School Legislation Term Paper

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Divine Word of College

San Jose, Occidental Mindoro

Graduate School Program

School Legislation
R.A 9155 Governance of Basic
Submitted to:
Dr. Heliodoro E. Macabata

Submitted by:
Ganie Mae T. Casuncad
January 10, 2015

R.A 9155 Governance of Basic Education

I Overview
An Act Instituting A Framework of Governance For Basic Education, Establishing
Authority and Accountability and Renaming the Department of Education, Culture and Sports as
the Department of Education is also known as the Republic Act 9155 which is the Governance of
Basic Education.
This Act declared that the state should protect and promote the right of all citizens to have
quality basic education and be more accessible to all by providing all the Filipino children free
and compulsory education in elementary and high school level and Alternative Learning System
for all the out-of-school youth and adult learners who want to continue their studies and be
successful. The main goal of Basic Education is to provide all the skills, knowledge and values
that every learner needs for them to become individuals who are caring, self-reliant, productive
and patriotic citizens.
This Republic Act 9155 - Governance of Basic Education has purposes and objectives
that serve as a guide to achieve higher learning outcomes. These are:

The governance should provide framework that will be the general directions for


educational policies.
To define all the roles, responsibilities and provide resources to the field offices.
To make all schools and learning centers the most important vehicle for teaching.
Enable the schools and learning centers to reflect the values of the community
To encourage local initiatives for the improvement of schools
To establish schools and learning centers as facilities where school children are able
to learn a range of core

This is shared governance recognizes every unit in the education bureaucracy with a
particular task, role and even responsibility inherent in the office and accountable for worth
outcome. All the process of democratic consultation shall be observed in the decision making
process at all levels.
Every Level of the offices of the Department of education has their power, duties and
functions namely:

National Level
Formulating national educational policies;
Formulating a national basic educational plan;
Promulgating national educational Standards;
Monitoring and assessing national learning outcomes;
Undertaking national educational research and studies;
Enhancing the employment status, professional competencies, welfare and working

conditions of all personnel;

Enhancing the total development of learners through local and national programs and

2. Regional Level
Defining a regional educational policy framework
Defining a regional basic education plan
Defining a regional educational standards
Monitoring, Evaluating and Assessing outcomes
Undertaking research projects
Ensuring strict compliance with prescribed national criteria for the

recruitment, selection and training for all staff in the region and divisions
Formulating, in coordination with the regional development council, the

budget to support the educational plan

Hiring, placing and evaluating all employees in the regional office
Evaluating all school division superintendent
Managing the database and management information system of the region
Approving the establishment of public and private elementary and high
schools and learning centers

3. Division Level
Developing and implementing division educational development plan
Planning and managing all the effective and efficient use of all personnel

Hiring, placing and evaluating all division supervisors and schools district
supervisor as well as all employees in the division, both teaching and non-

teaching personnel, including school heads

Monitoring the utilization of funds
Ensuring compliance of quality standards for basic education programs and
for this purpose strengthening the role of division supervisors as subject areas

Promoting awareness and adherence by all schools
Supervising the operations of all public and private elementary, secondary and
integrated schools, and learning centers

4. School District Level

Providing professional and instructional advice and support to the school
heads and teachers/facilitators of schools and learning centers in the district or

Curricula supervision;
Performing such other functions as may be assigned by proper authorities

5. School Level
Setting the VMGO of the school;
Creating an environment within the school that is conducive to teaching and

Implementing the school curriculum and being accountable for higher

learning outcomes;
Developing the school education program and school improvement plan;
Offering educational program, projects and services which provide equitable

opportunities for all learners in the community;

Introducing new and innovative modes of instruction to achieve higher

learning outcomes.
Administering and managing all personnel, physical and fiscal resources of

the school;
Recommending the staffing complement of the school based on its need;
Encouraging staff development;
Establishing school and community networks and encouraging the active
participation of teachers organizations, non-academic personnel of public
schools and parents teachers-community associations;

Accepting donations, gifts, bequest and grants for the purpose of upgrading
teachers learning facilitators competencies, improving and expanding school
facilities and providing instructional materials and equipment. Such donations
or grants must be reported to the appropriate districts supervisors and division

Performing such other functions as may be assigned by proper authorities.

All this five offices of Department of Education have their own role in the department in
implementing good quality education.

II. Implementation of this Republic Act

It shall be vested with the authority, accountability and responsibility for ensuring access,
promoting equity and improving the quality of basic education.
Before, Supervisors have the authority, accountability and responsibility in school
management. They are the one who decide and approved such appointments and p[rograms for
the benefit of the school and its stake holders. They are the one who takes lead to all the
personnel inside the compound. All the principal and school heads are only helpers to do such
But with this Republic act 9155, Principal or even school head have the power,
authority, accountability and responsibility to decide and approved any reports and appointments
inside the campus. They are the one who budget all fund for different programs namely: fund to
be used for enhancing the learning of pupils through buying latest trends on education,
instructional materials used by the teachers and constructing and repairing all the building in the
school. S/he is the one who takes an action and decide what s/he shall do to have quality learning
in the school. Principal / School heads need the help or the active participation of all the
stakeholders to work hand in hand such as, teachers, parents and the person in the community.

III. Drawbacks/ who takes the lead? What are their role and
action taken?
After this, R.A 9155 approved by the congress. Some of the Supervisor didnt want this,
because the Department of Education takes away their power over the School to decide how to
make the school better. School heads are the one who will do the decision-making regarding the
school matters. Example when it comes in substitute for the leave of one of her teacher, School
heads now have the authority to choose who will the one who take the position of the teacher
who takes leave. And also, he takes in-charge of the budget, he is the one who have the guts to
use this. Thats why, all Supervisor dont have the money for school but the School heads.
According to my interviewee, Mr. Aliben Dogohoy, there are more School heads that are
dependent in their supervisor. They want their supervisor to take in-charge in the school. There is
a case which one of the Principal asks the supervisor what s/he will do. And s/he gave some
advice and s/he did it. Evaluation comes; the decisions are wrong all the feedbacks back to the
School head. Because the one who take in-charge is the School Head and with this he is the one
who should make decisions.

IV. Reccomendations
I recommend that Principals or even school heads should know how to manage school
and should focus in the teacher-learning process to achieve the excellence. But this will work if
s/he is working with her/his co-teachers inside the school. School heads should also have the
courage and have a critical thinking to make any decision about the school.

V. References:

Interview with a School Head of Labangan North District Mr. Aliben A. Dagohoy.

Interview with Mr. aliben A. Dagihoy a School Head of

Labangan Elementary School, San Jose North District

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