47 Zbl 0951.83031
Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Spinors and field interactions in higher order anisotropic spaces. (English)
[J] J. High Energy Phys. 1998, No.9, Paper No.11, 50 p., electronic only (1998). ISSN 1029-8479

Summary: We formulate the theory of field interactions with higher order anisotropy. The
concepts of higher order anisotropic space and locally anisotropic space (in brief, ha-space and
la-space) are introduced as general ones for various types of higher order extensions of Lagrange
and Finsler geometry and higher dimension (Kaluza-Klein type) spaces. The spinors on ha-spaces
are defined in the framework of the geometry of Clifford bundles provided with compatible
nonlinear and distinguished connections and metric structures ($d$-connection and $d$-metric).
The spinor differential geometry of ha-spaces is constructed. There are discussed some related
issues connected with the physical aspects of higher order anisotropic interactions for
gravitational, gauge, spinor, Dirac spinor and Proca fields. Motion equations in higher order
generalizations of Finsler spaces, of the mentioned type of fields, are defined by using bundles of
linear and affine frames locally adapted to the nonlinear connection structure.

MSC 2000:
*83E15 Higher-dimensional field theories
53C15 Geometric structures on manifolds
53C60 Finsler spaces and generalizations (global)
53C80 Appl. of global differential geometry to physics
81T20 Quantum field theory on curved space backgrounds

Keywords: ha-space; locally anisotropic space; Clifford bundle; Finsler spaces; la-space
Cited in: Zbl 1059.83034
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48 Zbl 0956.83049
Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Locally anisotropic gravity and strings. (English)
[J] Ann. Phys. 256, No.1, 39-61 (1997). ISSN 0003-4916

Differential geometric methods play an important role in description and investigation of problems
of gravity and strings. The paper under review consists of 6 Sections. In Section 1 the author

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briefly discusses connections between gravity and strings and locally anisotropic (la) spaces and
gives the plan of the paper. Section 2 contains a geometric background of vector bundles provided
with nonlinear and distinguished connections and metric structure. In Section 3 the author
presents a generalization of some necessary results on the non-linear $\sigma-$model and string
propagation to the case of la-backgrounds. The aim of Section 4 is to study the problem of
regularization and quantum ambiguities in $\beta-$functions of the renormalization group and to
present the results on one- and two-loop calculi for the la-$\sigma-$model. In Section 5 the
author investigates duality of la-$\sigma-$model. The paper ends with conclusions, preceded by a
summary of the author's results (Section 6).
[Nikolaj M.Glazunov (Ky{\" i}v)]

MSC 2000:
*83E30 String and superstring theories
81T30 String and superstring theories
81T17 Renormalization group methods
83E15 Higher-dimensional field theories
53B50 Appl. of local differential geometry to physics

Keywords: locally anisotropic (LA) space; gravity; strings; N-connection; regularization; duality of
LA sigma-model
Cited in: Zbl 1059.83034
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49 Zbl 0934.81032
Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Superstrings in higher order extensions of Finsler superspaces. (English)
[J] Nucl. Phys., B 494, No.3, 590-656 (1997). ISSN 0550-3213

Summary: The work proposes a general background of the theory of field interactions and strings
in spaces with higher order anisotropy. Our approach proceeds by developing the concept of higher
order anisotropic superspace which unifies the logical and mathematical aspects of modern
Kaluza-Klein theories and generalized Lagrange and Finsler geometry and leads to modelling of
physical processes on higher order fiber bundles provided with nonlinear and distinguished
connections and metric structures. The view adopted here is that a general field theory should
incorporate all possible anisotropic and stochastic manifestations of classical and quantum
interactions and, in consequence, a corresponding modification of basic principles and
mathematical methods in formulation of physical theories.\par The presentation is divided into two
parts. The first five sections cover the higher order anisotropic superspaces. We focus on the
geometry distinguished by non-linear connection vector superbundles, consider different
supersymmetric extensions of Finsler and Lagrange spaces and analyze the structure of basic
geometric objects on such superspaces. The remaining five sections are devoted to the theory of
higher order anisotropic superstrings. In the framework of supersymmetric nonlinear sigma
models in Finsler extended backgrounds we prove that the low-energy dynamics of such strings
contains equations of motion for locally anisotropic field interactions. Our work is to be compared
with important previous variants of extensions of Finsler geometry and gravity.

