Orange Cream Act2 - Eng

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ge Cream



iyuki-san, youre really good!, exclaimed the teacher coming

closer. My other classmates followed her. Youre an expert, she
clapped her hands staring at the fresh-baked chocolate breads.
Thank you, Anamura-sensei, I bowed my head and when I lift it up
our teacher was already biting one of my sweets.
Its delicious! she commented with enthusiasm, making me blush.
Youre too kind
Well, would you help the other girls, too?, she proposed.
Okay..., I accepted feeling even more embarrassed.
Well then, you can start with them, she pointed me a little group of
five girls that I knew really well. A drop of cold sweat run down my brow
and by instinct I turned towards Yukino who couldnt do anything but
shrug with a wince: she was still struggling with the base of her cake, she
couldnt come to my assistance.
Ok, come on!, I took courage and went closer to the group.
You dont have to, said immediately the one who tried to trip me the
week before, but I ignored her.
First thing, you have to split the eggs like this, I showed them how to
divide the yolk from the albumen. Then, beat until stiff
Darn, how can you be so fast and accurate?, wondered the tallest girl.
Its just matter of habits
It seems you enjoy it, another one came forward.
Indeed I passed her the eggs Here, have a try
Im super clumsy, Ikeda-san she grumbled.
Try to imagine it like a game. This way itll be easier to split the two
parts, I winked at her.
Everyone got started right away. It hadnt been a bad idea to help them,
probably it would have taken some more time, but they had already started to
look at me differently. While I was moving away from them, being satisfied,
my attention was caught by another group that seemed enraptured while the
girl among them was garnishing a cake with some whipped cream.
Asakawa-san, that looks very tasty, I said trying to draw the attention.
Our class rep is excellent in every subject, came forward one of the


mates around her. Since youre an expert of sweets, could you confirm
it?, she motioned me to reach them.
Lets see..., I searched to meet Asakawas gaze. Can I taste this bit
you discarded?
Be my guest, she stepped away a little.
I got the sponge cake to my mouth. It was soaked in some sweet liqueur
and the chocolate was well blended.
Its delicious, I affirmed turning towards her one more time, while
she was cold and impassive to my comment, as usual. What did you use
to soak the sponge cake in?
Cherry liqueur, she answered pointing out the bottle.
Her family produce it, you know?, another girl stepped in.
Seriously?, I was amazed. I thought your father managed a software
Youre well informed, said Asakawa dropping the palette knife on
the counter. My maternal grandfather have a passion for distillates, she
looked at me icily.
I see, I felt another shiver pervading me again. That girl was a mystery to me, always so harsh and flawless. After a week passed together I
hadnt even seen her smiling once.
Your parents, on the other hand, own a pastry shop, dont they, Ikeda-san?, called me back my classmate of a moment before.
Yes, we opened a pastry shop in Shibuya
In Shibuya?!, cried out another girl who had been standing by, till
then. And whats its name?
Weve called it Paradiso
Correct, I laughed for their reactions. Asakawa, instead, looked at
me weirdly, like she hadnt got what I had just said.
Its an Italian word, I explained to her. It means Heaven
I know, she replied looking at me as always.
There was nothing I could do, I just couldnt understand what was on
her mind, but I didnt have to get along with her at all costs, after all.


Hi, girls, can I join you for lunch?
Jeez, youre a real stalker, exclaimed Yukino looking askance at the
Come on, dont say that, Yukino-chan!, the boy laughed.
Dont call me Yukino-chan, I care for my life and I dont want that
those stupid ditz of your fans come to kill me., she simulated a blade
cutting a throat.
I never thought you were such a fraidy-cat, he teased her.
Hey, you two... enough is enough!, I stopped them. Id like to eat
peacefully my lunch If you dont mind
Ok, youre right. Look, they told that you can cook like a goddess and
that you own a pastry shop... in Heaven, is that true?, began Yamato with
his irresistible smile, as always, that took me aback.
I can smell trouble..., I whispered leaning my drink on the table and
looking him askance. What do you want now? Ive already told you that I
will not join the basketball team, do not insist. Basketball isnt my sport,
I ended with decision.
Yes, but... Er... There will be the match to enter the rankings at the end
of this month, so we wondered if you could give us a hand
How could she help you if she isnt enrolled?, Yukino got curious.
Let me explain. Theres a new regulation that allows the students to
take part to the various competitions sporadically, even if theyre not part
of the club. Its exactly our case, isnt it, Miyuki-can?
Can you tell me what part of NO you didnt get?!, I got irritated.
Its just once in a while, what would it take?
Maybe she just dont want to?, stepped in Yukino sipping loudly
through the straw.
But its for the sake of our school! Well, you dont care about our institute?
Im just arrived, Yamato-kun, and...
Please, call me Ryo, he interrupted me again and smiled like a heartbreaker.

