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Adjective or adverb in English

Fill in the words in brackets as adjective or adverb like in the example.

Example: Peter works ______ (slow).
Answer: Peter works slowly.

1) He

reads a book. (quick)

2) Mandy is a

girl. (pretty)

3) The class is

loud today. (terrible)

4) Max is a

singer. (good)

5) You can

open this tin. (easy)

6) It's a

day today. (terrible)

7) She sings the song

8) He is a

. (good)

driver. (careful)

9) He drives the car

. (careful)

10) The dog barks

. (loud)

1) The bus driver was

2) Kevin is

injured. (serious)

clever. (extreme)

3) This hamburger tastes

4) Be

. (awful)

with this glass of milk. It's hot. (careful)

5) Robin looks
6) Jack is

. What's the matter with him? (sad)

upset about losing his keys. (terrible)

7) This steak smells

. (good)

8) Our basketball team played

9) Don't speak so
10) Maria


last Friday. (bad)

. I can't understand you. (fast)

opened her present. (slow)

Type I = First conditional

Type II = Second conditional
Type III = Third conditional

Find the correct conditions (types of if-clauses). Mind the underlined verb
1) If it rains, I'll wear a raincoat.
type I (probable condition)
type II (improbable condition)
type III (impossible condition)
2) If we had taken enough water, we wouldn't have been thirsty.
type I (probable condition)
type II (improbable condition)
type III (impossible condition)
3) If Rose were older, she would go to the party.
type I (probable condition)
type II (improbable condition)
type III (impossible condition)
4) Harry could fly to Helsinki if he had more money.
type I (probable condition)
type II (improbable condition)
type III (impossible condition)
5) If Mark does the washing up, his mother will have more time
for him.
type I (probable condition)
type II (improbable condition)
type III (impossible condition)
6) What would you do if you saw a burglar?
type I (probable condition)
type II (improbable condition)
type III (impossible condition)
7) We might have had a glass of hot chocolate if you had bought
some milk.

type I (probable condition)

type II (improbable condition)
type III (impossible condition)
8) If I were you I should keep the secret.
type I (probable condition)
type II (improbable condition)
type III (impossible condition)
9) Ron would understand more if the teacher spoke clearly.
type I (probable condition)
type II (improbable condition)
type III (impossible condition)
10) If Doris had got up earlier, she wouldn't have been late for
type I (probable condition)
type II (improbable condition)
type III (impossible condition)

A) Complete the sentences.

1) type I: If I
2) type III: They
(to have) more money.
3) type II: If I
4) type II: If the sun
5) type I: They
have) more money.

(to study), I

(to pass) the test.

(to fly) to Canberra if they

(to study), I

(to pass) the

(to shine), we

(to fly) to Canberra if they

(to go)


6) type III: If I

(to study), I

7) type I: If the sun


(to pass) the

(to shine), we

8) type III: If the sun


(to go)

(to shine), we

9) type II: They

(to have) more money.

(to go)

(to fly) to Canberra if they

B) Put in the correct verb forms.

1) If Brian

(to like) horses, he could ride well.

2) If Steven had taken his camera, he

3) If you were older, you

(to take) nice

(to go) to the party.

4) They will stay longer in Paris if they


(to find) a cheap

5) If the weather had been better, we

(to come) by bike.

6) If Sarah
(not/to eat) so much junk food, she could have
been in the school hockey team.
7) If you listened carefully, you
8) John's mother
washing up.
9) If Alice

(to know) about it.

(to have) more time for him if he does the

(to have) more money, she would go to Africa.

Comparison of adjectives in sentences

Put in the adjective from the first sentences into the second sentence in
its correct form (comparative or superlative).
Example: I have a fast car, but my friend has a ______ car.
Answer: I have a fast car, but my friend has a faster car.

1) My father is heavy. My uncle is much

than my father.
2) The test in Geography was easy, but the test in Biology was
3) Florida is sunny. Do you know the

place in the USA?

4) Stan is a successful sportsman, but his sister is

than Stan.

5) My mother has a soft voice, but my teacher's voice is

my mother's.
6) Amy has a beautiful baby, but my daughter has the
on earth.


7) I live in a large family, but my grandfather lived in a

8) We have only little time for this exercise, but in the examination we'll
have even


9) Lucy is clever, but Carol is

than Lucy.

10) Have you visited the old castle? It was the

visited during our holidays.

Simple Past or Present Perfect

castle we

1) Peter

football yesterday.

2) They

the car. It looks new again.

3) Last year we

to Italy.

4) John and Peggy

5) I

the book. Now they can watch the

my friend two days ago.

6) We

another country before.

7) She

a new car in 2005.

8) I'm sorry, but I


my homework.

the game of chess?

10) The girls

their lunch yet.

Tenses in English, statements

Put in the verbs in brackets in the correct tenses.

Example: The sun ______________ now. (to shine)
Answer: The sun <>now.

1) We

TV when it started to rain. (to watch)

2) I
to visit you yesterday, but you
home. (to want) (to be)
3) Look! It
rain) (to go)

, so we can't

4) There are a lot of clouds! It

5) The sun

not at
to the beach. (to

soon. (to rain)

in the East. (to rise)

6) Since 2003 they

their son every year. (to visit)

7) While the doctor

Mr Jones, his son
this morning. (to examine) (to wait)
8) I


for my girlfriend for two hours. (to wait)

9) After Larry
(to see)
10) Wait a minute, I

the film on TV, he decided to buy the book.

this box for you. (to carry)

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