MSC 2000:
*81T30 String and superstring theories
53C60 Finsler spaces and generalizations (global)
58A50 Supermanifolds, etc. (global analysis)

Keywords: Kaluza-Klein theories; Lagrange geometry; Finsler geometry; field theory;

supersymmetric Lagrange spaces; equations of motion
Cited in: Zbl 1059.83034
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Zbl 0914.53039
Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Studies on Santilli's locally anisotropic and inhomogeneous isogeometries. I: Isobundles
and generalized isofinsler gravity. (English)
[J] Algebras Groups Geom. 14, No.3, 211-257 (1997). ISSN 0741-9937

The aim of the present paper is the formulation of the theory of the inhomogeneous and locally
anisotropic isofield interactions. This contains a synthesis of Santilli isotheory and the approach on
modeling locally anisotropic geometries and physical models on bundle spaces provided with
nonlinear connection and distinguished connection and metric structures. The isotopic variants of
generalized Lagrange and Finsler geometry are analyzed. Basic geometric constructions such as
nonlinear isoconnections in vector isobundles, the isotopic curvatures and torsions of distinguished
isoconnections and their structure equations and invariant values are defined. A model of locally
anisotropic and inhomogeneous gravitational isotheory is constructed. \par The paper contains the
following headings. Isotopies of the unit and isospaces, Isocontinuity and isotopology,
Isodifferential and isointegral calculus, Santilli's isoriemannian isospaces, Lie-Santilli isoalgebras
and isogroups, Fiber isobundles, Isobianchi and isoricci identities, Structure equations of a
$d$-isoconnection, Notions of generalized isolagrange and isofinsler spaces and the isotopic almost
Hermitian model of the GL-space.
[G.Tsagas (Thessaloniki)]

MSC 2000:
*53C99 Global differential geometry

Keywords: isolagrance space; isofinsler space; isotopic almost Hermitian model of GL-space;
inhomogeneous and locally anisotropic isofield interactions
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51 Zbl 0905.35101
Vacaru, Sergiu I.
Locally anisotropic stochastic processes in fiber bundles. (English)
[A] Tsagas, Grigorios (ed.), Proceedings of the workshop on global analysis, differential geometry
and Lie algebras, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, December 16--18, 1995. Bucharest:
Geometry Balkan Press. BSG Proc. 1, 123-140 (1997). ISBN 973-97454-1-5/pbk

The geometrical basis of the theory of diffusion processes on spaces with local anisotropy is
considered. Such spaces are modeled as vector bundles on space-times provided with nonlinear
and distinguished connections ($N$- and $d$-connections, respectively) and metric structures.
\par Applying those considerations to tangent bundles, the author formulates the theory of
stochastic differential equations on generalized Lagrange spaces, which contain as particular cases
Lagrange and Finsler spaces. The author also gives some remarks on possible extensions of the
results presented in the paper. The biblography contains 43 items. \par It is worth to point out the
paper [{\it P. L. Antonelli} and {\it T. J. Zastawniak}, Nonlinear World 1, No. 2, 149-171 (1994;
Zbl 0799.60057)] on the theory of diffusion on Finsler manifolds with applications to biology.
[W.Kotarski (Sosnowiec)]

MSC 2000:
*35R60 PDE with randomness
53B15 Other connections
60H15 Stochastic partial differential equations

Keywords: vector bundles; connections; tangent bundles; generalized Lagrange spaces; Finsler
Citations: Zbl 0799.60057
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Zbl 1198.35293
Văcaru, Sergiu I.
Stochastic differential equations on spaces with local anisotropy. (English)
[J] Bul. Acad. Ştiinţe Repub. Mold., Fiz. Teh. 1996, No. 2(20), 154-174 (1996). ISSN 0236-3097

MSC 2000:
*35R60 PDE with randomness
53B15 Other connections
60H15 Stochastic partial differential equations

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53 Zbl 1198.53087
Văcaru, Sergiu I.
Yang--Mills fields on spaces with local anisotropy. (English)
[J] Bul. Acad. Ştiinţe Repub. Mold., Fiz. Teh. 1996, No. 1(19), 41-44 (1996). ISSN 0236-3097

MSC 2000:
*53C80 Appl. of global differential geometry to physics
83E15 Higher-dimensional field theories
53C15 Geometric structures on manifolds

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54 Zbl 1198.53086
Văcaru, Sergiu I.
Gauge like treatment of generalized Lagrange and Finsler gravity. (English)
[J] Bul. Acad. Ştiinţe Repub. Mold., Fiz. Teh. 1996, No. 1(19), 35-40 (1996). ISSN 0236-3097