Its useless, Miyuki-chan, hes stubborn, hell never stop. Yukino lost
her patience and stood up.
Please, dont leave, I called her back.
Im sorry but I cant stand him anymore, she waved at me after
throwing her leftovers away in the trash and looking the captain of the
boys basketball team askance.
Well then, how can I convince you, now that were alone? Yamato
came closer to me and slid his arm around my shoulders.
Fine! I jerked up panicked.
Yay! exulted him reaching out his arms to the sky like an idiot. Then
Ill wait for you in the gym in an hour
Sorry but... why should I come to the gym if the match is at the end of
the month?
Just for a friendly match with your teammate, I have to introduce you
to the coach and to your future captain, he winked at me. Ah, and dont
forget it, otherwise youll made me leave a bad impression, uh!, he recommended before leaving all happy.
Damn, he really set me up!, I grumbled crossing my arms.
Yamato is really nice, handsome and goodhearted, dont you think?
I turned around towards one of his fans I helped during home economics that morning whose name was Shizuru Anamura, if I remembered right.
Well, yeah... he really seem so..., I answered getting defensive: I didnt
really forgot the treatment she and her little friend reserved me the week
Dont worry, were not mad at you anymore, she looked at me smiling. Youre a good person, Miyuki-san and... you talked us into it
I-I talked you... into it? What do you mean?, I stuttered uncertain.
That you would be perfect for Yamato, more than that piece of ice
that is Asakawa, she said squeezing my hands and looking at me with an
unexpectedly happy face.
Oh my God!, I thought trying to keep calm.
Uhm.... Anamura-san... Youre jumping the gun. I dont like Yamato
like that, okay?

Well, you two will fall in love over time and all of us... will cheer for
you, she bounded on the spot.
I didnt have the courage to answer back.
Everybody is crazy in this school, I kept overthinking while dragging
myself to the gym. Yamato was standing on the door waiting for me:
Here you are, finally! Youre late, hurry!, he grabbed my arm and
guided me to the locker room.
Hey, how rude!, I complained.
On the bench near the toilet theres a change of clothes for you, were
waiting for you, so hurry up!. he said pushing me in and then closing the
I put on the shorts and the shirt, the suit was scarlet red. I changed my
shoes, then I went out and reached the other girls who were already on the
court practicing.
There she is, coach! Its her Yamato pointed me out to the coach.
Miyuki Ikeda from second A class, he smiled in my direction.
Nice to meet you, coach, I said bowing to the man.
Shingo Makimura. Nice to meet you, too, he looked at me from head
to foot.
Im curious to know if Ryo is in love with you just as an athlete or just
cause youre a beautiful girl, he laughed making me blush.
Coach, let her play!, Yamato gave him a provocative smile.
I was so focused on looking those two that I didnt notice the figure
who had stood beside me, till I smelled an intense and spicy scent all
around me. I turned myself toward the new presence and I gaped: if Rei
Asakawa had left me speechless cause of her astonishing beauty like a china doll, my reaction after seeing Misato Fujiwara was no less than that.
We can finally meet, Ikeda-san. The whole school speaks about you,
she smiled to me sweetly. Im Misato Fujiwara, captain of the team,
Really nice to meet you, Fujiwara-san, I said staring at he comple36


tely amazed. I wondered for a moment how a girl like that could play
basketball. I might have thought that she was perfect as a master of the
tea ceremony: with her bob dark straight hair, hazel eyes, her lips red like
strawberries and her sophisticated manners. She didnt have the appearance of a sportswoman... but clearly I was wrong.
Play like you were at the championships final. Today were choosing
first-strings and reserves, exclaimed Makimura, then he whistled the beginning of the game.
Yamato, who was playing the role of the referee, launched the ball, which
flew in the air, and I jumped as high as I could to take the lead. Unfortunately, right in front of me there was the charming Fujiwara who stole the ball
from my hands and threw it to her teammate, who were ready to grab it.
I underestimated her!, I landed badly and I lost my balance.
I got on my feet just in time to see the captain score the first two points.
Coming back to her half court she placed herself behind me.
Ill be your marker, she said in a breath through my hair. I turned
towards her and I saw a weird smile forming on her face. Maybe Ryo
exaggerated singing your praises.
I tensed up. At the time I couldnt understand if she were trying to
make me anxious just to distract me from the game and test my abilities
under pressure, or if she was doing that just because she had a thing for
Ikeda-san!, a teammate called me passing me the ball. I stopped it
on the fly, but when I was about to turn and attack, Fujiwara stretched
out her arms hindering me every moves. She was at least 10 centimeters
taller than me, she was fast and self confident. Her eyes didnt reveal the
slightest hesitation.
I didnt have a chance to escape my marker. I had to pass the ball back
to the small forward who came to my assistance.
This is not good! I wiped my forehead bathed in sweat using my
wrist. I had never felt so uncomfortable playing a basketball game, not
even when I happened to vie with boys way too older than me. I was feeling heavy-legged and an upset stomach.

