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Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to the honourable judges,

teachers, parents and my fellow freinds. Today, on this fine day, I would
like to present a public speech about the advantages and disadvantages
of bringing handphone to school. It is an issue where it could be
implemented soon. Before it takes place, let's look the pros and cons of
this matter.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Handphones, mobile phones, and tablets are becoming common in
almost everywhere in our society, even now, small children have it too.
Today, It has become a must have item to everyone. Even now, If I ask
the audience, whether they have a handphone, probably almost all will
say yes, isn't? Well, as for now this question exclude the students,
because students are still prohibited to bring handphone to school, but if
students are allow to bring handphone, most probably, all the audience in
this hall, will say yes.
But then, is it a good idea to allow students to bring handphone to school
? In every story, there are two sides of contracting ideas, therefore, I
would like to take this opportunity, to let the audiences know the
advantages and disadvantages of allowing students to bring handphone to
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Let me start my speech by stating the first advantages of student bring
phone to school that is, to make communication easier, especially
between parents and their children. It will allow them to communicate
with each other at any time. In the past, parents often never knew where
their children were until they came home. With handphone, parents can
check up on their kids and arrange transportation or relay important
information if necessary at any time they want. Like for example, the
children can tell their parents what are their activities and thus make the
parents less worry about their children whereabouts.

Secondly handphones can be an invaluable tool in emergency situations.

For instance, if a student is severely injured or there is a crisis situation,
the phones can allow students to contact authorities or anyone for help.
Thirdly, with the technology available, it can help the students to learn
more. More easy access to internet, students can search information on
the internet easily. But it could also be the other way around. Students use
the internet to find fun instead of studying.

Now, I will focus on the disadvantages of student bring phone to school.

Firstly is about theft issue. With more and more attractive phones
available, there are good chances of phone being snatch or theft. This
happen because some pupils might not be able to afford it, thus, the only
way for them to have it, is by steal it. Students also can make extra
money too by stealing the handphone and sell it.
Moreover, students can at times be clumsy when keeping their things. We
all know that once the item is gone, it will be gone forever. The price of
handphone is not cheap, and when the theft issue arise, it can cause a lot
of other trouble.
Secondly, the phone can may cause distraction in lessons. Some students
that did not shut off their phone and suddenly get a phone call, will
disturb the lesson in the class. They can also play games in hiding during
the lesson. With so many students in the class, teacher could overlooked
these students. This is one of the instances of students misuse the
purpose of handphone.
By bringing handphone to school also will hinder pupils to study more as
they are much more prefer to play games than to read book. They only
used the privilege given for their own joy only. Thus, the passion for
learning for many students will be decreasing and this is bad because
study is important in life. Only With more knowledge we could be more
developed, but if these young generation do not like to study, it will hinder
our progress to be more successful.
Ladies and Gentleman,
I have line out the pros and cons of allowing students to bring handphone
to school. Now, it is up to us to decide and choose what is the best
decision on this issue. Well then, I arrived at the end of my speech, and
thus I would like to thank all for lending your ears. Therefore, I end my
speech with thank you very much and good bye. Thank you.

Thank you to the Master of Ceremony. Friends, let us ponder for a moment
about some of these startling statistics. These statistics are by no means
exclusive to Malaysia but is a worldwide phenomenon. In 2010, the obesity
rate in Malaysia was 26.5%. In 2011, it shot up even higher to 28%. So after
28%, does it mean that in 2020, where our country will be a fully-developed
nation, the rate would correspondingly be 41.5%? Or in 2050, it will be
86.5%? Being of normal weight would be at that time an endangered
species then. Think about it. How are we going to prevent this?
A very good morning to the honorable judges, teachers and my fellow
friends. My name is Dhanvin Kumar Lal Asokan and I am standing here
today to deliver a speech entitled How To Lead A Healthy Life. I do not
profess to expert on this subject, but I will try to shed some light on this
What is healthy living? According to Webster Dictionary, healthy living is
living a life without having to worry about diseases and body size. To obtain
healthy living is not easy. We have to work hard to get it. There are several
ways one can lead a healthy life. Among the ways are having a proper diet,
having enough sleep, having enough exercise and also a proper time
So before I go on, let us see the ways to get a proper diet. Our diet should
follow the food pyramid. We should eat sufficient carbohydrates such as
rice, bread and noodles. We must eat plenty of vitamins such as fruits and
vegetables. We should also eat proteins such as fish, meat and chicken, but
in moderation. We shouldnt eat fatty and greasy foods such as junk food,
butter and margarine. If we follow this diet effectively, we will get a lot of
good and rewarding benefits.
Another way that we should practice is eating at the right time. How many
of us have breakfast in the morning? Not many, right as we are all too busy
trying to make it to school on time? This is wrong because breakfast gives
us energy to start a fresh day. If we do not have breakfast in the morning,
we will feel very tired and sleepy. In fact, some cultures advocate breakfast
as the most important meal of the day. Without a proper breakfast, our
concentration span will also reduce, thus making us unable to comprehend
what is taught in class.
We should get enough sleep every day. I am not hinting to my friends to
take forty winks when they are in class. An average child needs at least 8
hours of sleep. For example, if we wake up at 6am, we should sleep at 10pm

every night. What will happen if we do not get enough sleep? Well, for sure
we will feel very sleepy and unable to comprehend what is taught in class,
thus making us to lose out.
We must get enough exercise time every day. How many of us exercise
every day? I am afraid to admit that I am also one of the guilty ones who
fall in this category. We should exercise because when we sweat, the fats in
our bodies will break. If we do not exercise, we will become obese and this
may lead to various lifestyle diseases such as heart attack and diabetes. Our
exercise routine should consist of a variety of activities such as running,
games like football and basketball and also physical exercise such as tennis
and swimming so that we dont get bored with the same activities. Make
sure you exercise and dont say I have exercised! when you actually
havent. Lifestyle diseases are one of the easily preventable diseases which
have overtaken other communicable diseases like malaria and dengue.
We should also manage our time properly. Preparing a timetable and
adhering to it strictly is the best way we can manage our time. If we do not
have a timetable, we will feel stressed and unable to do our activities
effectively because we will be rushing to do them. Plan your activities well
so that it does not clash with your daily routine.
If you follow my suggestions to lead a healthy life, I am sure we
can build a healthier Malaysia. Thank you for lending me your