MSC 2000:
*53C80 Appl. of global differential geometry to physics
83E15 Higher-dimensional field theories
53C60 Finsler spaces and generalizations (global)

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55 Zbl 0890.53068
Vacaru, Sergiu I.; Ostaf, Sergiu V.
Twistors and nearly autoparallel maps. (English)
[J] Rep. Math. Phys. 37, No.1-3, 309-324 (1996). ISSN 0034-4877

As is well-known, the twistor equation on a non-conformally flat spacetime $V$ is not compatible.
The authors idea in the present paper is to ``transport'' the twistor equation from the Minkowski
space to $V$ by means of a nearly geodesic map in the sense of {\it N. S. Sinyukov} [`Geodesic
mappings of Riemannian spaces' (Nauka, Moscow) (1979; Zbl 0637.53020)] (or by a chain of such
maps). In this way they obtain a spinor equation on $V$ whose solutions may be considered as
twistors on $V$. The authors also give conditions under which the transformed twistor structure
generates to a vacuum Einstein field.
[J.Davidov (Sofia)]

MSC 2000:
*53Z05 Appl. of differential geometry to physics
83C60 Spinor and twistor methods in general retativity

Keywords: twistors; nearly geodesic maps

Citations: Zbl 0637.53020

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56 Zbl 0870.53054
Văcaru, Sergiu I.
Spinor structures and nonlinear connections in vector bundles, generalized Lagrange and
Finsler spaces. (English)
[J] J. Math. Phys. 37, No.1, 508-523 (1996). ISSN 0022-2488

Let $\xi= (E,p,M)$ be a vector bundle over a smooth manifold $M$. The kernel of the Jacobi map
$Dp:TE\to TM$ provides the vertical distribution $u\to V_uE$, $u\in E$, on $E $. A distribution
$u\to H_uE$ such that $(*)$ $T_u E=H_uE \oplus V_uE$ is called a nonlinear connection on $E$.
The splitting $(*)$ produces a decomposition of all geometrical objects (tensors, connections etc.)
on $E$ and their components are generically called $d$-objects [see {\it R. Miron} and {\it M.
Anastasiei}, The geometry of Lagrange spaces: theory and applications (Fundamental Theories of
Physics 59, Kluwer, Dordrecht) (1994; Zbl 0831.53001)]. A metrical structure in the vertical
bundle is called a $d$-metric. This can be extended to a metrical structure $G$ on $E$ and there
exists a linear connection $D$ on $E$ which is metrical and preserves the splitting $(*)$.\par In
this paper a spinor formalism for $\xi$ endowed with a nonlinear connection, the metric $G$ and
the connection $D$ is proposed. Clifford $d$-algebras, a twisted Clifford $d$-group, and the
groups Pin and Spin are introduced. The spinor structure is defined in terms of principal bundles. A
complex version is provided. The periodicity phenomena are analyzed.
[M.Anastasiei (Iaşi)]

MSC 2000:
*53C60 Finsler spaces and generalizations (global)
53C27 Spin and Spin$^c$ geometry

Keywords: Lagrange and Finsler spaces; spin structures; Clifford algebra; $d$-metric; nonlinear
Citations: Zbl 0831.53001
Cited in: Zbl 1059.83034
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57 Zbl 0846.53014
Gottlieb, I.; Văcaru, Sergiu I.
A. Moór's tensorial integration in generalized Lagrange spaces. (English)
[A] Antonelli, P. L. (ed.) et al., Lagrange and Finsler geometry: applications to physics and biology.
Proceedings of a conference. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Fundam. Theor. Phys. 76,
209-216 (1996). ISBN 0-7923-3873-1/hbk

The problem of tensorial integration as the inverse operator to covariant derivation was proposed
and studied by {\it A. Moór} [Acta Math. 86, 71-83 (1951; Zbl 0044.37301); Monatsh. Math. 70,
134-148 (1966; Zbl 0139.15301)] and others. Tensor integral methods have been used in solving
certain difficulties in the formulation of conservation laws on curved spaces in the framework of
general relativity [{\it I. Gottlieb}, Period. Mat. Hung. 8, 57-64 (1977; Zbl 0354.53009)]. The
present paper is devoted to the generalization of the tensor integral theory to generalized
Lagrange spaces.
[M.Matsumoto (Kyoto)]