Hey, guard, whatre you doing?, rebuked me the playmaker of my

team. Harry up!, she got angry.
I couldnt blame her. I was there just as a pastime and because Yamato
forced me, but they were all playing to be in first team.
Ok, Im here, with a glance I indicated her the end zone, she got
me immediately and in an instant she followed me along the line passing
perfectly the basketball to me. That time I grabbed the ball and headed
under the basket, but once again, during the layup, the figure of Fujiwara
sprang up on me stonewalling. At that point I found a flash solution: since
I could never break her defense losing the chance to score, I slid the ball
behind my back and passed it again to the playmaker who had followed
my moves.
Fujiwara opened her eyes widely while the action was endind:
How is it...?, she stammered.
You can stop me from scoring, but on the court there are five of us, I
winked to her.
Good, youre challenging me, she looked at me amused. Ill give it
my all with you
So do I, I replied coming back to my spot.
Fujiwara never take her eyes off of me but, like the experienced player
she was, she realized that marking only me wasnt the right solution, so
she revert to the zone defense, finally turning me loose to take action.
Feel free to take the initiative, Ikeda-san, then if youre in a tight spot
we can do it just like before, encouraged me the playmaker of my team.
She didnt have to say it twice, I started playing without thinking too
much to the responsibilities and I didnt allow to myself to be distracted by
the skill of Fujiwara, who were collecting scores with speed and precision.
Unbelievable, I burst out seeing her landing with grace after a three
point shot.
Yeah, the captain has been renamed the Irokus panther by our opponents, said to me the girl who was the center.
A truly appropriate nickname, I would say, I took a breath ready to
attack again. We were losing the match by 12-21. Lets knuckle down!, I

cried out setting up the fast break, but at the line of the three-point field,
seeing that all my teammate were marked, I tried a three-points shot before having the captain over me again.
The basketball slid into the net like it was soaked in oil. Fujiwara looked at me again with the same expression like before: she seemed surprised and amused at the same time.
Within few minutes we reversed the situation taking the lead. Fujiwara scored three three-points shots in a row, she stole a pass from us and
passed the ball to her center who tried an hook shot. As a first step I succeeded in blocking her, but immediately after I was distracted by someone
who had just come up on the bleachers:
Asakawa!, I stared at her losing my concentration. The center of
Fujiwaras team scored. I turned back again toward my classmate who appeared to have realized she distracted me. Damn, theyre ahead of one
point, I gritted my teeth running and dribbling toward the opponent
I didnt want to lose. Usually I wasnt so stirred up for a game, but
Fujiwara had revived in me the rivalry and at that point I couldnt give in.
I imposed on myself to not turn back towards the bleachers anymore, I
passed the ball to a mate freeing myself on the left and when she passed it
back to me I entered the three-points field and jumped:
Its done!, I exclaimed finding the basket empty. I took aim and shot.
Just a few more minutes and we would have shot the lead on the first team,
after that we only had to focus ourselves on the defense. Just a couple of
minutes were left, and while I was coming back down I kept my eyes on
the hoop, looking forward to hear the sound of the ball sliding on the net.
Suddenly though, something incredible happened: the basketball vanished before my eyes!
Fujiwara caught me jumping in backbeat and blocking my shoot to the
basket. I pivoted on my right foot and tried an extreme move to get the
ball back, but it didnt make any difference.
You counted your chickens before theyve been hatched, said the
captain to me wriggling away so fluently and gracefully that she really