Contoh naskah Public Speaking tentang

Healthy Food Healthy Skin
You are what you eat, This wise word is suitable for us. Because the health of our body
starting from head until foot and also our emotional balance are influenced by what we eat
every day. Or
Guys, do you want to have beauty and healthy skin like the actress in the video before? Do
you think,What does she do? .. yah certainly beauty and healthy skin are strong desire for
A very good morning to the honourable lecturer and friends. Assalamualaikum wr wb
My topic today is the important fruits and vegetables for healthy skin.
Guys .. who doesnt want to have beauty and healthy skin? Everyone must want it .. beauty
and healthy skin are strong desire for everyone. (everyone must want beauty and healthy skin,
thats why there is a term You are what you eat, This wise word is suitable for us. Because
the health of our body starting from head until foot and also our emotional balance are
influenced by what we eat every day) so, how is that healthy skin actually? Healthy skin are
moist, tight, elastic, bright, there is no wrinkle, free from pimples, flecks and of course skin
disease. Do you think your skin has had all these? Some of you I think yah .. but some of
you Im afraid not.
How is unhealthy skin? Unhealthy skin is not smooth (rough), dry, tarnish and sometimes had
skin disease. Ouh .. thats really bad. Im sure all of us must ever feel these cases. Its very
annoying our appearance, isnt it?
For special treatment with expensive cost, perhaps will be one of the choice to protect skin.
But actually you dont need to do those expensive treatments or buying some expensive skincare products just to get bright and healthy skin. What you need to do is consuming more
right foods. Have you ever try to beautify your skin through healthy food?
Well guys, Healthy body needs nutrition food. Besides for the growth, nutrition food also can
make strength the immune system and beautify the skin. Outside treatment wont be
maximum if it is not supporting by inside treatment by food that we consume every day.
You dont need to spend more budget for healthy food. Because there are some healthy foods
that we can find anytime and everywhere easily. What are they? Who knows? Yeah .. fruits
and vegetables. Absolutely right.
According to a research from University of St Andrews, consuming vegetables and fruits
routinely are able to increase yellow and red natural color of skin. This study assigns that the
changing of the skin makes someone more attractive and healthy.
You must have questions, why must be fruit and vegetables? Fruits and vegetables are
important part of balance food for our daily life. Fruits and vegetables contain vitamin and
fiber that good for our health.
We start from the fruits, you must know orange, banana, apple .. tomato, watermelon?
Everybody is familiar with these fruits, arent they? They are easy to be found everywhere.
Alright now, One of the easier fruit we usually find is orange. Orange that rich of vitamin c is
not only freshing but also good for skin health. Orange is able to protect the skin from
oksidatif stress which caused wrinkled, weak skin and not shining. Vitamin c in orange is not

only useful for skin health but also can make our mood better from its aroma. So guys, if you
feel in bad mood. Just takes orange and smell it. Then, Orange contains limonene extract.
Besed on a research done by university of Arizona to 470 males and females, its known that
this chemical element is able to make smaller skin cancer risk until 34%.
Next, carrot. It is not only rich of vitamin a that good for eyes health. carrot and various of
red, yellow and orange vegetables contain karotenoid (natural red color in fruits and
vegetable) it is known that it is able to decrease burned skin because of ultraviolet and
betakaroten on it is also able to make slower process of early aging and skin cancer.
Consume red fruits help to increase the skin protection to bad effect of ultraviolet. Because
these fruits are rich of beta-karoten, lycopene, vitamin C & E which will make bright and
shine skin. You can see tomato, we often consume it. It is also one of fruit that has much
nutrition which is good for skin health.
If we see this vegetable, it remind to a cartoon character popaye a sailor. Yah .. vegetables
that have dark green color like spinach contains antioksidan element, it is able to make slower
the growth of danger cells because of sun ultraviolet.
Well then, we never perceive that actually getting healthy skin is easy. There are so many
foods that we meet every day can beautify our skin. I have already proved the advantages of
vegetables and fruits. It works. How about you? Have you ever tried to beautify your skin by
healthy food? Lets consume vegetables and fruits routinely, it will make your skin escapes
from early aging. Even though there are many cosmetic products that claimed be able to
against aging marks. But the result will not be maximum if it is not supporting with inside
The last, I quote from the internet, Dr. Glenys Jones from Cambridge University explained
the technique of preparing the good and healthy food can decide beauty skin. It need not be
expensive, as long as you know the right fruits and vegetables that good for your skin health.
In conclusion, at the same time .. there are many people do not consume the portion which
be suggested. So people spend money for beauty treatment for their skin. In fact, by
consuming vegetables and fruits, we dont need to spend extra money for our beautiful and
healthy skin.
Here is the poem healthy skin :
Oh beautiful epidermis, please tell me whats wrong,
I wish for beauty, fair and strong,
oh master, If you choose to pamper-ize, (memanjakan)
I have a grocery list, you might be surprised,
Try these wonderful fruits ive been craving (memohon) within
that can help, nourish and repair my hurt skin,
Thanks are the word I would like to say, for sharing your time with me on this wonderful day.
Wassalamualaikum wr wb

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