MSC 2000:
*53B40 Finsler spaces and generalizations (local)
53A45 Vector and tensor analysis

Keywords: tensorial integration; generalized Lagrange spaces

Citations: Zbl 0044.37301; Zbl 0139.15301; Zbl 0354.53009

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58 Zbl 0844.53047
Văcaru, Sergiu I.; Ostaf, S.
Nearly autoparallel maps of Lagrange and Finsler spaces. (English)
[A] Antonelli, P. L. (ed.) et al., Lagrange and Finsler geometry: applications to physics and biology.
Proceedings of a conference. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Fundam. Theor. Phys. 76,
241-253 (1996). ISBN 0-7923-3873-1/hbk

Let $L = (M, {\cal L})$ be a Lagrange space (i.e. such a generalization of the Finsler space, where
the Lagrangian ${\cal L} : TM \to \bbfR$) ${\cal L} : (x,y) \mapsto {\cal L} (x,y)$ is not
necessarily homogeneous of degree 2 in $y$. The authors call a curve $\gamma (x (t), y(t))
\subset L$ distinguished autoparallel (da-parallel) if $D_Y Y = \rho(t) Y$, where $Y(t) = (\dot x(t),
\dot y(t))$ and $D$ is the canonical distinguished connection. A 2-dimensional distribution $E_2
(\gamma)$ along $\gamma$ is called coplanar if the parallel translated of any vector $X_0 \in
E_2 (\gamma (t_0))$ is contained in $E_2(\gamma)$. $\gamma$ is called distinguished nearly
autoparallel (dna-parallel) if there exists a coplanar $E_2(\gamma)$ containing $Y(t)$. In the
paper 1-1 mappings $L \to \underline {L}$ are studied and classified which take every da-parallel
curve of $L$ into a dna-parallel of $\underline{L}$. Also physical applications are considered.
[L.Tamássy (Debrecen)]

MSC 2000:
*53C60 Finsler spaces and generalizations (global)

Keywords: generalized projective mappings of Lagrange spaces; Lagrange space; Finsler space
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59 Zbl 1198.53085
Văcaru, Sergiu I.
Clifford structures and spinors on spaces with local anisotropy. (English)
[J] Bul. Acad. Ştiinţe Repub. Mold., Fiz. Teh. 1995, No. 3(18), 53-62 (1995). ISSN 0236-3097

MSC 2000:
*53C80 Appl. of global differential geometry to physics
83E15 Higher-dimensional field theories
53C15 Geometric structures on manifolds
53C60 Finsler spaces and generalizations (global)
81T20 Quantum field theory on curved space backgrounds

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60 Zbl 0842.53020
Văcaru, Sergiu I.; Goncharenko, Yurii
Yang-Mills fields and gauge gravity on generalized Lagrange and Finsler spaces. (English)
[J] Int. J. Theor. Phys. 34, No.9, 1955-1980 (1995). ISSN 0020-7748; ISSN 1572-9575

In the framework of the theory of linear connections in vector bundles (with semisimple structural
groups) on generalized Lagrange spaces, a geometrical approach to interactions of Yang-Mills
fields on spaces with local anisotropy is formulated. The geometrical formalism is extended in a
manner including theories with nonsemisimple groups which permit a unique fiber bundle
treatment for both locally anisotropic Yang-Mills and gravitational interactions.\par One of the
most important results of the paper is formulated as a theorem stating that almost Hermitian
Lagrange gravity -- described in {\it R. Miron} and {\it M. Anastasiei} [The geometry of Lagrange
spaces: theory and applications. Fundamental Theories of Physics, 59, Dordrecht: Kluwer
Academic Publishers (1994; Zbl 0831.53001)], is equivalent to a gaugelike theory in the bundle of
affine adapted frames on generalized Lagrange spaces.

