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Global Energy Opportunities

Who makes the best leaders?

Why it is so hard for companies to find great leaders?

researches conducted, and data compiled that

point to these findings; however, even extraordinary
companies with insightful, intelligent, and experienced
boards of directors and senior executives have
erroneously chosen leaders based on their perception
of leadership capabilities.
Take Hewlett Packard for instance. In January
of 1999, Hewlett Packard’s board of directors met
MacDonald in the Garden Court Hotel in Palo Alto, California to
discuss, among other things, the rapid changes in
business caused by the unsubstantiated growth of
internet IPOs. There was concern among the board
that changing times may call for a leader better
suited to lead the company into the future. In his
book, How the Mighty Fall, Jim Collins summarizes this
concern best, stating that, “HP’s stalling growth and
When leaders are chosen, the decision is languishing stock price relative to the skyrocketing
often based on the wrong criteria. Many look to technology sector lend credence to a growing worry
people with strong, charismatic personalities or at that HP needed an entirely new type of leader”. At the
those who have passion for personal achievement. meeting, Lewis Platt, then CEO of HP, suggested he
They look to people who are commanding or who retire early to make room for an appropriate leader.
manage the efforts of others well. Some people The board accepted and replaced him with Carly
even look to physical attributes as an indication of Fiorina, announcing, in July of that year, that she
leadership ability. would become the next CEO of Hewlett Packard.
The misconceptions of what makes a person Lewis Platt and the board of directors believed
a good leader are not limited to these factors. They that a new CEO with a fresh perspective would help
also include our choices of personality characteristics. mobilize the company towards the rapidly-changing
Some see great leaders as people who can landscape of the technology industry. Fiorina, who
mesmerize a crowd with their stage performance, once held Forbes magazine’s ‘Most Powerful Woman
who can make those around them relax with their in Business’ title and had an impressive background as
confidence, or who can think circles around other Executive VP at AT&T, was just the type of executive
senior people in the organization. In reality, these traits HP was looking for. In retrospect, it seems as though
and characteristics are not indicators of great leaders. the board of directors may have erred on its judgment;
Rather, great leaders are characterized by their focus during Fiorina’s tenure, HP realized its first loss, its stock
on integrity over stage performance, passion for price fell from $45.36 to $20.14 and the company
what is best for the company over self-importance, incurred heavy job losses . In comparison, Platt, the
humility and passing forward credit over ego, and Ford Taurus-driving down-to-earth former CEO, grew
empowering their people over making decisions on HP from $16.2 to $42 billion and earned Chief Executive
their behalf. There have been numerous books written, Magazine’s distinction as the 11th all time wealth
After closely examining HP, it becomes evident and more common. The problem is many of these
that leadership plays an important role in the rise companies base their criteria for identifying future
or fall of an organization. Leaders can either drive leaders on misconceptions of what makes a great
organizations to market capitalization of hundreds of leader.
millions dollars or to losses as equally great. It is hard Very few people can pick great leaders, so
to dispute that leadership does not play a vital role in the question remains—how do we create a system
the success of a company, yet many organizations for identifying great leaders in the early stages of their
do not have systems in place to identify and develop development? Do we use psychometrics profiles to
potential future leaders. identify the leaders with the best traits and fast track
Consider Sam Walton, founder of Wal-Mart. them on a path to more senior roles? Do we let the
From a young age, Walton displayed a natural people inside or outside the organization decide
ability to lead. In high school, he was the starting who will be the next leader? Many decisions must be
quarterback of the football team and never lost a made, but before making these decisions, we must be
game. He was Vice President of the student body in aware of our faults in choosing leaders. Organizations
his junior year and President in his senior year. He was need new ways of deciding who will be a leader,
voted ‘Permanent President’ of his graduating class as leadership impacts the organization as a whole.
in university. However, Walton didn’t fit the standard Hard-working employees rely on their leaders to make
description of a leader. He was not an Ivy League the right choices for the company and ensure the
school graduate and did not hold an MBA. Walton was employees have a future with the organization.
a humble, scrappy, pick-up driving country boy. It’s difficult to know the right answers,
Walton went to work as a manager trainee but it’s clear that investing in the development of
at JC Penney three days after graduating university, potential future leaders will provide a company with
marking the beginning of a passionate love affair with advantages over organizations that hire people from
the retail industry that would help shape the remainder outside to fill internal leadership roles. As a result,
of his life and affect the lives of millions of people. At companies are turning to post secondary institutions
JC Penney, Walton embraced the customer -centric like the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
JC Penney approach to retailing – especially JC (NAIT) to assist them in developing their leaders from
Penney Ideas #2 and #3, guiding principles related within. Their innovative Leadership Program will assist
to giving the customers the most value for their companies to develop the skills and abilities of their
money. However, Walton was not the most thorough potential leaders (
employee; he hated making the customer wait while Forward thinking companies are already realizing
he completed paperwork, so his books were a mess. the benefits that can be achieved by investing in
His boss often threatened to fire him, saying he was not their people and, consequently, the future of their
cut out for the retail business. Walton managed to hold organization.
onto his position because of his ability as a salesman. Dan MacDonald is President of Business
After only 18 months with the company, Walton Improvement Solutions (BIS), an Alberta based training
resigned. and development company. He is the co-author of
If JC Penney had systems in place to identify three books: Leadership, Management, and Success.
the leadership potential in Walton, the management To find out more about BIS visit
team may have been able to entice him to stay and
to develop him into its future leader. Instead, he Sources:
Collins, J. (2009 ). How the Mighty Fall. USA: Harpercollins.
started his own department store which would rival
HP. (2009). Executive Team. Retrieved September 8, 2009
and eventually surpass JC Penney in the quest for retail
dominance. As many companies began to adopt from

the ‘promote from within’ mindset, these types of Entrepreneur. (2009). Sam Walton. Retrieved September
8, 2009 from
leadership development systems are becoming more radicalsandvisionaries/article197560.html.
Walton, S. (1992). Sam Walton: Made in America. USA/
Canada: Bantam Books.

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