seemed a feline. I gaped while the game ended with a three-point shot
scored by her.
By instinct I turned back again toward the bleachers where I had seen
Asakawa, but she wasnt there anymore. I collapsed on the floor disappointed, till Yamatos voice called me back:
Miyuki-chan, youve been amazing, stand up, I have a nice water bottle for you, he said in a high and tossed a towel to me.
You shouldnt be happy... we just lost., I replied standing on the
ground with my arms opened.
Right, Ryo, dont give her too much importance or shell become full
of herself, I heard.
Fujiwara-san, I took off the towel from my eyes and she smile at me.
Well, I take my leave, whistled Yamato tossing to her the water bottle
that was for me.
Hey, where are you going?, I jerked up sitting.
As you can see theres one more match to referee, he winked. Youre
in good hands, he trotted to the court.
Were twenty girls, maybe there are some for the official short list,
said the senpai motioning me to follow her. I stood up wearily, I was
incredulous: was it possible that she wasnt whacked after playing like
Say, Fujiwara-san, are an alien by any chance?, I asked taking the
water bottle from her hands, and tossing off half of it.
An alien?, she opened her eyes widely and the burst out laughing.
Youre really funny, Ikeda-san,
Im being realistic. Come on, how can you be so calm and fresh after
a match like that? Im whacked
Its just that Im well-trained, she said sitting on the bleachers in front
of the court, right where I saw Asakawa a minute before. Why dont you
join our club instead of playing sporadically?, she stared into my eyes.
Like I explained to Yamato, basketball isnt my sport, I looked away.
I dont want to force you, but... Its a shame, she sighed. With a guard
like you by my side we could do great things


Im sorry for earlier... Ive been full of myself, I said with a hanging
head, I was still feeling an idiot for how I acted.
Why are you apologizing? I provoked you, she turned toward me
trying to draw my attention. Ryo talked to me so much about you that I
wanted to see how youd act under pressure, she ended touching lightly
my shoulder with her hand. I jolted to that contact.
Er... actually... I figured that out, I blushed feeling her coming closer.
Are you telling that Im predictable?, she asked brushing my hair
with her hand. Now I can really feel offended, she laughed.
I blushed: Fujiwara was a cross between Catwoman and a takarazukas
actress. She was sexy, charming and at the same time delicate and ethereal.
So, can we count on you?, she let her fingers slide through my hair.
Y-Yes... Ill try to do my best, I crossed my eyes with hers and I felt
my cheeks on fire.
Very well, thanks... Miyuki, she smiled gently.
When I came back to class for the afternoon cleaning, Yukino told me
all about the captain:
Fujiwara-senpai is one of the schools celebrity. She has to clean her
locker every morning cause its always full of love letters from her fans,
she got closer my ear. Rumor has it that even one of the teachers has a
wickness for her, she whispered.
Really?!, I goggled at her. Do you mean she has even more fans
than Asakawa?, I asked without thinking.
Our class rep has plenty, too, but... when the rumor about her being
with Yamato spread her popularity has decreased, she shrugged.
Anyway, were talking about the basketball teams captain, I guess its
normal. Did you know that they call her Irokus black panther?
Yeah, I did, I crossed my arms. Shes really good and charming. Her
styles as good as a professional, I commented.
Woah, did the captain find a way to your heart?, Yukino laughed
poking on my chest.

Cut it off, I laughed. Though... Yes, she leaves an impression,

So, will you join the basketball club?,
No, but Im going to give them a hand, I leant against the desk and
I realized something important. I forgot my bag in the locker room!, I
ran away leaving Yukino with scrubbing brush in her hand and with an
unbelieving look.
Hey, you have to come back, got it? I dont wanna clean all by myself!, she got upset.
When I arrived in the gym there was no one left and for a moment I
feared that someone took or hid my bag. Forunately it was still where I left
it, under a bench.
Better come back to class now or Yukinoll get mad for real., I giggled
skipping along the way, and when I passed by the Room of Requirement
I wondered If someone was using it in that moment. As a reply to my
question, I heard a noise of something dropping on the floor coming from
inside. there really is someone inside..., I stopped in front of the door.
I dont know why I did it, I didnt use to peek or something, but it was
like a mysterious force was attracting me like a magnet. I moved to the
back and my heart started beating faster while I was doing something so
inconsiderate: I picked a little mirror from my bag and got up on an old
abandoned chair I found there. I stretched my arm and, standing on tiptoes, I put the mirror at the level of the only little window of that room.
Lets see who is in this room and what they need..., I turned the mirror
so it could reflect the inside. I cant see anything, its pitch dark in there...
Maybe there is no one in, actually, I thought a little disappointed, but
suddenly the mirror revealed who was hiding in the dim and what they
were doing. My heart seemed to suddenly stop:
Oh my God!, I shouted out putting my hand on my mouth. My legs
weakened, I lost my balance falling backward and making a loud noise.
Yikes! I got to go right away!, I grabbed my bag and ran away quickly.
I shouldnt have been so meddling, Ive been a real idiot! I cursed
myself, aware that that image, impressed like a photograph in my mind,
wouldnt abandon me anymore.


Orange Cream
di Scarlett Bell

with drawings by Aeryn Sun

English translation by Sakura21 from


All rights reserved to the author. Every reproduction prohibited.

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