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[V.Balan (Bucureşti)]

MSC 2000:
*53C07 Special connections and metrics on vector bundles
81T13 Gauge theories
83C47 Quantum field theory on curved space-times
53Z05 Appl. of differential geometry to physics

Keywords: Finsler spaces; generalized Lagrange geometry; Yang-Mills equations

Citations: Zbl 0831.53001
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61 Zbl 0867.53022
Văcaru, Sergiu I.; Ostaf, S.; Goncharenko, Yu.; Doina, A.
Nearly autoparallel maps of Lagrange spaces. (English)
[J] Bul. Acad. Ştiinţe Repub. Mold., Fiz. Teh. 1994, No.3(15), 42-53 (1994). ISSN 0236-3097

Let $M_{\underline m}$ be an $n$-dimensional manifold and $TM_{\underline m}$ be its

tangent bundle with local coordinates $x_{\underline m}= x^i_{\underline m}$ and
$(x^i_{\underline m},y^j_{\underline m})$, $i,j=1,2,\dots,n$, respectively. A Lagrangian on
$M_{\underline m}$ is a differentiable function $L_{\underline m}:TM_{\underline m}\to R$,
given locally by $L_{\underline m}:(x,y)\to L_{\underline m}(x,y)$ such that the tensorial
distinguished field $g_{\underline m ij}(x,y){1\over 2}(\partial^2L_{\underline m}/\partial
y^i\partial y^j)$ is nondegenerate. A pair $(M_{\underline m},L_{\underline m})$, simply
denoted by $L$, is called a Lagrangian space of dimension $n$ with $L_{\underline m}$ and
$g_{\underline m ij}$ as the fundamental function and metric tensor, respectively. A Finsler
space is a particular case of a Lagrange space $(M_{\underline m},L_{\underline m})$ when
$L_{\underline m}= L^2_{\underline m}$ which is the Finsler metric on $M_{\underline
m}$.\par Let $L, L_{\underline 1},L_{\underline 2},\dots,L_{\underline n}$, where $\underline
k,\underline l,\underline m,\underline n=1,2,3,\dots$ (underlined subscripts indicate different
spaces) be Lagrange spaces. Consider $1-1$ local mappings $f:L_{\underline m}\to L_{\underline
k}$, $m\ne k$ with deformation of nonlinear connections in general. A curve
$\gamma_{\underline m}$ on $L$ is a function $\gamma_{\underline m}:R\to L$, represented
parametrically as $\gamma_{\underline m}= (x(\eta),y(\eta))$ with parameter $\eta$,
$(\eta_1\le \eta\le\eta_2)$, and the tangent vector to the curve $\gamma_{\underline m}$ by
$Y(\eta)= ({\partial x\over\partial\eta},{\partial y\over\partial\eta})\in TL_{\underline m}$.
When there is defined a two-dimensional vector space $E_2\subset TL_{\underline m}(x)$ at
every point $x\in\gamma_{\underline m}$, we say that the curve $\gamma_{\underline m}$ is
provided with two-dimensional distribution $E_2$. A distribution $E_2(\gamma_{\underline m})$
is said to be coplanar along $\gamma_{\underline m}$ if every vector $X_{m(0)}=
X_m(x_0,y_0)\in E_2(\gamma_{\underline m})$, $(x_0,y_0)\in\gamma_{\underline m}$, is
contained in the same distribution after parallel transport along $\gamma_{\underline m}$, i.e.,
$X_{\underline m}(X(\eta),Y(\eta))\subset E_2(\gamma_{\underline m})$, $\forall
\eta\in(\eta_1,\eta_2)$.\par The curve $\gamma$ on the Lagrange space $L$ is called
distinguished auto(da-)parallel if the tangent vector field $Y$ to $\gamma$ satisfies the
auto-parallel equations $D_YY= \rho(\eta)Y$, where $\rho(\eta)$ is a scalar function on $L$. The
curve $\gamma$ is called distinguished nearly auto(dna-)parallel if there is defined a
two-dimensional coplanar distribution $E_2(\gamma)$ containing the tangent vector field $Y$ to
$\gamma$. Moreover, let $L$ and $\underline L$ be two Lagrange spaces. The local $1-1$
mappings $na:L\to\underline L$, which change every da-parallel curve on $L$ into a dna-parallel
curvature on $\underline L$, are called nearly auto(na-)parallel maps.\par In the present paper,
having defined na-maps, the authors discuss deformation of fundamental function, metric,
nonlinear and canonical connections under such a map and obtain the basic deformation
equations. Taking clue from these, the authors classify all na-maps into four types yielding the
corresponding basic equations which are systems of first-order partial differential equations with
algebraic constraints. The authors give a new classification of Lagrange spaces based on chains of

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na-maps and thus introduce the concept of Lagrange spacetime category $LC_{st}$ with objects
being Lagrange spaces and morphisms being chains of na-maps of Lagrange spaces. In the end,
the authors consider fundamental spacetime $V$, Lagrange space $L$ and a chain of na-maps
from $V$ to $L$ and then transport the Einstein equation from $V$ to $L$ so as to explore it
under na-backgrounds.
[O.P.Singh (Aligarh)]

MSC 2000:
*53B40 Finsler spaces and generalizations (local)
53C60 Finsler spaces and generalizations (global)

Keywords: nearly autoparallel maps; classification of Lagrange spaces; Lagrange spacetime

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62 Zbl 0837.53062
Văcaru, Sergiu I.; Goncharenko, Yu.A.
On exactly solvable 4D quantum gravities. (English)
[J] Bul. Acad. Ştiinţe Repub. Mold., Fiz. Teh. 1994, No.3(15), 53-58 (1994). ISSN 0236-3097

Authors' summary: ``New classes of nearly autoparallel maps and their superpositions, called
nearly conformal transforms and generalizing conformal rescalings, are introduced. We describe
briefly how to obtain exactly solvable $4d$ gravitational models by using nearly conformal maps
directed by a $2d$ quantum gravity''.
[A.D.Osborne (Keele)]

MSC 2000:
*53Z05 Appl. of differential geometry to physics
83C47 Quantum field theory on curved space-times

Keywords: nearly autoparallel map; conformal rescaling; nearly conformal map; quantum gravity
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63 Zbl 0832.53071
Văcaru, Sergiu I.
Nearly autoparallel maps and conservation laws on curved spaces. (English)
[J] Rom. J. Phys. 39, No. 1, 37-52 (1994). ISSN 1221-146X

The author presents a criterion for when it is possible to give an equivalent reformulation of the
Einstein gravitational field equations in arbitrarily given spaces. The study is obtained by using the
method of nearly auto-parallel maps of generalized affine metric and bundle spaces. Geometrical
constructions are realized for Riemann-Cartan spaces and applications are considered only for the
Einstein theory.\par Using the metricity conditions on Riemann-Cartan space, the components of
the basic connection $\Gamma^a_{bc}$ are given in terms of the metric $g_{ab}$ and the
cotorsion tensor $T^a_{bc}$, and this represents a generalization of the Einstein relation [see
{\it A. Einstein}, The meaning of relativity, especially ``Relativistic theory of the non-symmetric
field'', (5th ed.), (Princeton 1955; Zbl 0067.20404)]. The torsion tensor is defined and the
symmetric affine is introduced. Thus, on Riemann-Cartan space three connection structures are
defined. Using conformal transformations of the metric one obtains the deformation tensor.\par On
Einstein-Cartan space the author considers two classes of curves which are reduced to geodesics
on corresponding (pseudo)-Riemannian spaces when the torsion is equal to zero.\par Furthermore,
a classification of Einstein-Cartan spaces is presented.
[G.G.Vrănceanu (Bucureşti)]

MSC 2000:
*83C40 Groups of motions, etc.
53C80 Appl. of global differential geometry to physics

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83D05 Relativistic gravitational theories other than Einstein's

Keywords: Einstein-Cartan space; Einstein equations; Riemann-Cartan space

Citations: Zbl 0039.38802; Zbl 0050.21208; Zbl 0067.20404
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64 Zbl 0829.53070
Văcaru, Sergiu I.; Ostaf, S.; Goncharenko, Yu.
(Gonchiarenko, Yu.)
Nearly autoparallel maps and modelling of field interactions. (English)
[J] Rom. J. Phys. 39, No.3-4, 199-211 (1994). ISSN 1221-146X

This paper is devoted to the analysis of Yang-Mills and Einstein theories on the basis of the
$N$-maps transforms of bundle spaces. The theory of nearly geodesic mappings ($ng$-maps) for
affine connected spaces of {\it N. S. Sinyukov} [Geodesic mappings of Riemannian spaces,
Moskva: Nauka (1979; Zbl 0637.53020)], as well as of nearly autoparallel maps (na-maps) for
generalized affine metric spaces of Vacaru et al. have been extended to the case of maps with
splitting of the bundle connection.\par This leads to a new way to find solutions of Yang-Mills and
Einstein equations that sometimes may be reduced even to algebraic matrix equations.
[I.Gottlieb (Iaşi)]

MSC 2000:
*53Z05 Appl. of differential geometry to physics
83C60 Spinor and twistor methods in general retativity

Keywords: Yang-Mills equations; splitting; bundle connection; Einstein equations

Citations: Zbl 0637.53020
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